Soul echo

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

The knight Fletcher was riding on horseback, and the soldiers stood in two rows behind him on both sides of the street, holding muskets and facing the removed barricades.

The mercenaries belonging to the camp patrol ran in at the head, raised their hands to them, and shouted: "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Although he couldn't order those soldiers, after hearing this, Fletcher raised his arms and signaled the soldiers to put down their muskets for the time being and wait for the next order.

Fletcher could see the black heads at the end of the street. Compared with refugees, they were more like a group of running hungry wolves. Because of the long-distance running, their faces had become extremely hideous.

After a moment of silence, the knight drove his horse to the side of the street, sticking against the wall of a nearby house.

Not long after, a torrent of people poured into the 'gap' of the defense line and walked into the camp from here.

I don't know if there are hundreds or thousands of people, but there is no end in sight at a glance.

The soldiers subconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands. They were all frightened by the hideous faces of the survivors, and their bodies moved by themselves.

However, because Fletcher ordered them to point their guns at the ground, the tragedy did not happen.

At this time, the sentinel on the roof issued a warning: "Attention! Monsters are coming from the surrounding streets!"

Perhaps because they realized that it was impossible for them to break through the defenses of Zhong Ye and Amos, some deformed bodies with strong mobility bypassed the rear of the team and walked through some deep alleys in Hengmen, intending to run to the front of the team and intercept them. crowd.

It's a pity that they didn't expect that there was a camp established by humans in front of them. The existence of this camp made their plan meaningless from the very beginning.

Fletcher realized this very early on, and dispersed his troops early on, relying on barricades and buildings to defend every street and alley connected to the city.

Looking at the survivors pouring into the camp, Fletcher pursed his lips tightly.

He has never been very convinced by Zhong Ye. Even though Zhong Ye led them all the way out of the manor and set up a camp, Zhong Ye was still just an adventurer, but he was trusted and followed by so many people.

And now, Zhong Ye has saved so many people and returned... Why?
——Just an adventurer!
The gunfire rang out, and although it was a few houses away, the soldiers still heard the sound of the guns firing.

Their comrades began to fight those monsters, that is to say, the rest of the monsters were not far away from them.

The line in front of them seemed endlessly long, the survivors were not running slowly, and the gap between the barricades could pass several people every second, but after a few minutes, when their eyes crossed the gap, they could see The crowd outside the camp didn't seem to have diminished at all.

Standing here, they couldn't see Zhong Ye's figure, so they couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Come one by one, don't worry!"

The mercenaries standing around the gap yelled, intending to make people slow down and not bump into each other. Once they fell, it would seriously affect the progress of the team.

Fortunately, nothing bad happened. After 10 minutes, all the people passed the barricade, and Amos also ran over on his horse.

"Close the barricade!"

The witcher stood on the street and shouted to the mercenaries and soldiers looking into the distance: "Don't worry about Zhong Ye, that guy is stronger than you imagined, he stayed behind and will come over soon, Barricade It's okay to close it, and he can't even pass this kind of thing."

Because of these words, people couldn't help but look at the witcher.

It sounds like he is very familiar with His Excellency Zhong Ye?Is it someone you met before?
The soldiers looked at each other, and finally turned to Fletcher, leaving the decision to him.

Looking at Amos, Fletcher always felt that this person was very strange, but after thinking for a while, he still gave the order: "Close the barricade."

High piles of construction waste and large furniture were pushed down, slowly closing the gap in the defense line.

At this time, the gunfire had stopped, and the fighting on the side street was over.

Amos did not leave, but fiddled with a box of ammunition from the luggage, and filled the bullets into the pistol magazine one by one.

Raising his hand and touching his waist, the knight looked a little gloomy.

He also had such a revolver in the past, but it was taken away by Zhong Ye and has not been returned to him until now. It seems that he does not plan to return it.

Everyone knew that there was going to be a tough fight, so everyone was sorting out their equipment.

The mercenaries holding swords, guns and axes couldn't help but glanced at the muskets in the soldiers' hands and snorted softly.

This camp seems a bit unsafe...

While checking the equipment, Amos secretly observed the people here, and found that there seemed to be some friction between the mercenaries and the soldiers, and the knight didn't care about it, and he knew there was a problem at a glance.

The firearms in the hands of the soldiers were clearly not from the same batch. Some of the barrels were even rusted, which was the opposite of the shiny guns beside them.

The soldiers are all holding muskets, while the mercenaries are all holding melee weapons. Is this to make the mercenaries die?
The witcher's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smelled something unusual from it.

Suddenly, there was a tremor coming from the front, and a figure jumped over the barricade and fell into the defense line.

Zhong Ye panted slightly, looked around, and saw the excited expressions on people's faces.

Turning to look at Fletcher, Zhong Ye asked, "How is the situation in the camp? Can it accommodate so many people?"

The knight took a deep breath and shook his head, "I'm not very optimistic. Food should not be enough, and if so many people live together, will those monsters be attracted?"

"This is not a problem. Most of the aberrations are attracted by the Adventurer's House and the church. We only need to solve the part that is chasing." Amos suddenly interjected, "By the way, although the aberrations The body will not pollute the water source, but we must also be careful that there may be distortions in the well, and two or three people are required to be stationed next to each well."

Hearing this, Fletcher cast doubtful eyes on Zhong Ye.

The warrior did not hesitate, nodded and said: "Listen to him, he is an expert—an expert in dealing with such things!"

The demon hunter smiled slightly, "Let's talk about these things later, the most important thing now is to deal with those things."

He pouted, turning everyone's attention beyond the barricade.

Unknowingly, the rushing group of deformed bodies has come to the corner of the street.

The battle is imminent!

"what happened?"

After Fletcher led the team away, Zhong Ye asked the mercenaries, "Where are your muskets?"

"After your Excellency left, they confiscated you!"

"Now we only have swords in our hands, not even a crossbow. How can we fight those monsters?"

"If it wasn't for your protection just now, I, Kaman and the others might all have died!"

When he asked about it, the mercenaries couldn't help pouring out their bitterness.

During the battle just now, Zhong Ye noticed this situation, but Fletcher was still there, so he didn't question him face-to-face, lest a conflict erupt and affect the mercenaries and soldiers.

It doesn't matter if he and the knight fight to the death, it's just that other people should not be involved in the struggle.

Zhong Ye listened silently, nodding repeatedly.

Not long after he left, Fletcher took the lead in confiscating the muskets and ammunition in the hands of the mercenaries to arm the soldiers who had already belonged to him.

But there are so many spare weapons in the arsenal that there is absolutely no need to do this.

Fletcher did this because he wanted to gain power in the camp.

Hearing these words, Zhong Ye frowned. When is this, and he still wants to fight for power?
"Want to help?" Amos stood next to the steed, with his arms folded, his eyes full of teasing.

From his point of view, this kind of trivial matter doesn't need his help at all, Zhong Ye can solve it by himself, and it's just for a joke.

Zhong Ye glanced at him, said nothing, and strode towards the city gate.

The demon hunter laughed, and led his horse to follow Zhong Ye's footsteps.

Turning his head to look at the sky in due time, the smile on his face faded.

——The condensed part of the Illusory Gate has already exceeded one-third!

(End of this chapter)

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