The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 43 The Viciousness of the Nine-Headed Snake

Chapter 43 The Viciousness of the Hydra
After the arrival of Hydra's reinforcements, the situation on the battlefield quickly reversed.

Although Nick Fury mobilized almost all the manpower to protect the icebreaker, there were too many Hydras. The semi-surrounding protection circle was constantly shrinking under the fire attack of the Hydra army, and finally reached the point where it was impossible to retreat. the point of retreat.

Nick Fury was already charging ahead with a machine gun, pushing back a small group of Hydra soldiers who had burst in through the flank gap.

"Director, there are too many of them!" Hill's voice came through the pager.

She was flying a Quinjet against five Hydra planes trailing behind her.She wanted to come over to support the ground, but the enemy plane behind her bit her too hard.I had no choice but to give up.

"Director, the situation is not good..." Natasha's voice also sounded. She took a sniper rifle and killed all the heavy gunners of the Hydra soldiers on the opposite side.

Under the influence of this action, the gunshot wound on her chest began to ooze blood again.

"Director, we seem to have had some accidents..." Hawkeye's voice suddenly sounded.He flew a Quinjet fighter jet and flipped a dangerous circle in the air, throwing off the two missiles that exploded behind him.

Hawkeye's voice sounded a little confused: "From the southwest, someone is flying here, Director, there are a lot of them!"

But Nick Fury can't take care of that much anymore, and now he has no time to take care of him.Nick Fury switches to the Icebreaker channel.

"Icebreaker 4, haven't you found Steve yet?" Nick Fury said very solemnly. He knew that he couldn't last long on his own.

"Director, we are doing our best!" The staff on the icebreaker replied, and at this moment, an excited voice rang out on the icebreaker: "We found it! Director! We found the captain!"

"Are you sure?" Nick fired the clip in his hand quickly, and he confirmed.

"It's true! Director, we found Captain Steve!" The voice of the staff on the icebreaker was extremely excited: "He's still alive, Director!"he is alive!It's just frozen now, but it still has the characteristics of a living body! '

In the Marvel world, Captain America Steve is the idol of many Americans. His glorious deeds of breaking into the enemy and rescuing his companions by himself are well known to many Americans.

Coupled with the deliberate guidance of the US military back then, Steve has almost become a symbol of the American spirit.In that difficult year with frequent wars, this idol supported one after another ordinary American people to regain their confidence in life.

Therefore, after the staff on the icebreaker found the surviving American team, they were all in a state of ecstasy.

Even to a certain extent, the group of personnel who salvaged the US team that Howard Stark stayed here back then insisted on staying in this difficult place relying on this belief.

Nick Fury finally feels like he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Originally, this action he took without telling the top of S.H.I.E.L.D. put him under a lot of pressure.If Steve has not been found in this operation, then he may face the risk of being dismissed by the top executives of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury shouted to the agents around him: "Hold on a little longer, we have found the captain!"

After speaking, he left here and rushed to the No. 4 icebreaker.

When the surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D. agents heard the news, they were also refreshed, and their morale, which had been somewhat sluggish, was boosted again. They quickly filled the gap left by Director Fury after he left.

Nick Fury came to the top of the No. 4 icebreaker. Now, there are many people here, all of whom are on board.

They surrounded an area in the middle, manipulating something with instruments in their hands.Nick Fury walked past them, came to the very middle, and saw a large block of ice placed on the ground at a glance.

Inside, the superhero of World War II, Captain America Steve, is frozen inside, his eyes are tightly closed, which symbolizes that he is holding his shield in his hand.

Nick Fury had a tense face, but when he saw Steve, he suddenly couldn't help laughing.

This guy can really sleep, he can't sleep for 70 years!
But I finally lived up to Howard Stark's expectations, and finally got the US team back!

"Notify everyone, notify everyone! Prepare to retreat, prepare to retreat! We found Steve, and he is still alive!" Nick Fury issued an order to everyone through the public channel of the pager.

But what made him a little strange was, why didn't anyone seem to respond to him?
At the same time, the door of No. 4 icebreaker was forcibly destroyed and opened from the outside.

A group of Hydra soldiers armed with guns broke in. They aimed their guns at the staff inside and shouted: "Everyone, lie on the ground! Put down your weapons!"

After saying this, the soldiers behind him fired a few shots at the ceiling in demonstration.

Nick Fury's face suddenly became gloomy and terrifying, how did they break through?Could it be that all the subordinates he brought have been dealt with?
In the control room, the staff on these ships screamed.They are not agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., how dare they violate the deterrence of these soldiers, let alone resist.

All the staff hugged their heads in panic and squatted to the ground.

Nick Fury would not give up on this, he calmly took out a pocket pistol from his pocket, and prepared to kill the intruding Hydra soldiers, and then see if he could take this piece of ice to seal the beauty Team up with big ice cubes to leave.

However, more and more Hydra soldiers pouring in from outside the door made him a little desperate.

There are too many Hydra soldiers, and he has no superpowers. How can he break out of the siege of so many people with his mortal body.What's more, I still have to carry such a large piece of ice, and I can't move it just because of the weight.

"Director, put down your weapons!" A Hydra leader who was coming towards him walked towards Nick Fury. He seemed to recognize Director Fury, so the surrounding Hydra soldiers aimed their guns Nick Fury.

Nick Fury sighed and could only put down the pistol.There are too many people on the opposite side, and I have no chance of winning at all.

At this moment, a cylindrical object was suddenly thrown in from outside the door.

The moment he saw this thing, Nick Fury closed his eyes tightly subconsciously.

Afterwards, a burst of violent light emanated from the top of the cylindrical object.The control room was as bright as daylight, and the irritating people couldn't open their eyes.

I only heard someone yelling "Be careful, it's a flash bomb!"

(End of this chapter)

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