Soul echo

Chapter 754 Chaos (1)

Chapter 754 Chaos ([-])

Standing in front of the city gate, Zhong Ye looked up.

After more than two months, he came here again.

——The Huang Kingdom has only one capital, and that is Shuntian Mansion. Most of the royal assets are located in Shuntian Mansion. If you want to receive the assets promised by the emperor, you must come to Shuntian Mansion.

Today is No. 11 days after the imperial decree was issued. The emperor said before that he would arrest all the officials in the imperial court on the list given by Situ Kong today. I don’t know how the situation is now. .

Zhong Ye thought for a while, then shook his head to get these questions out of his mind.

It's useless to think so much now, anyway, if you can't get an answer, it's better to go directly to the emperor for confirmation.

Stepping into the Shuntian mansion, the soldiers passing by the city gate looked at him a few more times, but didn't say anything.

After all, many people only know that 'Zhong Ye' is tall, but Zhong Ye is not the only one who is tall.

At the beginning, there were giants in Dongtu, but because they mixed with ordinary humans and the living environment changed, the height of giants gradually decreased.

But even now, there are quite a few Dongtu people who are more than two meters tall. They are descendants of the giant race, but ordinary people rarely see them.

This is Shuntian Mansion, which is the most benevolent place in the East, so it is not surprising that there are any kind of people.

After entering Shuntian Mansion, Zhong Ye turned his head and looked at the wheat fields on both sides. After more than two months of growth, they turned from green to brilliant yellow again.

The earth has chemical fertilizers, and a world with extraordinary power like the Dan world cannot be worse. What's more, the Dan world has been in contact with the earth for five to 60 years. You must know that in addition to the fertility of the land itself, fertilizers are also very important for planting crops. Things, will not simply use organic fertilizer.

And Huang Country is a traditional agricultural country, so it must value land and food very much.

However, the popularization of fertilizers that can accelerate the growth of crops while maintaining the fertility of the land shows how much the Huang Kingdom values ​​food.

——Worthy of being a different time and space homotope of China!
Zhong Ye headed for the capital along the route he had taken back then. When he passed by a piece of farmland, he saw the pair of grandpa and grandson again.

He leaned over to take a look and found that the grandpa and grandson were digging peanuts.

The grandfather and grandson raised their heads in due course and saw Zhong Ye.

"Ah!" The granddaughter's eyes lit up, and she waved to Zhong Ye, who also waved back with a smile.

"Old man, do you need help?" Zhong Ye asked with a smile.

The old man looked at the work in his hand, then shook his head, "My lord, we still have to make a living. The last time we harvested the wheat, you had to work hard. Now I can't ask you to help me anymore. I have to teach Let me teach my granddaughter so that she won’t be able to live after she dies.”

Hearing these words, Zhong Ye's smile disappeared, and some thoughts surfaced in his heart.

At this moment, the talisman hanging on his waist vibrated.

Zhong Ye looked down, grabbed the talisman, and connected to the communication.


【it's me. 】

After saying this, the emperor fell silent.

Zhong Ye pursed his lips, and looked up at the grandparents.

The old man bowed to him with a smile, and the granddaughter waved her hand sensiblely. Zhong Ye sighed and turned to leave.

"Is there a problem?"

[I have caught the Minister of Rites and learned some news from him...]

Zhong Ye suddenly had some bad premonition in his heart, and frowned, "Bad news?"

The emperor said in a low voice: [He said that their plan had already been launched - at the moment he was caught. 】

[And he also said... I am the king of conspiracy in this world's greatest choice. 】

With a pause in his footsteps, Zhong Ye frowned even deeper, "What do you mean?"

Then, the emperor condensed what Yang Zhiyuan said a little bit, and told Zhong Ye.

"...What does he mean, whether it is the player's arrival or my arrival, is it all a conspiracy of the king of conspiracy?" Zhong Ye asked back.

【Probably that's what it means...】

Zhong Ye sneered: "Ridiculous!"

Not to mention the arrival of the player, let's talk about the fact that he came to this world and returned to the east. At the beginning, he was in the west.

If it weren't for becoming a legend, he probably wouldn't have thought of returning to the East. Could it be that his growth along the way was actually planned by the King of Conspiracy?
"You are actually affected by such ridiculous remarks?"

After a moment of silence, the emperor let out a long breath: [You are right, it is a joke that I would be affected by such a ridiculous thing! 】

Zhong Ye snorted softly and asked, "What's their plan?"

【Yang Zhiyuan didn't say it, neither did the others, but I guess...】

"and many more!"

Zhong Ye suddenly interrupted the emperor's words, and raised his head to look in the direction of the capital—there was thick smoke billowing up!
The next moment, his figure disappeared in place.

【Their goal is the capital! 】

Hearing the roar from the talisman, the emperor was stunned on the spot.

What did Zhong Ye know?what did he find
Qi and blood suddenly surged up and rushed straight to the brain.

The emperor suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily: "Jinyiwei!"

"The minister is here!" Several people in tight robes jumped out from the shadows and knelt down on one knee facing the emperor.

The emperor waved his hand, "Go and find out if the capital is under attack!"


Two of the Jin Yiwei lowered their heads, jumped up and left the place.

The emperor turned around angrily, and kicked open the door of Yang Zhiyuan's room.

"Yang! Zhi! Yuan!"

The aging Minister of Rites raised his eyelids and glanced at the angry emperor.

"Has it already started? I didn't expect your reaction to be so fast."

The emperor walked over, grabbed Yang Zhiyuan's collar, pushed his body against the wall, stared at him, and said word by word: "You said that I was the God's Choice of the King of Conspiracy, but now you are here What to do? Attack the capital?!"

After talking, the emperor could no longer restrain his anger, and sprayed a mouthful of saliva on Yang Zhiyuan's face.

Yang Zhiyuan was not afraid, and stared back at the emperor, "This is a necessary sacrifice! In order to kill you, many people have lost their lives in the past 20 years. If you let it go, you will destroy the world. If you only need to sacrifice one person from the capital Man, that would be too profitable!"

Hearing these words, the emperor only felt creepy.

He must have had a brain twitch before, otherwise, how could he have listened to the words of this disgusting thing and believed that he was the God's Choice of the King of Conspiracy?
——Sacrificing a person from the capital to kill him?Who is the God's Choice of the King of Conspiracy?
The emperor let out a cold snort, threw Yang Zhiyuan to the ground forcefully, turned around and walked out of the room.

"Come here, protect me and return to the palace!"

Dali Temple is not located in the capital, but on a mountain outside the northern outskirts of the city.

When the emperor walked out of Dali Temple, he could already see billowing black smoke rising from the city.

The eunuch who was waiting beside the emperor was also taken aback for a moment, "Your Majesty, the city seems to be on fire!"

"Return to the palace!" The emperor squeezed out these two words through his teeth, turned around and boarded the carriage.

At this moment, his talisman vibrated.

【Your Majesty, there are a lot of villains in the capital. They kill everyone they see and set fires everywhere! 】

Hearing these words, the emperor was so angry that his muscles tensed up involuntarily, and he gripped the talisman tightly. This piece of metal was about to be crushed by him.

"court death!"


Zhong Ye rushed to the scene at an extremely fast speed. When he was in the air, he had already seen those villains holding heavy weapons and riding war horses running wildly in the streets.

They are taciturn and never waste any energy on anything other than killing.

A team of two riders can pass through even the narrowest alleys. The heavy weapons in their hands are merciless. As long as they meet people, whether they are men or women, old or young, they will definitely swing them down.

——They came here just to slaughter!

Zhong Ye immediately extended his hand to those people, and his spiritual energy suddenly surged violently, forming a horizontal bar directly in front of the heads of those knights.


The knights riding war horses galloping through the streets and alleys of the capital bumped into the crossbar. At that moment, their heads were deformed—a dent first appeared on the helmet, and before they had time to react, The bridge of the nose was hit hard, and then, the force continued to crush their faces.

The facial bones couldn't even hold up for a second before they began to shatter, and the shattered bones poured into their skulls, pushing their heads back and pulling their bodies.

The stiff body and the force from the face pulled the neck from two directions, stretching the neck muscles to the extreme, followed by a 'break'!
A group of knights who were chasing and killing the people suddenly had their heads cut off, and no one expected it.

——"You all have to die!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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