sweeping the world

Chapter 1001 Buddhism is in action

Chapter 1001 Buddhism is in action

At the beginning of industrial development, due to the lack of sufficient experience and the technology is too primitive, it is impossible to have good means to prevent pollution, and the damage to the environment will be the most serious.

What Liu Yan knows is that for the first country to enter modern industrialization, the first thing to look at is the country's sky to see whether it is a powerful country.

For a while, whether the sky of a certain country was always shrouded in smog was regarded as a sign of a powerful country.The smog is produced by chimneys that continuously exhale air one after another.

After the emergence of industrial scale, the competition between Europa countries is very interesting. They don’t care how the smog smells, and they don’t consider the various problems caused by living in a smog environment. Which country’s air they are comparing worst smell.

As the first country to complete industrialization, that is, the United Kingdom, the capital London has thick smog all year round, and the Thames River is filled with sewage that looks and smells bad, but they feel extremely proud, all because of that time Other countries simply cannot achieve this achievement.

It is hard to say how much benefit London produced during that period. The cost of cleaning up pollution is definitely more than ten times the benefit, or even exaggerated.

But that’s not how it was calculated. Industry brought pollution, but it made Britain the most powerful country at that time. If we had to say how much the benefits were, it would colonize most of the earth and dominate the earth for more than two hundred years.

The ancients of Zhuxia once said that "the barn is solid and you know the etiquette, and you know the honor and disgrace if you have enough food and clothing." There are related concepts in the white skin system, but they are more vulgar, and they don't consider pollution and the like when developing , Waiting for one's own family to become rich before starting to have pollution for others to bear, and the concept of enjoying the green mountains, green waters and a good environment by oneself.

Before the emergence of mushroom bombs, there must be risks in hollowing out domestic enterprises, and it is a huge risk. There is a danger of being wiped out at any time, and it is actually supporting other countries.

After the emergence of mushroom bombs, it was also the era when economic volume was king. Putting heavily polluting industries abroad is actually an inevitable way for the strong to oppress the weak.

Of course, the Han Empire does not have mushroom bombs now, but it has a unique weapon "gunpowder".Of course it doesn't have the deterrent effect of mushroom bombs, but the places where the heavy industry is placed are only a little far away from the capital Chang'an, and they are also regarded as remote places, not in fact foreign countries.

Even if they were resettled abroad, in terms of the current force of the Han Empire, it was actually not a big deal.

When the patrol team entered Danyang County, the county guard and the officials would naturally greet them from a hundred miles away, and some respected people from the village would also appear in the welcoming team.

"Ge Hong?"

It was not the first time Liu Yan heard this name. He looked at the welcoming team, inspected the group, and saw an old man in a blue-gray robe. He thought that person was Ge Hong without any reason.

If Zhang Zhan made an important contribution to the localization of Buddhism, then Ge Hong is one of the important figures in the emergence of Taoism.

Liu Yan had already met Zhang Zhan and had not had an in-depth conversation, but he found that Zhang Zhan did not mention Buddhism at all in front of him.

That's what it should mean. Liu Yan doesn't like Buddhism. Although he didn't persecute it, the suppression is not small at all.

That was the sin of Buddhism itself, who made Hu Jin out of Dongjin Buddhism.

Hu Jin was a Samana who clamored to kill all Jin people, and he took action for it.He was one of the advocates of Shijie's genocide. Although he didn't kill a single person himself, he didn't know how many Jin people died indirectly under his actions.

It's just that Hu Jin, a novice, can't represent the entire Buddhism, and it can even be said that even the Buddha can't represent Buddhism, but often a mouse dropping can ruin the whole pot of porridge.

In fact, even without Hu Jin, it would be inevitable for the Han Empire to suppress Buddhism.This is not an order from Liu Yan, it is because the country cannot tolerate an organization that uses the name of "people from outside the territory" to engage in usury business, constantly forcing people to sell houses, fields, wives, sons, and daughters The organization of ... exists.

The Buddhism known to people in later generations is the Buddhism that was repeatedly castrated by the Central Plains regime. The Buddhism in the period of the Five Husbands and Chinas was actually extremely cruel.

Not only Buddhism, it should be said that any religion at that time had a ferocious side. It can only be said that the areas of harm were large and small, otherwise the things they did were actually the same, especially in the case of usury. on the one hand.

There is no rigorous research on when the native Taoism of Zhuxia appeared, but it began to appear in large numbers during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty is not so much a religious religion as it is a professional rebel organization. Whether it is the Taiping Dao or the Five Dou of Rice Dao, what they do is the business of beheading.

Liu Yan still knows that Taoism began to be formalized during the period of Wuhuranhua, and it was also during this period that Taoist gods began to be perfected, such as the initial evolution of the Three Purities and many priesthoods.

Confucianism in the Eastern Jin Dynasty began to do nothing, and completely forgot that "the son does not speak, the strange power and the gods are confused".Many bigwig-level figures, they just drank a little wine and lay on the laps of beautiful women, creating many metaphysical stories.

"I heard that Qing thought that Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen?" Liu Yan more or less knew that Pangu was first published in "Sanwu Liji", but he forgot who the author was.He looked at Ge Hong with a smile on his face, and asked again: "Have the stories of Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun been created yet?"

The expression on Ge Hong's face stiffened for a moment.

In Liu Yan's mouth, the gods were actually created. Does that mean denying the existence of the gods, and all the gods are artificially created?
"The ancestor of Buddhism is the Sakyamuni tribe of Kapilavastu Kingdom. His name is Siddhartha and his surname is Gautama. It is said that he became a Buddha after sitting down..." Liu Yan looked at Ge Hong with a smile and said: "The king of a small country can be the Buddha. , Zhu Xia's status as a god cannot be lowered."

Ge Hong, whose face was originally stiff, showed great joy.

Who is Liu Yan?He is not only the emperor but also the son of heaven, the one and only ruler of the world.

In the past, the emperor may have had the metaphorical meaning of "son of heaven", but now the emperor of the Han Empire has long downplayed this point, preferring the emperor's identity as the patriarch.

As a ruler of the world who talks about the Tianxian, saying that the local gods can never lose to the prince of a small country outside Hua, is he expressing his support for the local religion?
"I have often heard that the people of Xia have spirits and are sages who have made great contributions." Liu Yan just wants to support Taoism, because people inherently need spiritual beliefs. If they don't occupy it themselves, the gap will inevitably be occupied by foreign religions. : "The early Han thought that the first kings would become gods, and the great sages could also get incense. I deeply believe it."

Most of the gods of Zhuxia are real people, those sages who have made great benefits and contributions to the nation. When there is no written language, they are passed down orally. Relying on language inheritance will inevitably be artistically processed from generation to generation. Then there are all kinds of bizarre story backgrounds.

Ge Hong began to think, if the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors could find someone to take their seats, then who should the Taoist gods find?
As the ruler of the world today, Liu Yan is actually the object of Wanmin's spiritual belief.This is also extremely consistent with the local beliefs. Zhuxia treats the emperor's love, and has an inexplicable fear of the emperor. Under complicated thinking, he has always believed that the ruler of the world is the living god.

Those who control the world are indeed no different from gods to all people. It does not matter whether they have magic or not. The ones who control the world can open mountains if they want to, and stop the flow if they want to. Those who do those things will inevitably He is a member of all nations.

There is a saying called "People's hearts are united, Taishan moves", ignorant people don't understand what this sentence means, and they want to express some deep meaning, but they have already said one thing very clearly, and no one can prove the existence of gods , but as long as those in power want to do something, the only difference is when it can be done, not whether it can be done.

For example, the ancients wanted to go to the sky and enter the earth very early, thinking that only gods can go to the sky and enter the earth. However, with the development of technology, there are fewer flying things in the sky. can do it.If it is a god who can do that, then there are really a lot of gods.

Zhu Xia's attitude towards worshiping the gods has always been correct.

Believe in people with real names, they really existed, and they did amazing things.Then it can be seen that the gods of Zhuxia have been supplementing all the time, and the characters of the previous dynasty also had god names hundreds of years later. Li Bing, who presided over the construction of Dujiangyan in the pre-Qin Dynasty, is one of the examples.

"Siddhartha Gautama has contributed to Kapilavastu and became their Buddha." Ge Hong assured with a firm expression and tone: "The big man will also have a god of truth."

Ge Hong also thought about something. He had become very interested in Roman Christianity. After many inquiries, he found that the gods of the Romans were actually real people, but the experience of becoming a god was a bit twisty. A little more tragic and heroic.

The Romans made the people they killed into gods, which is beyond the comprehension of ordinary Chinese.But that was the work of the Romans. Those who are perfecting the Taoist theogony have found through research that Zhu Xia also has a similar situation.

There is no lack of hostile and vicious people in Zhu Xia's gods, and they have also become part of their own gods. At first, they were evil gods, and later they evolved into righteous gods.

Liu Yan stopped suddenly while walking forward.

At the end of the welcoming line stood a figure wearing a monk's costume, but his head was not shaved, but a cropped one.

Wearing shaman costumes with cropped hair is the mainstream of Zhuxia today, and it is also one of the characteristics, but there are no scars.

Samanas who shave their heads are usually in the birthplace of Buddhism and the Western Regions. People who originally came to Middle-earth with a bald head will also grow their hair full to look like a cropped head.This is actually to adapt to the unique people's conditions in China.

"Little monk Zhidun." He saluted and said with a sad face, "Come from Anguo Temple."

Anguo Temple in Jiankang can be said to be a grand sight.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty worshiped Buddhism during the reign of Sima Pi, Emperor Ai of Jin Dynasty. It was at that time that Zhi Dun was invited to preach at Anguo Temple, and then he stayed in the south of the Yangtze River to preach.

Liu Yan ignored it and continued to move forward.He had read the welcome list in advance, and there was absolutely no Zhidun among them, so no matter what happened in this matter, as the host of the welcome, Danyang County Sheriff would definitely be unlucky.

The sorrow on Zhi Dun's face became more intense.

Shamen is destined to pay a high price for Zhi Dun to appear in the welcoming team, and maybe that price will not have a positive return, and may even pay a greater price.

Danyang County Guard Wu Lin was trembling all over. He really didn't see any monks in the team before, and he really didn't know how Zhi Dun appeared in the welcoming team.

"You!" Wu Lin turned her head and looked at Xiang Pu, the magistrate, fiercely: "I don't want to live, so I dragged me!"

Xiang Pu remained expressionless even when he was being stared at fiercely, and said very calmly: "Buddha can cut his flesh and feed it to eagles, so why would Xiang Pu care about this body? He is trying to save the lives of the ascetics, which will bring trouble to the county guard."

When they were talking, the forbidden army had already surrounded them, and they were caught in the middle and taken away.

Buddhism was introduced to China at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Because it followed a high-level route from the beginning, it only affected a very small number of nobles in the initial stage, and its impact on the people was almost zero.

The first Buddhist temple (White Horse Temple) was founded in the 11th year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 1). It was the first temple officially established by the government after Buddhism was introduced into China. teaching existence.

Due to the fact that it is only taking the upper-level route, along with the strife of the aristocratic class, Buddhism often has ups and downs, but this ups and downs are still limited to a small area.

Later, Buddhism found that it was fatal to only take the upper-class route, and began to preach to ordinary people. However, they encountered unprecedented challenges. First, the people were extremely resistant to hair loss. Then, due to the self-confidence and pride in the bones of the Han people, they did not care about foreign religions. not interested.

The reality is also the same. The Han people have been the dominant nation since the Western Han Dynasty.If there really are gods, then the local gods must be more powerful than the foreign gods, and if you have spiritual sustenance, you will choose the local gods. How can you believe in a god in an unknown place?

Buddhism has worked hard for hundreds of years and still has no results. It is waiting for the five random beatings to break the spine of the Han people. The Han people who lost their self-confidence and pride have fallen into a trough.

In the current years, if Liu Yan has not changed history, the Buddhist churches in the north of the Yangtze River will prosper, and the south will be infiltrated at the same time, and there is no shortage of fanatics.

It is obvious that Xiang Pu, who said the words "Buddha cut meat to feed the eagle", is either a fanatic, or he has a last resort.

Zhi Dun naturally saw the movement of the imperial army, he gritted his teeth repeatedly and chose to follow.

This time, the Buddhism of China is very confident that it can communicate with Liu Yan. Zhi Dun came with some news from Central Asia.For the Han Empire, this news may be related to the rise and fall.

(End of this chapter)

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