Soul echo

Chapter 130 Between Fiction and Reality (continued)

Chapter 130 Between Fiction and Reality (continued)

Following Zhong Ye into the living area of ​​the camp, Amos found that most people respected Zhong Ye.

Their performance is too obvious, and their emotions are almost written on their faces.

And when they greeted Zhong Ye, Zhong Ye would also politely return the greeting. At this time, Amos realized that Zhong Ye's etiquette was a subconscious action, almost instinctive.

——How can a noble family cultivate such polite descendants?

However, just as they continued to go deeper into the camp and were about to reach the city gate, Amos suddenly frowned and stopped.

"The smell of the abyss..."


Just as the witcher was about to say something, Lilian ran over to Zhong Ye's side and stopped panting, "You, you're back."

Zhong Ye raised his right hand and rubbed the girl's head, "Didn't you say you don't have to worry? Could it be that you think I can't deal with that monster?"

"Your student?" Amos poked his head out from behind Zhong Ye, and looked at Lilian with great interest, "It's only been a few months since we parted? Why did you accept a student?"

When the demon hunter opened his mouth, Lilian discovered that beside Zhong Ye was a handsome man who was almost the same height as him, but he was a little stronger.

Amos put his arm casually on Zhong Ye's shoulder, with a cynical and playful smile on his face. Although he was also very handsome, he was the type that Lilian hated.

"Who are you?" Lilian noticed that Amos's eyes were not right, and asked warily.

"Amos, a demon hunter." With a shoulder shake, Zhong Ye shook off Amos' arm, then turned his head to look at the demon hunter, "What did you just say? The smell of the abyss?"

Speaking of business, Amos also suppressed his smile and nodded heavily, "To be precise, it's the smell of demons. All demon hunters have modified their bodies, and so have I. I modified my senses of sight and smell, so I'm the tracking and discerning part of the witcher.

"Of course, even so, it is still difficult for us to distinguish the high-level demons under the King of Conspiracy, they are more cunning than other demons, and they can hide themselves.

"As long as they don't enter the church, even standing in front of senior priests, they can hide their identities."

As he said that, the demon hunter sneered disdainfully: "It's just that the demons hiding in this camp are too low-level, and they can't even hide their own 'taste' well."

Lilian stood aside and listened ignorantly. She couldn't believe that there were demons hiding in the camp?
Zhong Ye turned his head and thought for a while, "I'm going?"

"Of course you go." Amos shrugged his shoulders. "I'm a demon hunter. As long as I get close, I will be spotted by it. You can only go. Since there is a demon in the camp, there must be some." "Supporting" things appear, and I have to help you suppress these things."

"Where is it?" Zhong Ye asked.

"The city gate." Amos replied.

Without questioning or asking 'who is the devil', Zhong Ye walked towards the city gate.

Lilian stared blankly at Zhong Ye's leaving back, and wanted to follow, but was stopped by Amos.

The demon hunter pressed her shoulders and said with a smile: "Little sister, your teacher is going to deal with a strong enemy, and you will distract him by following."

"Ah..." Lilian exclaimed softly, her face flushed slightly.

Because Zhong Ye has always been able to solve any incident skillfully, she has the illusion that Zhong Ye is omnipotent.

——Actually, there are things he can't do.

"Stay here well. If abnormalities appear in the camp later, helping Zhong Ye deal with them is the greatest help you can do to Zhong Ye—presumably Zhong Ye has also taught you that you should do things according to your ability."

After speaking, Amos also led the horse and left here, not knowing where he was going.

"... Do what you can, Lilian, come on!" The girl squeezed her fists to cheer herself up, and then she remembered that she was live broadcasting, and her face flushed.

In the distance, the corners of Zhong Ye's mouth turned up slightly, and he quickly pressed it down again.

Walking briskly all the way, it didn't take long for Zhong Ye to reach the base of the city wall, pushed open the wooden door, and walked into the city wall.

Up to now, most people no longer stay inside the city walls. The living environment here is not very good. There are many houses outside that have not been damaged by the aberrations. They can live in with a little cleaning, so there is no need to crowd here.

Only the soldiers who originally belonged to the city defense army and the private army still lived in the city wall at Fletcher's request, crowded in the corridors and a few undamaged rooms.

Now the soldiers are exhausted, but it is the privilege of the wounded to live in the room. No matter how tired they are, they can only lean against the wall of the corridor and sleep with their feet.

A soldier who was close to the stairs noticed Zhong Ye's arrival, but saw him put his index finger up to his lips, "Shut up, let everyone have a good rest, tell me Matt, Wilco, Fry Who among them is here."

Feeling warm in the soldier's heart, he also replied in a low voice: "Master Matt and Lord Wilco are both here."

Zhong Ye nodded and said with a smile, "Have a good rest."

He stepped over the outstretched legs of the soldiers, and his footsteps landed in the gap, silently, like a ghost floating on the ground.

Zhong Ye controlled every muscle in his body, he didn't let the weapon on his back collide, and he didn't bump into anyone, waking them up.

As Transcendents, even in this critical moment, Matt and Wilco still have the privilege to have their own room.

Zhong Ye passed by one room after another, listening to the breathing inside, and soon found the room of the two of them.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
"Who?" A suspicious voice came from the room.

Soon, the door opened from the inside, and Matt poked his head out suspiciously, then opened his eyes wide, "Are you back?"

Zhong Ye raised his chin, pointed to the room, "Go in and talk."

Matt thought for a while, and it really should be so, so he stepped aside and let Zhong Ye walk into the room.

After entering the room, Zhong Ye cut to the chase and asked directly, "When Fletcher was doing those things, you didn't intend to stop him?"

The implication is that you were once a mercenary, shouldn't you help the mercenaries?
Moreover, Matt also entered the arsenal to make statistics. The mercenaries did not know that the 'ammunition scarcity' situation that Fletcher mentioned did not exist at all. He could not have known.

In this regard, Matt could only remain silent.

He could see that Zhong Ye was here to inquire about his crimes. Could it be possible that he really wanted to say that he didn't have any ideas at the beginning?
"To be honest, what he did is too dangerous!" Zhong Ye folded his arms and said in a cold voice, "All the muskets are in the hands of the soldiers, and thanks to him he can figure it out—don't forget, you once fought with the other The devil has had a lot of contact, if there is another mutation, you are likely to become aberrations, then how should those people outside resist? Eggs cannot be put in the same basket!"

"...What do you want to do?" Matt frowned slightly, "Send the muskets to the mercenaries and adventurers again? They are not good people, at least the soldiers are still under our restraint, if those hooligans Trouble, who can stop them?"

They have built a well-defended camp, it is difficult for monsters outside to invade, and for the people living in the camp, they have already obtained safety.

Once people relax, the idea of ​​uniting to survive will disappear, and evil thoughts will breed.

Zhong Ye was out of security considerations, and Matt was out of security considerations.

"Just don't let them idle!" Zhong Ye shook his head, "After they rest, I will take them to capture more blocks and expand the camp outward."

Matt was suddenly choked up, something he had never thought of before.

"I'm going to find Wilco." Zhong Ye patted Matt on the shoulder, walked past him, and walked out of the room.

Wilco's room was next door, and Zhong Ye no longer hid the sound of his footsteps. When he walked to the door, he heard a low voice from inside: "The door is not closed."

Putting down the hand that was about to knock on the door, Zhong Ye opened the door and walked in.

The slender swordsman was lying on the bed, with one hand and one foot tightly bound with bandages. He raised his gloomy eyes and glanced at Zhong Ye. He looked at the ceiling and exhaled, "I'm not going to get involved. With my current situation, there is no way I can get involved in the fight between you."

When Zhong Ye talked with Matt before, he didn't deliberately lower his voice, only separated by a wall, Wilco heard the content of their conversation clearly.

He knew that Zhong Ye must have done it on purpose, just to let him stand in line.

Hearing these words, Zhong Ye could tell who was the devil, and under Wilco's terrified eyes, he pulled out the big sword from behind.

"Amos said that you are so low-level that you can't even hide your taste."

"Who? What's low-level? What's the smell?" The skinny man suddenly sat up and shouted in panic, "Zhong Ye, Your Excellency Zhong Ye, what are you doing?!"

Zhong Ye didn't answer, but put the big sword in front of his body, and said coldly: "Now I realize that you are not only low-level, but also stupid!"

Then, the greatsword swung, and Wilco screamed.

Amidst the screams, the moonlight smashed through the wall, Zhong Ye stepped through the smoke and appeared in front of Matt again. Looking at this stunned man, he tilted his head.

"—do you think I'm right?"

To deal with him, Fletcher had to find at least one ally, but who would win over a cripple?

It probably wasn't Fletcher's idea to seize the muskets either, or rather, 'not entirely' his idea.

Like a scream that stopped abruptly, the astonishment only stayed on Matt's face for a moment.

Wilco's screams and loud bangs woke up the soldiers sitting in the corridor resting, and they were looking over here, trying to figure out what happened.

Matt laughed, very broadly.

"Even if, so what if you know?" The seemingly honest and burly man laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face.

"Can you stop all of this? The people you once protected, the people who tried so hard to bring out from that manor, are now all going to become distortions, hurting the other people you want to protect! Do you feel ironic? ? Do you feel that all your hard work has been in vain? Do you feel regret and remorse?"

"No!" Zhong Ye replied decisively.

Not only Matt was stunned, but even Wilco who was listening was also stunned.

The warrior said:

"—None of this will happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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