Soul echo

Chapter 790 Meditation

Chapter 790 Meditation
Not all congressmen are idiots. Many people have seen why the two traitors betrayed their group. However, they cannot do what the two traitors can do—at least not now.

Because they were bothered by the matter of the two traitors, the congressmen were unable to discuss an idea to solve this incident at night, and could only dissipate their anger.

Many people stayed up all night until the fourth day, but in the early morning of the fourth day, they heard the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami.

"Give me back the compensation! Give me back the low prices! Improve the drinking water environment!"

"Give me back the compensation! Give me back the low prices! Improve the drinking water environment!"

"Give me back the compensation! Give me back the low prices! Improve the drinking water environment!"

Venice has come to a standstill. After the two factory owners bowed their heads to the demonstrators, the citizens discovered that the protests were effective, and everything they did was not in vain!
Citizens who were already motivated connected with each other, spread the formulated slogans, and took to the streets to parade.

At this level, even gang members who had always been unscrupulous felt fearful, and some were even picked out by their family members and joined the demonstrations.

At this time, Lily and their mercenary group could no longer rely on their own strength to control the entire parade, but fortunately, Lily and the think tanks in the mercenary group realized this long ago, and explained it to the church, so they can see I noticed that there were quite a few clergymen in the parade procession.

Some of them are priests, some are paladins, and some members of the knight order. At this moment, they have become the protection force of the parade, and the insurance measures to ensure that the parade will not get out of control.

Once they found that the parade might get out of control, they would immediately launch a plan to force people to calm down.

The parade can only be a protest and demonstration team, and cannot be turned into a mob, otherwise the army will have the opportunity to intervene and shatter their entire plan.

Because nearly half of the city has become 'angry', the high-spirited congressmen in the past can only cover their heads and face, and act carefully so as not to be discovered by the emotional crowd.

After untold hardships, the congressmen finally gathered together again.

But they looked at each other, and they all saw the panic and bewilderment in Fu Fu's eyes. Even in the secret room, they felt as if the angry cries of the demonstrators were still echoing in their ears.

At the rally, some people tremblingly expressed their opinion: "Yes, or else, let's meet the demands of those untouchables. Anyway, it doesn't cost much..."

As soon as the words fell, another person slapped the table and refuted loudly: "No! If you promise once, then the next time the same thing happens, they will definitely persecute us like this time! If it happens every time, we Wouldn't he be their slave?"

Many people nodded in agreement, this is indeed a problem.

Human hearts are greedy and unsatisfactory, especially those untouchables. The untouchables are not only greedy but also very rude. If they back down this time, those untouchables will definitely try to get things from them again.

"Why don't we do nothing and just procrastinate like this?"

A congressman was suddenly excited, feeling that his ideas and minds were number one in the world.

"Anyway, those untouchables must still live. Like they are now, they are consuming their savings every day. In this case, as long as time drags on, some people will definitely leave. The longer the time drags on, the smaller their momentum will be. At that time, aren’t those untouchables still at our disposal?”

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately retorted: "Then what about our order? If the order cannot be completed, will you pay the liquidated damages?"

Someone next to him agreed: "It's nothing to lose an order or breach a contract. What's more important is the market and channels. If the market and channels are crowded by others, what's the point of suppressing those untouchables?"

Hearing this, the congressman who made the comment before opened his mouth, and then chose to close his mouth and stop talking.

Many members of parliament gathered in the secret room, constantly proposing and denying solutions to the matter. Everyone was overwhelmed, but they couldn't come up with a perfect solution to this matter.

Soon it was lunch time, and the congressmen felt hungry, so they left the secret room and went to the restaurant to eat.

The place where they meet now is the Speaker's house, with a dining room and dining table big enough for all of them to sit down.

No sooner had servants brought their lunch before them than they heard shouts from a distance.

The MPs looked at each other and said nothing.

However, those voices seemed to be approaching here, and the sound waves became louder and louder, like a strong wind, hitting the mansion.

The congressman who noticed this couldn't help frowning slightly, put down his knife and fork, and listened attentively. After a while, his face changed suddenly.

Those untouchables... are coming here?


Two councilors stood up almost at the same time. When they got up, they moved their chairs. The legs of the chairs rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound, and the eyes of others followed.

The speaker showed displeasure, put down the knife and fork, and asked in a deep voice: "Rep. Huerte, Rep. Gage, what do you want?"

Senator Hult was silent, and Senator Gage looked anxious, and said: "Mr Speaker, those untouchables seem to be walking towards us!"

"What?" The speaker turned pale with fright, no longer calm as before.

The other councilors also looked similar. Several councilors blinked and stood up abruptly.

"Master Speaker, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to do, so I will take my leave first!"

They did not listen to the chairman's obstruction, walked out of the restaurant without hesitation, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Many people secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suddenly absurd and flustered emotions appeared in their hearts, making them numb and weak in their hands and feet.

"Mr. Speaker, what should I, we do?" Councilor Gage wiped his cold sweat and stammered.

How do I know what to do?
The speaker's mouth opened slightly, and he really wanted to say this, but he found that he couldn't even say a word now.

Venice has been at peace for a long time, and the councilors in the city are not like the traditional nobles. The traditional nobles still need to suppress the revolting peasants and the robbers in their territories. Some of them are robbers themselves, so they never do things softly.

But what about the MPs in Venice?
They are all 'civilized people', and they never do things that cross the line. Even if they do, they order their subordinates to do it, and they never do it themselves.

The reason why members of parliament fight vigorously in the parliament is entirely because they know that they will not kill anyone, at most they will suffer a little injury.

Let them face the protesting crowd?
Not to mention confronting the demonstrators, they dare not even speak harshly in front of the demonstrators!
Seeing the cowardice of the speaker, several councilors made excuses to leave.

At this time, everyone noticed that the demonstrators were indeed getting closer and closer to where they were, and the sound waves came one after another.

The councilors finally felt the fear, and everyone fidgeted. Some people made excuses and wanted to leave, but just as they walked to the gate, they saw the demonstrators gathered outside the mansion through the crack of the door, and then walked back.

"Sir Speaker, what should we do?"

Hearing the inquiry, the speaker took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed down.

"...Don't panic, they dare not break in!"

The speaker seemed to be comforting others, as well as himself: "This is my home. If they dare to break in, they are trespassing and a crime! As long as we stay here and don't go out, they will disperse , yes, they will definitely disperse..."

As if confirming the speaker's words, the noise outside gradually subsided, and the speaker was overjoyed, "Look! Everyone! Those untouchables are so weak!"

Afterwards, the speaker waved his hand and asked the servant to go and see what was going on outside.

Not long after, the servant came back with eager steps and a panicked expression.

The councilors watched the servant as he walked to the Speaker and whispered in his ear.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the speaker purse his lips tightly, his expression not very good-looking.

They didn't know that this was because the demonstrators did not leave, but sat in front of the speaker's house, besieging the entire mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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