Chapter 42
"..." Nick Fury's breathing became tight.

He has always been a calm person, so he suppressed his emotions and communicated with the staff of the icebreaker in a calm voice: "What's going on?"

"Director, we have detected a special object under the ice layer..." The staff on the ship replied hurriedly. Listening to the noise in the pager, the staff on the icebreaker are very excited now.


"It's like this. The detector on our icebreaker emits high-frequency longitudinal waves, but in the current area, there is a small area where part of the emitted high-frequency waves is absorbed."

The staff members were pressing some buttons, as if they were adjusting the detection direction of the detector.

"The absorbed range should be a circle..."

The shield that Howard Stark built for the US team was made of vibration gold, which can absorb vibration energy to a certain extent.The detector of the icebreaker also takes this into consideration, and uses high-frequency longitudinal waves for detection.

And back then, when the US team was fighting the enemy, the shield was almost never out of the body.

this means……

They really might have found Captain America Steve!
Nick immediately issued an order: "Everyone gather immediately and find out if there is Steve there!"

All the icebreakers began to reverse their direction and gathered in the area where the signal appeared.Several high-power detectors were also aimed at that area.

Everyone became excited.

Nick Fury took a deep breath and prepared to walk there.

But then, a sound from far away in the sky made his heart sink suddenly.

The roar came from far and near, and Nick knew the source of the sound without looking back.

This is the noise produced when a large transport plane is flying. Listen to the sound, and there should be the sound of fighter jets swooping around.

Here comes the army of Hydra.

Nick Fury's face instantly became ugly.

"Director, what should we do?" Hawkeye also finished packing up the remaining Hydra soldiers and rushed back.

Hawkeye's eyesight is very good. From such a long distance, he can clearly see the large group of planes flying from the sky. After careful inspection, there are at least twenty of these planes.That doesn't include any planes that might come later.

"Patton, you go to fly the Quinjet fighter jets that came over when we came, and try to delay the landing time of these Hydra planes." In a flash of mind, Nick Fury made a decision and ordered Hawkeye.

"Understood." Hawkeye quickly turned and headed towards the three Quinjet fighter jets parked around the temporary base.

"Hill, how is Natasha's injury?" Nick Fury knocked on the paging headset next to his ear, and asked Hill who was taking care of Natasha in the temporary base.

"The wound has been treated, but if you want to take out the bullet, you probably have to go back to the base." Hill replied.

"Hey, Natasha, you can't move..." Hill suddenly said hurriedly.Over there, Natasha's voice sounded: "Director, how long will it take for these people to land? I'll take someone to intercept them."

Obviously, Natasha has also heard the sound of the transport plane coming from a distance.

"Natasha, rest at ease!" Nick Fury rejected Natasha's request: "Hill, you also fly a plane and take off to intercept them."

"Yes!" Hill replied immediately, and then began to pack his equipment.

"Miss Natasha, you can stay here with peace of mind, you are injured, it is useless to play!" Before leaving, Hill held back Natasha who was about to get up.

"Forget it, Hill, you can't stop her." At this moment, Nick sighed and said through the pager.

"Natasha, you can provide fire support from a distance, but remember, don't force yourself." Nick Fury knew that Natasha was not the kind of person who could sit on the sidelines when a battle happened, even if she was injured. , she probably won't leave the battlefield either.

That being the case, simply let her move freely.

"Chief, you still understand me." Natasha smiled slightly, picked up a sniper rifle next to her, and walked towards the door.

After all, Natasha is a physically strengthened person. She was remodeled in the Red House in the Soviet Union and has strong physical strength.Therefore, even though there is still a bullet in her chest, she can still move with difficulty without losing her fighting power.

In a blink of an eye, two Quin-jet fighter jets took off to intercept the Hydra army coming from the sky.

Nick Fury commanded the icebreaker team on the ground and continued to gather in the direction of the signal.

We must quickly dig out Steve of the US team!


America, New York, an underground base somewhere.

The Hydra executives present at the scene finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the Hydra army displayed on the big screen.

"That's all right now, let's see how Nick will rob us!" Someone said with a smirk.

"Super soldiers, we are bound to win!" Someone cheered.

Pierce, holding a glass of light blue liquid drink in his hand, watched the Hydra army on the big screen, smiling without saying a word.He seemed to have foreseen the crushing scene of the Hydra army, and imagined the scene of Nick's failure in his mind.

He raised his glass and toasted Nick Fury on the screen from a distance, celebrating his upcoming victory.



Nick Fury has also sent his last remaining Quinjet fighter into the air to intercept the Hydra army.

However, there is a huge disparity in the number of the two sides, and the fighters sent by Hydra are not idlers, so the three Quinjet fighters are just a waste of time among so many planes, they can only serve as harassment, and they can't resist them at all. Can't make their progress.

The aerial torrent of these Hydra army has come to the sky over the Arctic Ocean unstoppably.Several transport planes had already landed, the hatches opened, and Hydra soldiers began to file out.

It is said that these strange-looking fighters are the remnants of the Hydra organization, and Dr. Zola developed them himself. Although they look strange in shape, their combat capabilities are quite good.

At this moment in the sky, behind every Quin-jet fighter, there are five Hydra fighters chasing and intercepting them.Hawkeye and others were just holding on with the plane, unable to provide fire support to the ground.

Nick Fury gathered the remaining men and formed a semi-surrounding protection circle in front of the icebreaker to resist the attack of the Hydra soldiers coming out of the transport plane.

On the other side, the icebreakers were struggling to dig into the ice below, toward the depth the signal came from.

(End of this chapter)

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