sweeping the world

Chapter 1000 Let others bear the price

Chapter 1000 Let others bear the price

Historically, the steam engine was manufactured, and it will go through the process of slowly shrinking. The first application of the steam engine was not the ocean, but the land.

If the Han Empire manufactured the steam engine, it would be the first choice for application in ships.

reason?The bulky size of the first generation steam engine is inevitable. If it is to be used on a train, the locomotive will be very large.

The width of the train depends on the width of the track. It is impossible to build a track with hundreds of thousands of miles, or even thousands of miles.

What about waiting for the steam engine to be shrunk down to make those wide tracks?The end result will be that the width of the track is as wide as the width of the train, and it is impossible to abandon those wide tracks because the width of the train becomes smaller.

No matter how powerful the country is, not to mention the track of more than [-] miles, even if it is only a few hundred miles long, the cost of building the track will not be so low, so you can't just give up.

Ships don’t have the trouble of abandoning them. As long as they can fit, what exists is to replace steam engines with different horsepower, and the moving projects are nothing more than small-scale reconstruction.

"Dahan has a new five-year plan." Tian Shuo was asked by Huan Wen about the production of pig iron. He didn't mention the current data, but talked about the future: "The boilers have been being updated. It can be expected that in Yuanshuo's 19th year, the production of pig iron will exceed 250. 20 tons, but it will directly reach the output of [-] million tons. Even steel is confident to reach [-] tons."

Tian Shuo said it easily, and the people who heard it were also relaxed. They really didn't know what the output meant.

Only Liu Yan has full pride and pride.

Regardless of the quality of the metal, if the production of pig iron in Yuanshuo 19 can exceed the scale of one million tons, then it will directly reach the level of the great powers in the [-]th century.

Of course, it's just the bottom of the big powers.

To be really clear, ignoring pig iron and only taking steel products into consideration, Yuanshuo's steel production in 13 years was directly approaching the output of Japan, the most powerful country in Asia in the [-]th century.

If, as Tian Shuo predicted, Yuanshuo's annual steel output would reach 19 tons in 20, equivalent to exceeding the national annual steel output of the Soviet Union in [-].

This is an astonishing achievement. Even in China in [-], the country's annual pig iron production was only [-] tons.

The Han Empire directly spanned more than 500 years, directly reaching the production capacity at that time.

Such production capacity is naturally not without cost. The unnecessary loss of iron ore, coupled with the huge loss of personnel, supports the current production capacity.

"So, even if castration is not performed, the slaves will be consumed quickly just by mining." Tian Shuo is not trying to hate Ran Min, but is telling the truth: "The number of slaves consumed by the big man in the mine every year has never been low. less than 20. Even more than 35 at the most.”

Ran Min responded by rolling his eyes.

Without reaching the required level of technology, there will definitely be unnecessary losses in smelting metals, which is an inevitable result of not being able to utilize the ore to the extreme.

Simply put, if the temperature is not enough, the impurities in the metal will definitely increase.

In addition to other aspects, such as the inability to extremely fragment the ore, there must be metals that have not been released during refining.

Those wastes were acceptable to the Han Empire.

The Han Empire has now slowed down the mining of local ores. The priority for the same resources is to mine outside the homeland. The incidental result is that the industrial base is also outside the homeland.

There are currently four largest smelting bases in the Han Empire, one is located in the grasslands, the second is in Jiaozhi, the third is in Luzon, and the fourth is in the Walian Islands.

The smelting base on the grassland is in the southwest of modern Ulaanbaatar, where it was discovered to have iron ore in the eighth year of Yuanshuo.

After exploration, it was found that the iron ore there was not only easy to mine, but also the mining area was surprisingly large, reaching about [-] mu.

The smelting base of Jiaozhi is located in Nichinan County (Ha Tinh), which was built next to the iron mine, but it is not simply used to smelt pig iron. In fact, the largest output is copper mine.

There are two iron mines and three copper mines in Nichinan County, and the copper mines are associated with gold and silver mines.

Jiuzhen County was found to have an iron mine and two copper mines, but there are very precious anthracite mines there.

There are four iron mines and three copper mines in Jiaozhi County, as well as the largest anthracite mine in Asia.The anthracite in this place is still in the open air, so there is no need to dig deep at all, you just need to be a porter.

It can be said that Luzon is almost an island piled up with metal. According to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Industry, only 13 years before Yuanshuo, the iron ore reserves that have been explored exceeded [-] million tons, mainly concentrated in Luzon. The middle of Song Island.

Just one island has explored [-] million tons of iron ore reserves, so will there be more gains from exploring other islands?The answer is that the harvest is constant. The iron ore reserves over there are definitely more than [-] million tons, but some are easy to dig, and some are very difficult to dig.

The Luzon Islands not only have iron ore resources, but during the 13th year of Yuanshuo alone, the discovered copper reserves exceeded 1000 million tons.

A servant of the Ministry of Industry made a bold guess. He believed that the copper reserves of the Luzon Islands should reach 5000 million tons.

In addition to being extremely rich in iron and copper, the Luzon Islands have been discovering gold and silver.

Those minerals have one thing in common, that is, there is no shortage of open-pit mines, especially the most open-pit gold mines.

The smelting bases of the Urishima Islands are not used to smelt copper and iron, but mainly used to smelt gold and silver.

In the early days, the Han people took the raw ore back to the country and smelted it. Later, they really couldn't stand the efficiency, and the Wa Lie Islands became the first place where the Han people built smelting-related facilities outside the mainland.

With the Uriel Islands as the beginning, the construction of the following three places began.

When mineral resources are discovered, as long as the reserves are confirmed to be sufficient, it is far more correct to start construction of related industrial facilities than to transport the ore rough... or thousands of miles back to China.

As for whether it is appropriate to build industrial bases outside the mainland, it must be said that it is actually very appropriate, not only to increase production efficiency, but also to reduce local pollution.

"The planning of heavy industry must be cautious." Feeling the prestige, Liu Yan looked at the water that was constantly being broken: "If you can get it abroad, don't put it in the country."

The iron boat was already sailing on the river. After the sails were fully opened, the wind was not weak, but it really couldn't run fast.

On both sides of the nearby bank, I don’t know how many people crowded to watch.They didn't come to watch the trial of the iron ship, but to admire Tianrong, even if the distance was too far, even if they could see the emperor, it was only a very vague figure, and this alone made them extremely excited.

"Your Majesty is right, the waste water from heavy industry is discharged, and there is no grass growing there." Tian Shuoyou personally went to Jiaozhi to inspect: "I went to a place, and I didn't ask. Green water. But in less than a year, the water has become a stinking ditch, and the surrounding plants are shrouded in exhaust gas day and night."

For smelting, there must be exhaust. One can imagine what a smokestack would be like.

The wastewater produced by smelting is generally produced by the washing process, and washing is also a process that produces the most pollutants.

"So not only heavy industries, but also paper mills should not be placed in the local area." Sang Yu was not just for fun: "I went back to my hometown to worship my ancestors, and found that the clear stream had turned into mud on the way. I went to have a look, and found that there was nothing wrong with it." It’s not that it’s dried up and turned into a quagmire, it’s that the stream has accumulated exaggerated paper residue!”

Sang Yu's words reminded Liu Yan of his childhood.

When Liu Yan was young, the stream was so clear that he and his friends would be invited to play and swim every summer.

One day, a carton factory started on the edge of the stream. In less than a month, the originally clear stream became extremely unbearable. Let alone swimming, when the weather is hot enough, you can run on hardened paper scraps. .

Liu Yan grew up in that era when the green mountains and green waters were constantly polluted. He saw all the good things being destroyed one by one. Just a small carton factory wasted a stream and polluted nearly twenty miles of water sources.

Whether or not the carton factory has made a fortune is not the key. The stream is gone. At the same time, the surrounding farmland is difficult to farm due to lack of water. The abandoned farmland must exceed [-] mu.

The farmland cannot be cultivated, and the report is just a so-called investigation by the relevant departments. I don’t know what the investigation method is. The carton factory didn’t even stop working. Those who came to investigate not only ate, drank, played and prostituted when they came, they went back. Sometimes my pockets are bulging.

The original water town is gone forever, the carton factory has always existed, and then stone factories opened one after another. The stream water not only has the color of paper residue, but also the white color of the waste water discharged by the stone factory. The two colors are mixed together. Going up makes it seem like shit is flowing along the way.

"The environment makes concessions for the economy, hehe..." Liu Yan looked at Tian Shuo: "If I let me know about this one day..."

The environment of thousands of years can be completely destroyed in one year, but it may not be able to recover after decades.

Before Liu Yan crossed, the paper mill had closed down, and the stone factory had also closed down one after another. Thirteen years later, that stream is still flowing with the color of shit.

What he personally experienced was just one incident, but it was a nightmare that would never be erased. Liu Yan has seen cancer villages in various news.

Those who have made money, even if the factory closes down, the money they should have made has already been made.

Because a small number of people have made money, but more people have suffered, and there will be no compensation after suffering. That is the so-called environment making concessions for the economy!
I also took the iron boat. If the guy under my feet is an iron boat, it is actually no different from taking other boats.

The patrol team left Jiangdu and crossed the river to the south bank, but they didn't enter Jiankang as expected, but turned to Danyang County in the southwest of Jiankang.

Danyang County is not the end point of the patrol team. The end point is the Jiangnan Shipyard (Hangzhou Bay) in Kuaiji County. During the period, they will also patrol around Ju District (Taihu Lake).

"The Ju district is where the handicraft industry is concentrated." Xie An didn't know that much because he was born in the south of the Yangtze River. He was able to check the tax summary of various places as the Minister of the Ministry of Households: "The tax paid around the Ju district accounted for [-]% of the big man's income. Three point seven."

Regardless of the percentage of only [-], it depends on the size of the territory of the Han Empire, and it is not only the local people who need to pay taxes.

"Jingkou is so close to Ju District, [-] is not too much." Huan Wen curled his lips and said, "Why don't you talk about the tax amount outside the customs."

Xie An said helplessly: "It's different. Outside the customs is where the textile industry is concentrated."

"So it's not that the grassland is useless, it's just that the idiots in front didn't find it useful." Ran Min said happily: "Just because the wool provides a way for the textile industry, it's hard to separate the grassland."

Ran Min didn't talk about whether the elites of the previous dynasty were idiots, but Ran Min was right. In the past, he gave up the grassland easily because the grassland had only expenditure but no gain.

Now that wool is used in the textile industry, who dares to say that they will abandon the grassland, let alone how the country will react, those people who only benefit from wool spinning will never let go of those who dare to say that .

Liu Yan asked: "What kind of commodities are the main products of Jingkou's foreign trade?"

Yu He immediately replied: "Silk, porcelain and tea."

Yu He, who is the order of Jiankang, still followed the patrol team because Liu Yan would inevitably ask about Jingkou related matters.

Silk is currently the best-selling fist product, but this silk is not limited to one category, and Shu brocade is included.

During Wang Meng's missions to other countries, Shu Brocade was truly famous all over the world.

Wai Guoren can’t distinguish the types of silk so finely. They only know that the Romans are crazy about Shu brocade, because the Romans are willing to pay a high price. No matter which country’s merchants come to the Han Empire, the first goods they want to buy It is Shu brocade.

"Porcelain?" Liu Yan asked curiously, "What do they call porcelain?"

Yu He was a little confused. He thought a lot beforehand, but he didn't expect Liu Yan to ask this.

"Isn't it reading porcelain?" Yu Yi had to help his nephew: "What should I read?"

"As far as I know, the Franks call porcelain 'kick that'?" Huan Wen teased, "What the hell is this called? Lu Shangshu should send someone to reprimand him!"

Lu Yi usually jokingly said: "What Huan Shangshu said is very true. Those savages should speak well."

As the overlord of Europe, Rome used to call the Han Empire Siris. After realizing the strength of the Han Empire, they may continue to use the name Siris in private, but they definitely use the name Han Empire in public.

A few big guys are making fun of it, nothing more than showing an attitude of caring for the younger generation.All of them have their own nephews, they can save the siege, and there is no risk in the siege, so why not do it?

"There really are people named China." Liu Yan wondered, "Do the Franks belong to the Germanic family?"

Strange, China is called first by the Germans?Shouldn't it be pronounced in English?
What Liu Yan didn't know was that when Westerners came into contact with Khitan and then came into contact with porcelain, no matter what nationality they were, they always used the pronunciation of China.

(End of this chapter)

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