Descendants of the Heavens: Uzumaki Naruto Ginseng

Chapter 161 Shinra Is The Strongest Ninja World

Chapter 161 Shinra Is The Strongest Ninja World

"Didn't that guy come after him?"

In the dark night, Jilai who left with Naruto also looked back and said out of breath.

It's not tiring, but the pressure brought by Shinra is too much.

"not at all,

Come to think of it, this is the pride of being a strong man. "

Tsunade shook his head and said.

In the dark night behind him, there was darkness, like a big mouth that swallowed everything.

But there was no face numb.

"What a horrible man!

Even the two of the three ninjas, together with the brats like Naruto, wanted to flee.

It was just too scary. "

Jing Yin, who followed Naruto and the other three, was full of fear in his eyes.

However, this fear soon became filled with excitement and longing, "However, that guy Shinra should be very handsome under the mask.

such a man.

Just standing there is as dazzling as a firefly in the dark night. "

"I will defeat him.

If not for one year, then for two years.

If two years is not enough, it will be three years.

Shinra, my lifelong enemy! "

Naruto's voice was full of perseverance and self-confidence, but it made the three of Jiraiya more sure of Shinra's strength.

After all, they both know how arrogant Naruto is.

The man he regards as his lifelong enemy is probably the strongest in the ninja world!
"Let's go, Naruto, Tsunade.

Let's go back to Konoha after dawn, the current ninja world is not peaceful.

Konoha urgently needs a guy who can take on the heavy responsibility of Hokage. "

Jilai also greeted Tsunade and Naruto, planning to go back to Konoha after dawn.

"Also, Naruto, after returning to Konoha, follow me to a place.

There, there will be practice that will make you stronger.

Maybe after learning that, you might be able to defeat Shinra. "

Jiraiya's tone suddenly became extremely dignified.


Contrary to Jirai's expectation, Naruto didn't yell and ask where he was like before.

Instead, he hummed calmly.

This made Zilai a little surprised.

It was this kid who didn't believe in himself at all, and felt that it was impossible for him to find a place for Naruto to become stronger.

Or this brat is still thinking about that Shinra in his heart.

Or both.

After all, perhaps in Naruto's own view, he has already surpassed himself, the so-called immortal, so naturally he will not be much moved by what he said.

Coupled with the impact of Shinra, Naruto's "enemy for life", it is normal for Naruto to react flatly.

This made Jilai feel a little bit of a taste, and made up his mind to give Naruto a big surprise.

In fact, Naruto was a little bit happy in his heart. After all, he also guessed that the place Jiraiya mentioned should be Mt. Miaogi, the hometown of Toad Bunta.

Immortal art is also very attractive to him, especially after Naruto has obtained a lot of cultivation skills.

The reason why Naruto's reaction was so flat was because the system's notification sound had already sounded.

A new world has emerged.

However, because the soul of Mianma is about to mature, Naruto plans to get rid of the one in the body with Mianma first, and then go to the new world after gaining stronger power.

After all, every point I get stronger, the more things I can do in the new world.

It wouldn't be the same as in A Chinese Ghost Story, when facing the old monster of Montenegro, he could only smash the portal through which he descended.

If he was strong enough, he could even directly enter the underworld at that time.

When the time comes to face the infinite ghosts and gods, greedy wolves will swallow, and maybe I will soon have the sixth level.

"Tch, I know.

I will do it. "

Unlike Naruto's plainness, Tsunade rolled his eyes, but his mood was inexplicably relaxed.

What she experienced tonight was more exciting than everything that happened in the past ten years after she left Konoha.


You clearly promised me that you want me to be Hokage.

Bad old lady! "

Putting aside the matter of the new world for the time being, Naruto started yelling at this time, and was knocked down by Tsunade with a fist.

At this time, in order to ease the atmosphere, he did not hide.


Come on, after you defeat Shinra, I will give you the position of Hokage. "

Finding that Naruto didn't resist his fist, Tsunade was surprised, but a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

Soon, she made a big promise to Naruto.


Naruto's tone was a little surprised.


Tsunade smiled, and the beauty was like a flower, which made even Naruto stunned.

"Ah bah bah bah...

This is an old woman in her 50s. "

Naruto quickly recited Amitabha.

What a broad mind, a delicate face, and a perfect figure.

Just think about Tsunade's age, Naruto is...

Still a shameful halberd.


Monthly reading the world, night organization base.

Mian Ma slowly walked into it with Little King Kong and Little Sister Wolf.

Behind them, a silver-haired young man with glasses also had a wry smile on his face, but with curiosity, he observed the world.

"I didn't expect that there are so many advanced technologies in Your Excellency Shinra's base.

Come to think of it, if I integrate these technologies, maybe I can make a more perfect container than Sasuke-kun.

Moreover, exercises?
Strange chakra refining technique!
Or the practice method of heterogeneous energy seems to be superior to Chakra.

However, this knowledge still needs a deeper understanding in order to make a more authoritative statement.

However, this is for the future.

Now my container can no longer support it.

Before that, I hope His Excellency Shinra will allow Yinnin Village to join the night organization.

Not surprisingly, Uchiha Sasuke should be sent back to Otonin Village by my subordinates soon.

At that time, I need to occupy that container first. "

In the base, Dashewan was not surprised to see Yao Shidou being brought in by Mianma and others, instead he said directly to Mianma.

In his eyes, at this moment, it is full of surprise and exploration.

The technical data stored here by Mianma opened the door to a new world for Dashewan.

"After I make a powerful container, I will cooperate with Sasuke-kun's Sharingan.

Hey, when the time comes, maybe Weasel-kun will be found, and the shame will be over. "

Although Orochimaru is paralyzed there, he still thinks beautifully.


Has your subordinate already gone to pick up that kid Sasuke?
But that kid's potential is also what I value.

It's nothing to bring him to the night organization.

But, when the time comes, try your best to teach him.

Your container needs to be researched by yourself, it is just Sharingan, it is nothing compared to my research materials here. "

Mianma looked at Dashewan and shook his head indifferently.

Although he didn't have much affection for his genetic parents, he even looked down on Sasuke, who was addicted to cooking.

But Sasuke is the main body's little partner after all, so he won't let Orochimaru occupy him.

What's more, Sasuke is the reincarnation of Indra and the son of the Sage of the Six Paths.

Orochimaru hastily occupied his body, and it might be whoever was killed in the end.

The Orochimaru just subdued was killed, and the Ma Ke was really numb.

(End of this chapter)

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