Soul echo

Chapter 662 Receiving refugees

Chapter 662 Receiving refugees
"...Jingzhou Prefecture is short of manpower, so I come here to seek help from all knights!"

After saying that, Zhong Ye solemnly clasped his fists to salute the rangers in Juyi Pavilion.

The rangers looked at each other, although they were very useful to Zhong Ye's salute, but this was to gather the refugees, and they were refugees who escaped from the place where the plague broke out...

"Master Zhong, I'll go!"

Not long after Zhong Ye finished speaking, a ranger stood up.

People turned their heads and saw the excitement on the ranger's face, and couldn't help but be astonished.

Is it necessary to be so excited to collect and manage the refugees, and they are still a group of refugees who may carry the plague?

"Lord Zhong, I'm going too!"

"Let's go together!"

Seeing more and more people responding, the other rangers were dumbfounded.

What's going on with this group of people?Could it be that they know something inside?That's why you're so excited and excited?
Thinking about it this way, the other rangers looked suspiciously at those who got up to respond to Zhong Ye.

However, it is true that they were thinking too much. There was no inside story in this matter, or the 'inside story' had nothing to do with them aborigines.

The players who got up to respond to Zhong Ye were all players, and they all saw the mission released by Zhong Ye.

In addition to the soul debris, the task reward also has some money.

Players aren't very interested in money, they're more interested in soul scraps.

From the opening of "Echo of Soul" to the present, as far as they know, Zhong Ye seems to be the only NPC who will give out a large number of soul debris quests as rewards.

Although some NPCs will also issue quests that reward soul shards, those NPCs often only issue quests once, and there are not many soul shards.

Unlike Zhong Ye, who deserves to be called a 'Legend', his moves are generous-every player who completes the task can get a thousand soul shards.

Moreover, the thousand soul fragments are still 'undirected', which means that no matter which monsters in the hunting list these soul fragments are paired with, the attribute points that are finally blessed on them belong to that monster .

These 'non-pointing' soul fragments are equivalent to an arbitrary attribute point for the player, and are not affected by the hunting list.

Zhong Ye gave so many undirected soul fragments at once, how could they not respond to Zhong Ye's call?

This is a thousand soul fragments. With their strength, it will take at least half a month to accumulate a thousand soul fragments. After all, the interior of Huang Kingdom is quite safe, and there are not enough monsters for them to hunt and kill.

The players responded to the call one after another. Seeing their excited expressions, the aborigines also wanted to stand up and respond, but when they thought that the refugees might be carrying the plague, the other rangers gave up this idea.

Of course, when some knight-errants with righteous characters saw their friends stand up, they naturally also stood up and told Zhong Ye loudly that they would also participate.

Although there were a few more aborigines among those who responded to the call, the situation was basically still under Zhong Ye's control.

Zhong Ye clasped his fists again to salute the rangers who responded to the call, and then led the team to the outside of the city.

When Zhong Ye brought people outside the city, the peasants living around the Fucheng had spontaneously formed a team and confronted the refugees.

The farmers held farm tools in their hands, and although the refugees on the opposite side could not be called unarmed, they had few decent things that could be called weapons, and they didn't know how they came from the west.

The surrounding area of ​​the city is a safe zone, but the wilderness is not. Even on the national highway, sometimes monsters will jump out and attack the passing teams.

"Go back."

Zhong Ye waved his hand to push the peasants away. Now he still doesn't know whether these refugees are carrying the plague. The peasants are so close to them, there is a risk of infection.

Zhong Ye himself walked up to the refugees, looked at these ragged people, and sighed.

His figure was so tall that even people standing at the end of the line could see Zhong Ye's figure. Hundreds of eyes focused on Zhong Ye at the same time, which made Zhong Ye feel a little uncomfortable.

Because these gazes are not all admiration and admiration, on the contrary, they are full of vigilance and hostility.

Looking at the huge crowd of people in front of him, Zhong Ye seemed not to smell the stench on them, and shouted calmly: "I am the acting magistrate of Jingzhou today, you can call me Zhong Ye, if you want You can directly mention anything to me, and I will meet your needs within the scope of my duties!"

At this time, a middle-aged man standing in the front row of the team sighed, and said: "I am the leader of these poor people... Lord Zhifu, we escaped from Shizhouwei, a plague broke out in Xianfeng, and we fled from Xianfeng The people who brought the plague to Shizhouwei, we have no way to escape..."

"I know!" Zhong Ye said sonorously, "But as refugees, I can't let you enter the city, so I plan to draw a piece of land outside the city first, let you settle down temporarily, and then make other plans. how?"

The middle-aged man was desperately thinking about how to persuade Zhong Ye, when he heard his words, he was stunned.

"Are you...willing to accept us?"

After seeing them in the counties and villages that passed by before, which one didn't drive them away like rats?
Now that they haven't said anything, the magistrate himself said that he is willing to accept them?
The news was so shocking that neither refugees nor farmers could react immediately.

After reacting, the expressions of the farmers standing behind Zhong Ye changed.

"Master Zhong can't do it!"

"What if they have the plague on them?"

"Master Zhong, you should also consider us..."

"To shut up!"

With a low shout from Zhong Ye, everyone shut up.

He glanced at the farmers with serious eyes, and asked, "When have I let you down? When have I hurt you?"

The farmers looked at each other, they really couldn't imagine that Zhong Ye would harm them...

Seeing that the farmers relaxed, Zhong Ye continued: "Now, everyone on both sides, put down the things in your hands, and wait for the doctor to come and examine you."

After a pause, Zhong Ye added: "As you said just now, the refugees may have brought the plague, and you have been in contact with the refugees for a while before, so you can't leave for the time being, and you can only leave after disinfection .”

As he said that, Zhong Ye winked at the players around him. The players immediately understood, took out a piece of cloth to cover their mouths and noses, and walked towards the cars parked nearby.

Those cars had only one board, and each board was piled full of wormwood, which was all the inventory in Jingzhou Fucheng.

In today's era, although alcohol and high alcohol already exist, they cannot be prepared on a large scale, and naturally they cannot be used for disinfection.

Disinfection with wormwood is already the best large-scale disinfection method in this era.

The players carried the ignited wormwood bundles, walked up to the farmers, and slapped them directly under their terrified sight.


Seeing a ball of fire rushing towards him, the farmer immediately screamed and wanted to dodge, but they were no match for the players, and the ignited wormwood bundle hit them immediately.

To the surprise of the farmers, not only were they not burned, but even their clothes were not set on fire.

The player's movements are fast, and in just three seconds, one farmer can be disinfected and the next person can be disinfected.

After the disinfection, the players pushed and shoved the peasants: "Go, go, don't stay here, we have already disinfected you, stay here again, and be careful of the plague."

As soon as they said this, the peasants were terrified and ran away in a hurry.

Some of them turned their heads to look at Zhong Ye with worries.

Zhong Ye waved his hand, telling them to leave as soon as possible, "I have long been immune to all diseases, and it is impossible for this little plague to hurt half of my hair."

Only then did the farmers remember that their magistrate was a well-known master in the world.

So the farmer no longer worried, turned around and left.

After disinfecting the farmers, it was the turn of the refugees.

"Come a few people and lead them the way to the lower reaches of the Jingxiang River."

Zhong Ye stood aside with his arms around him, threatening the refugees, "Dai Lila has already prepared hundreds of tents there, enough to accommodate these refugees."

Before the arrival of the refugees, Delilah had already seen the 'future' with her own eyes, and predicted that there would be such a group of refugees.

——This is the result of her observation based on the flow of people, food and property around the capital of Jingzhou in the recent period!
The facts were as she speculated, there were indeed refugees who came to Jingzhou Prefecture.

Because it has been predicted, it has been prepared.

Zhong Ye and Dai Lila have already arranged everything, let alone these hundreds of refugees, even if there are thousands of refugees, they can support them!
(End of this chapter)

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