Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 48 Tear off the mask

Chapter 48 Tear off the mask
Before leaving, the US team made a special trip to the history museum.

"Why do you go back to the old battle suit specially? Is the size more suitable for you?"

Seeing the behavior of the US team, Sam asked in puzzlement.

Of course Sam didn't know that all the US team did was to be able to evoke Bucky's memory of the two when he saw Bucky.

Although the main task of everyone this time is to prevent the insight plan and destroy Hydra, but for personal purposes, the US team still wants to help their former brothers.

Just like what Bucky did for himself 70 years ago.

Captain America believes that if the two switch identities now, Bucky will definitely do the same.

On the other hand, with the help of Gu Xuan, the widow sister also successfully intercepted a group of members of the International Security Council.

In order to avoid complications, Gu Xuan immediately entered the minds of everyone in the team.

The widow took the opportunity to put on a special human skin mask to replace one of the congresswomen.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xuan also disguised himself as a bodyguard, and followed the convoy towards the S.H.I.E.L.D.

It didn't take long for the convoy to reach its destination.

Under the cover of Lang Muluo and the special forces, Pierce greeted the widow sister and Gu Xuan in person.

At this moment, even if Pierce was thinking about it, he would never have imagined that the two people he wanted to arrest the most were standing in front of him so openly at this moment.

"Everyone, I'm exhausted from traveling, so hurry up and take a good rest."

With that said, Pierce turned and walked into the building first.

The US team Hawkeye and Agent Hill also entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. building through the ventilation duct of the building.

Under the leadership of Agent Hill, the three of them quickly arrived at the broadcasting room in S.H.I.E.L.D. without hindrance.

"Do you really want to do this? If the effect does not meet our expectations, then we may fall into an ambush on all sides. At that time, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. agents will draw out their guns and point them at us."

Before jamming the S.H.I.E.L.D. communication satellite, Sam still looked at the US team uncertainly and asked.

"Sam, we have no other choice now."

Said, the US team signaled Hill to interrupt the communication satellite signal of S.H.I.E.L.D.


The people who were sitting and chatting in the radio room were suddenly shocked by the harsh electronic sound from the earphones.

"Oh, damn it, it should be another problem with the satellite signal, I'll go check it out."

With that said, one of them planned to stand up and go out to check the working status of the satellite.

But who would want to just swipe the access control card and pull the doorknob, and saw the three of the US team pointing their black guns at him.

"If you don't want to get hurt, everyone should sit in their seats obediently."

The sudden change made these clerks panic for a while.

Although the agency had previously issued a warrant for several members of the US team, most people in the agency were still reluctant to believe this statement.

The former national hero became the country's most wanted criminal overnight.

For the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. who have always followed the US team as an example, this is really a big blow.

So for Captain America's order, almost everyone in the room consciously obeyed Captain America's words and obediently walked where they were.

Seeing how everyone cooperated so well, Sam on the side finally understood why Captain America was so confident just now.

This is influence!
The US team came to the most central console and turned on the microphone.

"Guys of S.H.I.E.L.D., I'm Steve Rogers."

Faced with this sudden broadcast, all the agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped involuntarily.

He heard Captain America's voice coming from the radio.

Pierce also looked at Lang Mulow in shock.

Lang Muluo also greeted several subordinates knowingly, and hurried to the central control room where the Helicarrier was launched.

Immediately, Captain America's voice continued to be heard on the radio.

"My name must have appeared in your ears countless times these days, saying that I committed treason and was a terrorist."

"Many people even received orders to arrest me, but after such a long time, I think it's time for you to know the truth."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has changed. He is no longer a just organization protecting national security. He is now controlled by Hydra, and Alexander Pierce is their leader!"

Hearing this, all the congressmen in the room widened their eyes and looked aside, still drinking Pierce.

Pierce just shrugged helplessly.

Immediately, the door of the meeting room was opened.

One by one, armed special forces came in.

However, what they didn't expect was that all the special forces in front of them, who looked like life-saving straws, were actually Pierce's minions.

When one of the congressmen was about to order the special forces to arrest Pierce, the voice of the US team came from the radio again.

"Now in S.H.I.E.L.D., the pilots of the special operations force's helicarrier are all theirs. I don't know who else is left."

"They may be the people around you. Now we must stop them from launching the insight plan immediately, otherwise they can easily eliminate all those who try to hinder them."

"Although I know it's difficult, there is a price to pay. It has always been like this in history, but even if I am willing alone, I will not hesitate!"

"And I never believed it was going to be just me."

After the US team delivered an impassioned speech, Sam smiled and walked up to ask
"You wrote the speech beforehand?"

In this regard, the US team just smiled noncommittally.

As if specially responding to the words of the US team, the special forces members who broke into the meeting room raised their black guns and aimed at each congressman.

There was also a commotion in the central control room at this time, and everyone was thrown into chaos by this sudden change.

For a while, everyone didn't know who to listen to.

At this time, it happened that Lang Muluo broke into the central control room with a large number of special forces.

"Start the insight plan for me immediately and send the Helicarrier to the sky!"

But the center console operator who heard this did not press the launch button immediately.

Seeing this scene, Rumlow also immediately drew his pistol.

"Quickly get out of your place, I'll do it myself!"

With that said, he planned to do it himself.

"Stop for me!"

Sharon Carter on the side finally made up his mind, pulled out a pistol from his waist, pointed it at Lang Muluo and yelled loudly.

"Stop for me, this is the captain's order!"

Seeing this scene, the special forces in the room and the original agents in the central control room drew their guns and confronted each other.

(End of this chapter)

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