Soul echo

Chapter 681 Plague Lord (End)

Chapter 681 Plague Lord (End)

The running speed of the aberrations was already faster than that of the disciples of the Guanyang Sect, not to mention that some of them sprained their feet and couldn't run anymore.

It was not reckless for Lilian to choose to stay. She has the ability to block the mutants and also has a way to escape.

No matter how bad it is, it's just using a resurrection opportunity here.

She can be resurrected after death, but those disciples and masters of the Guanyang Sect only have one life. It is quite profitable to use her chance of resurrection in exchange for the survival of the people of the Guanyang Sect.

Hearing that sentence, Zhang Jing turned his head to look at Lilian's back, nodded heavily, "Take care!"

After saying that, he turned and left without turning his head, following the footsteps of the Guanyangmen.

Lilian took a deep breath, making the filter of the gas mask make an obvious sucking sound, holding the token used to call Zhong Ye with one hand, and tightly holding the handle of the light sword with the other hand.

The deformed body has already rushed in front of him, so Jianming Guanghan!
Lilian's arm suddenly flung out, and the sharp blade easily sliced ​​into the neck of the deformed body in front of her. Then, she kicked and kicked, her body turned around, and the light sword was also driven, cutting open the deformed body's neck, causing its head to fall to the ground.

Flipping her palm, as if by magic, Lilian clamped the light sword with only two fingers, and a bomb appeared in her palm.

She threw the bomb high, and threw the light sword out, piercing the head of a deformed body.

He ran towards the deformed body that fell to the ground, and suddenly pulled out his pistol on the way, aiming the muzzle at the bomb flying in mid-air.

With a gunshot, the bullet was fired, and the bomb just fell on the heads of a group of deformed bodies.

The bullet pierced the bomb, causing flames to erupt suddenly, and the violent roar even smashed the head of a deformed body.

The pistol flashed and was retracted into the bracelet. Lilian stepped forward in two steps, pulled the light sword out of the deformed body's head, kicked on the corpse, and turned into the air.

When he was in mid-air, a deformed body happened to pass by below. It stretched out its twisted tentacles to Lilian, but he didn't expect Lilian to turn his body in the air and adjust his posture.

The tentacles were empty, but Lilian slashed the mutant's head with the light sword, killing him with one blow.

Lilian landed lightly, just about to attack other deformed bodies, but saw that all the deformed bodies stopped their movements at this moment.

Their time seemed to be suspended, the tentacles that were supposed to dance remained motionless, and the soles of their feet hung in the air, never falling.

Lilian stood among them, looking left and right at all these monsters that seemed to have turned into statues in an instant, she couldn't help shivering.

At this moment, she looked down anxiously at the token in her hand.

Is the token invalid?Or is the teacher dealing with something urgent?Why hasn't it been sent for so long?
Suddenly, if Lilian felt something, her body froze, her eyes moved away from the token, and she quickly swept over the ground and the stagnant deformed body, and landed on the deep-colored mound in the distance, and then continued to rise. At the top of the mound, she saw several cracks growing.

Inexplicable fear quietly occupied Lilian's heart, just seeing those few cracks made her heart tremble.

Damo... that's 'Damo'!
Even though she had seen other big monsters on the battlefield several times, the fear they brought to her was not as great as this time.

If they are strong, they are strong, but they have never been her enemies, they are Zhong Ye's enemies, and they will always only focus on Zhong Ye.

When fighting Zhong Ye, they had no ability to take care of other things, so they never made Lilian feel the real pressure.

But this time, she was the only one blocking the progress of the deformed body, so when the big demon woke up, he immediately noticed her.

When Lilian didn't feel anything herself, tears were overflowing from the corners of her eyes—she couldn't control her body at all now!


A deep sigh suddenly came from behind, and Zhang Jing and the others frowned when they had already run to the mountain gate.

Many Guanyangmen disciples felt their bodies go weak, their strength was suddenly pulled from their bodies, and then their legs went limp and they fell to the ground.

The "Plop" sound of falling continued one after another, and even the stronger head Guan Yang and Zhang Jing felt unwell.

The master helped up a fallen disciple, and shouted angrily, "Go! Go! Everyone who can go counts as one!"

He said that, but he turned around and helped the disciples who fell to the ground one by one.

"The big demon has been broken, and one who can leave counts as one!"

The Guanyangmen disciples sobbed softly, even though their legs were weak, they staggered and ran out of the mountain gate.

The cracks in the high mound grew larger and more numerous, and then, at some point, the shaking stopped.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion resounded——

--boom! ! !

The mound exploded suddenly, countless stones were thrown high up, some hit the deformed body, smashing them into meatloaf, some flew towards the mountain gate, smashed the head of a Guanyangmen disciple, and continued to Rolling down, rolled several Guanyangmen disciples and teachers to the bottom, and dyed the mountain road red.

Seeing this, Sect Master Guan Yang's eyes were red, he roared to the sky, turned around and jumped up, clapping his palms continuously, and opened up all the rocks and soil clods that flew towards him.


The deep, thunderous laughter traveled through the mountains and forests, echoing in people's ears.

The Guanyangmen disciple turned his head to look in fear, and saw a huge monster with livid and festering skin, a fat head and big ears but bloated standing at the extreme end of his field of vision.

They saw that the behemoth raised its hand high, and suddenly photographed it!

The huge palm exuding a rancid smell suddenly fell down, and it continued to enlarge in Lilian's eyes, but she could only stare blankly, unable to make any reaction.

Even though she is already an 'extraordinary', her power is 'borrowed' and does not belong to her at all.

Her soul is not strong enough, she can only tremble under the gaze of the unclean man, and has no way to control her body.

The giant palm had already descended on top of Lilian's head. In her eyes at this moment, all the colors were covered, leaving only darkness!
But at this moment, the wind calmed down.

The token held by Lilian shattered with a bang, turned into countless lights and scattered, and then condensed into a tall figure again.

The long knife was raised and collided with the giant palm.

The sharp blade split the giant palm instantly, and a gap appeared in the giant palm, which then spread up to the shoulder.

The big demon's palm still slapped down, and the huge force was like a torrent, rushing to the ground suddenly.

But the tall figure standing in front of Lilian was like a rock, causing the 'water flow' to split in front of him, forming a V shape, gushing towards both sides, but it couldn't affect the things behind him.

"Sorry for being late."

Hearing that familiar voice, Lilian's eyes became foggy and her voice choked.

Zhong Ye's back is tall and generous, just like the father she imagined when she was a child.

So the moment she saw Zhong Ye, Lilian wanted to confide in a lot of anger and grievances.


Seeing the Great Unclean Man raised his palms and closed his arms again, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, "Run away first, we'll talk about it when we go back."

The mouth hidden behind the mask involuntarily deflated, Lilian nodded, "Mmm..."

Lilian also knew that it was not suitable to talk in this situation, and she knew that she was a burden, so she turned around and ran away.

At this moment, the deformed body that was stagnant in place regained its ability to move.

They roared one after another, and under the instigation of the big demon, some of them chased after Lilian, and some ran towards the fleeing Guanyangmen.

Zhong Ye didn't turn his head to look. He took out a bunch of darts from his bracelet and threw them with his backhand, killing more than a dozen mutants in an instant.

The Great Unclean Man bowed his head, Zhong Ye raised his head, and the two looked at each other.

Then, Da Mo grinned and laughed.

It laughed loudly, reached into its rotten belly, pulled out a bone butcher knife, and resolutely attacked Zhong Ye.

The butcher's knife fell from the sky in a strong wind. Zhong Ye stood still and did not move. He just raised the long knife in his hand and confronted the butcher's knife head-on.

Most of the power was channeled into the ground, causing the ground to shake and settle. In addition, a small part was ejected from the body surface, breaking Zhong Ye's own clothes.

Lilian was still behind him and hadn't left the area yet. If he dodged, the power of the butcher's knife would affect her, so Zhong Ye didn't dodge.

Using the body to divert strength will also cause damage to the muscles and bones, but now it has only caused a little damage, so it's not a problem!
Zhong Ye took a deep breath, bent his knees slightly, and immediately exerted strength with both arms, pushing the butcher knife upwards.

The butcher's knife was bounced off, just as the big devil wanted, its arm exerted strength again, and chopped off the butcher's knife.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye's figure disappeared.

Zhong Ye, who had been prepared for a long time, started in an instant, and appeared next to the big demon's foot the next moment, and threw out the long knife with all his strength, cutting off its ankle!

(End of this chapter)

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