Soul echo

Chapter 552 'Myself'

Chapter 552 'Myself'
The sun shone on the sea, and groups of small silver fishes swam between the fleets, heading further north.

"Uncle Zhang, what is that?"

Lilian pointed to the whitebait floating beside the boat and asked curiously.

Zhang Qian didn't need to look at it, so he laughed and explained: "Silver scale fish is a fish unique to the Western Continent. They swim to the North Pole every spring, where they mate and lay eggs. The eggs of this kind of fish can only be found in the North Pole. They can only hatch in a low-temperature environment, but after hatching, they are not resistant to the low temperature of the icy sea, so every autumn, they will swim south to the sea around the Kingdom of Gaul, and after the winter, they will swim again. Back to the ice sea.

"The most amazing thing about this kind of fish is that the scales on their bodies contain real 'silver', but extracting silver from their scales instead of other metals requires advanced technology. So far, this technology has only owned by the Kingdom of Britain."

After looking at the whitebait swimming beside the boat, and then at Zhang Qian, Lilian blinked and asked doubtfully, "Then don't we fish?"

Zhang Qian shook his head with a smile, "It's fine to catch them. They are for reproduction. They are not harmful to humans, and they can absorb heavy metals in the ocean. We don't have to do things against our conscience for such a small amount of money."

If it was on the earth, those marine fishery companies would have already started fishing for this fish.

They don't know how to breed, because it is not difficult to see from the fact that the scales on these fishes will contain 'silver', they need to absorb heavy metals from the ocean in order to make the resulting scales contain more 'silver' components, otherwise, Silver cannot be created out of thin air.

Therefore, those marine fishery companies will most likely release this fish into the ocean and delineate a sea area, regardless of whether the sea area is suitable for the survival of silver scale fish, or how serious the pollution of the sea area is, they only care about how much profit they can make from it .

Lilian sighed and looked towards the bow of the ship.

Arriving here means that their journey is close to one-third-yes, only one-third.

The next two-thirds are the sea area in the north of the kingdom of elves, and the sea area after passing through the Bering Strait.

Zhang Qian told her and Zhong Ye that the sea area north of the Elven Kingdom was heavily polluted by the abyss, and the "bloodlines" of creatures living there had been polluted, and most creatures could break through the original size limit and become giants.

The sea area north of Westland is occupied by undead, the sea area north of Elven Kingdom is occupied by sea monsters, and the sea area south of Bering Strait is the most dangerous section of the route.

When passing through that sea area, there is a chance to encounter a navy composed of followers of the war lord. As long as you are a little careless, if you are discovered by those navy before Dongtu's fleet comes to protect it, the whole army will be in danger of being wiped out.

However, their fleet has the official support of Dongtu. As long as they send out a signal in time, Dongtu will send a fleet to protect it.

"Uncle Zhang, if we want to deal with sea monsters, it seems that the equipment on the ship is not enough!" Lilian said suddenly.

Zhang Qian stroked his beard and laughed: "Indeed, with the cannons on board alone, it is definitely not possible to deal with sea monsters. Most of them hide under the sea surface, and the shells fall into them, and they lose [-]% of their strength.

"However, if we want to deal with sea monsters, we will not use this set of tools."

"What is what?" Lilian's eyes lit up, and even Zhong Ye, who was standing by the side, couldn't help but look sideways at her.

Zhang Qian pointed to his feet and smiled mysteriously: "Harpoon!"

Lilian glanced at her feet, and was reminded by the bullet screen that she realized that Zhang Qian might be referring to the 'bottom of the boat'!
As soon as she made this guess, Zhang Qian burst out laughing, "Little girl, you guessed right, it's the bottom of the boat—our boats have a harpoon installed on the bottom of the boat, and that harpoon can conduct electricity. As long as the harpoon can penetrate the sea monster's body, it will surely make it die of pain!"

Hearing this sentence, Lilian couldn't help but gasped.

How many creatures in this world can resist lightning?If every ship in the fleet is equipped with a harpoon that can conduct electricity, it may not be a problem to deal with sea monsters.

The fleet must have more than one way to deal with sea monsters, and the conductive harpoon is just one of them.

"Sea monsters rarely appear in groups, because they need to eat, and at the same time, they eat a lot. A sea area with a radius of a thousand miles can only support no more than five sea monsters, because apart from sea monsters, smaller sea creatures also They need to survive, sea monsters can't kill all their food, so don't worry too much."

Lilian was a little relieved by Zhang Qian's explanation, but she was not too worried because Zhong Ye was still in the fleet.

In order to fight underwater, Zhong Ye deliberately learned the method of breathing in water without spells.

It's just a mere sea monster, how could it be against her teacher?

"By the way, Uncle Zhang." Lilian suddenly remembered something, "How big is the sea monster you are talking about?"

Zhang Qian smiled and stretched out two fingers, Lilian blinked, "20 meters?"

"How can 20 meters be called a 'sea monster'?" Zhang Qian shook his head, "200 meters—only those with a body size of 500 meters or more can be called a 'sea monster'."

Lilian screamed: "200 meters?!"

A standard football field is about 90 meters to 120 meters, that is to say, only a sea creature that is at least as big as two football fields combined can be called a 'sea monster'.

And it's just a 'lower bound', not an 'upper bound'.

The largest creature on earth is the blue whale, which is only more than 30 meters long and weighs up to 120 tons.

Just imagine, how many tons can a creature that is more than seven times the size of a blue whale weigh?If they move, what kind of movement can they cause?
Lilian thought about these things carefully, but she found that she couldn't imagine at all.

Her imagination was constrained by something called 'common sense', and she couldn't imagine what kind of image this huge monster, which was only a little smaller than an aircraft carrier, had and what it used to move in the ocean.

But this is a world with extraordinary abilities, and it is not impossible for such a huge monster to be born.

Zhong Ye interjected at this moment: "If I'm not mistaken, the body density of these sea monsters should not be very strong."

"My brother is smart." Zhang Qian squinted his eyes and smiled, "Only by what my brother said before, we have come to an accurate conclusion."

The conversation between the two of them was like playing a computer game, and Lilian was confused when she heard it, and she didn't understand how Zhong Ye came to that conclusion.

Seeing Lilian's doubts, Zhong Ye explained: "If the fleet and the sea monster Qiu are innocent, there is no need for the fleet to prepare harpoons, and there is no need for Brother Zhang to mention the sea monster.

"It is known that the sea monster needs to live in the deep sea because of its size, so if it wants to intersect with the fleet, it must float into the shallow sea.

"However, even with my body density, it takes a lot of energy to swim in the ocean, not to mention sea monsters that are much bigger than me? If it takes a lot of energy to float up once, why should they float up?" ?

"Indeed, there are more food in the shallow sea, but not every time they float up, they can catch enough food, so I think their body density should be smaller than that of sea water, at most equal to the sea water, otherwise, every time they float up, they will have a lot of food." It needs to consume a lot of physical strength, and the consumption cannot be replenished in time. If one goes up and down, there will definitely be a big problem.”

Lilian Mosai suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this!

She also knew what Zhong Ye said, but her mind was not flexible enough to connect these things.

"My brother is so right, the explanation is simpler and easier to understand than those alchemists who don't like to speak human language." Zhang Qian praised.

Then, he pretended to be mysterious and smiled, "Brother, little girl, do you know why the sea area where there are so many sea monsters is still considered 'harmless' by us?"

"Why?" Lilian asked.

"Because... the sea monster has our own people."

(End of this chapter)

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