Descendants of the Heavens: Uzumaki Naruto Ginseng

Chapter 162 Gaara's Happy Life

Chapter 162 Gaara's Happy Life

Dashewan's expression froze when his face became numb.

But soon a smile appeared on his face again.

"Well, it's your request after all.

It's just that itachi-kun may have to wait a few more days.

About my revenge. "

Orochimaru sighed slightly, but there was no frustration in his eyes.

After suddenly getting so many good things, Orochimaru has greater confidence in using these researches to strengthen himself and kill Itachi.

Even without Sharingan!

For example, there is a "Chakra Refining Technique" called the Heavenly Slaughter God Art, which can actually allow the soul to practice.

thereby strengthening the soul.

As long as the soul is strong to a certain extent, illusion is nothing.


The body transformation technique called Zombie made me extremely amazed.

Especially that existence named Runaway Gargantel, with that physique, is simply more terrifying than ten thousand snakes!
If you can integrate this knowledge?
Heh, that guy Itachi is nothing.

Just when Orochimaru looked confident, a delicate giggle sounded.

Orochimaru turned his eyes in confusion, and looked in the direction of the voice.

He couldn't move his head anymore.

"Miss Lilith, is there something wrong?"

Orochimaru's voice was a little puzzled, he didn't think that with the power of these advanced knowledge, he would not be able to defeat Itachi.

"No, not against Orochimaru-sama.

Rather, the Uchiha Itachi you mentioned seems to have been killed by the master. "

The puppet Lilith gently covered her small mouth and smiled coquettishly. Before that, she had not received an order from Mianma not to let Orochimaru know about these things.


it turns out!

Itachi guy...

Was it killed by Lord Shinra? "

Hearing such shocking news suddenly, Orochimaru was stunned for a while.

Then he turned his eyes to Mianma with disbelief.

For a moment, he couldn't believe that Uchiha Itachi, whom he regarded as his lifelong enemy, had been killed by the person in front of him.

"Of course, that guy named Uchiha Itachi is amazing.

If I hadn't helped Shinra, it wouldn't have been so easy to take him down. "

With a pockmarked face, Miss Lang said proudly, and then glanced provocatively at Little King Kong.

It made Little King Kong give her a hard look.

"You can't beat me!"

Little King Kong said, and the wolf girl was instantly furious.

"Okay, stop messing around.

Mr. Orochimaru must have not gone to the second floor of this base.

There's still something there. "

With a bit of headache, Mianma grabbed the little wolf girl on her head, and hugged her tightly in her arms.

Keep her from jumping on King Kong's face and scratching.

Then he said to Orochimaru.


That's right. "

Hearing the numbness of the face, Orochimaru reacted somewhat.

"Yes, although Itachi is powerful.

But compared to you, it is still far behind.

Also the owner of the Uchiha bloodline.

It is only natural to kill Uchiha Itachi who possessed such evil deeds. "

Soon, Orochimaru nodded thoughtfully, and he made up a lot in an instant.

"Then come with me.

Take a tour of another part of your future lab. "

Mian Ma didn't correct Da She Wan's brain supplement, and took the initiative to go to the second floor of the base.

Not going up, but going underground.

Lilith and the embarrassed Xiang Lin also quickly lifted the stretcher carrying Orochimaru, and followed Mianma away.

Entering the second floor, Orochimaru quickly snorted.

"I love Luo?

That's right, I remember that when Konoha's plan collapsed, it was Mr. Zabuchi of the Ye Organization who took him away. "

In front of the door on the second floor, Orochimaru saw a red-haired child with an indifferent expression.

The child has dark circles under his eyes and a red love letter tattooed on his forehead.

It is Gaara who has already been drawn out of the crane.

In other words, it is Gaara who has taken out most of Shuzuru's chakra.

At this moment, he is on the second floor of this base, looking at with relish the [Tianyue Divine Code] that was transcribed by Naruto based on the memories of monk Yue Zong that day and translated into Ninja characters.

In fact, other materials and exercises in this base were also quickly translated by Naruto using the shadow clone technique.

Otherwise, Orochimaru and the others would not understand it at all.

Compared with those incomplete exercises from A Chinese Ghost Story, which can only be practiced up to the fifth level, this is from the Tianyue Sect monk's divine tome, but it can be cultivated to the level of the seventh level [immortal god]!

In particular, the various spells in it have the power to move mountains and seas.

In fact, until now, Naruto has never seen a real seventh-order, even a sixth-order existence that exerts its power.

Although the little King Kong is powerful, it is only at the peak of the fifth order. With the help of the seven supernatural powers, it may be able to fortify the existence of the sixth order. .

And the sixth-order existence that Naruto has seen actually exists, that is, the old black mountain demon and the scorpion spirit.

That's right, so is the scorpion essence.

It's just that although that guy used to be a sixth-rank demon king, he had lost his cultivation base and even his courage during his nearly [-] years of repression.

The power that can be truly displayed does not even reach the fifth level.

The Tianyue God's Tome is of course powerful, but it's extremely difficult to cultivate, but I didn't expect Gaara to love this God's Tome so much.

Mian Ma didn't forbid these little guys from even looking at the things in the base at will.

After all, one person counts short, two counts long.

It doesn't hurt to let them take a look at these things that they don't understand for a while, or even try them.

Not to mention that with his own progress rate, these things may soon be eliminated.

Valuable, only the reference value is left.

Gaara didn't pay much attention to Gaara, and Gaara just respectfully saluted Gaara when they arrived.

Mian Ma and others came to the second floor of the base.

Although it seems that there is not much communication between Gaara and Mianma.

But only Gaara knows how grateful I am to Mianma and the others.

Although it is desolate here, there are few people.

Only that idiot Xianglin and Aunt Lilith are here all the time.

But Gaara did not see any discrimination in the eyes of the two.

On the contrary, Xianglin's friendliness to herself and Aunt Lilith's meticulous care made her enjoy and be greedy.

I don't even want to lose.

As for living in the building next to the base, Lord Beast Luo and his subordinate Sister Bai who come here occasionally.

Although Lord Beast looked down on him a little, he didn't have the fear and loathing that he often saw in Sand Ninja Village in his eyes.

Sister Bai also often cares about herself, and occasionally brings herself some small gifts every time she comes.

As for Master Shinra, he took out most of the power from the monster in his body.

Make that guy, now he has no power to influence himself.

This makes Gaara, who has been tortured by Shukaku for more than ten years, very grateful.

Also, Master Lang Luo is also very cute.

The little guy who just joined the night organization, Little King Kong, is a bit stinky.

In other words, Little King Kong can join the night organization even at such a young age.

I don't know if Master Shinra is willing to let himself join the night organization.

Gaara has longing for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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