Soul echo

Chapter 417 Acting

Chapter 417 Acting
After deciding to take action, Zhong Ye and the others prepared their speech on the spot, and even went to the lord's castle the next day.

The news about the lord of Schaffhausen didn't seem to be very well-informed. Even though Zhong Ye asked to see the lord in his own capacity, he let it go lightly without doing anything extra.

This surprised Zhong Ye a little. He thought that all the lords knew his identity as the 'Lord Killer'.

However, becoming the so-called "Lord Killer" is not what he wants. If possible, he does not want abyss to appear in those places. Unfortunately, the sky does not fulfill his wishes, and abyss will appear in almost every place that he fancyes——if this continues , he is going to become an 'Abyss Detector'.

Zhong Ye and the others successfully met the lord of Schaffhausen. In order to show kindness, they did not bring their own weapons. Apart from the knuckles in their arms and the iron boots on their feet, Lilian and the others did not bring either. Other weapons, even the blades hidden in the boots, were removed.

However, they are powerful weapons in themselves. Even Lilian, who is the weakest in physical fitness, can break a not-thick door with one kick.

"My lord, hello, my name is Zhong Ye, I come from Dongtu, have you heard of my name?"

Before asking the prepared questions, Zhong Ye needed his own registration number, so as to enhance the Lord's trust in him, so that he could make better inquiries.

The lord turned his eyes away from Lily's face and looked at Zhong Ye, "East native? Are you famous?"


Zhong Ye nodded. Just as the lord frowned, he continued, "I've saved several cities, so I'm probably quite famous."

The lord couldn't help laughing, but after laughing for a while, looking at Zhong Ye, he somehow developed a sense of trust.

"...Really? Are you joking?"

Zhong Ye met his eyes and said calmly, "No."

"Hiss..." The lord took a deep breath and straightened his crooked body, "A 'big man' like you, come to a small place like ours, do you have anything to do? You even paid me a special visit?"

Great, the foundation has been laid.

Zhong Ye was very sure that his [Affinity Physique] should have played a role in making the Lord believe his words, otherwise he might have to spend a little more time talking.

After confirming that the lord had begun to believe his words, Zhong Ye turned his head to look at Lily and gave her a look.

Lily nodded invisibly, took a step forward, and said in a slightly hoarse sexy voice: "That's right, we are investigating an incident and need your help."

According to the information given by Pastor Igor, the lord of Schaffhausen is a rich man, and at the same time he is greedy for beauty.

Compared to Zhong Ye asking the lord, it is more appropriate for Lily to ask.

Before coming, they had discussed it. They would decide who to speak based on the lord's reaction. Just now, the lord's eyes stayed on Lily for a longer time. Therefore, Lily needs to stand up at this time.

Lilian on the side lowered her head, saw her iron boots at a glance, and couldn't help but pouted.

The lord's throat muscles tensed slightly, and he swallowed, "What is it...?"

"human trafficking."

Hearing this, the lord suddenly raised his eyes, looked vigilantly at Lily's smiling eyes, then lowered his eyelids, and took a deep breath.

"You mean, someone in Schaffhausen is trafficking people?" The lord put on a serious face and asked sternly, "Are you suspicious of me?"

"No, we didn't talk about that." Lily shrugged, her plump breasts shook slightly, and attracted the Lord's attention again.

"I just found out that someone in Schaffhausen may be secretly helping those traffickers. As the most powerful person in Schaffhausen, I hope you can help us find that person!"

The lord secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be this...

He originally thought that his small movements would not be discovered, but Zhong Ye's perception was extraordinary, and he could detect his reaction at a glance.

As a result, another name was added to the list of suspects.

Even if the lord of Schaffhausen did not participate in this matter, he must be a stakeholder.

The lord pretended to be thinking, and tapped the table a few times with his index finger.

"Does it do me any good?"

This issue is also under consideration by Zhong Ye and the others. Lily has said more than once that nobles are a kind of profit animal, more greedy and unscrupulous than businessmen.

Lily laughed again, put her hands on the table, bent her upper body, and whispered, "Fame, and power!"

The lord's eyes froze, and he turned his head to look, only to see that the sexy and plump woman had shrunk back.

Lily smiled and asked: "We have inquired that the actual ruler of Schaffhausen is not you, right?"

"Ridiculous!" The lord sneered, "I am the lord of Schaffhausen, how could it be..."

"Paulino Baum." Lily interrupted the lord by saying a name.

After hearing the name, the lord fell silent.

"We have heard that that guy is your father's adopted son. After you inherited your father's title and territory, you also trust him very much, because he personally scalded his throat to show his loyalty, and then It is logical to become the closest person around you.

"Maybe you were wary of him at the beginning, but as time went by, because you were not a suspicious person, you gradually became more trusting of him, and gradually handed over the power to Paulino. , but also in the process, he seized power that did not belong to him, and when you wake up, you find that he has occupied the Baum family and Schaffhausen—am I right?"

"...So what? So what?" The lord snorted coldly, and asked angrily, "I helped you solve that matter, helped you find the person you want to deal with, and what benefits can it bring me?"

Lily smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: "No one said... there can only be 'one' who can help those traffickers!"

The lord was a little slow, and was stunned for a few seconds before he realized what Lily meant.

Excited for a moment, then sighed in disappointment.

However, he had no power at all against Paulino Baum.

Lily is so smart, she can see why the lord is showing such an appearance at a glance, the corners of her lips are slightly pursed, "... us!"

"What?" The lord looked up in a daze.

Lily pointed to herself and Lilian, and then pointed to Zhong Ye, "Although she and I are not extraordinary, we are not much weaker than extraordinary. What's more, with Zhong Ye here, he has saved several people. The great hero of the city is among the best in strength, even among the extraordinary, and one person can beat an army.

"As long as you can help us find the helpers of the group of human traffickers in Schaffhausen, we are willing to help you deal with Paulino. How about this deal?"

The lord was quite moved, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated again.

"You, how can you guarantee that you are really as strong as you say? How do I know if you are bragging?"

"There is no way to prove this." Lily spread her hands helplessly, "Believe it or not, we don't ask you to believe us. If you don't cooperate with us, we can go to Paulino to cooperate. After all, we just want to find It’s just that person, as for who helped us find it, it doesn’t really matter.”

"No!" The lord squinted his eyes and slapped the table to get up.

When Zhong Ye and the others were on his side, he was timid and couldn't believe what they said, but when Zhong Ye and the others were about to run to Paulino's side, he was afraid that what they said was true.

"Why not?" Lily curled her hair hanging from her temples with her fingers, and looked at the lord with a half-smile, "We are not your subordinates, let alone we go to Paulino to cooperate, and we don't need to deal with you, because you He has long been playing with him in the palm of his hand, even without us, he can hold you firmly."

The lord stared at her, his chest heaving violently, "You, you..."

After glaring for a moment, she found that the woman was not afraid at all, so she sat back in the chair weakly, dejected.

"Okay, I promise you... But, you have to help me deal with Paulino, the treacherous dog!"

As he spoke, the lord raised his head again, gritted his teeth, with a hideous expression on his face.

Lily smiled and nodded, "Then, happy cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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