Soul echo

Chapter 676 Plague Lord (1)

Chapter 676 Plague Lord ([-])


Hearing Lilian's words, all the players present were shocked.

——Is everyone in Jianning infected with the plague?

"I'm not sure if that thing is considered a plague, but I think that thing has already infected the whole city." Lilian said with a serious face, "Maybe everyone, including us players, has been infected by that thing .”

"But the system didn't show it?" A player expressed doubts.

Lilian looked over and sighed: "Not everything will be displayed by the system..."

For example, the 'mind plague' they were infected with before was not displayed by the system.

However, this incident seemed to have been concealed by the gods of Dan World, so Lilian did not mention it as an example.

The last 'Plague of Thought' was an abyss method, and this time is probably no exception.

It's just that I don't know which evil god's believer this "plague" came from.

Not only the disciples of the Father of Fruit can use the plague, except for the Lord of War who disdains to use this method, both the Lord of Pleasure and the King of Conspiracy are very handy in using the 'plague'.

When he was in Westland before, Zhong Ye encountered the plague set up by these two evil god believers more than once, and Lilian also knew about it.

So Lilian was not sure which evil god believer set up the plague in Jianning this time, and what was the purpose of spreading the plague.

She could only roughly guess that everyone in Jianning may be infected with the plague.

Perhaps not only the people in Jianning, but even the people who traveled to and from Jianning two days ago were also infected with the plague.

Because this plague can infect the whole city within two days, there is no reason why it cannot infect travelers who have traveled to and from Jianning.

"Then what should I do?" The player who asked this question scratched his hair irritably.

The faces of the other players were not very good. Although some of them still doubted Lilian's statement, most of them felt that Lilian was not lying, and that something really happened.

After all, Lilian had been by Zhong Ye's side for the previous year, and had seen much more of the world than they did. She might know some hidden settings that they didn't know.

——The game "Echo of Soul" is quite hardcore, and many settings will not be directly placed on the bright side, but they need to observe and identify by themselves.

Now these players think that what Lilian said is part of the hidden setting.

"Anyway, let's tell God about this first."

Lilian turned her head and looked, "Does any of you know where the god arrest is now?"

Everyone shook their heads, those two god catchers had always acted in secret, and rarely interacted with them, so naturally no one knew about it.

After thinking about it, Lilian posted the message on the game forum.

But she didn't expect to get an answer. It's daytime in Dongtu, and it's also daytime in Huaxia on the other side of the earth. Most players are working or studying. The players who appear here are either professional players or just have free time.

Generally, it is after the afternoon that players are most active.

As a result, not long after she posted the post, she received several replies, one of which pointed her to the current location of the god catcher.

In the past two days, Zhang Jing and Si Kou Hong, two god arresters, were stationed at Guanyang Gate alternately. Only one was in Guanyang Gate, and the other would come to Jianning to look for clues.

The arrester who came to Jianning now is Si Kou Hong, who is in an alley in the south of the city and is investigating something by a well in the alley.

After receiving the news, Lilian rushed to the alley immediately, but ran into Si Kouhong at the entrance of the alley.

Before Si Kouhong could speak, Lilian and the others revealed all the things they had investigated before.

Si Kou Hong was just surprised at first, but then his frown became deeper and deeper.

"Do you think that the whole city is infected with the plague?"

As he spoke, Si Kou Hong raised his hand to touch his chest, circulated his true energy, and detected the condition of his lungs.

But his breathing was smooth, and he didn't look like he was infected with the plague at all.

As an innate person, he is very sensitive to the environment. After all, if he wants to use his true energy, he must ensure smooth breathing.

If the breathing is not smooth, the flow of breath in the body will be blocked, but he has not found anything now, and Si Kou Hong has to doubt whether what Lilian said is true.

Lilian was slightly taken aback when she saw Si Kouhong's actions.

She even forgot that she is actually a 'transcendent' who can use zhenqi. If she uses breath circulation to check herself, wouldn't she be able to detect whether she is infected with the plague?
As soon as this idea came to her mind, Lilian subconsciously did it.

She adjusted her breathing rhythm so that her internal breathing rate was the same, and the 'silk threads' wandering through her limbs and bones along with her breathing were projected into her mind.

……There is no problem!
Lilian was stunned, and even the movement of her true energy was interrupted.

"Why is there no problem..." Lilian muttered, looking back.

Was it because she was too sensitive before that she thought those people were infected with the plague?

At this moment, a player suddenly felt itchy throat and coughed a few times.

"Cough cough cough..."

His coughing attracted everyone's attention, making him afraid to continue coughing halfway through the cough.

"Why are you looking at me..."

Immediately, Lilian's face changed: "I understand!"

Without waiting for other people to ask, she uttered her guess: "Actually, the people of Jianning have been infected with this plague, but they don't know it. After the prefect and the others died, the 'restriction' disappeared, so Symptoms will appear!"

She also thought about whether they have stronger physiques and stronger immunity than ordinary people, but before she saw some rangers also showed the same symptoms as ordinary people, those knights should not have better immunity than theirs. how much difference.

That's why she guessed whether the plague had already spread in Jianning, but they didn't know it.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lilian turned her head to look at the other players and asked, "Has anyone died in Jianning these two days?"

No matter how much you guess, there is no way to prove the facts. Seeing is believing.


The person who answered was Si Kou Hong, and the players all turned to look at him.

Si Kou Hong's expression darkened, "Two days ago, when the prefect and the others had just passed away, there was a bit of chaos in Jianning. Some bandits tried to rob the prison to save people, but they were repelled, but they also caused some casualties.

"The jailer's body was taken away by his family, but the bandit's body is still parked in Yizhuang."

Although it is not known whether the corpses of those thieves are representative, the clues they can find now may lie in those corpses.

Anyway, now that he was in a predicament, Si Kouhong put down his work for the time being, and took Lilian and others to Yizhuang.

He used his identity as a god catcher to propose those pieces, and at the same time called two masters.


Hearing Si Kou Hong's order, the two assistants were slightly sluggish.

Aren't those corpses lying on the ground thieves?And everyone knows that they died at the hands of jailers and catchers, and an autopsy is still needed?
However, Si Kou Hong's face was serious, and the two assistants didn't dare to refute, so they could only lift off the straw mat covering the corpse and prepare for the autopsy.

It was summer at this time, the temperature was hot, and the corpses of several thieves had begun to rot, emitting a strong stench.

Players can't stand it, so they can only turn off their sense of taste.

"Just cut the chest, don't worry about the rest."

Just when the two operations were about to start, Lilian sounded a reminder.

Wu Zuo's subordinates paused for a moment, glanced at Si Kou Hong, and found that he had no objection, so he followed Lilian's instructions and moved the knife above the corpse's chest.

Once the knife was cut, the soft and waxy touch was transmitted to the hand. Wu Zuo frowned slightly, and continued to cut open the chest of the corpse under his hand.

At this time, another operator took out two hooks, and pulled the skin and muscles covering the ribs to both sides, exposing the pale yellow breastbone stained with viscous liquid.

The two assistants cooperated skillfully and removed the sternum. Just when they were about to cut the lungs, the assistant holding the knife suddenly let out a sound of surprise.

The knife turned in Wu Zuo's hand, and he poked the dead body's lungs, which were beginning to blacken, with the handle.

"It doesn't feel right..."

(End of this chapter)

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