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Chapter 98 The Goblin Who Got Away

Chapter 98 The Goblin Who Got Away
Soon the number of patrols at the top of the Great Wall began to increase sharply. The number of guards stationed here all the year round was as high as 2000. This is a remarkable existence for the few people in Su Nan, especially with the strong support of Su Nan Workshop. The equipment of the defense team members is extremely sophisticated.Considering the climate, all the equipment is equipped with anti-cold magic effects. Even if you wear heavy armor, you will not feel cold at night when the temperature drops sharply.

Wang Yan knows nothing about the changes in the distance. He has been fighting in the game until late at night. All the characters in his account have finished clearing the abyss. Recently, he is accumulating various equipment souls to prepare for cross-border equipment. About half of the legendary souls can successfully cross a set of level 85 epic suits, and the parts of epic equipment suits are distributed among dozens of numbers, and it is not a problem to add up several sets of level 85 epic suits .

However, Wang Yan was not in a hurry to redeem a few epics and use them first. After all, he can't even wear level [-] sacred objects. There is still some time left for the tenth-level suit, but Wang Yan believes that as long as he continues to exercise, one day he can reach the physical strength of wearing the epic suit.

Wang Yan, who finished brushing the abyss, recently logged into the game and has been moving bricks. He was originally a brick-moving anchor, so he naturally has his own rhythm of moving bricks. It took only a few hours to move half of the characters. Later, he was too sleepy. He put away his laptop, went to the soft bed and lay down. It is important to move bricks to earn gold coins, but the most important thing is to protect his body. After all, he is no longer on the earth. There is no food to eat, and now he no longer worries about these things.

It only took a few minutes for Wang Yan to fall asleep on the soft bed, and the light on the top of the tent automatically dimmed. When a beast passed by Wang Yan's tent in the middle of the night, it sniffed Wang Yan. The flaming tent did not smell any smell, and left after turning around in a circle. In their perception, this was a stone or wood that appeared suddenly, no difference from the stones and wood around them.

Turning back to the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain, the ice dragon flew into the clouds after raging and destroying Amroth, and fell down again shortly afterwards. This time, a small tribe below had no resistance and was directly frozen into ice A huge lump of ice, needless to say, the Bantu people inside were completely wiped out.

The whole day's kung fu ice dragon destroyed dozens of tribes, large and small, and almost wiped out one-third of the Bantu tribe. Afterwards, it destroyed all empty tribes, but did anyone in the tribe care about it? As far as the ice dragon is concerned, it is not something to consider at all. It only needs to freeze the unpleasant existence into a lump of ice, and nothing can stop it.

Finally, when night fell, the ice dragon returned to the Kannak Mountains. It found a huge snow peak and landed on it. Then it lowered its head and fell into a short sleep. After all, it was too big to fly for a day. It also needs to rest and recover its energy overnight. Even if the ice dragon is a man-made creature, it cannot go against common sense and be in a permanent rage.

A few hours after the ice dragon lay down, Goblin Ino shivered and got out of the hole formed by the accumulated snow from a place on the back of the ice dragon. He followed the ice dragon for a day and a night, The anti-cold potion and anti-cold talisman he was carrying were about to run out, and he dared to get out of the cave after he could not hear the roar of the ice dragon and the sound of flapping its wings.

Looking at the thick pillars all around, Goblin only felt very familiar. Isn't this the pillars that he drilled down before?It turns out that the pillar is just one of the thousands of pillars on the ice dragon. These pillars are all made of extremely tough black ice. Even if they are exposed to the sun or even baked with fire, the black ice cannot be melted. It is one of the ice dragon's defenses against the flames. Under the pillars are actually the huge scales of the ice dragon. The goblin walked a few steps in fear before seeing the traces of the intersection of the scales. He clicked his tongue incomparably, a scale It is more than ten meters long, so one can imagine the specific size of the ice dragon.

In the end, the goblin still climbed down the body of the ice dragon. It felt more difficult than climbing down the snowy mountain. Although he knew that his actions would have no effect on the sleeping ice dragon, this was the whole of Arad. There is a famous and fierce ice dragon in the mainland. Goblins can climb down from the opponent's body without being frightened to death, because they already have great courage.

After his feet landed on the ground, the goblin kneeled down in the snow. He looked down and couldn't help crying. There was still a longer snow mountain to come down. Even so, he still continued to climb down. , although the snow mountain is high, but compared to the ice dragon behind it, the danger is not worth mentioning.

Goblin didn't know how many falls he had to do all night, because he didn't have much anti-cold potion and anti-cold talisman, and he didn't want to go out of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain if he stayed for a day or two.

When he came to a flat ground on the mountainside of the snow mountain, the Goblin couldn't help but took out the helicopter stolen by the Goblin Kingdom from the storage space, then he entered the cockpit of the helicopter, buried himself in the manual for a long time, and finally Little by little, the helicopter was started, and finally the helicopter's rotors began to rotate, and it left the ground in a wobble, carrying the frightened goblin into the sky.

The sleeping ice dragon Scassa was not awakened by the humming and roaring of the helicopter. To it, the noise was like mosquitoes to humans. Goblin Ino finally raised the helicopter to a height of several hundred meters. At high altitude, he looked out through the window of the helicopter, and the huge size of the ice dragon behind him fell into his eyes. He couldn't help but shudder, and the ice dragon Skasa could be clearly seen flying hundreds of meters into the sky. He no longer wants to stay in this horrible place. Now that the ice dragon's blood has been obtained, it is time to leave here and find a safe place to extract it.

Buvanga and his group of five arrived here not long after, looking at the ice dragon Scasa, whose head was sleeping on the snowy peak in the distance, there was anger in Buvanga's eyes, he tightened the golden giant hammer in his hand, and pressed Resisting the impulse in his heart, he and his disciples alone will not have much impact on the ice dragon at the moment. Now that the ice dragon has awakened, it is time to find his old friends and other people from the Arad continent. The strong man helped the Bantu people survive the catastrophe.

"Go back, we need to find Orka as soon as possible, and join other suffering tribesmen." Buwanga took a deep look at the ice dragon, gritted his teeth and turned his head to leave. The four disciples behind him also looked at him with hatred. Looking at the snow-capped mountains, he only regrets that he is not strong enough to eliminate the great hatred of the Bantu tribe: the ice dragon Skasa.

(End of this chapter)

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