Soul echo

Chapter 561 The Sea Monster Attacks

Chapter 561 The Sea Monster Attacks
It's that dream again...

Zhong Ye slowly opened his eyes, looked at the still dark room, and remained silent.

He is now 90.00% sure that the things he saw in the dream are what happened to him in the past, because this time the dream is clearer and reminds him of more things.

Zhong Ye finally remembered why he went to Qi Jingshu's house in the first place, and also remembered the things he experienced on the way.

After remembering those things, he seems to be able to explain why he suddenly traveled to this world.

No wonder why he was familiar with 'Abyss', it turned out that he had already contacted demons and killed them when he was on earth.

That demon is extremely powerful, even in the Dan world, only those who are close to the extraordinary, or the extraordinary can deal with it.

At that time, even if he had a handy weapon in his hand, he was not sure that he could really kill the demon. Of course, having a hot weapon was another matter.

Zhong Ye made a little calculation. To deal with that demon, a small-caliber pistol might not be able to kill it. A gunpowder weapon must have a large caliber and a large charge. Laser weapons might not be effective against it at all.

The recovery ability of the demon's body is too strong. He has already pierced the eyeball and inserted the steel rod into the brain, but the body already has such a powerful force. If it didn't happen to hit the power receiver, the next moment he He might die at the hands of that demon.

——The police car is equipped with a wireless power supply system. In addition to the energy of the battery itself, it can always be charged when driving in the city, ensuring driving speed and battery life.

Zhong Ye opened his eyes and thought for a while, then got up, opened the door and walked out.

In the corridor, he met the patrolling crew, greeted them, and made his way up the deck.

Looking up, you can see the arc-shaped aurora across the night sky, extending from a distance to another distance.

Demons appeared on the earth, indicating that the earth has been located by the abyss. Perhaps without his knowledge, the earth has been invaded by the abyss many times.

Even now, while he was thinking about these things, some corner of the earth was being ravaged by demons.

His dream only lasted until he killed the demon, although what happened afterwards was still unclear, but he could guess a thing or two now.

It is nothing more than because he has been in contact with the abyss, and he was contaminated with something in the process of fighting the demon, which made him unable to stay on the earth, otherwise it may have a bad impact on the earth.

After losing part of Oneiroi's power, Zhong Ye's dreams gradually became uncontrollable. The dream just now should be engraved deep in his mind, but it was just a memory covered by the gods.

But he still doesn't understand, it's fine to send him to the Dan world, why do you want to cover up that part of his memory?

Perhaps it was because it was his memory, so that dream did not gradually fade in his memory like other dreams, but existed quite clearly in his mind.

Zhong Ye recalled his dream carefully, and found that there was nothing shady in it. If so, why did he lose the memory of this part?
——Because this memory is incomplete!
After thinking about it, Zhong Ye guessed many answers, but only this answer was the closest to the truth in his opinion.

Whether it was the last time or this time, his dreams felt like they came to an abrupt end. At the end, he killed the demon, but what happened after he killed the demon?What happened after that?
Zhong Ye thought that something must have happened after that, that's why the gods allowed him to travel to this world and sealed off that part of his memory—even the memory of fighting the devil was blocked, just because he didn't want him to Know what happened behind the scenes.

However, after he reached Legend, the blockade was lifted.

Explain that he was not allowed to touch this issue before, just because he was too weak, and now he is strong enough.

But what is still a bit embarrassing now is that the blockade has been lifted, but it has not been completely lifted. He still has some memories that have not returned. It is not clear what happened, which caused his time travel and memory to be blocked.

Looking at the magnificent aurora, after a while, Zhong Ye suddenly sighed, and then put all the problems behind him.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Anyway, the blockade of memory has been lifted, and one day he will be able to remember what happened.

Anyway, there was nothing to do after waking up, so Zhong Ye simply jumped off the boat, stood on the frozen sea, faced the aurora and moonlight, and practiced the martial arts that he had already mastered by heart over and over again.

He has come to the end of the road of 'learning', the next step is to 'create'!


"With the arm high and the blade so low, what can you kill?"

Zhong Ye kept walking around on the boat, giving pointers to the sailors on their martial arts.

Different from the earth, the battles in Dan's world are real, with killing as the main purpose. He must not teach them how to defeat the enemy and win, but teach them how to kill their enemies more efficiently.

Simply, he also has high attainments in this area.

When he was on earth, he didn't kill a few people, but in this world, human beings, demons and monsters combined, probably tens of thousands of lives have been lost to him.

"Breathe! Watch your breath!"

Zhong Ye's scolding sound spread throughout the ship, whether it was the sailors or the passengers, they all heard his voice, and they all showed envy.

Being able to get guidance from a master, even if it is only one or two sentences, is a great benefit to them.

Of course, there are also many passengers who don't understand their attitude very well. Just by looking at their envy, you can know that Zhong Ye's guidance is very precious to these people.

People who have not been personally taught by Zhong Ye don't know. Only those who have received his teaching will find that every word he said can be deeply imprinted in their memory. When they train, they will subconsciously follow what he said. Use words to exercise, and gradually change the original bad habits.

Only verbal teaching is of course useless, but the most important thing for them now is to correct their original bad habits.

Moreover, Zhong Ye's guidance was carried out with reference to their original fighting style, that is to say, changing their bad habits would not make them feel awkward and unable to continue with other moves, but would make their moves more effective. Flowing clouds and flowing water, the combat effectiveness has been improved to a higher level.

This kind of strengthening is visible to the naked eye. Although other people as references will also become stronger due to Zhong Ye's guidance, everyone can feel that if the current self is allowed to fight with the previous self, the current self will become stronger. I can kill three previous selves.

Zhong Ye didn't just guide the crew on Zhang Qian's ship, he was never stingy with his own guidance, and he had visited every ship in these days.

Some of the crew members just missed the door, and after receiving Zhong Ye's guidance, they realized 'Qi'.

Although it will take some time for them to be promoted to 'innate', having 'qi' in advance means that they have the possibility of being promoted to innate.

For the warriors in the East, 'Qi' is the foundation of everything, and only by possessing 'Qi' can they display the most mysterious part of martial arts.

False transmission of thousands of volumes of books, true transmission of a sentence - Zhong Ye's behavior these days can already be regarded as a 'true transmission', so now every sailor on the ship will perform the disciple salute when they see Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye, who was teaching the 'incompetent student', suddenly stopped, and immediately turned to look in front of the fleet.

With the sound of a horn, all the sailors who were exercising their martial arts stopped their movements, put away their swords, and drove the onlookers into the cabin.

"What happened?" A passenger couldn't help asking.

His words happened to be heard by a crew member who was familiar with Xilu, and the crew member sighed.

"The sea monster is coming..."

"The sea monster is attacking!"

"The sea monster is coming! Prepare for the impact!"

The fleet suddenly became busy, and the group of killer whales that had been diving under the water also emerged.

Standing on the boat and looking down, you can see a huge black shadow swimming from below and rushing forward.

Zhong Ye also looked forward solemnly, and then, the deputy captain of the ship under his feet ran out and gave him a big gift.

"Also ask Mr. Zhong to help!"

Hearing this, Zhong Ye solemnly nodded to the deputy captain.


After saying that, he jumped into the sea, touched the sea surface with his toes, and rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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