Soul echo

Chapter 72 Controlling Dreams

Chapter 72 Controlling Dreams
Before the people in the surrounding streets woke up, Zhong Ye dragged his exhausted body and wanted to return to the Adventurer's Home.

But before he walked out a few streets, he met those civilians standing in front of their homes with worried faces.

They didn't get close to the battlefield, so they don't know what the situation is like now.

Just now they watched a few fleeing people suddenly fall to the ground, which shocked them a lot.

Fortunately, a few brave people went to test it out and found that those people were just asleep.

However, after dragging those people out and setting them up, they didn't dare to take any other actions, for fear that they would suddenly fall asleep like those people.

They also discovered that they didn't feel anything even though there was such a big commotion, and when they asked other people, they found that they were also asleep just like themselves, and they didn't wake up. Is there a problem with 'sleep'?
Seeing someone walking out from the direction of the battlefield, people's first reaction was to run away, only a few people who were careless or who had relatives and friends living in that area surrounded them.

Before they opened their mouths, Zhong Ye guessed what they wanted to say, waved his hands, and said: "The battle is over, I don't know how people are doing, if you want to know, you can go in and have a look, there is nothing there now It's dangerous."

After he finished speaking, he kept his mouth shut and didn't answer even if people asked him again and again.

The people were unable and did not dare to stop him, they stopped at the end of the street and watched Zhong Ye go away.

The city of Belgrade has woken up, and many people are gathered in the streets, not understanding what happened.

They only heard the sound from a distance, but didn't see the monster. They didn't know that they had just experienced a life-and-death catastrophe and walked before the gate of hell.

So seeing Zhong Ye approaching, none of them reacted.

Not long after, Zhong Ye returned to the Adventurer's House and was greeted by many people.


Lilian stood up with an unconcealable excitement on her face.

The originally messy reception hall had been cleaned up. The adventurers and staff gathered together. Seeing Zhong Ye's return, even the receptionist who had just been injured by the battle stood up.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, I am Kurt Greco, the director of the Adventurer's House in Belgrade."

A middle-aged man stood up. He was handsome, with relatively soft features, and it was easy for people to have a good impression at first sight.

Kurt Greco took the lead to salute Zhong Ye, and said: "Your Excellency, I must thank you, because you not only saved our lives, but also saved this city. We heard from your student Lilian Say, you once saved another city. I admire your kindness and strength. As a thank you, I plan to present you with two hundred gold coins as the director of the Belgrade Adventurer’s House, but it’s a bit late now. It’s hard to prepare so many gold coins all at once, and I hope you can stay for two more days so that we can collect all the coins.”

A group of people followed Kurt and saluted Zhong Ye, the scene was particularly spectacular.

Lilian stood watching from the side, clenched the hem of her clothes in excitement, feeling proud.

Zhong Ye himself didn't react too much, his expression was as usual.

"To be honest, I don't need the two hundred gold coins very much, and it's a little troublesome to carry so much money." Kurt's expression changed as soon as he spoke.

Glancing at the adventurers in the hall and seeing the surprised expressions on their faces, Zhong Ye smiled slightly: "Let's reduce it to one-tenth, twenty, and the remaining 180 gold coins... I hope that in this The city establishes a general education school, enrolls children of the right age, and learns common characters and basic calculations. After learning these things, they can surpass most people of this era, and they should be able to find good jobs in the future."

"This this……"

Kurt was dumbfounded, and the way other adventurers and mercenaries looked at Zhong Ye also changed.

Some became disdainful, some seemed to be looking at a fool, and many became more respectful.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!"

Someone couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and stood up, "You saved my life, I know I can't thank you for this kindness, so I hope to join this cause - I promise, within three months, I will I will definitely take out three silver coins, return to Belgrade, and contribute to the school you established!"

"Me too! I'll take out two silver coins!"

"me too!"

When one person takes the lead, others actively participate, not only the adventurers, but also a few receptionists.

Even Kurt Greco said after thinking for a moment: "I would like to personally contribute [-] gold coins to contribute to your good deeds."

Zhong Ye is destined to become a legend in Belgrade, and the 'school' he led to build will surely become famous far and wide along with his deeds.

Although the thirty gold coins are all his savings, as long as he can join Zhong Ye's career, he can bring himself enough prestige, and as time goes by, this prestige can be transformed into political capital.

"That's how it is." Zhong Ye nodded, "We'll discuss other matters until tomorrow. I'm a little tired, so I need to rest first."

At this time, a voice sounded in the void: "I, Shetil, witness here."

Hearing this voice, many people were confused.

Who is this person?What are the qualifications?Why 'witness'?
But someone's face suddenly changed after hearing this name.

——Emperor of Knowledge, Keeper of Libraries, Protector of Teachers, God of Knowledge 'Shetir'!
Not everyone knows the real name of the gods, because they usually don't call the gods by their names directly, so naturally they don't need to know so much.

Kurt's face flashed with joy, and he secretly clenched his fists. He bet right this time!

But Zhong Ye's footsteps didn't stop, and people consciously made way for him.

When passing by Lilian, Zhong Ye patted the girl on the head, "I'll give you a day off tomorrow and have a good rest."

After finishing speaking, he walked up the stairs, returned to the room, untied his weapon and bounced onto the bed.

His body didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue, on the contrary, he was quite energetic.

It's just that he's mentally battered and desperately needs rest to recover.

Soon, Zhong Ye fell asleep and entered the dreamland again.


Even though he was quite exhausted before going to bed, Zhong Ye felt extremely awake in his dream.

Not only that, he also felt that he could manipulate his dreams at will, whether it was a good dream or a nightmare, as long as he wanted, he could create it.

He can deeply realize that he is in a dream, but he doesn't feel any discomfort or separation.

After getting used to it for a while, Zhong Ye discovered the correct usage of this [Trait].

——With his rich combat experience and martial arts, he can reproduce another self in the dream, and through fighting with himself, he can recognize his own shortcomings and correct them.

Every correction is an improvement, and then he can copy the improved self.

Keep learning and keep improving!
In addition, other monsters and other scenes can be simulated.

"It suits me quite well." The corner of Zhong Ye's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes closed, and he exited the dream.

For the time being, I don’t know whether training in the dream can give the spirit a rest, let’s try again next time!

The night passed quickly, and when dawn arrived, Zhong Ye opened his eyes.

It's been a long time since I went to bed late, although I haven't fully recovered, but after getting a good rest, Zhong Ye's spirit has almost recovered.

Walking down the stairs with a big sword on their back, people greeted Zhong Ye with respect, and he responded one by one.

Putting on the morning light, Zhong Ye started a new day of exercise.

After the exercise, he suddenly thought that he seemed to have obtained a lot of soul debris last night, so he clicked to upgrade.

[Level up, the current level is warrior (level [-]), get a chance to improve attributes, remaining [-] points of soul debris]

(End of this chapter)

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