Chapter 1051
If it was in other dynasties... or after the Southern and Northern Dynasties, a prince who wants to make a difference is definitely not a good prince, at least it will make the emperor feel that the prince is not worthy.

The Han Dynasty will not have such troubles.

The princes of the early Han Dynasty, the more secure they were, the less they would be loved by the emperor. On the contrary, those princes who were more capable of making troubles were more likely to be liked by the emperor.

In fact, not only the pre-Han period, but those princes who liked to make troubles in the pre-Qin period were usually able to win the favor of the king.

The pre-Qin inheritance talks about bloodlines, which is probably who my ancestors are, who my grandfather is, who my father is, and then I have their blood in me, so it is natural that I can inherit that throne and continue to lead my subjects to glory Or decline.

The pre-Han advocated filial piety, and society would not allow the existence of a person who killed his father and ascended the throne.

Under the constraints of filial piety, if the prince of the early Han Dynasty really killed his emperor's father, he would definitely be cast aside by all his subjects.

Under the premise of filial piety, no matter how insane the prince is, he will only go crazy like giving up on himself in the end, but he will never kill his own emperor father to ascend the throne.

Liu Yan, the old Liu family, was also from the Han Dynasty, and they also advocated filial piety. Moreover, the Huru chaos only lasted for 30 to [-] years and was ended. The Huru genes in Chinese culture had not yet had time to settle.

If you look at the dynasties before the Wuhu chaos in China, there are no examples of patricide at all. The worst example is the time when King Huai of Chu was deceived and imprisoned by Qin, but Xiong Huai's son could not be saved.

However, Liu Yan is not an out-and-out ancient person. He not only saw the "harmony" between the orthodox Zhuxia dynasty emperors and princes before Wuhuluanhua, but also saw more than one prince kill the emperor's father and take the throne himself.It is impossible to say that he does not have any precautions against Liu Shen, who has become the prince, but it is limited to a slight precaution, and it is impossible to say how much fear he has.

Nowadays, there is no Li Shimin who has deeply rooted the fear of discord in any royal family. It is he who has successfully killed his brother, imprisoned his own emperor Lao Tzu, and taken his brother's wives and concubines. The good emperor who accepted it gave the later prince a "road" that could lead to such a high position.

Since Li Shimin, no emperor of any dynasty would trust his prince unconditionally again, and the royal family, which had some ties to it, became completely cold and bloody.

It is normal for the prince to travel around in the Han Dynasty. The emperor will not refuse or obstruct, and even encourage him.

In the world of the Han Dynasty, a prince who does not want to go out more and just wants to stay in the palace is basically an outlier.

Take a look at the previous princes in the early Han Dynasty. Even those princes who were unwilling to move around more, they would at least choose to stroll around Chang’an City more. I am expressing to the important minister that I am definitely not an uninformed person, don't think about fooling around easily.

Like the prince who lives in his own palace?There has been an example of such a heterogeneity before, and that is Liu Shi.His end was not the worst among the princes of the Han Dynasty, but he was the one who received the least sympathy.

"The crown prince is going to visit various places in the Han Dynasty." Liu Yan sipped his tea and said joyfully, "Go to Jiankang first, and then go to Annan Governor's Mansion."

After Liu Yan left Hanbing Hall, he went to Jiaofang Hall, where the Empress and Concubine De were making tea and chatting.

The Jiaofang Palace is the residence of the queen. It occupies the largest and most complete palace and other related facilities, and even has a special barracks.

The queens of the Han Dynasty also had their own troops directly under them, but they were not male soldiers, but traditional patron women.

The so-called tradition naturally came from Empress Lu, and the patron women were very strong or obese women. What they received was not the fighting skills of sharp weapons, but the use of blunt weapons and close combat.

When Liu Yan was engaged in imitating the past, he did not forget that the queen had her own direct military force. He collected more than [-] women from all over the country and handed them over to the queen. As for whether the queen could train the patron women, he did not care.

Many systems in the Western Han Dynasty were based on force. The emperor must have his own force directly under the state system. It was not the troops under the state system. The state system commanded them and obeyed the orders of the emperor. The Son of Heaven will be armed.

The emperor of the Western Han Dynasty not only had such an army for himself, the queen would also have an army dedicated to him, and even the prince would have such an army.It was precisely this tradition that was later abolished by the Emperor Hanhe, which led to Wang Mang being able to easily change the dynasty.

In today's Han Empire, the emperor's direct military force is the Forbidden Army. They consist of [-] system soldiers and [-] good family members. While guarding Chang'an, they are also responsible for the guard and duty of the palace.

The queen's backers are the second military force in the harem besides the imperial army. They will not appear in conspicuous places, but no one can ignore their existence.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty!" Cui Wan couldn't hide the joy on her face at all, she almost danced with hands and feet, she struggled to control her emotions, and bowed down respectfully: "Congratulations to the great man!"

"Hehehe!" Liu Yan thought that congratulations should be made. An heir who wants to understand the world is a good heir: "The queen taught you well."

"The concubine only has a little merit, and it all depends on His Majesty's teaching." Cui Wan dared not take credit at all.If she had to say that she was credited, it was her stomach that gave birth to Liu Shen, and she really didn't teach anything afterwards: "Your Majesty, when will the crown prince leave?"

"The beginning of spring." Liu Yan said happily: "The prince wants to travel along the way and see the people's farming with his own eyes."

It's not that the princes of the Han Dynasty can't care about the military, but they can't care too much.Then there is a sky-high interest in farming. The prince's emphasis on farming and mulberry is a kind of political correctness, but now there is one more industry that should be concerned.

Liu Yan is forced to pay attention to industry. It is not that there was no industry before, but most of them are small workshops that cannot be smaller. Usually there are three or five people in a family, and there are not many workshops joined by several families.

Liu Yan started the Shaofu first, and then the Shaofu built the shipyard, and then gradually increased the areas involved, slowly leading the subjects to move towards a large workshop.

In the 13th year of Yuanshuo, the first industrial park was formed in Shengle, mainly smelting and textile industries.

The formation of the smelting industry is due to the discovery of super-large metal ores in the grasslands, mainly iron ore, and the components of the associated ores are relatively miscellaneous. In addition to copper and lead, vanadium, titanium, cobalt, nickel, zinc, tin, molybdenum , aluminum, sulfur, and phosphorus cannot be discovered and utilized with current technology.

The textile industry is an accessory to control the grassland, letting the Han people know that the grassland is also productive, and it is a big benefit, not just being able to farm to generate benefits.

The second industrial zone is in Kyushu on the Uriel Islands. It is too troublesome and costly to excavate precious metal ores from the Urihe Islands and then transport them back to the mainland, so a supporting smelting factory was established in Kyushu.

The current Han Empire has five large industrial parks. In addition to the above two, they are in Jingkou, Linzi, and Chang'an, and Chang'an's industrial park is the largest and most complete.

In addition to industrial parks, there are more scattered industrial areas, but they are mainly concentrated in the south of the Yangtze River, and the largest number is around Jiankang. For example, the original Yangzhou is an area full of handicraft workshops. Most of them are workshops, and they still specialize in selling overseas.

The first step for Liu Shen to travel around the world is to go to Chang'an's industrial park first, whether to take a quick look around, or to understand and inspect with his heart, to see if he knows the importance of industry.

Cui Wan felt relieved that Liu Yan agreed to Liu Shen's travel around the world.

If the emperor of the Han family encourages the prince to go around more, it is actually a means of training, hoping that his heirs will use their own eyes to see the reality, so that they will not be easily deceived by the courtiers.

The real situation is that most of the emperors of the Han family never believed in the memorials written by their courtiers, and they would look at those memorials with more doubts. Even if the most trusted courtiers wrote something, they would definitely verify it secretly and verification.

If this is done, there will be a unique situation of getting along between the monarch and his ministers of the Han family. Usually, the emperor will firmly remember which courtier has lied to him.At that time, it was not dealt with because the matter was not big enough, or there were arrangements for that courtier. When the courtier was almost used up, to put it bluntly, the courtier would not be needed anymore, and then it would be settled after the fall.

That's how the impression of how cold the emperor of the Han family is.After all, no one can never make mistakes. If you deal with it immediately when you make a mistake, it will be handled strictly according to the law. After the autumn, it is really too dark to deal with it, especially after using it.

In fact, Liu Yan didn't make up his mind and would never deal with the ministers. Those ministers did not commit unforgivable mistakes. At the same time, the ministers usually did some stupid things like edging the ball under the premise of not violating the Han law. .

In this way, Liu Yan, who had always wanted to take the legal route, could not decide whether a certain minister should die based on his own likes and dislikes, but should let the law decide who must die.

If there is no obsession to turn the country into a country ruled by law, Liu Yan will definitely be the first to deal with the Cui family. The most obvious thing he has done so far is to transfer Cui Xuan to a remote place to become an official.

"The prince is traveling..." Cui Wan took advantage of Liu Yan's mood and couldn't help but ask more: "In addition to the prince's subordinate officials, how many troops are around him?"

"The crown prince washes his horse and stays at the Hanbing Hall, and several princes leave others to accompany him." Liu Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with Cui Wan's concern about this: "I asked him to carry a troop of soldiers and horses, and gave him a tiger talisman to mobilize the counties along the way. County garrison."

That is to say, the emperor of the Han Dynasty would give the crown prince such great power. In the later dynasties, let alone the matter of whether the emperor would like the crown prince to travel, deploying troops...especially mobilizing the troops of the counties and counties, basically don't even think about it. think.

"I want to ask your Majesty something." Cui Wan saw Liu Yan nodding and said cautiously: "Can you send a patron woman to travel with the prince?"

Liu Yan had already guessed that Cui Wan would have such a request.

The prince of the Han Dynasty is a very special existence. The emperor's continuous connivance is the most basic. The queen will spare no effort and support without any concealment. Even officials and capable people can get close to him without concealment.

The Han people have always had unlimited expectations for their prince.

If the current emperor is doing well, they will expect the prince to do better; if the current emperor is not doing well, they will encourage the prince to do well.

The Han people have never concealed their ambition to surpass the previous generation, not only in folk families and officials, but they also have the same attitude towards the royal family, regardless of whether they will hate the current rulers.

In terms of social values, even if the emperor knows that his subjects have higher expectations for the prince than himself, even if he is upset in his heart, he has to endure it, and even show the illusion that he is happy and happy, which is very useless, but But he has to be useless, all because the emperor of the Han family usually has a sense of shame, and if he doesn't have a sense of shame, he will be restrained by the general trend.

Liu Yan has never forgotten the reason why "the country perishes with the weak, and the Han perishes with the strong". The royal family's teaching to the prince is one aspect, and martial arts is the other. The rest is that no matter how stupid the emperor of the Han family is, he knows himself , In addition, there are some other things, the combination of many aspects will lead to such a situation, the most important of which are the three reasons.

Cui Wan asked the backer woman to go with her, because she wanted to express to the world that the queen and the emperor were equally optimistic about the prince.

Liu Yan also knew that the queen would not be the only one who proposed to send people to protect the prince.

It was also confirmed that Liu Yan was not mistaken at all. The core ministers made explicit or implicit requests one after another, hoping that their nephew could follow the prince, but they were talking about gaining experience, not accompanying guards.

Liu Yan naturally agreed to those requests one by one.This is a procedure that is very characteristic of the Han family. The ministers expressed their optimism for the prince and did not hide their desire to continue to be close to the royal family. The emperor should be pleased with this.

If the emperor refuses the nephew of a minister to travel with the crown prince, it is almost a matter of telling that minister clearly that the royal family does not want to bring this minister's junior to play with him in the future.Then this minister should resign in panic, and then find a day to commit suicide, hoping to use his own death to offset the mistakes he made, or the mistakes made by his relatives.

This is the political characteristic of the Han family. Liu Yan wants to imitate the ancients, and all officials are willing to follow.

Clearly laying out the rules of the game, not only will the monarch and his subjects get along happily, but also people in the world will have a clear goal of struggle, so that seven or eight percent of their energy will not be spent on guessing what the emperor wants to do .

Liu Shen first went to Chang'an's industrial park to stay for almost three months, during which time he ate and lived in the park.

At the beginning of spring, Yi led his troops out of Chang'an and headed south along the national highway, followed by Liu Shen and a group of friends who left Chang'an.

There is no farewell ceremony, but there are countless pairs of eyes watching.

(End of this chapter)

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