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Chapter 97 Xuzu Great Wall (23)

Chapter 97 Xuzu Great Wall (23)

Wang Yan was driving an off-road jeep on the streets of Su Nan. He was not in a hurry to leave Su Nan City. He had exchanged teleportation potions from the game, but he hadn’t used it yet. He didn’t know the potions in the game that could teleport characters instantly. Whether it can be used in reality.

Inadvertently, he came to the forging area of ​​Su Nan, recalling the previous agreement with Xiao Tiezhu, Wang Yan patted his head, he forgot to collect Nianqi ore, but when he found it after inquiring about Xiao Tiezhu's shop, He found that Xiao Tie Zhu hadn't come back yet, so he thought it was true. The other party should be going to Yuexi Town by carriage, and it would take at least a week or so to come back.

"I'm about to leave Su Nan. I haven't met other celebrities in the game. Xi Lan just took a look from a distance. Su Nan Aska is not here now. Nuo Yu is a royal swordsman and a diplomatic envoy. It's easy to see. No." After wandering around for a while, Wang Yan shook his head, now Xuzu has been around for most of the time, except for the legendary cultivation valley and the Holy Land of Yuelun Mountain, he has not entered, and he has seen all other places, Wang Yan thinks it is time to leave here Embark on a new journey,

"Your Majesty! Something is wrong, the ice dragon in the Wannian Snow Mountain has awakened!" Su Nankai was dealing with recent affairs in the Xuzu Imperial Palace, when someone suddenly broke into the palace, and the surrounding royal guards followed him closely Behind him came a deputy head of the Royal Practice Group, who was in charge of inquiring about Xu Zu's external news. He knelt down on one knee in front of Su Nankai, and then said something surprising.

"What?" Su Nan Kai dropped the pen in his hand, stood up immediately, looked up at the sky outside the temple, Su Nan City is actually not too far from the Bantu territory, if something happened there If it is a big event, it can be conveyed here within a day.

"Is the news credible?" Su Nankai looked at the deputy head of the practice group and asked in a deep voice.

"It is absolutely believable. Some ninjas saw the migrating Bantu people from a distance. Words such as dragon and awakening appeared in their conversations from time to time. There were thousands of people in the group, and they all went into battle lightly and did not bring other things. drag."

"It's broken, the ice dragon has only been asleep for more than 20 years, why did it wake up again?" Su Nankai's face became ugly, and he nodded encouragingly to the deputy head who brought the news to signal him to step down, and then walked out of the hall. Going outside the hall, looking up at the white clouds in the sky, my thoughts are flying.

"Come here, pass my order, send more people to garrison the Great Wall, and make sure not to let the Bantu invade the border of the Void Motherland!" Soon Su Nankai issued a password to the guard beside him, and the guard knelt down on one knee and left.

"I have to discuss with the great priest to see how to deal with this matter. The ice dragon wakes up, and troubled times are coming again!" Su Nankai sighed, and left here quickly, leading a group of guards away.

After leaving the city, Wang Yan suddenly thought that he had never seen Xu Zu's Great Wall before. As a Chinese, the Great Wall was like a thunderbolt. He immediately became interested when he thought of this, and walked out of Su Nan from the west gate, and walked around half a circle. Walking towards the north, if there is no accident, there is the intersection area of ​​Xuzu and Bantu, and Xuzu's Great Wall is also there.

The speed of the off-road jeep is very fast, especially after entering the wilderness, Wang Yan almost stepped on the accelerator to drive wildly in the wilderness. Many beasts tried to catch up with him but were left behind. No beast can maintain a high-speed running state for a long time , couldn't catch up with Wang Yan's off-road vehicle that had increased its speed to the extreme.

Five hours later, the ground under Wang Yan's feet had turned into a hard permafrost layer. Before evening, the temperature here had dropped below zero, and the altitude was above 3000 meters. Fortunately, Wang Yan did not suffer from altitude sickness. It's fine for this altitude.

During the rush, Wang Yan started a live broadcast to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Xu Zu's wilderness with the audience. As early as when he woke up this morning, the system update had already been completed. Wang Yan's live broadcast lasted more than one and a half hours, although It’s just a live broadcast of the wilderness scenery, but it also makes the audience enjoy their eyes and enjoy it. After all, Wang Yan used to live broadcast for about an hour every day, and sometimes it was only half an hour. Now, after learning that Wang Yan can live every day Two hours after the live broadcast, he immediately presented various gifts with great interest. By the time Wang Yan went down the broadcast, the points he had harvested would almost reach 5000 million, which was not too much compared to the closing ceremony of the Xuzu Martial Arts Conference.

After Wang Yan traveled for tens of kilometers, he finally saw the Great Wall of Xu Zu on the horizon. He stopped the off-road vehicle and took out the ultra-long-range binoculars to look at it. As his eyes turned, Wang Yan couldn't help feeling very disappointed. , the Great Wall in the distance is only tens of kilometers long. It is built between two mountains. It is very large in scale and has a height of more than 30 meters, but its length is much worse than that of the Great Wall on Earth.

"But it's a worthwhile trip." After looking at Xuzu's Great Wall for a while, the sky was getting dark. Seeing this, Wang Yan put away his off-road jeep and found a high ground to camp. He didn't worry about his safety at night, because In the points mall of the system, there is [Comfortable Tent], an artifact for camping in the wild. Wang Yan has been looking forward to exchanging a pair for a long time, and now he is just in time to experience the effect of [Comfortable Tent].

Spent 500 million points to exchange for the [Comfortable Tent]. The tent was stored in the Points Mall, and Wang Yan chose to take it out. The control tent appeared on the flat ground as if playing a strategy game, and the huge tent landed silently. And firmly stuck into the ground, bright lights projected from the tent, Wang Yan felt the long-lost warmth.

After opening the tent, Wang Yan entered the tent. The space of the tent must be nearly [-] square meters. As mentioned in the introduction, it is equipped with tables, chairs, beds and carpets. In addition, there is a light bulb on the top of the tent that automatically lights up. Anyway, Wang Yan has no Seeing that the light bulb is connected to a wire, it seems that the products produced by the system are really amazing, including off-road jeeps that do not need to refill fuel and laptops that are always fully charged, each of which is the most suitable item for Wang Yan.

Wang Yan was lying on the big bed in the tent. The soft bed made him feel like he had returned to his own nest on the earth. He even rolled a few times on the bed. It had been a long time since he tried to rest on this kind of bed. It is nostalgia.

But there are still things to do before going to bed. Wang Yan took out his laptop and sat down at the table. He placed the laptop on the table. Just looking at the furnishings in the tent, the feeling of returning to the earth is even stronger. , Wang Yan clenched his fists, clicked on the icon of the dungeon game to enter the game, and began to struggle in the game. Now his most fundamental thing is the gold coins and equipment props obtained in the game. As long as he has time, Wang Yan will definitely No slack.

At nightfall, a group of several people rushed to the Xuzu Great Wall overnight, handed over the order issued by King Xian'an with the garrison stationed at the Great Wall, and informed that there were thousands of reinforcements coming here. His complexion became very heavy after the handwriting, and the ice dragon woke up again?This is big bad news.

"Pass my order, everyone will take turns to rest in three groups tonight, strengthen the night watchman, double the patrol area, strictly prevent anyone from approaching the Great Wall within five kilometers, especially pay attention to the north of the Great Wall, longbowmen are always on standby, once intruders are found , shoot to kill!"


 On weekends, there will be three shifts as usual, and the next chapter will be at ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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