Soul echo

Chapter 434 "It's Noon"

Chapter 434 "It's Noon"

Zhong Ye raised his eyes without changing his expression, "Ritual?"

He noticed that after Marcus said the word 'ritual', the faces of the lord and the eldest son changed a few times, and then they became firm as if accepting their fate.

Lily and Lilian standing behind Zhong Ye immediately clenched their weapons, but Zhong Ye didn't move, so naturally they wouldn't move either.

Seeing Zhong Ye's calm and unhurried appearance, the third father and son of the lord felt extremely uneasy in their hearts, and the hearts that had been put down were raised again.

"...Do you think I'll say it?"

Marcus swallowed the words that came to his lips, and he sneered coldly: "You are so confident now because you don't know the horror of the ceremony, but I won't tell you!
"I know, you must be trying to bluff me again, you want to know the truth and solution of the ceremony from me, right? Unfortunately, I won't say it!"

Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes, and just now being fooled by Zhong Ye, Marcus immediately raised his vigilance.

However, he didn't know the reason why Zhong Ye was so confident.

"If you don't want to say, then let me guess."

Zhong Ye raised Erlang's legs, and his indifferent eyes swept across the faces of the lord and the others, causing goose bumps on their faces.

His gaze seemed to have power, just being watched made the third father and son of the lord feel sincere discomfort.

However, they didn't take any action, because delaying time would be beneficial to them. If they really fought, they knew that they would definitely not be able to beat Zhong Ye.

So, the longer the delay, the better!

"You just said that the 'ritual' can make 'everyone' a part of the evil god you believe in, 'including you and me', that is to say, the fundamental purpose of this ceremony is to make 'everyone' be part of the evil god you believe in Absorbed by that evil god, this can be understood as we are all 'sacrifices'."

Zhong Ye clasped his hands together, tapped his left index finger on the back of his right hand, paused, and continued: "And this 'everyone' can be understood as all the residents of Schwenningen, otherwise, you wouldn't think that I can't escape... ...Well, there must be something that confines me to Schwenningen.

"This is just speculation based on what you said, but there are many other things besides this."

Listening to Zhong Ye's unhurried narration, Lily and Lilian also gradually relaxed, and Lilian chuckled even more, and looked provocatively at the three opposite.

While thinking, Zhong Ye explained: "For example, I suspect that the evil god you believe in is the evil god that is believed by monsters who are called 'Painted Skin' in the East and 'Heart Eater' in the West. According to what we know about him, his believers can use a ritual to sublimate themselves into monsters that look like a cloud of black mist, and in the process, the sublimated believers become evil gods part.

"The effect of the ceremony you mentioned is very close to this, so I can understand the ongoing 'ceremony' as 'people in the whole town will be sublimated, become that kind of black mist monster, and become part of that evil god'——before We have already learned that this ritual can not only sublimate believers, but also sublimate people who are not followers of that evil god.

"An altar is needed to hold this ceremony, so it's not a bad idea to regard today's Schwenningen as an altar. After all, you are the lords of Schwenningen, and you are fully capable of doing this kind of thing."

Speaking of this, Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, "If that's the case, then it's really difficult to destroy this ceremony."

Then, he turned his attention to the three fathers and sons of the lord, seeing them tense for a while.

"After talking about the ceremony, let's talk about you, anyway, there is still some time.

"If I'm not mistaken, among the three of you, the person with the most fanatical faith and dominant position should be you, Marcus!"

Following the direction of Zhong Ye's finger, Lilian quietly turned the camera so that the audience could see the expression on Marcus' face at this time.

He had thrown away all the pretense, and his face was very ugly. Obviously, most of what Zhong Ye said hit his heart.

"The reason why you were assassinated was also because of this identity. The last time I entered the lord's mansion and this time, I heard someone mention 'madam', but there should be no 'madam' here, after all, she has already been solved by you up.

"She is your stepmother, she chose to get rid of you in order to destroy the ceremony, but I am a little puzzled, how did she know your identity? What is her own identity?"

Marcus snorted coldly: "Hmph! That's just a cultist who believes in the Lord of Pleasure!"

Now he basically understood why Zhong Ye was so confident, because this guy was also delaying time.

Otherwise, how could this guy say 'There's still some time anyway'?
This guy still has helpers, so he is also delaying the time, the purpose is to appease them and prevent them from speeding up the process of the ceremony.

Staring at Zhong Ye fiercely, Marcus said sharply: "Don't think I don't know what you're doing, you just want to delay the time and let your companion break the ceremony, right? Let me tell you, once the ceremony starts, it can't be stopped !No matter what you do, this ritual is bound to succeed!"

"Delaying time... probably counts."

Zhong Ye took out his pocket watch and took a look, then looked at Marcus and the others, and continued the topic just now: "Your stepmother is a believer in the Lord of Pleasure, and she knows your plan, so she wants to kill you and stop it." The plan went on, but unfortunately, you were rescued by me, and she was not strong, so she was easily solved by you.

"To be honest, when I guessed these things, it's not that I didn't regret saving you. If I hadn't done that at the beginning, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't happen now—of course, it's just 'possible' After all, you have been planning for so long, it is impossible to break it so easily, but without you, your plan may be postponed for a while, which is enough time for your stepmother to get rid of your father and elder brother.

"It probably doesn't make sense to kill you now. After all, once this ritual starts, there's no way to stop it, right?"

The faces of the lord and the lord's eldest son changed rapidly from blue to white.

Although Marcus was not as exaggerated as they were, Zhong Ye's every guess hit the bull's-eye, and he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

It was as if Zhong Ye was standing beside them and watching them formulate, perfect and implement this plan, and he was about to strip out their underpants.

Zhong Ye pressed the switch, flicked open the pocket watch case, glanced at the time again, without raising his head, and said, "According to the information we got outside, the traffickers should use your big boat to transport people to Frankfurt However, there are only a few people who will actually reach the 'terminus'.

"We investigated in Schaffhausen. Up to the time of Schaffhausen, the number of that team was still so large that Schaffhausen's responders needed to buy a few horses every year to help transport them. So, where did the people go? gone?"

As he said that, Zhong Ye raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Probably, it was taken away along the way? Just like Schwenningen, you have also tampered with other towns. Once the plan is successful, you can take it away." Everyone in those cities has been transformed into a part of the power of the evil god you believe in!"

At this moment, there was a sudden cracking sound above their heads. Lily and Lilian looked up at the ceiling, and saw that the roof was suddenly lifted, and the cold wind rushed in.

——The roof of the reception room was grabbed by a huge figure formed by gathering black mist, and it was flipped over.

It was the moment when the cold wind was howling, and the howling wind brought the panicked screams of the people and animals in the town to the reception room that lost its roof.

The cold wind blew Zhong Ye's ponytail behind his head, but he was unmoved, still sitting on the sofa, without even looking at the evil god clone in the sky.

"Before I came, I just adjusted the time on my pocket watch, so the time displayed on this watch is correct."

With that said, Zhong Ye flicked off the hunting shell again, and turned the surface to Marcus and the others.

"Now, it's twelve o'clock."

Just as the evil god's avatar raised its arms and was about to swing, a beam of light piercing the sky and grounded smashed through the thick clouds, fell to the ground, and penetrated the evil god's body.

"It's noon."

(End of this chapter)

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