Soul echo

Chapter 553 'Myself'

Chapter 553 'Myself'
The sea monsters in the ice sea are like vampires, most of them are born under the influence of the abyss, not all sea monsters obey the orders of the evil god of the abyss.

They have their own interests, which are biological instincts - survival and reproduction.

When the above two points are met, they can coexist with humans.

Vampires and humans cannot coexist because of their characteristics. In fact, demon hunters are also a group born under the influence of the abyss, but not only are the demon hunters not everyone shouting, they have even become the backbone of the Western Land against the abyss.

The same is true for sea monsters, but most of the time, they have 'conflicts of interest' with humans.

The sea monster needs to eat, and the fleet traveling between the east and the west is huge and can replenish a lot of energy for the sea monster.

The vast majority of sea monsters will regard them as prey, but that is only the 'most', and a small number of sea monsters are willing to 'become friends' with humans.

"Whoa, whoa..."

The whispers from the sea lingered around the fleet, and many passengers were attracted by these lovely voices, came to the side of the ship, and turned their eyes to the ocean.

The giant black and white fish swim back and forth around the fleet, looking very fierce, as if they are hunting.

However, the worries of the passengers did not turn into reality. The sailors of the fleet did not drive away those giant fish, but they were very happy to feed them. Even the pork that the captain seldom could eat was fanned and thrown by the sailors. go down.


Lilian and Zhong Ye also leaned on the side of the boat, watching the big fish with the same color as pandas swimming by the side of the boat, the corners of their mouths could not help but slightly raised, "Are they 'our own'?"

"It's probably them." Zhong Ye nodded and said.

Killer whales are distributed almost all over the world, so it is not a strange thing to appear in the ice sea.

Judging from the current situation, these killer whales seem to have known the fleet and established a good friendship.

The size of these killer whales is much larger than the killer whales on the earth. The smallest is almost ten meters long, and the largest even grows to about 15 meters.

Of course, this is just Zhong Ye's visual inspection, the answer based on the comparison with the ship, but in fact the difference will not be too far.

Not long after the fleet entered this sea area, a group of killer whales appeared around the fleet, and now they have been swimming with the fleet for an unknown number of miles.

They are like dedicated guards, many killer whales come and go, go and come again.

There are sailors on every ship dumping the meat all the time, and the group of killer whales eat happily, but they let the cubs eat first, and then the adult killer whales will eat.

"Enough! Enough!"

The sailor who was in charge of dumping the meat yelled with a smile, and the group of killer whales seemed to understand what they said, and their eating speed slowed down a little.

"Actually, at the beginning, this place was still the territory of other sea monsters, and these little guys were the food of that sea monster."

Lilian turned her head and found that the speaker was an old-looking old sailor. He held a cigarette in his hand and took a sip from time to time.

The old sailor looked at the killer whales with gentle eyes, "They were actually fed by us - the sea monster that occupied this sea area attacked our fleet at the beginning, after killing the sea monster, we happened to I discovered the ancestors of this group of little guys. At the beginning, the fleet had to be led by a general. The general at that time saw that they were pitiful, so he fed them some food. Unexpectedly, when the second year came, the fleet We've been attacked by sea monsters again, but guess what? These kind little guys are here to help us!

"The little guys have suffered heavy losses, but they still protect the fleet. Even animals know how to repay favors, so how could we not? So after that, every time our fleet passes by here, we will give them Feed them, and now more than 100 years have passed, and they have grown to this size."

Sensing Lilian's surprised gaze, the old sailor looked away from the group of killer whales, and said with a smile, "My family has been sailors for generations, and Xilu language is learned at home. When I first rescued these little guys, my grandfather happened to be in the fleet. , Later, my father and I are familiar with them."

As he spoke, the old sailor pouted towards the bow of the ship. Lilian turned her head and looked over, and saw the sailor who was dumping the pieces of meat, and only heard the old sailor say, "That is my eldest grandson."

"Wow..." Lilian exclaimed.

However, Zhong Ye frowned.

This kind of thing sounds romantic, but it expresses a terrible essence behind it-class solidification.

As the saying goes, "you can know the whole leopard by looking at one spot", this old sailor's grandfather was a sailor, and he is still a sailor, and his grandson is still a sailor. It is not difficult to imagine that if his father and his son also work in the fleet If so, it is very likely that they will also be sailors.

Zhong Ye knew a little bit about it before. The salaries of the sailors on the ship are very high. One trip to the ship is almost worth farming for five years. They only need to work once a year, and most of the rest of the time is spent resting and maintaining the ship.

But compared with the danger they need to pay, such salary is not high.

Although class solidification is not a strange thing in feudal society, it might be better to say that class solidification is one of the characteristics of feudal society.

Except for a few people who have the opportunity to climb up, the vast majority of people have lived the same life for several generations, from grandpa to grandson, to great-grandson and great-great-grandson.

This kind of situation generally exists in the East and West, but it is only affected by the cultural atmosphere. The similar situation is more serious in the East, but it is cultural dross.

The people in Dongtu are easy to be satisfied, as long as they can eat enough and wear warmth, it doesn't matter if they have lived such a life for several generations.

However, Dongtu players may not think so.

Players may think that these people are entitled to a better life, so they join forces to make things happen-after all, they were all brought up under the influence of communism.

It has been nearly a year since the player entered this world. When he arrives in Dongtu, he may see that Dongtu has undergone many changes under the player's influence.


Hearing this voice, the old sailor became excited all of a sudden.

The group of killer whales hovering around the fleet also stopped eating and responded together.

"Quick, quick! Fill up, pour all the meat down!"

The sailors of the fleet went to and from the deck, constantly pouring the pieces of meat stored in the space equipment into the water.

Those pieces of meat did not sink underwater, but drifted with the ocean currents, rushing towards the rear of the fleet.

Standing on the boat, you can see that the streams formed by countless pieces of meat are gradually converging, forming a river in the middle of the ocean, rushing towards the distance.

Some immature cubs wanted to chase after them, but were stopped by their parents and elders, pushing them back around the fleet.

But after being pushed back around the fleet, their parents and elders did not allow them to eat the pieces of meat that had just been thrown down.

The cubs screamed unwillingly and kept swimming back and forth, as if they were crying and rolling, which made people feel very distressed.

At this moment, the sea surface in the distance became dark, and that darkness was spreading outward at an extremely fast speed.

A moment later, a roar like thunder exploded above the sea.

Countless seawater gushes up, and the huge monster that broke through the sea proudly raises its head, opens its bloody mouth, and welcomes those pieces of meat into its mouth.

The giant killer whale, over 200 meters in length, bit it down with one bite, causing the sea water to stop flowing, and the powerful impact hit the sea surface, splashing the sea water into the distance.


The heavy and loud sound hit the air, and a real shock wave spread out, blowing a strong wind on the ocean.

The old sailor rushed to the stern and shouted at the giant whale: "Gua Wazi, either next year or the year after, I will come to see you again and bring you delicious food!"

As if hearing the old sailor's cry, the giant black and white whale groaned again, and the group of killer whales surrounding the fleet also groaned.

The low-pitched sound resounded all over the sea, bringing up layers of storms and waves.

Then, the giant whale slammed into the water, flicked its tail, and got into the sea again.

The waves coming from the rear kept hitting the hull one after another.

However, instead of rocking the ship, these waves pushed the fleet further and accelerated it.

Not only Lilian, but even Zhong Ye felt inexplicably shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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