Soul echo

Chapter 682 Protracted War

Chapter 682 Protracted War
Without the support of one leg, the big demon's heavy body fell to the side.

So, taking advantage of its falling body, it stretched out its hand to pat Zhong Ye.

The giant palm slapped the ground, causing waves of dirt and dust to flow, but under its palm, there was no sign of Zhong Ye.

Both granulation sprouts grew at the broken ankles, rejoining the broken legs of the big devil.

The bloated and fat man raised his head, the abscess on his body exploded, and a hideous little devil jumped out.

The little devil stood on top of the big devil, laughing again and again, took out a fistful of pus from the open sore, and threw it at Zhong Ye who was standing in the distance.

Zhong Ye moved away, but he saw that the ground that was splashed with pus instantly grew colorful bacteria and fungi, and those things immediately sprayed all kinds of germs into the air, and even the plants would be infected if they touched them.

After one sore burst, other sores on the Great Unclean One burst open, and many Nurglings jumped out of it, splashing germs amid laughter.

At this time, the big demon swung the butcher knife, and the little demons screamed and fell from it.

The butcher's knife seemed slow but was fast, but it swung across the ground in a moment, breaking countless flowers, plants and trees.

However, before the big demon swung the butcher knife, Zhong Ye had already sensed its thoughts and movements, kicked his feet, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Countless afterimages separated from his figure, drew a curved arc, came to the side of the big demon, and raised his saber to slash horizontally again.

This time the big demon was prepared, and saw the abscesses on its legs that hadn't burst open suddenly burst, and pus spurted out.

Zhong Ye's eyelids twitched, he withdrew his long knife, and left the place.

The gushing pus fell to the ground, but did not bring life to the ground. Instead, it corroded violently, spreading the breath of death, and instantly eliminated a piece of soil.

Zhong Ye, who jumped to the distance, glanced at it, frowning slightly. With his current ability, he might not be able to directly carry the pus.

Holding the long knife, Zhong Ye stood up straight and looked up at the gigantic demon that was more than 20 meters high.

"My friend, why should we fight?"

Since unblocking, the Damo spoke for the first time.

The deep voice swept across the ground like a strong wind, and the bloated demon stepped towards Zhong Ye.

"Have you heard of our benevolent and loving Father?" As it walked, carrion and pus fell from its body, polluting the earth, "Believe in him, and then you will have eternal life and never Will be plagued by pain, even if the world is destroyed, can survive."

As it walked, it shouted: "Come on! Come on!"

Zhong Ye stood still, gripping the long knife tightly.

"I reject!"

With his head held high, he answered: "No matter how many times you ask, I will refuse!"

"Oh, that's a pity..."

As he said that, the big demon chopped off the butcher knife in his hand, "I regret that you don't want to join our big family!"

The butcher's knife cut into the ground, drawing a crack in the ground.

Zhong Ye appeared beside the big demon in a flash, stepping on the void.

Nurgling, who hooked the rough surface of the big demon, screamed, took out pus from the ruptured abscess, and threw it at Zhong Ye.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye naturally wanted to dodge. Just as he was dodging, the huge unclean man suddenly turned around, and the butcher knife he was holding tightly in his hand was thrown out as his body turned, hitting Zhong Ye.

- Chong!

Zhong Ye raised his long knife in time to block him. When the butcher's knife collided with the long knife, there was a fierce metal symphony, sharp and ear-piercing.

The huge force that followed pushed Zhong Ye's body, and directly sent him flying.

boom! ! !
Flying hundreds of meters, knocking down an untold number of trees, Zhong Ye finally lost all his strength.

When he raised his head, he saw that the mountains, forests and seas behind the Guanyang Gate had opened a passage that almost ran through both sides.

Standing up from the broken tree trunk, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, glanced at the fat man who was running towards him, and leaned forward slightly using his body as a spring.

In the next moment, the spring that had been suppressed to the limit lost its limit, and suddenly burst out with strength.

There was a sound of "Boom" from the ground, countless soil was blown up, the already broken tree trunk was recoiled by force, and suddenly fell to one side, and the roots were also pulled out from the ground.

The distance of a hundred meters approached in an instant, and a cold light flashed across the waist of the big demon, and its lower body that was running broke away from its upper body, and moved forward alone.

The bloated upper body was left in place, and countless rotting organs fell down in an uproar, and then the body also fell down, causing a loud noise.

The big demon who was still smiling before immediately let out a roar, turned around with his left hand on the ground, and swung the butcher knife with his right hand, colliding with Zhong Ye who was attacking from behind.

Feeling the big demon's anger, the Nurglings screamed and jumped off it, helped it pick up the fallen organs, and ran back with its lower body.

The big devil doesn't know much about martial arts, but it has existed for a long time. It has fought countless people, and its combat experience is extremely rich, and its size is not comparable to that of Zhong Ye. Every time it collides, Zhong Ye is repelled as a result.

Even though Zhong Ye is more flexible than this monster, it is still difficult to actually hurt it.

Just like now, the big demon repaired his body while fighting him.

"You pissed me off, mortal!"

The Great Unclean One roared, and those ferocious-looking little demons screamed and ran past it, swarming towards Zhong Ye.

Those Nurglings are so weak that even an ordinary farmer can kill them as long as he has the courage.

Of course, after killing them, whether they will be infected with the disease is another matter.

Zhong Ye's eyes sparkled, and his spiritual energy rushed to the ground like a tide, smashing those little devils who didn't know how to live or die into pieces.

The big demon also used his psychic energy at this time, and the souls and wills of the two collided in the void, causing the air in the real world to surge, causing strong winds to fly.

The psionic energy of the Great Unclean One is even greater, but it can't destroy Zhong Ye's will no matter what.

The shiny gem was right in front of it, and it had already swung its fist, but it couldn't smash it.

Because of this, the big demon was extremely angry, and once again slashed the butcher knife at Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye did not retreat but advanced, taking advantage of the height difference between the big demon and himself, broke into the big demon's arms before the butcher knife came down on his head, and swung the knife suddenly.

The light of the knife flickered under the sun, cutting open the rotten belly of the big demon.

The foul-smelling gas spewed out immediately, and the big demon grinned ferociously, sank down, and blocked Zhong Ye's way with his left hand, forming a siege.

But at this moment, a mouthful of flames that had been accumulated in the dragon's breathing organ surged into his throat, and with Zhong Ye's roar, the flames erupted suddenly like a spring.

The high temperature filled the demon's abdomen, instantly igniting the fat in his body.


The Great Unclean screamed, grabbed the ground with his head, opened his rotten teeth, and bit Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye raised the saber and slashed upwards, as if the curved arc of the bright moon swung across the head of the big demon, splitting it in two.

The upper and lower parts of the face fell to the ground, but the granulation surged suddenly, and within a short while, the head that had been divided into two halves was rejoined.

The recovered muscles exerted strength again, closing the upper and lower jaws, and swallowed Zhong Ye into his mouth together with the soil.

The big demon raised his head suddenly, made a swallowing motion, and at the same time secreted venom in his mouth, watering the guy who had been eaten by it.

- Bang!

There was no sign at all, the big demon's head exploded, Zhong Ye jumped out of it, and fell to the ground far away.

Even though he had reacted in the shortest time, his body was still contaminated with the poisonous saliva secreted by some unclean people, and his skin was being corroded.

After running the Gang Qi to shake off the venom, the damaged skin was still throbbing with pain.

If it weren't for his current body that can be said to be invulnerable to all kinds of poisons and diseases, the gas that the great demon spewed out of his abdomen just now could take his life.

Even if the brain is blown to pieces, the grossly unclean person will not die as a result.

I saw countless granulation surging above the fracture, a brand new head was being formed, and the body was moving by itself without command.

It brandished the butcher knife and rushed towards the target that had been marked with psionic energy before the brain was shattered.

Zhong Ye watched as its head was reborn in just a few seconds, and couldn't help frowning.

——Fortunately, its abdominal cavity has not been repaired!

(End of this chapter)

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