sweeping the world

Chapter 1056 A Wise Move

Chapter 1056 A Wise Move
How greedy and crazy does the emperor need to be to treat his heroes and nobles well, to think of overthrowing the emperor to take that position?

The bottom line has always been lowered through repeated temptations, and when there is nowhere to drop, then there is no need to drop, either there is no place to drop, or a brazen counterattack.

Huan Wen is very happy to think of the evil side of people's hearts, especially because he thinks that people like Ran Min who used to serve the Hulu have basically lost their morals. Things that seem to be tempting are naturally to hide as far as you can.

The Han Empire is in the stage of rising and is still growing. Who can't see that it is unshakable, except for those who are mentally deranged to a certain extent?Under this current situation, they absolutely need to be grateful that the emperor is not a superior person who "flies away and good bows are hidden; cunning rabbits die and lackeys are cooked". Having a relaxed environment is a blessing, and they should cherish the environment they can enjoy.

No one has said it clearly, but most of them have a tacit understanding. Whenever they find someone who doesn't want to live a good life and wants to rebel, they will reach a consensus as soon as possible and kill them quietly in private. The Emperor will not notice.

Everyone wants to continue living this good life and make more meritorious deeds to gain more fiefdoms if they have the opportunity. No one wants to stimulate the current day.

The expedition fleet left, leaving without any delay.

Before leaving Asanyang, Yuan Qiao wrote a letter to Qian Jiantong, reminding Qian Jiantong to pay attention to the Tianzhu shogunate.

To be honest, Qian Jiantong was a little dazed when he received the letter. He was dizzy for more than a minute before he came back to his senses. Slowly read it again.

The Tianzhu Protectorate is a local garrison institution, responsible for the safety and stability of the overseas borders, and resolves small-scale wars by itself. To put it bluntly, it is responsible for guarding the territory.

To say which of the four major Protectorate's Mansion is the most complex and troublesome, it is undoubtedly the Tianzhu Protectorate's Mansion.

The other Protectorate of Tianzhu did not have a large number of feudal states and fiefdoms, and they definitely did not have such a large population under their rule. There were as many as 46 feudal states under the rule of the Tianzhu Protectorate.Although most of these princely states are the size of a county, they do not lack any rights such as conscription power, tax collection power, construction power, and public security power.

Except for Hou Guo, the number of fiefdoms that were divided into pieces is even more exaggerated, as many as 570.

The territory that originally belonged to the Gupta Empire, except for the elite areas of the Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin, was basically cut into pieces.This also made Tianzhu Protectorate's management infinitely more difficult, especially in the treatment of Marquis and feudal states.

"What has General Hussar been doing lately?"

"Go back to the capital guard, General Hussars is training troops in the lower reaches of the Narmada River."

The Narmada River is one of the major river systems in the Asan continent. Its source is in the Vindhya Mountains and its outlet is the Arabian Sea.Because of the existence of this river and the Vindeya Mountains, floods often occur in the middle and lower reaches of the river during the rainy season.

The same is a large river system area, because of the difference in latitude and topography, the Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin are a rich place, but the Narmada River Basin is a barren and harsh place.

Eight-tenths of the Narmada River is in the territory of Vagathaga, leaving only two-tenths of the tail in the original territory of the Gupta Empire.

I don’t know if it’s a joke or a blessing. It may be that the Gupta Empire knows how to plan and build water conservancy facilities. Two-tenths of the Narmada River area has been properly utilized in the Gupta Empire and has become an agricultural production area. However, most areas It is mainly planted with fruit trees.

"How many troops are under General Hussar's command?"

"Hui Duhu has been maintained at around 31."

The Tianzhu shogunate still received the assistance of Qian Jiantong to mobilize the Brahmins and Kshatriyas in the Ganges and Indus river basins, and then the Kshatriyas cooperated with Japanese servants in various places to recruit Sudras and untouchables.

Of the 30 Asan cannon fodder troops, more than 20 were recruited from the Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin, and the remaining [-] were recruited from other wider areas.From this point, it can be clearly seen that Asan...at least within the original territory of the Gupta Empire, the Ganges River Basin and the Indus River Basin were the most densely populated areas.

Qian Jiantong kept walking back and forth, the weather was not so hot, but after a while his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Does the Protectorate have the power to mobilize the jurisdiction?"

Chen Jiaju was a little confused when he heard it, but his face became tense the next moment, and he asked, "Guardian, did something happen that I don't know about?"

Qian Jiantong hesitated again and again but still didn't say the reason.

Seeing that Qian Jiantong didn't say anything, Chen Jiaju made a guess in his mind and said: "The Protectorate has the right to recruit local people for expansion during wartime, and the upper limit depends on the expenditure."

Of course, the expansion of the Duhu Mansion needs to go through procedures. It can be proposed by the Duhu or Changshi, but it needs to be approved by all three of the Duhu, Changshi, and Army Sima. If there is any objection, the expansion is illegal.

The internal procedure of the Protectorate's Mansion is so serious that it doesn't even need the consent of the Central Committee, but so far there are examples in the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion, Li Kuang only recruited the local Han Xiaoguo before getting a response from the Central Committee. , the natives of the Western Regions were recruited only after receiving the reply from the center.

"Recruit Han and Japanese." Qian Jiantong has already begun to write documents, and he is very fast: "There are [-] Han people in Tianzhu, and [-] Japanese. We will recruit [-] Han people, and all the Japanese will be recruited."

Chen Jiaju objected: "Japanese people are ranked in various places. They are stingy men and wandering characters. If they are all recruited, the place will be paralyzed."

"It's enough for the Japanese to supervise Ah San in the township." Qian Jiantong is now full of thoughts that Ran Min must not engage in any foolish thoughts, even if it will cause some problems in the Tianzhu Protectorate, basically he can't care about it : "Contact Annan Protectorate again..."

Chen Jiaju almost realized that something had happened.

First, I asked the Tianzhu shogunate, then proposed conscription, and then contacted another Protectorate, and then asked the center for instructions?

Qian Jiantong really said that he wanted to contact the center.

"General Hussars..." Chen Jiaju had to pay attention and said cautiously: "If it is an emergency, the Governor has the right to call back the standing army."

According to the procedure, the standing army that originally belonged to the Tianzhu Shogunate was transferred to the Tianzhu Shogunate. It needs the Tianzhu Shogunate to enter the foreign war to be regarded as a division from the Tianzhu Protectorate. Before the war broke out, the Tianzhu Shogunate only had Movement authority, not command authority.

Transfer that standing army back to Tianzhu Protectorate?Qian Jiantong was greatly moved, but quickly suppressed it.

The captain of the expedition fleet, Yuan Qiao, only raised concerns, but did not provide any evidence that something would really happen to the Tianzhu shogunate.It is within the procedure for the Tianzhu Protectorate to take some precautions, but it is another thing to bring back the divided standing army, almost using actions to show that it is suppressing possible rebellious behavior.

"Recruitment of 20 Asan." Qian Jiantong hesitated again, and continued: "Then prepare for the second echelon of recruitment."

These actions required the consent of the Army Sima. Regarding what might happen to the Tianzhu shogunate, it was limited to three people and was not spread to the outside world.

Ran Min, who was training troops far away by the Narmada River, learned of the mobilization of the Han, Japanese, and Asan by the Tianzhu Protectorate, and quickly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"That's how things are." Ran Min said his guess, and said with a wry smile: "In any case, a certain is no longer suitable to be the head of the shogunate."

Zhang Shi, Fu Shou and the others looked at each other for a while, but no one could laugh, and some even observed Ran Min who kept smiling wryly with suspicious eyes.

"Gu Shouyi." Ran Min looked at a middle-aged man: "You are the Sima of the army. Before the Holy Emperor makes a new decision, you are the acting master of the Tianzhu shogunate."

Gu Shouyi stood up and saluted, but he didn't say anything.He kept reminiscing, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't find any clues about Ran Min's abnormal movement.

Most of the people had expressions of thinking, and none of them stood up to support Ran Min.

"I'm going to leave today." Ran Min stood up and said with a cold face: "First go to Huashi City to accept supervision, and then return to Chang'an."

Still no one said anything, they were even thankful that Ran Min had reason and made the most correct choice.

Follow Ran Min to rebel?That's impossible.

There is nothing wrong with anyone's brains, even if they really want to rebel, the basic plan cannot be to rely on Ah San.

Ran Min just took a group of retainers and twenty guards and set off.

It took them half a month to reach the outskirts of Fahrenheit City, and their whereabouts were known by the Tianzhu Protectorate on the way, and they also saw the mobilization of the Tianzhu Protectorate in the area along the way.

"The Japanese are very useful." Jiang Gan pointed to a Japanese who was yelling at Ah San by the side of the road, and then pointed to the timid Ah San: "These Japanese have been fighting with the army for six years at the shortest. The military is very familiar with it."

"If His Majesty didn't need these Japanese people, how could they have survived until now." Ran Min has no good sense of any non-Han people, and has never concealed this view: "Japanese people can get naturalization if they make meritorious deeds. I dream of becoming a Han Chinese, so I am naturally obedient and hardworking.”

About ten miles outside the city gate, they met Qian Jiantong who had come over in person.

The documents of the Tianzhu Shogunate were sent to Fahrenheit City one day earlier than Ran Min and others. The senior officials of the Tianzhu Protectorate were extremely relieved that Ran Min had put down the command of the Shogunate.

"Huan Yuanzi is responsible, so I have nothing to say." Ran Min didn't get off his horse, and after returning the gift, his face was extremely depressed: "A certain act is incomplete, and it's his own fault. If you come here today, you don't have to guard Qian." Invite, send someone to go to Cutac with someone. Presumably the Protectorate is also preparing a boat, waiting for someone to arrive?"

Qian Jiantong nodded, and said bluntly: "The responsibility lies. So the general has a safe journey."

After a brief meeting, without even saying a few words, the Duhufu sent out a group of troops, who were called escorts but were actually under surveillance, and they would send Ran Min back to Chang'an.

"Will the shogunate be commanded by the military commander Gu Shouyi?" Qian Jian asked with Gu Shouyi's expression of being out of luck, "If I write to His Majesty asking to be transferred to the shogunate, is it possible?"

Chen Jiaju did not appear in the team welcoming Ran Min just now. He was sitting in the Duhu Mansion to deal with possible emergencies.

In fact, even if they knew that Ran Min was coming in person, they did not remove the surveillance and precautions from the shogunate. They even strengthened their surveillance because Ran Min left the shogunate, and were prepared to deal with the worst results anytime and anywhere.

"If something like this happens, the offensive will inevitably be delayed." Chen Jiaju shook his head: "It's just a letter to the central government, and it will take four months at the fastest. The offensive will not be delayed that long."

"Once Your Majesty allows me to be transferred to be the head of the shogunate, you will be the best candidate for the next shogunate." Qian Jiantong has a great desire to lead the army in battle, especially after the Tianzhu shogunate wiped out the dissatisfaction of the Asan Continent. Swipe north to invade Persian Sasan: "In any case, I will give it a try."

"I will write a letter." Of course, Chen Jiaju is unwilling to be the deputy forever. He knows that once Qian Jiantong is transferred, he will really be the best candidate to take over. He does not shy away from expressing his support for Qian Jiantong: "Indeed. Protector I have been working with you for a long time. In the future, if you protect me from the front and support me in the rear, I will definitely make the war go more smoothly."

Qian Jiantong also meant the same thing. The two had frequent contact because of their positions, and they both had a deep understanding of the Asan Continent. Cooperating together would be quite beneficial to the progress of the war.

They seem to believe that there is no possibility of Ran Min returning to the Tianzhu shogunate when he returns to Chang'an?
In fact, not to mention them, Ran Min knew that even if he had another chance to lead the army, it would not be on the side of Asan Continent.

The emperor is magnanimous, but the ministers can't take the emperor's magnanimity for granted. Ran Min is unlucky this time, and the way to deal with it is the most reasonable. Nothing will happen, but we should avoid suspicion, right?

Ran Min, who had already gone to sea, stood on the deck and kept looking in the direction of Asan Continent, and said suddenly: "If you return to Chang'an, how about recommending Qian Jiantong as the shogunate?"

Liu Yi stood behind Ran Min, and replied: "The head of the family should not recommend it, otherwise Qian Jiantong will hate you to death."

Ran Min was stunned for a while.

"Of course you are innocent, and you are indeed innocent." Liu Yi smiled bitterly and said, "I am an enlightened king today, but the country has its own system."

Ran Min is not worried about being punished, but he knows that he will have nothing to do in three to five years.He has been thinking about a question for a while now, whether he should bear a grudge against Huan Wen... Maybe Yuan Qiao should be added?

"Perhaps something should be done." Liu Yi said flatly: "Minister, how can there be no opponent?"

(End of this chapter)

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