Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 154 The Sanctuary

Chapter 154 The Sanctuary
But after Strange completed the entire pilgrimage, he did not find any trace of Kama Taj.

At this moment, Strange, who was only focusing on the map in his hand, didn't even notice that he also walked into a remote corner with no people at this time.

At this moment, Strange also found that two thugs with murder weapons were standing in front of him at some point. Seeing this, Strange wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but there were also two thugs standing behind him. A vicious thug.

"My God, don't be like this, man, I don't have a penny on my body now, and the only thing left is this watch."

Hearing Strange's words, the leading mob didn't intend to let Strange go, and immediately said, "Then give me your watch quickly."

Saying that, the four thugs began to walk towards Strange, surrounding Strange in the middle.

Strange, who saw this scene, also knew that he would not escape the disaster today, and immediately resigned himself to his fate and said, "Okay, okay, here you go."

But even though Strange said so, his body was still very honest. Taking advantage of the mob's inattention, Strange also suddenly punched the leader.

But the next second Strange felt the tearing pain from his right hand.

Moreover, those thugs didn't care about the injuries to Strange's hands, and immediately rushed forward and knocked Strange down to the ground.

Just when Strange was pushed down to the ground by four thugs and beat him fiercely, the mysterious figure who had been following Strange here before also appeared in this deserted corner among.

After seeing the mysterious man, one of the thugs waved his stick and hit the man in the face.

But in the next moment, the thug was knocked down to the ground by the palm of the mysterious man.

Seeing this, the remaining three thugs also quickly surrounded the mysterious man, but the mysterious man was surprisingly calm at this time. I saw that the mysterious man first restrained the hands of the thug who was wielding the weapon, and then lifted With one kick of his own leg, another thug who rushed over was kicked to the ground.

At this time, the thugs imprisoned by the mysterious man also fell into a coma due to long-term suffocation.

In the blink of an eye, only the leader of the thugs was left on the scene. After seeing his younger brothers who made three-five-five-five-divided two, they turned around and fled immediately after being settled by the mysterious man in front of them.

The mysterious man who saw this scene didn't have the slightest intention to continue chasing the leader of the thugs, but gradually approached the former under Strange's horrified eyes.

At this time, Strange could still lie on the ground and look at the mysterious person in front of him weakly, and asked, "Who are you? Are you also the one who came to snatch my watch?"

But for Strange's question, the mysterious man didn't give any answer, only to see that the mysterious man went straight around Strange and then came to a thug who was knocked down by him to the ground and killed Strange. The watch was picked up.

Then the mysterious man also came to Strange and stretched out his hand to pull Strange up from the ground, and returned the watch to Strange by the way.

Looking at the mysterious man in front of him, Strange also showed a puzzled expression.

At this moment, the mysterious man also took off his hat, revealing Lushan's true face, and then asked Strange, "Are you looking for Kama Taj?"

Hearing this, Strange also showed an excited expression, and quickly asked, "Do you know where Kama Taj is?"

But for Strange's question, the mysterious man didn't answer directly, and then put his hat on again, then bypassed Strange and left this corner straight away.

Seeing this, Strange hurriedly chased after him, and his perception told Strange that the person in front of him must be able to lead him to find Kama Taj.

And in fact it is true, the mysterious person is from Kama Taj.

After that, Strange also followed behind the mysterious man without saying a word, and after passing through countless seas of people, he re-entered a corner where no one was around.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man in front of him suddenly brought Strange to a stop in front of a dilapidated wooden door.

Looking at the narrow wooden door that only one person can pass through at a time, Strange also asked the mysterious person suspiciously: "Are you sure this is Kama Taj, don't you think it looks more like the one behind?"

As he said that, Strange also stretched out his finger and pointed to a temple on the other side.

After hearing Strange's words, the mysterious man who had been silent all the way spoke for the first time.

"Hey, do you know what you asked just now, I also asked when I first came here, and I was as impolite as you at that time, but you will soon find that you Everything you know in life is not trustworthy here, and I will give you a suggestion now, after entering this wooden door, you'd better forget everything you knew before."

After saying all this, Strange also entered the wooden door together under the signal of the mysterious man.

Once inside, Strange understood why the mysterious man said those words just now. It was because there was something special behind the narrow wooden door.

Looking at the majestic religious buildings in front of him, Strange was also amazed.

After all, as a neurosurgeon who has been living in a bustling modern city like New York, Strange never pays attention to these religious things.

At this time, the mysterious man walking in front also introduced to Strange: "This is Karma Taj, and it is the sanctuary of my master, Master Ancient One."

"Gu Yi? Is that his real name?"

At this time, the mysterious man also turned around and said to Strange: "Remember what I just said, after entering this place, you'd better forget everything you knew before."

Hearing this, Strange also hurriedly said, "Okay, sorry."

At this moment, Strange also saw a man dressed as a Taoist priest with a full face and beard sitting in the hall of the face-to-face, flipping through a booklet in front of a wooden table.

At this time, many people ran out from various corners of the hall to help Strange take off his coat and serve tea.

(End of this chapter)

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