Soul echo

Chapter 418

Chapter 418
Zhong Ye and the others negotiated cooperation with the lord of Schaffhausen, but they did not receive any actual help from the lord.

The lord was emptied by Paulino Baum a few years ago, and now he has no power at all.

Although he can command subordinates, he has no other powers other than that, and even the transfer of guards is "supervised command".

Originally, he didn't have much ambition, and planned to just muddle along, but Zhong Ye and the others came at this time, which aroused his desire for 'power' in his heart.

As a lord, his life like this is too much, so he has a heart of resistance.

But the power of the lord is really weak, there is no one trustworthy around him, and there is no one who can be mobilized.

Therefore, Zhong Ye and the others could only investigate the matter by themselves with the certificate issued by the lord.

But their purpose has been achieved - just when the lord was talking to them!
Zhong Ye has already noticed that Paulino Baum did send someone to monitor and monitor the lord, which also means that the conversation between them may have already reached Paulino's ears.

Holding the certificate issued by the lord, until they left the castle, Zhong Ye could still feel several eyes staring at him.

When he told Lilian and the others about his discovery, they couldn't help laughing.

Those who followed secretly would certainly not know that Zhong Ye's perception ability was extraordinary, and he could notice their sight, right?
I thought I was hiding enough, but I never thought that I had been completely exposed to Zhong Ye's feelings - if they didn't stare at Zhong Ye, maybe Zhong Ye wouldn't be able to notice this matter!
Watched by those stalkers, Zhong Ye and the others left the castle and returned to the town.

They also know that the evidence in their hands is not very effective. If it is used in investigations, not many people will be willing to talk to them.

Thus, Zhong Ye brought Lilian and the others to the Adventurer's House.

A large group of players gathered in the Adventurer's House, and now they are not allowed to leave the northern border of Hallstatt, even if they leave the town, they are only hunting.

It was relatively fresh at the beginning, but after hunting too many times, they themselves felt bored.

Animals are not easy to find, even if you find them, you may not be able to catch them, and even if you catch them, you may not be able to eat them.

After experiencing this kind of thing too much, players will naturally feel bored.

This world is just a game to them, they come here to play the game, not to be played by the game - although with the difficulty of "Echo of Soul", there is nothing wrong with saying that they are playing games.

The players gathered in the hall, singing and playing cards, highlighting a group of demons dancing wildly, even the aboriginal adventurers were assimilated by them and joined their ranks.

In terms of eating, drinking and playing, the players from an era of rich products are indeed unique. The chess and games they brought quickly corrupted the aborigines. Even the receptionist of the Adventurer's House could not escape their evil hands. .

The entire hall of the Adventurer's House was filled with joy. On the way from the door to the front desk, Lily's footsteps could not help but bring a sense of rhythm.

However, with the arrival of Zhong Ye and the others, many players also turned their attention to it. Seeing them walking all the way to the front desk made their eyes shine even more.

Zhong Ye leaned over and said a few words to the receptionist, the receptionist's eyes widened uncontrollably, his mouth opened slightly, and he looked at Zhong Ye in disbelief.

"...Are you really sure you want to do that?" the receptionist asked blankly.

"Of course." Zhong Ye nodded, and took out the folded certificate from his arms, "This is the certificate issued by the lord."

The receptionist took the voucher and carefully read it several times, and finally confirmed that it was probably, indeed, possibly really the voucher issued by the lord...

"I, I... I need to ask for instructions." After saying that, the receptionist got up and walked quickly to the superior's office with the voucher.

The act of the receptionist leaving his post attracted more people's attention, and more players noticed Zhong Ye standing at the front desk.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!"

"Master Zhong!"

"Mr. Zhong!"

The players greeted excitedly, and the aboriginal adventurers next to them were stunned.

what happened?Is that person famous?

Suddenly, someone came to his senses and exclaimed, "He, he is that Eastern native!"

"What Eastern native?"

Some adventurers have been active around Schaffhausen, the news is not well-informed, and they still feel confused.

However, that scream also awakened the sleeping memory of some people, and suddenly, there was an uproar in the hall.

The legendary hero who saved several cities, how did he appear in Schaffhausen?

"He was the one who led the team to solve the Constantia plague before!"

Hearing this, even the adventurers who didn't know who Zhong Ye was were gasped.

The players who came back from Constantia had already bragged to them what kind of big scene it was. The whole city was engulfed in flames. The fire burned for two days and three nights. Even if you were outside the city, you could still feel the flames. hot.

Tens of thousands of animal corpses in the city were devoured by the fire, and none of them could escape.

That kind of scene is scary just thinking about it, and now, the person who led that operation is standing in front of them—if this operation is counted, has he saved another city?
No, not just a city, he even saved the entire north of Hallstatt!
But now, such a strong man who should have been in the legend is standing in front of them alive.

Not surprised, Zhong Ye looked back at the players, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, showing a smile, and nodded to the players, "You are all right, have you eaten yet?"

……how to say?What a greeting full of Eastern style!

The players replied one after another: "Ahahaha, eat it!"

"I haven't had lunch yet, Master Zhong, do you want to have it together?"

"Speaking of which, I'm really hungry..."

Just then, the receptionist came back with her superior.

The person in charge of the Adventurer's House in Schaffhausen is a young man, and Zhong Ye could tell at a glance that this young man is probably a mage.

This made him a little surprised, a mage would become the person in charge of the Adventurer's House?Aren't they always reluctant to stay with rough people like adventurers?

"Mr. Zhong... Ye?"

The pronunciation of Zhong Ye's name is a bit of a mouthful for people from the Westland, but as a mage, the intelligence of the person in charge of the Schaffhausen Adventurer's House is still up to the standard, and he just pronounced the name after a slight pause.

It can be seen from this that he probably didn't know about Zhong Ye before.

"We confirmed that this voucher was indeed issued by the lord. Do you want to use this voucher to issue a mission?"

The person in charge pushed the glasses to confirm.

"Yes." Zhong Ye nodded.

The players who pricked up their ears to listen reacted greatly. They looked at Zhong Ye eagerly, waiting for him to tell the mission.

"So, what's the mission?"


Zhong Ye took a deep breath, glanced at the person in charge, turned his head to look at the many adventurers present, and said loudly: "I am currently investigating a human trafficking chain, and based on the clues I have obtained so far, I deduce that Schaffhausen There is a 'responsor', who helped the group of human traffickers, helped them cover their tracks, helped them supply food, and helped them deceive the world.

"Now, I have obtained a certificate from the lord of Schaffhausen. Through this certificate, I can control a hundred gold coins. At the same time, even nobles cannot refuse my investigation.

"However, I still lack some manpower—now I am openly recruiting, and I need nine people. The commission for each person is ten gold coins. The extra ten gold coins are used as rewards. Whoever finds the key clues will be rewarded with ten gold coins." to whom!"

Zhong Ye's words were like a meteorite falling into the sea, causing countless turbulent waves.

——The Adventurer's House instantly boiled!
(End of this chapter)

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