Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 49 The Nine-Headed Snake Out of the Hole

Chapter 49

Lang Mlow had no choice but to drop the gun in his hand.

Seeing that Carter relaxed his vigilance, Lang Mulow instantly pulled out the military dagger on his leg and scratched Carter's arm.

The special forces also immediately shot at everyone in the central control room.

Shrapnel flew across the central control room!

"Da da da da da da!"

A burst of intense gunshots rang out, and the bullets shot at the surrounding walls, piercing through the walls, and the bullets also shot at the people outside the central control room, causing their bodies to be sieved by the bullets.

In the central control room, Carter clutched his shoulder, blood was flowing, and his face was pale from the pain.

And the instigator of all this, Lang Mlow, also took advantage of the chaos and came to the center console to operate.

But the firepower of the special forces is too fierce.

Carter, who was injured for a while, was also unable to stand up, and could only watch Lang Muluo fiddle with the operation interface for a while.

After a while, a line of dazzling red characters popped up on the large display screen in the central control room.

[Launch system activated! 】

In the hangar of the Helicarrier on the other side, an agent was yelling frantically at the staff in the hangar.

"Shut the hangar door! Shut it!"

Before a few staff members could react, Hydra's special forces descended from the sky and fired wildly at the hangar personnel.

Looking at the chaotic scene on the monitor, Agent Hill also shouted anxiously on the intercom channel.

"Everyone, something big has happened. They have successfully started the launch process, and I can't stop it!"

There were three openings on the originally calm lake outside SHIELD.

Countless lakes poured down and poured onto the three skycarriers.

As the hangar door was fully opened, the Hydra driver's door on the mothership also started the spacecraft without hesitation.


The huge anti-gravity engine spewed blue flames wantonly, causing waves of heat.

The ear-piercing roar of the engine instantly spread throughout the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

Driven by the powerful power of the engine, the huge Helicarrier slowly rose into the air in the sight of everyone.

Right now, it only needs to wait for the Helicarrier to completely ascend to an altitude of [-] feet before it can successfully connect to the Star of Lemuria to execute Hydra's insight plan.

Cleanse the world thoroughly and establish a new order belonging to Hydra.

Seeing the three motherships taking off one after another, the three Hawkeye and Guxuan of the US team also ran out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building, intending to stop the three motherships.

"Hey, captain, how can we two rookies tell if it's an enemy or a teammate?"

Hearing this, Captain America was also upset.

"The one who shoots at you is the enemy, and the one who doesn't shoot is the teammate. Well, let's act quickly."

After speaking, Hawkeye spread his wings, started the engine behind him and flew towards the leftmost mothership.

And Gu Xuan got a metal card from nowhere, put it under his feet, lifted his body into the air, and flew towards the mothership on the far right.

Why choose the most right mothership, in the words of Gu Xuan.

God protects the right (you) but not the left.

Among the three, only Captain America can't fly.

So the US team had no choice but to run towards the mothership in the middle.

However, the Hydra special forces on the ground have been waiting for a long time.

When the US team just ran near the mothership, the Hydra special forces had already started shooting.

Bullets shot from all directions, enveloping the US team.

While dodging bullet attacks, the US team kept moving towards the position of the mothership.

Dense bullets hit the US team like raindrops.

During this period, the US team had to constantly use its shield to resist.

The bullets grazed the shield continuously, causing bursts of sparks.

The strong recoil force, even the super physique of the US team is a little too much.

If this continues, before the US team boards the mothership, it will be dragged to death by the Hydra troops here.

Against the strong metal raindrops, Captain America saw the opportunity and threw the shield in his hand.

The shield accurately overturned the few special forces members standing in the front.

Strike while the iron is hot, Captain America turned over on the ground and picked up the shield back in his hand.

Continue to run towards the mothership.

Compared with the US team still on the ground, facing the siege and interception of Hydra, Hawkeye and Gu Xuan are not going well.

As early as when the surveillance footage captured the three of them running towards the mothership, all the anti-aircraft guns on the mothership were activated and in readiness for battle.

As soon as Hawkeye and Gu Xuan approached the mothership, the dozens of anti-aircraft guns that could easily penetrate hundreds of millimeters of armor spit out artillery fire at them frantically!

Anti-aircraft shells pierced the air, making a sharp whistling sound, and galloped towards the two of them.

Although they had already made preparations, facing such a dense bullet attack, the two of them still felt extremely stressed, and their bodies broke out in layers of cold sweat.

"This is the anti-aircraft gun of the Helicarrier, these guys are really powerful!" Hawkeye looked at the situation in front of him, and he was a little terrified, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Captain, the two of us have found the enemy you mentioned!"

At this time, Pierce, who was inside the building, looked at the three of Gu Xuan in front of him, and picked up the walkie-talkie and said bitterly.

"Everyone concentrate on me and get rid of these three guys who are in the way!"

As soon as Pierce finished speaking, many pilots suddenly appeared on the decks of the three motherships.

Immediately, countless Kun-type fighter jets rose from the deck of the mothership and attacked Gu Xuan and Hawkeye.

The original anti-aircraft gun also stopped the flames.

Facing so many fighter jets, Hawkeye also felt a bit apprehensive.

At this moment, Gu Xuan rushed towards the attacking fighter group instead.

"Captain, you said before that not only Hydra but also the Mothership would be destroyed, right?"

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Captain America suddenly felt a little bit of sympathy for Nick Fury.

The helicarrier built with painstaking efforts may be honorably scrapped in the hands of Gu Xuan today.

I saw Gu Xuan's figure quickly bursting out towards the fighter group, and countless bullets and missiles struck towards Gu Xuan.

【Metal Control!】

All the bullets and missiles were disintegrated into metal fragments by an invisible force in midair without warning.

I saw that the number of these metal fragments increased as the firepower of the fighter group increased.

And these metal fragments also gradually converged into a metal barrier in front of Gu Xuan.

Seeing this scene, the fighter group also temporarily stopped firing.

"You guys have played enough, then it's my turn!"

I saw Gu Xuan's body wrapped in a group of metal fragments gathering into a sharp blade in the air.

Ruthlessly harvesting fighter groups.

All the fighters were fleeing in different directions, but Gu Xuan controlled the metal fragments to split into countless attacks, shooting down the fighters one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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