Soul echo

Chapter 753

Chapter 753
Zhong Ye silently listened to the emperor's voice from the talisman, and only after the emperor finished speaking did he ask his doubts.

"You want to give me half of the royal assets? Are you really out of your mind?"

If other people said that about him, the emperor would definitely be furious, but Zhong Ye was just like that.

And the emperor himself knew that what he did sounded really crazy - where in the world would an emperor force all his ministers to hand over half of their assets?

[It is precisely because I am not sick that I will give you half of the assets! 】The emperor talked about his plan, 【I must set an example and really hand over half of the property to you, so that those ministers will follow my order and disperse half of the property in the family. 】

[First of all, the assets of the royal family are not my assets. If I hand over half of the assets of the royal family to you, then the money can really be used on the common people, instead of being spoiled by those spoiled royal relatives. 】

[I know that after this order is issued, there will definitely be people who want to rebel, but I am waiting for them. Once they make a move, I can catch them, and then kill them as an example to scare all the officials. 】

【Actually, I don't care where they 'scatter' those assets, even if it's just left-handed and right-handed, I just want to make them obey-this time the request is already too much, so next time, I will raise one Isn't there such an excessive requirement?Will they follow suit? 】

Zhong Ye suddenly realized that the emperor wanted to PUA those ministers.

[Next, there should be many relatives and relatives who have run into trouble here to find you. At that time, you don't have to save face for me. You can fight if you are arrogant and domineering. If someone wants to "joint operation" with you if……】

Zhong Ye answered tacitly: "I will persuade those who speak nice words to get out, and those who speak bad words and talk nonsense, I will directly beat them out."

【Hahaha!Right, that is it! 】

After laughing for a while, the emperor became serious again, and said apologetically: [Zhong Ye, it's my fault this time, I shouldn't have left these questions to you without your consent. 】

"I don't care, it's better to say that this is a good thing for me."

As he spoke, the corners of Zhong Ye's mouth curled up, "At my level, there are almost no material needs, and more needs come from the spiritual level. I have a lot of things I want to do, but because I don't have money, I can only temporarily put it aside— —The assets you gave me should be for my use, right?"

【So it is! 】

"What if the person who has those assets doesn't want to hand them over to me?" Zhong Ye asked.

Then he and the emperor laughed together.

【kill! 】

"...Are you really out of your mind? Want to kill people at every turn?"


A sacred decree flew all over thousands of rivers and mountains in just three days, and even in some villages they heard the news from the palace.

At the moment of hearing the imperial decree, what appeared in people's minds was 'Is the emperor's brain broken?'.

If it weren't for the emperor's brain being broken, how could he let the officials in the court lose half of their wealth?And in order to set an example, even half of the royal family's assets were handed over to Zhong Ye?

Those who heard the news felt that either the emperor was crazy or he was crazy.

And the people living in Shuntian Mansion feel that the whole world is going crazy!
They were the first people to know the news. At first they were still laughing, but after a while, some high officials of the imperial court really wanted to disperse half of the family assets.

And this is not an isolated case. As time goes by, more and more officials have begun to check their own assets.

People who live around the Forbidden City or do business there can see many relatives of the royal family entering and leaving the Forbidden City in the past few days, including several princes.

Many people have seen that their faces were not very good-looking when they entered the Forbidden City, and they became even uglier when they left.

At first people were gloating, but as the atmosphere in the city became tense, people began to feel worried.

Then on the fifth day after the edict was issued, the head of a prince was hung on the gate tower of the Forbidden City!

The reason is that the prince knew that he could not defeat the emperor by leading troops to rebel, so he raised his sword to the palace and challenged the emperor to a one-on-one fight. forward.

In any case, the incident caused an uproar.

After this incident, the atmosphere in the capital became more and more restless, and everyone was restless.

It was also at this time that a court minister finished liquidating his family's assets, sold several courtyards of his family in the capital at a low price, and donated his family's collection of books to the academy and the Imperial College of the capital.

Everyone is watching, everyone is pretending, but suddenly, there is a minister who really acts according to the imperial decree. His behavior is like throwing a grain of firewood to the capital, which is already extremely dry. Mars, the situation was instantly ignited.

Those businessmen who had been watching early on beat each other to death in order to compete for the assets released by the minister. Although the minister sold those things at a 'low price', under the fierce competition of the businessmen Not only did he not lose money, he even made a small profit.

After discovering this, the other officials couldn't help but regret that they were so stupid that they didn't think of this.

Subsequently, hundreds of officials in the DPRK and China "sold" half of their family's assets at a low price, but because there were too many "similar goods" at the same time, the price dropped sharply, and the first minister who ate crabs did not appear to sell. The pomp at the time of the asset.

At this time, the other officials couldn't help feeling that Jiang was still old and hot, and he was worthy of being the Minister of the Ministry of Rites and the oldest minister in the court.

On the ninth day after the imperial decree was released, the mood of the people in the capital had changed from panic to anger.

Perhaps most of them have nothing to do with it, but there are always people who are well-informed and able to find out the value of the assets sold by those officials.

Hundreds of ministers released half of their assets to 'sell at a low price' at the same time, and the original value of those assets has exceeded one million taels of silver, which is only half of the assets they own—even less than half!
According to the original will of the emperor, these assets should flow into the private sector.

Now it is indeed flowing into the people, but it has all gone to the hands of the merchants, and it has not fallen to the poor people like them at all.

Anger was accumulating, and the anger was passed from people to people with words.

The atmosphere in the capital became even more depressing, businessmen and high-ranking officials were engaged in business transactions, but the lower-level people remained silent and watched coldly.

The royal relatives who were making a fuss also fell silent, watching all this silently, wondering if Zhong Ye would do the same to them.

Then, on the No. 11 day when the imperial decree was released, everything was shut down, whether it was the transactions between high-ranking officials and businessmen, or the anger of the common people.

——A group of officials headed by Minister of Rites Yang Zhiyuan was imprisoned for 'corruption and bribery'!

"Yang Aiqing, is there anything you want to say to me?"

As a minister of the Ministry of Rites, Yang Zhiyuan certainly couldn't be thrown into the prison so easily, so now he is locked up in Dali Temple, awaiting trial.

Now a large group of officials are imprisoned in Dali Temple like Yang Zhiyuan.

Yang Zhiyuan knew that the reason for their arrest was not corruption and bribery at all, because he knew all the officials who were arrested with him.

Raising his cloudy eyes and looking at the emperor sitting opposite him, Yang Zhiyuan shook his head slightly and sighed: "Your Majesty, you have already captured Situ Kong, so you should know that we are under the command of His Majesty the late Emperor, right? In that case , do you know why His Majesty the late Emperor, who died of illness four years ago, is still alive and has done so many things to oppose you?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows. The reason why he wanted to arrest Yang Zhiyuan and the others was to ask about this matter.

In the end, before he could ask the question, Yang Zhiyuan explained it himself?
"Why?" The emperor followed Yang Zhiyuan's words and asked.

"Ha ha."

Yang Zhiyuan had a half-smile expression on his face, his eyes were cold, "All this is because——you have been infected by the abyss, but you just don't know it!"

The emperor was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he couldn't help laughing, "I was infected by the abyss? Yang Aiqing, I'm afraid you said the wrong thing? Are you the ones infected by the abyss? The last time I sent Jin Yiwei to arrest the prefect of Licheng At that time, he used the filthy demon to break the back, hindering the actions of the guards!"

"Then how do you explain your aggressive actions?"

Yang Zhiyuan looked at the emperor, and said slowly: "You were born with the curse of 'change', all plots to kill you will be revealed, and all princes who intend to replace you will die—do you still remember that you have grown up since childhood? How many brothers and uncles died suddenly? Do you still remember how you became the prince logically? Do you remember at what age you came to the throne?
"You sat on the dragon chair when you were young and full of thoughts. Even His Majesty the late emperor had to give way to you in the way of 'died of illness'. The second year of your ascension was also the most difficult year for you. Players have come to this world, and their arrival is bound to bring drastic changes to our country and society!
"Then, in the third year, Zhong Ye came, and you gained a powerful helper. The number one under heaven has a powerful force that you lack, and has the same idea as you to change this society..."

Speaking of this, Yang Zhiyuan's eyes had become dark, and a resolute smile appeared on his face.

Then, he said: "Even the gods and national weapons can't put you to death. All of this proves that you are the biggest 'God's Chosen' of the King of Conspiracy in this world!"

The emperor was silent for a moment, then snorted, "So?"

"—The plan has been launched!"

Yang Zhiyuan stared at the emperor, saw him suddenly froze, and smiled happily: "The moment you caught us - we will kill you and save the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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