sweeping the world

Chapter 1050 Father and Son

Chapter 1050 Father and Son

Hanbing Hall is a huge palace complex. It is not just one palace, but also covers the Zhangtai, Linyuan, pavilions, greenery, squares, etc.

Based on the palace layout of the Han family, each palace group will have its own city walls, corridors, and aisles. Usually, a main road will be built for daily access, and the rest of the roads will be closed.

The palace gate is on the main road. It is a gate with a width of five meters and a height of seven meters. It has two very large solid wood door panels. Some metal nails will be anchored on the door panels, and there will also be two huge animal-shaped pull rings. .

Liu Shen didn't have enough time to wash up and change clothes, so he wore training clothes and took some of his subordinates to greet Liu Yan's arrival.

Jiaguan is not close to the gate of the palace, probably about three miles away?

Entering through the palace gate, what you can see is an empty square. The ground is paved with a large number of bricks and stones. The road and other grounds are distinguished by bricks and stones of different colors. Then there will be beast-shaped ones. lamp post.

The square is surrounded by the city wall with a width of 180 meters. Further inside is a green area of ​​some plants. The white snow on the ground is cleaned, and the white snow on the plants is left. It is impossible to tell what the grass is or what the trees are. .

The height of the walls of the outer palace city reaches 16 meters, and the height of the inner city walls generally does not exceed eight meters. In addition to the city walls, there is also a thin wall with a height of about two meters. It is a hidden defense belt.

"I don't know how to wear a fur coat." Liu Yan glanced at the crown prince's subordinates for a few times, ignoring their fear and fear, and said to Liu Shen: "As a prince, you should know the priorities."

Liu Shen hurriedly rushed to the palace gate to greet him, only wearing thin training clothes.He had sweated a lot before, and he would probably catch a cold if he was blown by the cold wind.

"I know that my father is coming, and I am overjoyed..." Liu Shen waved his hands to the officials awkwardly, signaling them to leave quickly: "My son is strong, and it is often raining and snowing in the Northwest. If you can kill big men and enemies with your hands, it won't get in the way."

Liu Yan glanced at the female officer next to him, and walked forward on his own.

The people who followed the emperor, they would actually have a variety of preparations, including bringing spare furs.

Under the order of the female officer, a court lady walked towards Liu Shen with a fur in her hands, put it on, respectfully bowed and retreated.

The snow that had stopped for two days began to fall again. They fell slowly from the sky in pieces, and sometimes they would show their own dance when blown by the wind, and landed after various trajectories appeared in midair.

Liu Yan reached out to take a piece of snowflake, stared at it for two seconds, squeezed it with his hand for about ten seconds, then opened it, and the snow turned into water stains.

The area of ​​Hanbing Palace is not small, and Linyuan includes the resident facilities of Liushi, and the personnel on duty in various places are from Liushi, and they belong to the prince's personal force.

"The prince has been a bit negligent in recent days." Liu Yan deliberately came to the station, and it seemed to be a quiet camp: "I am still worried about my overthinking?"

The six rate said that it was 6000 soldiers, but that was only the number of soldiers, and there should be a group of people including relevant logistics personnel, but what Liu Yan learned was that Liu Shen strictly kept the resident personnel at a small number. A lot of [-] people.

"My son is still familiar with the personnel." After Liu Shen became the crown prince, he found that he was becoming more and more difficult to get along with: "Among many things, only the six things can be postponed, so..."

The prince and the prince are both sons, but they are really different.

Liu Yan used to be able to dote on Liu Shen who was a prince, but he will not have any doting on Liu Shen who has become a prince. He will not even treat Liu Shen as an adult when he is only 12 years old. .

There is only reality in the adult world, and there will be no fairy tales anymore. It is difficult for these others to tell Liu Shen with actions that only Liu Yan is the most suitable candidate.

Only now did Liu Yan understand why the emperor always had many estrangements and even conflicts with the prince. It was all because the emperor needed to let the prince understand what a change of status was.Perhaps the existence of the prince proves that the emperor is getting old, which makes the emperor feel unhappy when he thinks that the prince will become the emperor one day?

Liu Shen reported a lot of things to Liu Yan, who recruited his subordinates, who they were, what kind of distribution was made, and what considerations were there for such a distribution.

"The rule of the Great Han is composed of the royal family, nobles, nobles, and common people." Liu Yan stopped and faced Liu Shen, and said solemnly: "The nobles and nobles have obtained everything from them because of their merits. We rely on them Governing the country, enabling the country to function effectively, they are our assistants in governing the people, but it is the people who are most important to us."

Liu Shen naturally had the appearance of listening attentively and remembering.

"We have given some meritorious persons the rewards and treatment they deserve. They want to get more and build more credit." Liu Yan listened to the list just now. Ninety percent of the crown prince's officials are from nobles. The next [-]% is the outlaw with a great reputation among the people: "The big man is very generous to the nobles, and he is using this kind of treatment to tell everyone that as long as they have contributed to the big man, they can get the rewards they deserve. Naturally, they should Getting rewards is the basis of the operation of the court and the normal operation of the country. Do you understand?"

Liu Shen didn't quite understand.

The noble class of the Han Empire was very happy. They got everything they deserved. Furthermore, the royal family hadn’t done any surgery on the noble class yet, so the noble class didn’t have any sense of urgency.

After the decision to suspend external expansion was passed, Liu Yan already had a plan, and he was waiting for some nobles to do something out of the ordinary, or to compete with the same class and bully The ordinary class who have no ability to resist at all, should clean up the honorable class.

Once a country enters a period of internal affairs development, various problems will definitely arise, usually because of competitions due to interests. Under the imperial social system, competition among nobles is something that the royal family is happy to see, even if the nobles want to compete with each other. Be friendly, there will be a force in the darkness that will keep them in conflict, creating troubles that make them have to fight.

The nobles and nobles played happily with each other, showing a situation of unity and friendship. Can the emperor sleep peacefully?
Once it came to the time when the emperor needed to act secretly to cause conflicts among the nobles, it was usually the moment when the imperial power was on the decline. If there was such a powerful figure who could be recognized by the nobles, the next moment would be a change of dynasty.

This situation has appeared countless times in history.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang was recognized by all classes, and even the emperor believed that Wang Mang was the one everyone hoped for. As a result, the Western Han Dynasty was terminated.

When the Eastern Han Dynasty came to Liu Hong's period, the aristocratic class was a situation of hello, me, everyone. It wasn't that Liu Hong was so stupid that he had his own actions. He did what an emperor should do, that is Planned the first crony imprisonment in history.

Liu Hong was bound to be hated by the aristocracy for doing this, but it was enough to extend the life of the Eastern Han Dynasty for decades. Otherwise, without waiting for Dong Zhuo to appear, the Han Dynasty would have once again experienced "peace" like Wang Mang. "Evolution", but he got the posthumous title of "Ling".

No kidding, in the Eastern Han Dynasty when Liu Hong was in power, the Yang family of Hongnong, the Yuan family of Ruyang, and even the Dou family who had been wiped out before, all had the ability and strength to stage a "peaceful evolution" against the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Yuan It has long been planned to replace it.

Liu Hong enforced crony imprisonment, and as the target of the most serious attack, the Hongnong Yang family was directly devastated, but the Yuan family was slightly damaged, and it was the Yuan family who was behind the chaos.

During the Northern Zhou Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Yang Jian was recognized by most of the aristocratic class. He replaced the Yuwen family with almost no effort and established his own dynasty.

When Yang Guang became the emperor, he did not forget how the old Yang family established their own dynasty. Seeing that the aristocratic class was likely to form a great unity again, did he fight with the aristocratic class by himself, or planned a A foreign war consumes the strength of the noble class, and his choice is to launch a foreign war.

At that time, Goguryeo rose from the wild land because of the weakness and melee of the Central Plains dynasty, and it continued to erode southwestward, and almost swallowed Liaoxi and Liaodong at one time.

Yang Guang needs to eliminate Goguryeo, which is increasingly threatening. Even if there is no need to bleed the domestic aristocrats, he must launch a war against Goguryeo.

Because of the special period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, even during the reign of Emperor Wen Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty, the nobles with other major surnames were constantly weakened, and the system was constantly being changed and optimized in a direction that was beneficial to the royal family. The country's armed forces are actually the status quo that the country is paying money and food to help the nobles raise soldiers.

Yang Guang launched a war against Goguryeo. Many times it seemed that he could easily invade the city, but he ordered the postponement of the offensive. His intention to weaken or even drain the blood of the nobles was too obvious. Naturally, the nobles could not sit still and wait for death. This was the reason for the end of the Sui Dynasty. There are countless beacons of smoke and there are even large armies in the national war, but there is a reason why the nobles are rebelling.

In the 200 years after the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the dynastic system was more or less a product of Hu people's characteristics, and it was not reversed even in the Li and Tang Dynasties, including the fact that nobles could use private soldiers to fight against each other if they had private enmity.

Liu Yan must train Liu Shen to be strong enough, and at the same time limit Liu Shen's excessive reliance on the honorable class.

"My son understands."

Liu Shen said that on his lips, but he was extremely entangled in his heart.He pondered for a while, what kind of balancing act should the crown prince's nobles not be able to account for so many, but the southern gentry can't be appointed arbitrarily?

Think of this as Liu Yan's first test for Liu Shen after becoming the crown prince. It will depend on how Liu Shen responds, and he will give more burdens later, which will also deepen the test.

In fact, Liu Yan had considered asking Liu Shen to win over the southern gentry, in order to give those southern gentry a hope that they would not despair to the end, but he gave up later.

There must be a price to be paid for doing wrong things, otherwise the world will see that doing wrong things can still be rich and prosperous, how can they judge whether something is right or wrong?
"I have made a special effort to open up to them." Liu Yan was talking about opening the Indochina Peninsula to the southern gentry: "They let me down too much."

Indochina was the first enclave of the Han Empire outside, and it was also the most chaotic place.

Before the establishment of the Annan Protectorate, the southern gentry who went to the Indochina Peninsula not only failed to completely solve the local aborigines, but even supported the aborigines, which completely deviated from Liu Yan's original intention of letting them go to the Indochina Peninsula.

After Liu Yan opened up the Western Regions, the gentry north of the Yangtze River did a very good job. They shared the dividends with the common people, not single-handedly like the southern gentry, and even the southern gentry would rather give the benefits to the natives than their compatriots.

Before the army officially entered the Western Regions, the northern gentry directly and completely destroyed the Western Regions together with the folk Xiaoguo. They used the feast of robbery and killing to create a Western Regions with no power.

Liu Yan liked the cleverness of the northern gentry very much. They ate their mouths full of oil, and they didn't forget to give benefits to the people at the national level.

Only the northern gentry are qualified pioneers in the outside world, unlike the southern gentry, who can't bear it themselves and still hold on, and really can't hold on, but they do shit to the local aborigines.

"As far as I know..." Liu Shen regained the feeling he used to get along with Liu Yan, and his words were no longer so cautious: "They (the southern gentry) often show off their wealth, and they would rather show the world extravagantly than help Lonely in the countryside?"

Liu Yan knew about this and asked, "What does the prince think?"

"Maybe it's for self-protection?" Seeing Liu Yan's raised brows, Liu Shen continued to say, "Because of the matter of dressing up and going south, they know how their reputation is, so naturally they don't dare to invite fame, that's the only way Only then can we avoid more hostility."

"The prince can understand this way, I am very pleased." Liu Yan laughed a few times, and said: "They are indeed protecting themselves, and they are stupid enough. They can't benefit the people. If they don't learn the methods of the northerners, they can only Show off your wealth."

"My son, I want to ask my father for something." Liu Shen took advantage of Liu Yan's good mood and begged: "My son has been to the northwest and has not been to southern Xinjiang. Can he go to Jiankang first and then to Annan?" Protectorate?"

Suddenly, Liu Yan found that Liu Shen had grown up, knew how to test himself, and began to have his own ideas.

"My son thinks so." Liu Shen said with longing, "Traveling all over the Han Rivers and mountains, seeing the differences of different places with my own eyes, and appreciating the various aspects of the world. My son also wants to do some geography, record the terrain of mountains and rivers, and the human conditions in various places. "

For such a thing, Liu Yan definitely wanted to support it, but he said, "Isn't the prince ambitious?"

Liu Shen's expression was not abnormal, with respect and expectation: "My minister is the heir, and the heir of a great man should do something."

(End of this chapter)

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