Soul echo

Chapter 560 Its name is 'Wu'

Chapter 560 Its name is 'Wu'
The big sword hit the ground, directly splitting the concrete floor.

Throwing away the broken barricade, Zhong Ye gasped heavily and stood up.

Although it is not known where this monster came from, it is obvious that it has deep, deep malice towards humans.

The screams of the people have not gone away. If he runs away now, the monster will be able to catch up with others.

Therefore, he cannot escape!
Clenching his fists tightly, Zhong Ye put on a posture, clenched his teeth, and fixed his eyes on the demon's wrist and shoulders.

He didn't need to kill the monster, as long as he could delay it enough time until the police arrived.

Of course, only the police can't kill this monster. The equipment in their hands can't even kill him, and they have to use the armed police force.

But the demon grinned at this moment, tore a steel pipe from the side fence, and threw it violently.

Zhong Ye immediately flipped backwards, and the steel pipe barely flew past him. Before he even raised his head, he felt the strong wind blowing towards his face.

Taking a deep breath, the heart suddenly pumped. With the blood rolling in the blood vessels, Zhong Ye's figure moved away from the original spot. The soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground violently, emitting a slight burnt smell.

The big sword that was slashed straight passed Zhong Ye, and was embedded in the ground not more than an inch or two in front of his toes.

The pupils lifted up, just in time to collide with the demon's chaotic and ferocious gaze.

The clothes slapped the air, and with a crisp sound, Zhong Ye's fist kissed the devil's face.

The force of the fist suddenly exploded, even the face of this demon couldn't help rolling, his head was knocked to one side...but that's all!

The devil's sharp claws let go of the hilt and swung it out suddenly, but it was empty.

——Before it made a move, Zhong Ye noticed what it was going to do through the changes in its muscles, and dodged in time.

Looking at Zhong Ye who jumped into the distance, the demon stood up straight, supported the dislocated chin with his palm, and reset it with a "click".

The next moment it let out a roar, and suddenly jumped and chopped.

Jumping and chopping is not a good fighting method. Although it is powerful, it can also expose one's weaknesses.

However, this is for enemies who can harm him, and Zhong Ye does not have the ability to harm this demon at present.

Therefore, his only option is to escape.

Zhong Ye continued to jump back, and the demon fell to the ground with a bang. The big sword held tightly by both hands did not smash into the ground this time, but was driven by the spinning body, and was wrapped in flying smoke and dust to cut horizontally.

In the nick of time, Zhong Ye bent his waist backwards, made an iron bridge, and escaped without any danger.

Then he turned over with his hands on the ground, avoiding the demon far away.

Just turning over and retreating, before he had time to raise his head, Zhong Ye heard another heavy stomp, a fierce light burst out in his eyes, his body was lifted up sharply, facing him were two muscular legs.


Like a gust of wind, Zhong Ye's legs were like springs, and his body was ejected, hitting the demon.

Seeing this, the demon burst into laughter, swung his sword vigorously, and vowed to tear Zhong Ye's body in half.

But just before the blade hit Zhong Ye's body, he suddenly lowered his head, let the cold sword slide past his back, and rushed towards the demon himself.

Seeing this, the demon let out a roar, and sprayed the stench of saliva all over Zhong Ye's face and body. At the same time, he let go of one hand and grabbed Zhong Ye who had already run into his arms.

Zhong Ye suddenly stretched out one hand to press against the demon's chest, and stretched his other hand backwards to grab the demon's arm.

The energy surged in the body, and the soles of the feet firmly pressed against the ground. With a roar in the throat, the energy gushed out from the muscles of Zhong Ye's limbs and bones, lifting the demon's body from the ground.

One step, two steps!
After taking two steps forward, Zhong Ye exerted strength with his arms again, throwing the demon's head to the ground.

It was the sound of bones breaking, and as the sound sounded, Zhong Ye let go of the demon's body and retreated violently.

At the next moment, a shock wave burst out from the demon's body, bombarding the surrounding air.

The gust of wind was blowing, causing Zhong Ye to squint his eyes.

Just by doing these things, less than half of his physical strength has been consumed, and the muscles in his arms are sore.

According to common sense, this is impossible. He has already reached a subtle level of control over his physical strength. At least in this world, no one is stronger than him.

But now, the situation seems to be out of his control...

The devil crawled up in embarrassment, its skin reddened by anger, it spewed out a breath of gas from its mouth, roared again, and charged towards Zhong Ye.


A police car with flashing red and blue lights descended from the sky. Amidst the sound of the siren, the policeman in the car warned the devil: "Please stop your criminal actions immediately, throw away the murder weapon, raise your hands and squat on the ground, and catch them without a fight!"

The demon ignored him, rushed straight to Zhong Ye, and swung his sword at the human who was standing still.

It's now--

Zhong Ye's figure bounced away from the spot again, and the demon had long been aware of his next move, and the blade in his hand flipped violently, changing from a vertical slash to a horizontal slash!
However, how could Zhong Ye perform the same move twice?
After bouncing away from the spot, his hands caught one of the demon's arms, and with his powerful waist and abdomen, he sent his body to the sky above the demon.

The devil raised its head, and Zhong Ye's hand hooked its chin.

The two 'people' looked at each other for only a moment, and as Zhong Ye's body fell to the side, the demon's neck was pulled.

There was another sound of broken bones, and Zhong Ye clasped his hands tightly, pulled his arms again, and threw the demon's body to the ground.

Can't kill...

Zhong Ye jumped away from the spot, dodging the demon's wildly waving sword.

He watched the demon get up from the ground, straighten his neck, and recovered.

It can't be killed at all!

Panting for breath, Zhong Ye silently clenched his fists.

At this time, the police car stopped to warn and descended from the sky. A policeman and his robot auxiliary policeman came out of the car. The policeman held a Taser gun in his hand and his eyes were full of panic.

They are all born in the 21st century. Who hasn't played games or watched movies?
The image and abilities of the devil have been clearly seen by the police, and he can basically confirm that the monster opposite is not played by a human at all.

"You only have a Taser in your hand?"

Zhong Ye picked up a steel bar from the ground, saw the configuration of the police, and couldn't help pursing his lips.

"This is the only thing we usually call the police!"

The policeman was also very desperate. When he called the police, he had no idea that a monster had really appeared.

The alarm signal he received was that someone was killed, but who knew that it was a monster who killed that person?

He hurried over when he received the alarm signal. Even the exoskeleton was equipped on the car, so he didn't have time to watch the surveillance.

Zhong Ye looked at the demon, gritted his teeth and asked, "Does your gun have a fingerprint lock?"


The demon let out a roar, and the robot auxiliary police rushed up without saying a word, withstood the demon's slashing attack, delaying time for Zhong Ye and the others.

However, this type of robot is designed to deal with human criminals and cannot stop demons at all.

"Don't go there!" Zhong Ye pointed at the demon, and then said, "Lend me your car!"

"Um, yes, there is also a car..."

The police suddenly realized and ran to the car in a hurry.

However, Zhong Ye ran into the car one step ahead of him, "Turn on the manual mode!"

"I'm the policeman!" The policeman glared angrily.

"There is no time!"

While they were arguing, the demon had torn the robot to pieces.

Seeing the attacking demon, the policeman gritted his teeth and remotely turned on the 'manual mode'.

The gear position and steering wheel appeared on the screen in front of him, Zhong Ye didn't even have time to take a deep breath before he tapped the accelerator button.

The seat belt was automatically fastened, the police car started suddenly, and the next moment it hit the devil.

But even so, the demon still did not die.

"Useless resistance!"

Although unable to swing the great sword, the demon still threw out his fist and shattered the windshield.

The shards of glass slammed into Zhong Ye's face and pierced one of his eyes.

Picking up the steel bar in his hand, Zhong Ye let out a roar and stabbed at the devil's head.

Steel bars pierced its eyeballs, and the demon roared and waved its arms, and accidentally hit the electric power receiver of the police car, a powerful electric power suddenly shot out, knocking it flying.

The police car braked sharply, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, tore off the seat belt on his body, opened the car door, lifted the steel bar, and staggered towards the demon who crashed into the wall without knowing his life or death.

He raised the steel bar in his hand——

——This is the last blow!
(End of this chapter)

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