Soul echo

Chapter 675

Chapter 675
The old man rushed out of the rising dust quickly, his eyes fixed on the dust, and his brows were furrowed.

After a while, he saw that the dust and mist was torn apart and divided into two halves from top to bottom, and Zhong Ye's figure walked out of it.

Zhong Ye was full of anger, eyes gnashing his teeth, looked up at the old man floating in mid-air, put Shang Fang Sword back into his bracelet, and clenched his fists.

Bend your knees slightly and bounce your body up.

Immediately, the old man's eyes burst into light, and he waved his spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy made the air solidify, like a solid wall, blocking Zhong Ye.

A punch came out suddenly, from bottom to top, and shattered the solid wall above. Zhong Ye also solidified the air under his feet, borrowed strength from the air, and rose again.

His figure was like a giant dragon, sweeping away all obstacles with great strength, and rushed to the old man.

He didn't intend to ask, he didn't intend to shout, and he didn't intend to spend more time talking.

— Now he just wants to beat the old thing to death!
With one punch, he emptied the waves, broke through the heavy winds wandering in front of him, and hit the old man's body.

"The power of the primordial spirit is not used in this way."

The old man pressed Zhong Ye's fist with his palm, and a relaxed and comfortable laugh sounded in his ears.

At this time, the old man swept away his old age, his wrinkled skin was supported by his muscles, and he was rejuvenated, turning into a powerful middle-aged man.

"Like you, you're just 'spending'!"

With a roar of anger, the middle-aged man slapped out his palm, wrapped in powerful strength, if Zhong Ye was hit, it would be of no benefit.

But at this moment, Zhong Ye's other hand suddenly sprang up and hit the middle-aged man's outstretched wrist, making his whole arm numb and losing his strength.

The middle-aged man's face changed in shock, and he immediately kicked with his legs. Before that, Zhong Ye raised his left foot early, which happened to block the way of kicking.

The hand that made the middle-aged man's arm numb shot out again, piercing his eyes.

The middle-aged man suddenly lowered his eyelids, and Zhong Ye's fingers then poked two eyelids that were as firm as gold, but this was also within his expectation.

The two forces spread along the fingers, crossed the eyelids, and poured into the eyes of the middle-aged man.

In just an instant, eyeball bursting juice spewed out from under the eyelids.


The middle-aged man screamed and disappeared in front of Zhong Ye in an instant, replaced by a young man with a dazed face.

Zhong Ye fixed his eyes on this young man, and slowly spit out the words that came to mind: "Li Jiang, at the age of fifteen, once beat a beggar to death with his own hands, the crime is heinous, he should be beheaded!"

The boy's face instantly became terrified, "Help me! Father, mother, save me!"

He made a blade with his hand and chopped it on the young man's neck. The fierce energy instantly tore the skin, muscles and bones of the neck, and the frightened head immediately fell down.

Zhong Ye threw the corpse to the side, looked down at the Li family courtyard, and his body fell into a courtyard like a meteor.

"Old Ancestor, he is here! He is here!"

Everyone in the Li family hid in this yard. When they saw Zhong Ye fall, they were instantly filled with panic, suppressed their voices, and shouted hysterically.

"To shut up!"

The person who fought with Zhong Ye before was the patriarch of the Li family. Just now he used Apparatus to change places with one of his descendants, so that no one dared to approach him.

Hearing the shouts of those people at this time, the ancestor of the Li family was even more irritable.

He raised his hand and grabbed it casually, and a person flew into his palm. Before that person could utter a scream, his soul was taken out of his body and sucked into his mouth by the ancestor of the Li family.

The shriveled eyelids became round again, and the ancestor of the Li family raised his eyelids, and his eyes had fully recovered.

The others seemed to be choked, unable to utter a word.

The ancestor of the Li family glanced at them and snorted coldly: "They are not from the Li family, what are you worried about? You should worry about yourself, you don't even know if you are cuckolded!"

His words made the two of them standing in the crowd turn their attention to the wives and concubines standing beside them. Their wives and concubines shuddered and denied it, but how could they listen to their excuses? Filled with betrayal anger, he reached out and hit him.

The room suddenly became chaotic, the ancestor of the Li family pushed away the crowd, then opened the door, and walked towards Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye's eyes sank, and he also stepped forward.

But at this moment, a token hanging on his waist made a movement.

This is……

Zhong Ye's face changed suddenly. It was Lilian who sent him a distress signal. Could it be that the big demon has been unsealed?

"time is limited……"

Zhong Ye raised his head, and saw that the ancestor of the Li family stretched out his hand and summoned the sky fire to fall, and sprinkled it on himself.

"Within 3 minutes, kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the flames falling from the sky were blown away, and the storm surged up, rushing in all directions.

Zhong Ye's figure then disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of the ancestor of the Li family.

Even though the patriarch of the Li family had predicted Zhong Ye's actions with spiritual power, his body had no time to react.

Even if it is a body that has been strengthened with spiritual energy, it can't compare with Zhong Ye's agility attribute that is about to reach the extraordinary!
Jian Jian stabbed straight with one punch, but pierced through the air barrier and hit the head of the ancestor of the Li family in an instant.

At this time, the psionic energy driven by the ancestor of the Li family came from both sides and bombarded Zhong Ye's body.

- Boom!

All the power poured into the body was channeled into the ground by Zhong Ye, causing the ground to subside and the house to tremble.

The members of the Li family hiding in the house screamed, and the head of the ancestor of the Li family shattered, turning into a cloud of blood and spraying on the walls and door panels behind him.

But in the next moment, the screams in the house stopped abruptly, and their souls were extracted and poured into the headless body of the ancestor of the Li family.

Then, the soul of the ancestor of the Li family jumped out of the corpse, was wrapped by those souls, and crashed into the room behind him.

Another second passed, and all sound died away.

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, and immediately Gang Qi gushed out from the front of his fist, bombarding the room.

The room was suddenly shattered, just like the lobby before, it was instantly wiped out.

But in the midst of this, a figure broke through the dust and smoke, flew over Zhong Ye's head, and rushed to other places where there were still living people.

Having seized one of his descendants, killed all his family members, and sucked their souls into his body, the ancestor of the Li family suddenly activated the magic circle under the mansion of the Li family.

The magic circle was opened, and all the living things in the Li family mansion except Zhong Ye fainted instantly, and then their breathing weakened and they died completely.

Their souls came out of their bodies and soared into the sky, and all parts of the mansion rushed towards the young body standing in the sky.

The souls of nearly 200 people poured into the body, and the young man shivered, closed his eyes and immersed himself in the pleasure, and moaned comfortably.

Zhong Ye lowered his body slightly, and then rose into the air.

Stepping into the void, he suddenly rushed towards the ancestor of the Li family.

At that moment, the ancestor of the Li family opened his eyes.

The vast spiritual energy spread behind him, turning into a frenzy and rushing forward.

On the way, a raging tide ignited flames, and a sea of ​​flames fell from the sky, burning most of the sky in Zhijiang County.

Everyone who looked up could see that the sky was filled with red.

They didn't know what happened, they just thought it was the end of the world and shouted frantically.

At this moment, a tiny hole suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​flames, which spread rapidly and burst open!

Zhong Ye pierced through the sea of ​​flames with his fist, turned around and threw his leg, and hit the new body of the ancestor of the Li family.

The ancestor of the Li family suddenly flew upside down, and the blood sprayed out from the burst blood vessel splattered the sky.


Even though he already has hundreds of souls, why can't he beat this wild boy who just became a martial arts master not long ago?
After crushing the air pedal under his feet, Zhong Ye charged again, catching up with the body of the ancestor of the Li family who was flying upside down.

Zhong Ye didn't say anything, just clenched his fist and swung it out again.

The first punch broke the body of the ancestor of the Li family, causing him to cast a psychic block in a frenzy;

The second punch shattered the head of the ancestor of the Li family, causing his soul to come out through his body;

The third punch was full of energy, and amidst the silent screams of the ancestor of the Li family, it slammed into his soul, beating him to the point that——


(End of this chapter)

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