Soul echo

Chapter 433

Chapter 433
"Master, the one-man and two-female adventurers who begged to see you last time are here again."


Lord Schwenningen raised his head from the book, looked at the male servant who came to report, and pondered for a moment.

"...what did they say?"

"They want to see you. If you refuse, just call in..." the servant said tremblingly, and added afterward, "This is what they said, and that's what they said!"

Hearing this, the lord suddenly felt that his teeth were a little sour, and took a deep breath.

The last time Zhong Ye and the others came, he felt that they were not kind, and this time it was even worse - at least they hadn't spoken harshly the last time they came.

What do you mean by 'calling in directly if you refuse to meet'?Was he not a nobleman, the lord of Schwenningen?
Although he thought so in his heart and was a little angry, the lord did not dare to show this anger.

Now the situation was obvious, Zhong Ye and the others had no other purpose in coming this time, just to find fault.

Could it be... do they have any evidence?

The lord thought for a moment, then waved to the servant, "Go and inform the young master and the second young master, tell them about this matter, let them come to the reception room, and after you have notified them all, go and tell the three adventurers , let them in."

"Yes, yes." The servant nodded and bowed, then turned and left the study.

The moment the servant left, the lord stood up shyly, and went to the reception room.

Before Zhong Ye came, we should quickly discuss what they should do if Zhong Ye and the others really had substantial evidence.

Is it to protect yourself?still have to...

After receiving the notice, Lord Schwenningen's eldest son and second son immediately set off for the reception room.

When they knew that Zhong Ye and the others were coming back, they realized that the situation was not good, so they naturally had to make plans in advance.


Marcus pushed open the door to find his brother and father already in place.

"Marcus, you came just in time." The lord patted the armrest of the sofa under him, "Your brain turns faster, let me tell you what you think."

Hearing these words, Marcus, who already had a bad complexion, changed suddenly and became even uglier.

He walked quickly to the wooden table in the reception room, picked up the paper and pen to draw.

The eldest son frowned slightly, "Marcus, what are you doing?"

Marcus didn't answer. He quickly finished writing his thoughts and turned to show his father and brother to watch.

Seeing the words on the paper, the expressions of both of them changed.

——[I heard that 'Zhong Ye' broke through the extraordinary barrier with his perception ability and became an extraordinary person. His perception ability is very powerful. From now on, none of us should mention that matter. 】

After making sure his father and brother had read it, Marcus crumpled up the paper, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed.

This thing cannot be discovered by Zhong Ye and the others, and this is also the best way to destroy it now.

The lord and his eldest son never thought that Marcus would do such a thing, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Not long after Marcus swallowed the ball of paper with difficulty, the lord and the others heard the deliberate loud voice of the guiding servant.

The lord and the others couldn't help smiling, and then quickly suppressed their smiles, because Zhong Ye and the others had already arrived, just outside the door——

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
"Master, I brought those three adventurers."

The lord adjusted his appearance, looked at his two sons, and made sure that they were ready.

"Come in."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open.

The vigilant eyes of the three lords swept over, and found that the person who opened the door was indeed Zhong Ye.

The servant was squeezed behind him in a panic, watching Zhong Ye lead Lilian and the others into the room one after another.

The lord frowned slightly, and looked at the male servant standing outside the door, "Back off, and close the door by the way."

"Yes, sir..."

With a creak, the door was closed again.

At this time, Zhong Ye had already walked across from the lord and the others, took off his weapon, put it behind the sofa, and then sat down firmly.

"My lord, long time no see."

Hearing this, the lord was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Long time no see..."

He was right in thinking, this time Zhong Ye came to trouble him.

Facing Zhong Ye's burning gaze, the lord paused for a moment, and said again: "I don't know why the famous Lord Zhong Ye came to Schwenningen this time and visited our lord's mansion?"

"My lord, don't ask me knowingly, okay?"

Zhong Ye didn't speak, but Lily, who was standing at the side, opened her mouth with a sneer: "Why did we come back here, don't you all know it well?"

The eldest son of the lord stared over, "My father is talking to Your Excellency Zhong Ye, who are you? How dare you interrupt at this time?"

Hearing this, Lily crossed her arms, and the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, "Then it's a long story, but you only need to know one thing—sometimes, he will obey my orders."

The lord and the others raised their eyebrows, their gazes shifting between Zhong Ye and Lily.

Zhong Ye remained silent, and they took him as tacit consent.

At this time, Marcus spoke and broke the silence: "Miss Lieber, can you speak more clearly?"

"We already have key evidence that can prove that you have colluded with the traffickers we are chasing and have provided assistance to them." Lilian shouted.

The expressions of the lord and the others changed, and while his father and elder brother were silent, he hurriedly said: "We have no contact with any illegal traffickers who buy and sell human beings, nor have we provided them with any form of support." Help, please don't slander us!"

"Are you sure, this is slander?" Zhong Ye said this in a low voice. When the lord and the others heard this, for some reason, they all felt oppressed in their hearts.

The lord took a deep breath, leaned back, and tapped the armrest with his right index finger, "Where's the evidence?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhong Ye took out a few folded papers from his backpack, glanced at them, and read: "On May [-]th a year ago, your family's big ship appeared at the pier in Frankfurt, and there The cargo registered as 'porcelain', on October [-] two years ago, your ship also appeared at the dock in Frankfurt, and the registered commodity was 'silk', then on May [-] two years ago, three years ago October [-]th before, May [-]th three years ago... registered 'porcelain', 'spice', 'silk', and 'gemstone' respectively—Lord, can you explain? I remember Schwenningen No one deals in luxury goods, and the variety is so messy.

"By the way, according to the survey, most of the luxury goods that flow into the Frankfurt market through your hands come from the Hallstatt City-State Alliance, but some of them come from the area north of Frankfurt."

Zhong Ye shook the paper in his hand, and said calmly: "The source is chaotic and unstable, and there are even products produced in the area north of Frankfurt, how do you explain it?

"Of course, if you still want to quibble, I can tell you about the production places of these luxury goods, and ask you again, why these production places coincide with the routes used by human traffickers to transport people?"

Crack, crack, crack...


At this moment when everyone's spirits were tense, Marcus patted his palms and laughed: "It's really wonderful! I can only say that it is worthy of the church, which can investigate so many things in such a short period of time." , Even the route has been dug out, which is really amazing.”

Just when Marcus was about to tell his 'plan' triumphantly, Zhong Ye threw a few pieces of paper on the low table, "No, that's actually a lie to you, the route is actually something I'm investigating. It's only conjecture, but other things are true."


Seeing Marcus's face contorted instantly, Lilian couldn't help laughing, and turned her head aside.

Hearing Lilian's ridicule, Marcus' twisted and ferocious face flushed even more, his chest heaved violently, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"...But, you can't stop it!"

Marcus said viciously: "Just now, the ceremony started, and everyone—including you and me—will become a part of my lord!

"You, can't stop it!"

(End of this chapter)

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