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Chapter 937 Extra Episode 1: Battle Angel

Chapter 937 Extra Story [-]: Battle Angel

"Luo Xiaobai, female, aged 16, occupation is... priest?"


"What is the profession of a priest?"

"It's a group of people trying to save people in distress."

"Oh, I see, you are a nurse, right? Have you ever studied medicine? Can you save people?"


"Very well, the frontline is now in full swing, and there are hundreds of wounded every day. The Imperial Capital Army is short of talents like you. Wait a minute, I will have someone prepare a residence for you. You will arrive with other people in the future The frontline barracks, but don't worry, you will not be allowed to go to the battlefield, the soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army will definitely protect you."


"Next person."

Because she is a woman and is a valuable nurse, Luo Xiaobai's living room is very spacious. Unlike the other 20 or [-] people who are squeezed into a large bunk, she shares a room with three other female medical soldiers.

During the two days waiting to go to the front line, Luo Xiaobai walked around the city of Ghent and observed everything in the heavenly realm was new to her. Of course, others were also extremely curious about this slender girl with a huge cross on her back.

Luo Xiaobai is not from the Celestial Realm. She is from the lower realm of Arad. When the City of Sky appeared on the west coast of the Principality of Belle Mare, it happened to be the time when she left the Xuzu Priests Order and came to the west coast to practice.

Unlike most Xuzu priests who study exorcism, Luo Xiaobai has a very high talent for the orthodox holy light technique.When she was six years old, she was curious when she touched Michelle's engraved cross "forgiveness" in the church of Xuzu Priests, which inspired the holy light in her body and received part of Michelle's inheritance.

At the age of 12, he had already mastered healing prayer, purification, guardian blessing, holy light blessing, and revelation chants, and became the youngest third-level clergyman at that time, but because of the defect in Michelle's inheritance, Xiaobai was still unable to release it. Holy light attack and combat skills.

Because she can only heal but cannot fight, Luo Xiaobai cannot fight side by side with other clergymen, but has been assigned to garrison in the clergymen's order. Even though her healing ability is stronger than other clergymen, she does not fight Priests with great abilities will not be sent out.

At the age of 15, Luo Xiaobai finally couldn't bear it anymore, and chose to leave the Xuzu Priest Order to go out for training. Of course, she was opposed, but after she got Xi Lan's help, she still successfully left Xuzu and came to Ala German mainland.

Xi Lan is not her father, but he rescued her when she was still a baby and brought her to the Xu Zu Priest Order. Of course Luo Xiaobai is always grateful. Your lord, speaking is still very useful.

Not long after Sky City appeared, the envoys from the heavens came to the continent of Arad. It is impossible for Luo Xiaobai not to be curious about the land of the heavens, which has been cut off from the continent of Arad for thousands of years.

When she struggled to reach the heaven, her first impression of the heaven was not good. There is no magic power here, the land is extremely barren, the ocean is extremely violent, and the creatures in the ocean are all mutated existences. This land is not as imagined. Prosperous, and after arriving here, Luo Xiaobai knew that a war was breaking out in the heavens.

The war is cruel. In order to resist the invading Kalet, the orthodox imperial capital constantly replenishes troops and supplies to the front line, and at the same time sends out recruitments to the people. When Luo Xiaobai first arrived in Ghent, he knew this situation, but he did not know it. Choose to accept recruitment without hesitation.

Heaven Realm and Arad Continent are very different in terms of architecture, language, humanities, etc., but Luo Xiaobai, who has been well-read since childhood, has mastered the language ability, which is also the reason why she can talk with people in Celestial Realm and gain trust.

The cross is very big. Even if it is made of wood, the hardwood cross is still not much lighter than steel. In the military vehicle on the way to the front line, someone was curious about the cross that Luo Xiaobai had been carrying all the time. When I tried to pick it up, I was shocked to find that the cross that could be carried by a girl actually weighed more than a hundred catties.

Even if they are not ascetic monks, all paladins have sharpened themselves since childhood, even female priests are no exception. Luo Xiaobai, who seems to be thin and weak, can wear plate armor without affecting his speed. Most of the male soldiers in the celestial world can't do it. They are used to light weapons and armor, and their pursuit of foreign objects is better than their own.

The wounded barracks, after the military vehicle arrived here, Luo Xiaobai got out of the car. After the wind blew, the smell of blood filled the air. As the wounded barracks received and treated the wounded, blood was flowing and drying up all the time.

In the wounded barracks, the people here saw the existence of the Holy Light for the first time.

The kind-hearted Luo Xiaobai couldn't see that people were suffering. From the moment she saw the No.1 wounded, she picked up the cross and began to treat the wounded.

The golden ray of healing prayer and the milky white ray of purification light up in the wounded barracks from day to night.

People in the heavens were extremely amazed at Luo Xiaobai's miraculous healing ability, and their amazement quickly turned into admiration.

No matter where she is, someone who can save lives and heal the wounded will always be admired, even if she is only a 16-year-old girl.

No matter how badly the wounded were injured, even if their chests were blown apart and they had only their last breath left, they could all be revived at Luo Xiaobai's place. In just two days, the soldiers on the front line all knew that the soldiers in the rear In the Wounded Barracks, there is a girl who looks like an angel in the legend. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as one sees her before she dies, one can survive.

The appearance of Luo Xiaobai greatly boosted the morale of the frontline soldiers, even if she was alone, she couldn't really treat all the wounded in the wounded barracks.

The soldiers on the front line fought more and more bravely. Callet, who invaded the imperial capital, was firmly blocked on the front line, and Luo Xiaobai's face became paler day by day.

"Oh my god, Xiaobai, your face."

On the third day after arriving at the Wounded Barracks, Luo Xiaobai let people know that the rumored paper-face really existed.

Eighteen hours a day of treating the wounded, every time the holy power in his body was exhausted, Luo Xiaobai returned to the tent with the support of others and began to pray for recovery.

She has never looked forward to the recovery of the holy power like now, because the earlier the recovery of the holy power, the sooner she can save people and get them out of suffering earlier.

"I am fine."

Although her face is as white as paper, Luo Xiaobai's eyes are extremely bright. Anyone who looks at her can see the radiance of pity and kindness in her eyes. Luo Xiaobai, who walks in the wounded barracks, no matter where he goes, All will receive respectful attention and sincere greetings.

The healed wounded left the wounded barracks and went to the front to continue fighting, and more wounded were sent.

Even if Luo Xiaobai can save one person, ten people, a hundred people or even a thousand people, death still cannot be avoided. Some died on the road, and some died the moment they saw Luo Xiaobai. He vomited blood and died from his injuries.

Constantly seeing people dying in front of her, Luo Xiaobai's heart was about to break, and the holy power of praying for recovery was continuously poured into the wounded. Too reluctant.

"Lord, what should I do?"

Every time Luo Xiaobai prayed, the impulse in Luo Xiaobai's heart intensified a little. A voice deep in her heart told her that passive defense is always the worst strategy, and the best strategy is to solve the pain caused by war from the root. Only when more wounded soldiers appear can the root cause of the situation that the wounded cannot be treated can be solved.

If it were another paladin, he might be wearing plate armor and going to the front line at this moment, but Luo Xiaobai can't. Apart from being able to use holy power to heal others, Luo Xiaobai doesn't know even one attack skill. All he can do is swing a cross. The normal attack method has little impact on the frontline battle situation.

During the treatment of the wounded, she also learned about the weapons of the heavens and the strength of the soldiers. Not to mention that she was wearing plate armor, even a mountain could be pulverized on the front line.

The only answer to Luo Xiaobai's prayer was the golden holy light as always.

"Maybe it's time for me to make a choice."

On the seventh day of coming to the Wounded Barracks, Luo Xiaobai, who had lost a lot of weight and looked like he could be knocked down by a gust of wind, made his final decision after finishing his prayers.

"What? Are you going to the front?"

"No, no, the front line is so dangerous, you are a girl, it's too dangerous."

"You are needed more here, and the wounded need you."

"You can't go!"

More and more people learned of Luo Xiaobai's choice and gathered together to discourage her
"I must go."

In the face of other people's persuasion, pleading and even strong opposition, Luo Xiaobai has the same expression as before, gentle, kind, compassionate, and benevolent.

The people standing in front of Luo Xiaobai stepped aside one after another. They really wanted Luo Xiaobai to stay here, but who could really act against the girl?In just seven days, Luo Xiaobai completely became an existence respected by everyone.

On the front line, gunfire raged, gunpowder filled the sky, and gunshots were heard endlessly.

A weak girl came here and chose to fight the enemy with weapons instead of saving people like before.

The Holy Light can save people, so it can also kill people. Paladins are a group of people who fight against evil. Killing one person can save ten or a hundred people, even if they bear the burden of killing.

Many front-line soldiers knew that the angelic girl from behind came to the front line. When the battle was over, she desperately wanted to see Luo Xiaobai.

Rejecting individual armor protection, rejecting firearms and weapons that can fire faster than an arrow, wearing a pair of plate armor and holding a hardwood cross, Luo Xiaobai went into the battlefield.

Luo Xiaobai was injured in the first battle, and the injury was quite serious. The poisonous snake-like bullet pierced her body, and the shell that could be fired from a very long distance fell not far from her, and the fragments hit her face and body. I don't know how many roots were broken.

Even so, Luo Xiaobai did not die. The Holy Light protected her. No matter how serious the injury was, she could save herself. She stayed at the front line and would not give up treatment when she encountered the wounded. will save people.

The white and tender skin became rough, and the diffuse gunpowder smoke stained her clothes and exposed skin in the air. Even though she had recovered, she still looked horribly wounded all over her body. After going through the test of war, Luo Xiaobai was growing rapidly.

Finally, on the fifth day of the frontline battlefield, when Luo Xiaobai accepted the test of life and death again, he comprehended the fighting method of the holy light attack that he had been unable to comprehend until now.

The holy light enveloped Luo Xiaobai's body, and the poisonous snake-like bullet could no longer hurt a single hair of her, the holy light guarded her.

Blessed with guardian blessings, the other soldiers who have been protecting her with all their strength, feel the warm touch like spring breeze, and their tired body is infused with infinite physical strength.


Luo Xiaobai's crisp voice sounded for the first time on the front line of the rumbling artillery fire, and a golden light spread around her. Within a radius of tens of meters, all the soldiers' spirits were lifted, as if a fire was ignited in their hearts, courage Excited to the highest level.

Wearing the milky white mask, Luo Xiaobai finally broke the shackles of not being able to use the holy light to fight, and grew into a true paladin.


The war is finally won!
When the news came, everyone on the front line couldn't believe it. After all, they were fighting hard before. How could the Carter organization be defeated overnight?
"It's Congressman Carey! He made a move. At Luft Harbor, Callett's reinforcements were caught by Congressman Carey as soon as they arrived. He killed [-] enemies and captured [-] prisoners. We have won!"



"My God! That's great!"

"Oh oh oh oh, victory! Finally victory!"

"Woooooo~ Mom, I finally survived."

Listening to the cheers of the soldiers, Luo Xiaobai was also infected. He couldn't help but put the cross in front of him and started singing. There was cheering.


"Are you Senator Carey?"

Not long after the war ended, Luo Xiaobai finally met the Congressman Carey whom the soldiers praised. She was surprised because the other party was not stained with wronged souls, as if the killing had never happened to the other party.

"You are Luo Xiaobai? Well, a paladin, interesting."

Wang Yan looked at Luo Xiaobai with great interest. After all, everyone knows how rare it is to meet a paladin in the heaven. It is hard for him to imagine how the other party came to the heaven through the sea of ​​sky.

"You know me?"

"Of course, the name of Battle Angel has already spread throughout the front lines, and I have heard of it."

"It's still far from you, thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for ending the war and saving the suffering people."

"I'm a celestial being, as I should, look at this."

Wang Yan smiled and pointed to the special mark on his arm.

"A rifle?"

Luo Xiaobai was already familiar with firearms and recognized what they were.

"Tattoo on the body when the potential explodes, and you will be a celestial being in the next life, hahahahahaha."

"I can't understand what you're saying at all..."

"Let's not talk about me, what about you, I can feel the vigorous power of the holy light in your body, you are about to awaken."

"Yeah, the war is over, I should continue to practice, I don't know where to go."

"Maybe, that place can help you, Battle Angel."


"Dimensional rift, black earth."

"Holy... Michelle?"

(End of this chapter)

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