Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 153 Pilgrimage

Chapter 153 Pilgrimage
After Christine left, after Strange calmed down alone, he also checked what was in the shopping bag that Christine brought.

Soon, Strange saw a medical record lying in the shopping bag.

Strange also immediately flipped through the medical records, and then saw the films and diagnostic records about the patient's injuries.

As Strange looked deeper, the shock in his heart became stronger, just because the injuries suffered by this construction worker named Jonathan were no less than his own.

After looking through all the medical records, Strange also found the last note left by the rehabilitation specialist.

"Look, like I said, it's all possible."

Looking at the medical records in his hands, Strange was filled with new hopes for his hands.

The next day, after packing everything up, Strange followed the address left on the medical records to a field course located under the highway.

"Jonathan Pangborn had complete damage to the seventh and eighth spinal cords in his neck and was completely paralyzed in his chest, as were his hands."

At this time, Jonathan, who came to the court to drink water, also looked at the strange stranger in front of him with a puzzled expression, and then asked, "Who are you? Sorry, I don't know you."

"My name is Strange Stephen, and I'm a neurosurgeon, or at least used to be a neurosurgeon."

Unexpectedly, when Strange just finished introducing himself, Jonathan immediately changed his face and said: "Hey, don't tell me, I remembered, I know who you are, I wanted to see you back then , but you are not only unwilling to see me, even your assistant is difficult for me to pass."

Hearing this, Strange also said flatly: "I really couldn't save you at that time."

"That's what you call retreating in spite of difficulties."

After speaking, Jonathan decided not to talk to Strange anymore, and then turned around and walked towards the court again.

Seeing this, Strange also hurriedly shouted: "Back then you were able to find hope out of despair and create a miracle that belonged to you alone. Now I am also working hard to find that piece of my own everywhere. Miracle."

As he spoke, Strange stretched out his weather-beaten hands from the pockets of his sweater.

At this moment, Jonathan also looked at Strange's hands with a look of shock.

After thinking about it, Jonathan also found a trace of the despair he had in the past from Strange's appearance now, and the resentment towards Strange in his heart was slightly relieved for a while, so he also Going forward, he told Strange about his experiences back then.

"You know, at that time, I was already desperate. My family and I had tried almost all possible methods, but all of them were in vain. I even thought that my whole body had only one brain. It's functioning normally, so I'm just thinking about giving it a little bit of exercise."

Speaking of which, Jonathan's tone also paused a little.

"Later, I studied with a group of holy female mages. A large group of strangers carried me up the mountain and met the saints. In the end, I met the mentor who changed and saved the rest of my life. This is also my entry. I got a whole new realm, and my soul was completely sublimated."

Speaking, Jonathan also stretched out his finger and pointed to his temple.

"And then I don't know what."

"Your body is just restored."

"Yes, what you said is absolutely right. There are more mysteries besides these. But at that time I found that I didn't have enough energy to learn more things, and now that the miracle has happened I just decided to get out of there."

At this time, Jonathan also found that Strange, who was opposite him, was in a completely dazed state at this time, and then he smiled knowingly, and then said to Strange: "The name of the place you are looking for It's called Karma Taj, but it's very expensive to get there."

"how much is it?"

"It's not about the amount of money, good luck."

After saying this sentence, Jonathan turned around and left, leaving only Strange alone in a daze.

But when Strange returned home, even though he still thought in his heart that what Jonathan told him was nothing more than an illusory fairy tale that could no longer be illusory, Strange's body was still erratic. I packed up all my clothes and contacted the airline to book the closest flight to Kathmandu, Nepal.

After arriving in Kathmandu, Strange looked at the dilapidated streets and the gray sky in front of him and for a moment doubted whether his trip was worth it.

But at this time, Strange has already tried all the methods, and it is Strange's only chance to find the holy mountain Kama Taj right now.

So for the next few days, Strange walked aimlessly and alone on the streets of Kathmandu, asking everyone about Kama Taj's whereabouts.

But not surprisingly, after several days of inquiring, Strange did not find any whereabouts of Kama Taj.

Just when Strange fell into despair, he happened to see the notice board on the side of the street.

[Pilgrimage, Himalayan therapy, find inner peace and discover your true self. 】

Seeing this, Strange will also think of the pilgrimage that Jonathan said.

A smile appeared on the corner of Strange's mouth at this time, he knew that he had finally found the right place, and then Strange, who had always been advocating science, packed his bags and began to follow the pilgrimage troops in front of him. pilgrimage.

But at a place where Strange didn't notice, a figure who hid himself under the black cloak quietly stared at Strange.

This figure also followed Strange all the time, observing his every move.

But at this moment, Strange was also focusing on his pilgrimage. Looking at the rows of chimes along the road, Strange couldn't help stretching out his hands to touch them.

Immediately, the chime bells made crisp and melodious sounds in the breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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