Soul echo

Chapter 89 [Connection]

Chapter 89 [Connection]

"Huh? What about attributes?"

Holding the straight knife in his hand, Zhong Ye stared at it for a moment, but he still didn't see a panel jumping out of his eyes, so he couldn't help but look up at the night sky, "Could it be another bug?"

He and Lilian had left Vitus and set off on the journey again.

If he was still in Vitus, he wouldn't dare to be so obvious.

[It’s not a bug, no one has told you the relevant information of this knife, so in theory, you can’t know the attributes and information of this knife, you have to find someone to identify it]

"Really?" Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows, "Then can you help me?"

As soon as this remark came out, the 'person' on the opposite side of the screen stopped talking.

Smiling and shaking his head, Zhong Ye fell backwards and lay on the ground.

The nights in the wild are cold, so in a clearing not far away, a fire burns quietly, giving off heat.

The pack horse no longer shivered, and Zhong Ye felt the warmth.

Although he doesn't need to be afraid of the cold with his current physique, the cold will always make him feel a little uncomfortable.

The two of them sat around the fire, and although the surrounding forest was quiet, it still made people feel a little bit at ease and warm.

【...By the way, remember to test that new function. Although the sky gods can still withstand it for the time being, not every player is as good at playing as you. We have to train them in advance】

Looking at the subtitles that appeared in front of his eyes, Zhong Ye blinked, "That is to say, you want more players to join "Echo of Soul" now?"

[Yes, the earlier the better, the more the better]

"How are the promotional animations and setting collections doing? Is there any guide for beginners?"

[...Although this is a game for players on Earth, for you and me, this is reality. You should know how much energy and financial resources we have spent just building the Adventurer's House]

The subtitles paused, and then continued to pop up: [However, the promotional animation is ready, and it should be released when you reach the next town, just to test the network connection]

[It's getting late, you should go to bed earlier, don't forget to help us test]

After the subtitles, no matter how Zhong Ye called, he didn't get any response.

Looks like it's really gone...

Looking at the starry night sky like the Milky Way, Zhong Ye sighed.

I used to be the internal tester of "Echo of Soul", and now I am the tester of the new system. Is it true that I can't escape this responsibility?
I don't know what's going on, but recently he seems to have become a non-staff member of the game production team of the gods, and he is still unpaid-until now, Mother Earth still owes him his rewards!
Could it be that the game production team of the gods deliberately dragged him from the earth to find a tool man?

After being free, Zhong Ye couldn't help thinking about it.

Before, he wanted to ask the gods why he traveled here, but now the gods have seen it and asked the question, but he didn't expect that the god he asked was not in charge of this matter...

Why did he cross over in the first place?

Lilian was sitting under the tree, holding a compass in one hand and a map in the other. Despite Zhong Ye's explanation, she was still dizzy and couldn't tell the difference.

The compass system of Dan World is somewhat different from the simple and convenient modern compass. The various scales on it combined with different tools seem to have other functions, but the dial of the compass has become messy because of this, and it is really difficult to use it to distinguish the direction.

Coupled with the problem of the scale of the map, "map recognition and positioning" has become a rare skill in this era, which cannot be mastered by ordinary people at all, and only experienced travelers can learn it.

Even Zhong Ye, if he hadn't bought a map with a relatively normal scale from the demon hunter, he might have lost his way a long time ago.

These skills are essential to becoming a full-fledged adventurer.

Zhong Ye didn't know if "Echo of Soul" planned to have a map system, at least the version he saw so far didn't exist.

The rest time passed quickly, they packed their bags and set off again.

The two of them walked together in the woods, and the dead branches and fallen leaves were trampled under their feet, making a crunching sound.

Many insects and small animals hiding under the fallen leaves were startled by these sounds, and ran to the distance.

A few squirrels stood on the branches, raised their noses a few times, and stared curiously at the pack horse passing under the tree.

Zhong Ye also found these cute little things, reached into his backpack, took out a piece of bread, broke it and gave it to them.

To Lilian's surprise, those squirrels did not run away, but lined up to take the bread from Zhong Ye, without even fighting.

It made her heart itch, but just as she stretched out her hand, all the squirrels standing on the tree ran away.

After thinking about it carefully, Lilian suddenly found that Zhong Ye seems to get along with all animals, not only those that run on the ground, those that slip through the trees, but even those that fly in the sky are willing to get close to him.

On the road, she saw birds flying and landing on him more than once.

I heard that among Chinese martial arts practitioners, there is a saying that 'man and nature are one'. Has Zhong Ye reached this 'state'?Can she be like Zhong Ye in the future?
While Lilian was thinking wildly, they walked out of the forest, and numerous horseshoe prints and ruts appeared in front of them.

These traces extend to both sides, one end goes deep into the forest, and the other end leads to the city.

Zhong Ye had already determined the direction he wanted to go, and walked along the hoof prints and ruts without stopping.

The field of vision gradually became wider, the bushes gradually thinned out, and the city grew out of the horizon. As they approached, the city walls slowly extended to both sides.

That is a place of rest during their journey, called 'Hot Spring'.

The hot spring city can be regarded as a 'big city', named after the many hot springs around it, and it is an independent city-state without a lord, and everything is governed by the citizens, so that it has become the essence of a nearby area and even Etrull A tourist attraction for the nobles of the district.

Similar independent city-states are rare in Yitrul. After the turbulent period more than 1000 years ago, after the domestic warlords were separated, the kingdom still mainly practiced feudalism.

The hot spring city is surrounded by mountains, but the roads are smooth, so that many people leave the city every day, and many people arrive in the city, which can be called a transportation hub.

Not long after Zhong Ye and the others saw the city, a huge team appeared in front of them.

It was a caravan, and the wagons were so well covered that it was impossible to see what was inside.

Caravans of this size can be seen everywhere in Hot Spring City, but they are not rare, because this is an independent city-state, and many mages like to settle here.

Here, they can communicate with each other, learn from each other, and if they have a good friendship, they may even invite each other to help them conduct magic experiments.

Because of the large floating population and the number of adventurers, there is naturally an adventurer's home in this city.

Zhong Ye and Lilian bypassed the caravan and entered the city ahead of them.

To Lilian's surprise, the streets of this city were unexpectedly clean. The roads were covered with a layer of cement, and it seemed that someone cleaned them every day.

Not only that, but the streets of Hot Spring City are quite wide, and pedestrians and horses and carriages walking on the road together do not appear crowded.

Zhong Ye asked passers-by about the location of the Adventurer's House, and then led Lilian towards that direction.

Lilian rode on the horse, looked left and right, and saw shops with open doors on both sides of the street, tailor shops, blacksmith shops, carpentry workshops, and even watch shops and gem shops.

Such a city can already be called "modern" except that the streets are still driven by horse-drawn carriages and there are no street lights.

If nothing else, there may be 'factories' outside the city.

Mages, which are usually difficult to see in other cities, can also be seen in Hot Spring City, but those mages rarely go to the streets, and usually send their apprentices to buy and sell items.

The Adventurer's House in Hot Spring City is located in the west of the city. It is a large house with a large area.

When Zhong Ye stepped into the gate, a line of subtitles appeared in front of his eyes:
【Dear player, welcome to the Adventurer's Home. I have searched for a network connection. Do you want to log in to the game forum with your existing account? 】

(End of this chapter)

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