Soul echo

Chapter 73 Extraordinary

Chapter 73 Extraordinary
In the morning, taking advantage of the incident, Zhong Ye went to the market for a stroll, bought enough supplies, and helped Lilian purchase a piece of luggage for going out.

Although the players failed to help in the incident in Belgrade, Zhong Ye believes that there will always be places where they need their help in the future.

Although letting Lilian follow her would reveal her whereabouts, but in comparison, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In the afternoon, twenty gold coins were sent to Zhong Ye—if Kurt Greco wanted Zhong Ye to stay in Belgrade longer, the gold coins should have been sent long ago.

"...Your Excellency Zhong Ye, let me confirm again. You mean that the school you established is willing to enroll children from the slums, right?"

The handsome supervisor frowned slightly, and unconsciously tapped the pen on the notepad.

Belgrade has a long history of discrimination against slums, and even he is not immune.

Zhong Ye nodded and said: "I have seen the slums in this city, and I also think that most of the people in the slums are hopeless rotten people, but they also love their children.

"Among the reasons for the backwardness and poverty in the slums, their lack of self-motivation is half of the reason, and your discrimination is the other half.

"I want to give them a chance, and I hope you can give them a chance—in addition to teaching knowledge, schools should teach them how to be a good person."

Even so, Kurt Greco still frowned.

What Zhong Ye said didn't impress him. In his impression, there were no good things in the slums, they were just a bunch of troublemakers.

Even if the children of unscrupulous people get an education, they will grow up to be unscrupulous people. It is impossible for rich people to appear in slums, only thieves and robbers will appear.

But the person who wants to fund the establishment of the school is Zhong Ye. This matter has been approved by the God of Knowledge, so no matter what difficulties arise, unless Belgrade is destroyed, this school must be established.

Seeing Kurt frowning, Zhong Ye couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "Maybe you think it's a little ridiculous, I've been doing my best to help others, and this time it's the same."

"How come..." Kurt sneered twice, looking away with guilt.

To be honest, he did feel disdain for Zhong Ye's naive thoughts.

The slums are not worth saving at all. If you try your best and even give money to help the slums, will the group of unscrupulous people thank you?

No, they will only be complacent because they have taken advantage again!
"That's it."

Zhong Ye didn't intend to say anything more, and stood up, "If I don't die, follow-up funds to maintain the operation of the school will continue to come."

"Are you leaving?" Kurt got up in a panic.

"Anyway, Belgrade doesn't need me anymore, so I naturally want to continue my journey." Zhong Ye picked up the big sword that was put aside, turned around and walked out of this office without looking back, just waved his hand, and gave Ke Special left a chic back.

Kurt was stunned for a long time, then hurriedly ran after him.

He earnestly tried to persuade Zhong Ye to stay, but Zhong Ye just smiled and shook his head, remaining silent.

In the end, Kurt stood under the stairs and watched Zhong Ye walk down with two bags on his back. Lilian followed him and left the Adventurer's House.

How can there be people in this world who don't seek fame or profit, just to help others?
Kurt watched Zhong Ye lead the horse away in disbelief, until the two of them disappeared from sight without recovering.


"I'm leaving Belgrade~" Lilian turned her head sideways, approached the camera, and whispered furtively.

I don't know if it's because Zhong Ye left such a deep impression on her that she always felt that as long as she spoke a little louder, Zhong Ye would be able to detect her identity as a 'player'.

It has been more than a month since the server of "Echo of Souls" opened, and there are some players who have reached mentoring and friend relationships with the aborigines, but none of them can travel with the aborigines like she did.

Due to the previous revelations by several players, the popularity of 'Zhong Ye' in the forum has gradually increased, and it can already be regarded as one of the most popular characters.

Through the live broadcast of Zhong Ye's travel routine, she can get some rewards, which can relieve her mother's pressure.

Although she felt a little sorry for Zhong Ye, her mother had already paid so much for her illness, and she didn't want to see her mother's frowning face again.

The bullet screen brushed past like running water, with a few reward messages mixed in, Lilian narrowed her eyes with a smile.

One of the bullet screens caught Lilian's attention, causing her to turn her head to look at Zhong Ye, and asked curiously, "Teacher, where is our other horse?"

At this time, they had already left the city of Belgrade. Could it be that Zhong Ye wanted to buy horses directly from farmers?

Indeed, it might be a lot cheaper that way.

Zhong Ye, who was exercising his body, turned around in surprise, "How can there be another horse?"


Lilian blinked, looked at herself, and then at the pack horse carrying two bags.

There is only one horse, which means...

Suddenly feeling light in her body, Lilian looked down and saw that her feet were leaving the ground, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhong Ye picked up the girl, put her on the horse's back, and taught her the correct riding posture.

"Hold the rein and step on the stirrup, but don't step on it too deeply, and don't tense your legs so tightly. The horse will become tense. If it is frightened, you will feel better."

Lilian followed the instructions nervously, even though the horse's back was not far from the ground, she still felt dizzy as if she was afraid of heights.

When the girl sat firmly, Zhong Ye led the horse and tried to walk a few steps forward. After confirming that Lilian would not fall off, he patted the horse's neck and let go.

"Look ahead, or at me, not under your feet."

While talking, Zhong Ye stepped forward with his long legs, and slowly accelerated. The pack horse followed behind him, and gradually accelerated his pace.

Pedestrians in the distance couldn't help but stop and watch after seeing them.

"Old, teacher, I'm a little, a little scared..."

After the speed slowly increased, Lilian couldn't help but tense her shoulders and legs, and stepped on the stirrups with both feet, for fear that she would fall.

The barrage turned into a sea of ​​joy. After all, the anchor's deflation is also part of the live broadcast effect.

Zhong Ye didn't continue to speed up his pace, and let the pack horse following behind him keep jogging.

"Listen to me, breathe-breath, breathe-breath!"

His words seem to have a kind of magic power, which makes people can't help but obey.

It didn't take long for Lilian's breathing to gradually stabilize.

——【Damn it!If I had such a handsome, good-tempered teacher who was willing to teach patiently, I would still be like this now? 】

——【Damn it, I already want to play this game myself, 'Illusion' is so evil, it actually created such a perfect character]

——[Isn't 'Zhong Ye' based on the prototype of the former fighting master who unfortunately passed away?Could it be that he is like this in real life? 】

——[I can prove that I am Zhong Ye's high school classmate, and he has always been like this!When I received the news of his death some time ago, I still couldn't believe it, such a good person passed away.To be honest, I am very grateful to the Illusion Company for giving us a chance to miss. If there is a chance, I want to enter the game and meet him again]

Lilian calmed down, looked at the bullet screen in front of her, and couldn't help but look at Zhong Ye's back.

So it turns out that he has always been such an attractive person...

Zhong Ye found that throughout the whole day, as a player student, he was a little absent-minded, and occasionally he would whisper to himself furtively. It should be a live broadcast, but he just didn't know what he was talking to the audience.

After the girl got into her sleeping bag and fell asleep, facing the deserted wilderness, Zhong Ye suddenly said, "I'm a player anyway, right? Although I don't know what you want to do, as long as I don't contact my friends on Earth , you can at least give me a means to understand the situation on Earth?"

Talking to the vast and empty land is like a fool.

No voice answered Zhong Ye's words, so he couldn't help shaking his head, wanting to say nothing, the Riddler is really annoying.

Opening the system panel boredly, and seeing the words [Plague Buster: Convergence (Completed)], Zhong Ye couldn't help thinking, maybe this 'Plague Buster' refers not to him, but to the Lord of Pleasure, the The King of Conspiracy, these evil gods of the abyss, right?

The plague god's plot didn't need him to stop at all, and he never succeeded once, and they were all cut off by them.

After thinking wildly for a while, Zhong Ye suddenly remembered that he still had a useless attribute point, and immediately opened the hunting list, and the monster at the top of the list was the monster he killed.

Concentrate your consciousness on the icon, and then the hunting list becomes blurred.

Suddenly, Zhong Ye felt his mind became extremely clear.

[Use an attribute improvement opportunity to get 'perception +[-]']

[It was detected that 'Trait: Dream Walker' is highly compatible with the soul debris, and the effect of the trait has been improved]

[Dream Walker: From now on, you can not only decide whether you have lucid consciousness in your dreams, but also recover your spirit quickly after falling into a dream, and even restore your soul]

[Congratulations, your perception attribute has reached [-] points, and you will automatically unlock 'Skill: Energy Sensing' and 'Skill: Sixth Sense']

[Detected that the skills to obtain information have been detected, making judgments——]

[Judging passed, unlocking 'Skill: Danger Premonition', 'Skill: Vital Identification']

(Energy sensing: you can sense the flow and change of energy)

(Sixth Sense: Now, you can trust your gut)
(Danger Premonition: You will have an early sense of danger)
(Vital identification: based on knowledge and experience, you can quickly identify the enemy's weaknesses and vital points)
【Congratulations, you have become an 'extraordinary'! 】

(End of this chapter)

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