Soul echo

Chapter 663 Confrontation

Chapter 663 Confrontation
In order to find out information, Lilian took a few players and left Guanyangmen.

Relying on the fact that they are players, they can find out whether they are infected with the plague at the first time, so they followed Lilian and swaggered out of Guanyang Gate, went to the refugee's side, and asked the refugee about the situation.

However, as soon as they arrived at the gathering place of the refugees, they saw a large group of government officials surrounded the refugees led by a few captors. The two sides made loud noises, and the situation became more and more intense.

The refugees standing behind were panicked and distraught, while the yamen servants surrounding them were absent-minded and even seemed a little irritable.

Seeing that the refugees and the government officials were about to clash, at this moment, Lilian stood up.

"Shut me all up!"

The zhenqi was lifted to her throat and lungs, causing her to create a movement like a lion's roar.

The sudden burst of sound drowned out all the noise, causing the head of the refugees and the arresters to stop shouting, and turned their heads to look blankly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the players behind Lilian immediately opened the team chat channel and started shaking people.

Lilian walked quickly to the middle of the two parties and stared at them, "Why are you arguing? What is there to be arguing about? Is there something that you can't talk about and you have to quarrel? Whoever is louder than anyone else is justified? You don't even look at you How many people are there in this yamen servant, how many refugees are there, what problems can be solved when the conflict is fought? I am afraid that if the fight is getting higher and higher, how many lives will be lost here in the end?"

This series of questioning was heard by the yamen servants and the refugees, and they all fell silent.

Because what Lilian said is very reasonable, if there is a conflict, if it hits the head, I don't know how many people will die here.

Yamen servants, they are just 'servants', if they really die here, I'm afraid they won't even have any compensation...

Thinking of this, the servants' eyes flickered and their bodies relaxed.

The headhunters looked at each other, "Where is the little girl with such a sharp tongue?"

"This is our Jianning matter, can you control you?"

"What are you doing in a daze? Isn't your family in Jianning? If the plague spreads to Jianning, wouldn't your family be the ones who suffer?"

Under the scolding of several head catchers, the yamen servants were moved, especially when they heard the head catchers mentioned their family members, they moved even more.

The refugees also became agitated. If they were not desperate, they would not have clashed with the government servants. Instead, as before, they would leave any city that was unwilling to accept them.

Now they have no food, and many people in the team are sick and will die if they are not treated.

But at this time, Lilian sneered: "If they really have the plague, you have been arguing with them for so long, you should have been infected with the plague long ago—especially you!"

Being pointed at by Lilian's finger, several headhunters also panicked.

"Hu, nonsense!"

"You little girl, how can you be so deceitful and confuse people!"

"Come on, take her down!"

The yamen servants disobeyed their orders and dispersed in a circle with a "crash".

Several head catchers were dumbfounded when they saw the actions of the yamen servants, and then became angry from embarrassment, and rushed forward by themselves.

Seeing their appearance, Lilian knew what Jianning's magistrate looked like, and he must be a corrupt person, otherwise how could his subordinates look like this?
The players following Lilian immediately started to move. They didn't use weapons, but directly went up to them with bare hands.

The attributes of the players are higher than those of a few headhunters. Although they lack combat experience, the dozen or so skills lying in the skill bar are not vegetarians.

A few players fought with a few head catchers, and the head catchers shouted angrily to ask the yamen servants to help, but just as the yamen servants wanted to make a move, Lilian glared at them and stopped for some reason.

Lilian was only 16 years old, but she had been by Zhong Ye's side for more than a year. After repeated battles, she also had a bit of fierceness in her body, but she didn't realize it.

With Lilian at the side to intimidate the servants, the players quickly took down a few captors and pushed them to the ground.

So, Lilian walked up to them and said loudly: "Listen up, I am the only direct disciple of Zhong Ye, who is known as 'Yan Luo' in the Jianghu. Now my master is in charge of the Jingzhou Mansion, and I am the prefect of Jingzhou. Dozens of helpers as powerful as those who defeated you can be called at any time, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and bad, stay here obediently and don’t move, otherwise... I don’t know what will happen!”

The few captors who were held down on the ground stopped struggling after hearing this, and at the same time couldn't help slandering: If only you had said that earlier?

"Hey bro, do you want any help?"

As if confirming Lilian's words, several voices of greeting came from behind the encirclement of the yamen servants. They turned their heads and saw a group of guys dressed as rangers approaching.

A head catcher reluctantly turned his head to look, and was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Yes! Come quickly..."

"I'm not talking to you!" The ranger waved his hand impatiently, "We are not on the side with you, we are the 'helpers' she just mentioned."

The player who was pressing on the head catcher snorted coldly, and slapped him on the head several times, "Dishonest! Call you dishonest!"

All eyes were on Lilian, and Lilian had her arms around her, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a smug look on her face.

In fact, Lilian was really excited.

She used to watch Zhong Ye do that, but now she can do it herself.

Although it is a little different from Zhong Ye, he can control the whole field by himself, and she still needs the help of other players, but the road is taken step by step, and the meal is eaten bite by bite, and nothing can be done overnight.

"Help go and inform the city guard and magistrate of Jianning." Lilian said to the opposite player, "It's not the same thing to leave the refugees like this. We need to find a place to house them and provide them with food, fresh water and Rest environment, these need to be coordinated by the prefect."

Although she is not as powerful as Zhong Ye, and she can fight a hundred with one, but she has players on her side. As long as she raises her arms, there will be many players who are willing to stand up and help her. The two god catchers of Yangmen pulled out to support the scene.

The previous god arrester named 'Si Kou Hong' said that he was also in Anyang back then, and was almost killed by that devil, and it was Zhong Ye who killed the devil and saved his life.

He owes Zhong Ye a favor, so if there is anything that needs help, he will definitely do his best.

Therefore, Lilian didn't need to be afraid of Jianning's prefect and city guard at all, but they should be afraid of her!

The players on the opposite side nodded, turned and walked back to the city.

Afterwards, Lilian looked at the yamen servants and said, "You don't want your family members to be infected with the plague, do you? If you don't want to, then help gather the refugees. Anyway, you may also be infected with the plague now, why don't you come and help them?" We are busy, otherwise if the refugees wander out, your family members are more likely to be infected with the plague!"

Yamen servants look at me and I look at you. After a moment of hesitation, a few people stood up.

After them, more and more yamen servants joined the team to help gather and appease the refugees.

Lilian discussed with the leaders of the refugees in a low voice and figured out what they wanted. They just wanted a place to rest and food.

Many of them got sick, but the sickness was caused by exhaustion. If they could rest well, they might be able to get over it...

Upon hearing this, Lilian was not happy.

She opened the game forum and posted a post asking for help.

Not long after the post was posted, there were more than a dozen replies, but they were all based on water experience.

Lilian thought for a while, then turned to look for other players who had just rushed to support from Guanyang Gate, and wanted to ask if they had any player friends who were doctors in reality.

It was also at this time that a large group of people came out of the city swaggeringly.

"What are you doing? Didn't you tell them to drive them away? Why are they still here?"

Someone scolded the yamen servant from a distance, interrupting Lilian and the others' communication.

Hearing that voice, Lilian took out the pistol and said in a low voice: "Get ready to fight, it seems that you can't be good..."

The players nodded, picked up their weapons at the same time, and turned to face the crowd walking out of the city.

The eyes of the two sides crossed in the air, as if a spark had been sparked.

(End of this chapter)

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