Soul echo

Chapter 791 Birth!

Chapter 791 Birth!

Hearing the cheers from outside the mansion, the chairman with bloodshot eyes raised his head and looked in the direction of the gate.

"what happened……"

After a quarrel just now, the congressmen who didn't want to talk to anyone also cast their eyes, silent, waiting for an answer.

The speaker called a servant and asked him to see what was happening outside and why the demonstrators suddenly cheered.

The servant went, came back ten minutes later, and told the Speaker the most dire news.

——The demonstrators are cheering because the group of congressmen who sneaked out before bowed their heads to them!
"How dare dare they?!"

The speaker jumped in anger, picked up the porcelain bottle placed next to him and threw it to the ground, roaring hysterically.

What happened?Why did those guys suddenly betray them?This kind of thing shouldn't have happened, but it just happened, so what's going on?

"...They may have been bewitched." Someone suddenly said in a low voice, "Someone gave them a higher bet than us, so they fell to that side..."

So, who exactly is 'that person'?
"Probably Dennis!"

When the councilors became aware of this possibility, they realized that there was only one person who was different from them and who had been on the opposite side of them in this matter.

"Dennis must have bewitched them! It's even possible that Dennis was behind the scene to direct the whole incident!"

"Is it Dennis who is behind the scenes..." the speaker muttered to himself, his expression uncertain.

No matter whether Dennis is the real behind-the-scenes manipulator or not, by now, he has to become the behind-the-scenes manipulator, and only in this way can their interest group be united again.

So, the speaker took a deep breath and said, "Now there is only one possibility - Dennis is behind the scenes!

"It was he who dominated all of this, shutting down our factories, making us unable to make more money, and possibly making us lose the market!"

As soon as the speaker's voice fell, the congressmen who had had a big fight just now agreed with each other.

"Yes, it's all Dennis' fault!"

"I used to think that Dennis was weird, no wonder he had been speaking for those untouchables before, it turned out that he had planned this for a long time!"

"He definitely wants to invade our channels and markets, and take the opportunity to grow himself!"

The MPs were outraged, as if they had confirmed that Dennis was behind all this.

The speaker glanced at their faces. Of course, he knew that these people would not take his words seriously, and really believed that Dennis was the real mastermind behind the scenes, but now they needed an enemy, a target to attract firepower, and Dennis was the target.

The reason why Dennis is hostile by people can't be blamed on others at all, only himself can be blamed. Who made him always speak for those untouchables?

【Cough! 】

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded outside the mansion.

The voice coughed softly, as if testing the volume.

[Sir Speaker, I am Dennis. 】

All the congressmen present looked up and glared, and some couldn't help but clenched their fists.

Sure enough... the person who directed all of this behind the scenes was indeed Dennis!

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to appear at this time and intend to speak to them.

The speaker sneered, he wanted to hear what the biggest traitor, Dennis, wanted to say.

[I am here to talk to you this time to advise you that what you are doing is undoubtedly killing people slowly. Although everything you do is in line with the laws of Venice, there is no law in the world that is perfect Yes, the law of Venice is the same. 】

[This time, you really did something wrong, causing many people to die, and harming the sanitation of Venice. To you, all of this may not matter. After all, you are short-sighted and can only see what is in front of you , and as long as you have money, you can move to other places to live, so you don't care about the changes in Venice's environment. 】

[After this protest demonstration, I think you should have heard the voice of the people. As members of the parliament, as the rulers of Venice, we should have awakened, so I hope you can start with compensating for workers’ compensation, and do well. Govern Venice. 】

Hearing this, the speaker's expression completely changed - from dismissive to terrified, it only took three sentences.

"Dennis, he is..." The faces of other congressmen were also full of disbelief.

There is no doubt that Dennis is 'forcing', forcing the Speaker to answer!

He was channeling the anger of the crowd, the anger of the people towards the speaker.

"Sir Speaker..." The dumbfounded councilor turned his head to look at the speaker, and after seeing the speaker's gloomy expression that seemed to drip water, he closed his mouth again.


The speaker roared and kicked over the low table in front of him.

What should we do at this time?Do you want to answer?Do you want to bow your head?Or is it like before, doing nothing, saying nothing, quietly waiting for things to pass?

The speaker grinned and gnashed his teeth, his canthus was about to split open, and every strand of blood in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Dennis, Dennis, Dennis, Dennis..."

A deep voice gushed out of the speaker's throat, like a vicious curse, just listening to it made the members feel cold all over.

[Sir Speaker, don't you plan to answer yet? 】

Dennis' voice sounded again: [As the speaker of the Venice Parliament, you must be responsible for today's events, and you should answer immediately, otherwise, as a representative of the Venice Council, your actions will discredit the Venice Council. 】

"...Ah!!!" The speaker roared like a beast's roar again.

At this time, even the dullest person can see that something is wrong with the speaker.

——When he is angry, his size seems to grow, and his muscles continue to expand amidst the roar.

Originally, the speaker's body was skinny, and he looked as funny as a monkey in human clothes in a fancy dress, but now the speaker's muscles swelled, and he was able to hold up the clothes.

Bang, bang, bang...

The hearts of the congressmen beat faster, and their mouths couldn't help being dry.

A councilor couldn't bear the tremendous pressure, and he was quick to think, and said: "Mr. Speaker, I, I think, I can go and confront Dennis on your behalf..."

The speaker turned his gaze across, and his eyes suddenly became fierce, "You want to betray me too, right? You want to escape too, right?"

The congressman shook his head and shook his head hastily, "No, no, no, I didn't want to escape, I just, just... Now I need someone to go out and talk to Dennis, otherwise, Dennis will say even more outrageous things."

But at this moment, there was another sound wave outside——


"—step down!"


"—Get off the stage!!"


"—Get off the stage!!!"

Accompanied by strong anger, the sound waves poured into the mansion, pouring into everyone's ears.

"...a mere pariah."

Under the horrified gaze of the people, the corners of the speaker's mouth opened, and his face became plump again, but under the skin, there were muscles squirming, and then bone spurs grew, and his figure swelled again.

"A mere pariah—"

The speaker's voice became dull, and it was a little more noisy. To people's ears, it was like the roar of a wild beast.


A pair of wings tore through the top and stretched out.

"A mere pariah!!!"

A sound like a tsunami rushing out of the speaker's mouth, its roar shattered the glass windows, rushed out of the mansion, and rushed towards the demonstrators gathered around the mansion.

Hearing this roar, people's shouts stagnated for a moment, and then became more intense.

At this time, the priests in the crowd also sensed that something was wrong, and they pushed through the crowd one after another and walked to the front of the team.


However, the mansion exploded, and the ceiling flew into the sky.

A rain of blood suddenly fell, and a demon walked out from the ruins of the mansion, roaring towards the sky.

——The devil is born!
(End of this chapter)

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