Soul echo

Chapter 88 'Blue Bird'

Chapter 88 'Blue Bird'

It felt... as if it had passed through a membrane.

The darkness passed by Zhong Ye, his eyes blurred, and a fire suddenly lit up in front of him.


A wind lantern hangs from the top of the huge treasure house, and transparent grooves are inlaid on the surrounding walls, and an unknown liquid emitting fluorescence flows in the grooves. The old giant presses a mechanism next to the door, and the entire treasure house lights are on.

"...Are you from the East?" The old giant asked suddenly.

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows and looked up at the old giant—is he speaking Eastern dialect?

Although it is a bit jerky, it is indeed an Eastern dialect.

According to the linguists among the internal test players, there are many similarities between Dongtu language and ancient Chinese. Even people who grew up in a modern Chinese environment may be able to understand it if they think hard and even guess. understand a few words.

But as a player, Zhong Ye doesn't need to learn it, the system can automatically translate for him.

"I'm from Dongtu." Zhong Ye nodded.

"Has the route between Eastland and Westland been opened?" The old giant quietly clenched his cane, "There is no need to pass through the route from the elves."

Zhong Ye thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "... probably not."

"Not yet..."

The old giant sighed in disappointment, then raised his finger forward, pointing to the counter placed in this huge underground space.

"Although I know that Qu Na must have set a lot of restrictions on himself, but as a 'non-legendary', you are strong enough to win the respect of all Vitus giants. According to the rules, you can start from Take a treasure from our treasury.

"I remind you in advance that the things placed here are either difficult for us to meet the conditions of use, or cursed items with huge side effects, and some are simply souvenirs. Once selected, they will not be returned or exchanged."

——Things that are useful will definitely be used, which idiot would put that kind of thing in the treasury for nothing?

But for humans, things that don't meet the conditions for giants to use may just fit them.

Not every giant can learn 'transfiguration', even if it's just the simplest 'body scaling', there are no more than [-] people in Vitus who can learn it.

It is impossible to have particularly powerful items without side effects in the treasury. Even if there are side effects, as long as the effect is strong, the giants will do everything possible to meet the conditions for use.

In other words, the treasure house is indeed a treasure house, but the treasures inside are not the most precious items in the hands of the Vitus giants. Even if these 'treasures' are picked away, they will not feel distressed.

Zhong Ye walked among the thousands of counters, browsing the items placed on them.

As he had thought before, these items were not considered precious—even though he himself did not have the 'wisdom eye', nor did he have enough knowledge to distinguish whether these items were precious or not.

However, he could see the 'ordinary' of these objects.

Whether it's armor, weapons, or props, he doesn't see the same spirituality as 'moonlight' from them.

They may be extraordinary items, but they are not the kind Zhong Ye wants.

——After all, he has no vision, what if he sees something wrong?
His eyes flicked across the items, and suddenly, Zhong Ye stopped in front of a counter, staring straight at the straight knife placed on the shelf.

The total length is about six to seventy centimeters, and half of the hilt is submerged in the sheath. Although the blade is hidden in the sheath, Zhong Ye can feel its 'sharpness' just by looking at it.

As if he couldn't help himself, Zhong Ye stretched out his hand and took the straight knife off the shelf.

Pressing the handle of the knife, tightening five fingers, pulled the straight knife out of the sheath.

——A chirping like a bird resounded in this empty underground space!

The old giant looked away in surprise, saw the object in Zhong Ye's hand through the flickering firelight, frowned slightly, and walked over.

The blade is shiny, reflecting the lingering light under the lamplight.

Pulling out the straight knife from its sheath, Zhong Ye carefully looked at the knife in his hand, and then found that the blade had a slight inner arc, like a Tang knife.

He pushed the knife back into its sheath and tried it on his waist, feeling the weight and feel of the knife.

"It's called 'Blue Bird.'"

The old giant walked behind Zhong Ye and looked at the straight knife in his hand with a complicated expression.

Looking at the old giant's expression, Zhong Ye knew that there should be a story behind this knife - after all, this knife is Dongtu's style!

"I don't know if you've heard of such a poem: hand-rolled pearls and jade hooks, according to the former spring and hate to lock the heavy building..." The old giant read the first half of the poem in jerky Eastern dialect, and then his head stuck, and he couldn't think of anything. Sorry for the following sentence.

"—Blue birds don't send messages outside the clouds, but lilacs are empty and sad in the rain." Zhong Ye continued the following verse.

"Yes, this is it!"

The old giant's eyes lit up, and then he looked at the straight knife in Zhong Ye's hand, and couldn't help sighing: "This was made by one of our ancestors after the road between the East and the West was cut off. I hope that one day, we can bring Let it go back to the east, and take a look at the hometown again, it's just..."

Needless to say, Zhong Ye understood what happened next.

To this day, the connection between Dongtu and Xilu is still disconnected.

If you want to go from the east land to the west land, or from the west land to the east land, you can only pass through the kingdom of elves, or travel across the ocean.

However, the elves don't like humans setting foot on their territory. There are many dangers in the ocean, and only the "legendary ship" can cross it.

If the road is opened up, people can go back and forth between the east land and the west land normally, the giants of Vitus may go to travel, but in this situation, they obviously cannot go to the east land.

After listening to the story told by the old giant, Zhong Ye looked down at the straight knife in his hand.

"...can I choose this one?"

The old giant was stunned, he never expected that Zhong Ye would say such a thing.

Shouldn't the average person put that knife back after hearing these words?

Zhong Ye clenched the straight knife tightly, "I like this knife very much, and one day, I will return to Dongtu. I have been looking for a way to return to Dongtu. If I can't find it, I will try to travel through it." The kingdom of elves."

Even though his tone was flat, the old giant could still hear the seriousness and determination in Zhong Ye's words.

The old giant frowned, thinking about it.

After a long time, he nodded, "If you insist on choosing, you can, but you have to promise me one condition - you must bring it back to Dongtu! No matter how good it is!"

The old giant's face was serious, his eyes fixed on Zhong Ye, looked into his eyes, and waited for him to speak.


To his satisfaction, Zhong Ye did not hesitate at all.

Now that the item has been selected, Zhong Ye has no reason to stay here, and holding the straight knife, he followed the old giant out of Vitus' treasure house.

Before leaving the treasure house, the old giant pressed the mechanism again to turn off all the lights in the treasure house, and then walked out.

Before Zhong Ye and the others were about to leave the ground, the old giant suddenly stopped Zhong Ye.

"Before you said you 'loved it', can I ask why?"

Hearing this, Zhong Ye looked down at the straight knife, pursed his lips and smiled, "Because I also have a knife like this, but I kept it at home. It's called 'Dream in the Pool', and its name comes from 'I don't know the sky after I'm drunk'." In the water, the boat is full of clear dreams pressing the galaxy'. Seeing the 'blue bird', I seem to see a 'dream in the pool', as if I saw my hometown..."

——Is there such a poem in this world?
When Zhong Ye read the poem, the audience in the live broadcast room began to popularize the full text, author and meaning of the poem.

Looking at those bullet screens, Lilian couldn't help but such an absurd idea popped up in her mind.

But soon, she shook her head and put that ridiculous thought behind her.

A considerable part of the designers of "Echo of Soul" are Chinese, and it is normal for them to mix some private goods into the game.

The old giant was very satisfied with Zhong Ye's answer, and his slightly frowned brows relaxed.

Like their ancestor, Zhong Ye was a wanderer who longed to return to his hometown, but couldn't reach it.

He took the 'blue bird', nothing more normal!

In the eyes of the old giant, Zhong Ye gradually overlapped with his unknown ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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