DNF Live Allard

Chapter 936 "Required Reading for Tasteful Allardians"

Chapter 936 "A must-read encyclopedia for tasteful Arad people"

Chapter 1.

Humans: From the beginning of the world, humans, like the elves, have been active on the continent of Arad as the main race.The human race has many shortcomings, such as a short lifespan.Compared with the elves, the human life can be said to be fleeting; and their bodies are relatively fragile, unlike some races who are huge and powerful; in addition, the human mind is always in contradiction and cannot fully tend to on one side.But these kinds of defects cannot stop the development of human beings.As a race with unlimited potential, human beings are always challenging themselves and breaking through their limits.Gained more power than any race.Since the elves disappeared, they have become the most representative race guarding the continent of Arad.

Celestial Clan: The Celestial Clan is the resident of the continent in the sea of ​​sky—the Celestial Realm.Taller than the dark elves, slender limbs are the typical characteristics of the Celestial Clan.Since the Celestial Realm cut off communication with the Arad continent 1000 years ago, there are not many records about them today.

Dark Elves: Dark elves are elves with dark skin and silver hair.They are closed and conservative by nature, most of them live in seclusion underground, and their relationship with other races such as humans is not harmonious.The dark elves are irritable and warlike, but the overall number is small.Their basic physical abilities are superior to humans, and they can also use magic, so generally no one dares to be an enemy of them.Dark elves are born with night vision and can move freely in the dark. In addition to their agility, some dark elves are also assassins in various parts of the mainland.However, recently, due to the reversal of gravity that broke out in the Destroyer Era, the Dark City, the capital of the Dark Elf Kingdom, broke through the ground. Humans headed by adventurers gathered in the Dark City, and the Dark Elves ushered in a new era.Now the dark elves have opened up the dark city and communicated frequently with humans. The influence of the dark elves, who were originally a minority race, is expanding day by day.

Bantu: Bantu is the general term for all the tribes that settled on the northern frontier of the Stru Mountains.The family name "Bantu" comes from the ancient hero Bantu.He is the first legend to cross the icy Stru Mountains and occupy what is now the Hutton Mar area.Although the current Bantu tribe is divided into several small tribes, once a catastrophe occurs, whether it is a famine or the awakening of the ice dragon Skasa, these forces will unite as one, cross the mountains together, and transfer the tribesmen safely to the hinterland of the mainland .Compared with ordinary people, the Bantu people are tall and strong.Because they live in a cold and harsh environment all year round, they have rough personalities, are addicted to strong alcohol, and have a strong desire to fight.However, when the Doom Era broke out, the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain where they lived collapsed, killing most of the Bantu people, and now only a small number of survivors live in the northern refuge.

Elves: "The most perfect race on the continent of Arad." From the beginning of the world, elves have powerful magic power and profound knowledge, and can easily use complex magic.Their slender stature, white skin, and long pointed ears are their biggest features.Their appearance is very beautiful, and people still regard the appearance of elves as the standard of beauty.The elves are committed to making the continent of Arad a better place, and have imparted a lot of knowledge and magic to humans.However, humans coveted the treasures of the elves, and they attacked the elves and set fire to the forest where the elves lived.Many elves died because of this, the vast forest was destroyed, and the continent of Arad was gradually deserted.During this process, the great great magician Mar built a large magic circle in the middle of the desert to create a suitable environment for living. The surviving elves gathered in Gran's Forest and opened an enchantment to manage his magic circle.However, Mar's big magic circle was finally damaged by a big fire, and the elves sacrificed themselves to repair the magic circle, and since then it has completely disappeared in the continent of Arad.

Dragons: Dragons have much stronger magical powers than humans, can use their unique magic, and can freely transform between human and dragon forms.In order to avoid human attacks, they have been hiding in the depths of the continent of Arad for a long time. However, the empire is worried that the dragons will develop into the threat of Arad and continues to track them.The reactionaries among the dragon clan were expelled, and the rest were strictly guarded by the empire.The docile dragons coexist with humans and pursue the peace of Arad; however, some dragons who are dissatisfied with the empire are carrying out terrorist activities in various places in order to overthrow the rule of the empire and seize power.

Monster: A general term for creatures including other original subhuman races after the Destruction Epoch.They are brutal and violent, with a sense of inexplicable evil, some say it is in their nature, others say it is the effect of diversion.

Goblin: A monster that lived in the continent of Arad before the Destruction Epoch.They have low intelligence, ferocious appearance, short stature, and focus on physical ability. Therefore, weak Goblins are often discriminated against, and even killed in severe cases.The goblin family is a complete class society, and the clothes and weapons they snatch from humans will be distributed strictly according to the class.Due to the destruction of Gran's Forest, their main habitat, in the Doomsday, it is speculated that this race may have become extinct.

Elemental Elves: A race that has lived in Arad since before the Destruction Epoch.It is speculated that they were born of magic, and the specific ecological structure is still unknown.They are affected by elements of various attributes that fill the entire world, and populations are classified according to the attributes of the elements.Elemental spirits of each attribute have completely different properties from elemental spirits of other attributes.Their average intelligence is below that of humans, but long-lived or powerful elementals possess a greater intelligence than humans.

Chapter 2.

Destruction: Since Mar's big magic circle was destroyed by the Grand Forest fire, although the elves sacrificed themselves to repair the magic circle, the magic circle that was destroyed once could no longer exert its former power and gradually weakened.In the end, a huge crack in another dimension appeared in the weakened magic circle, and a terrible transfer imagination broke out.The large-scale transfer of energy produced in this outbreak had a great impact on Arad's monsters and humans, and a gravity reversal occurred in various regions of Arad.The dark city, the underground city of the dark elves, floats into the air, and the groundwater gushes out into the sea of ​​sky. These are all due to the reversal of gravity caused by the era of destruction.Not only that, but the transfer energy erupted during the Destruction Epoch can continue to affect Arad till now.

Transfer: Transfer refers to the phenomenon of transferring various things such as creatures, buildings, regions, etc. to the world of Arad through dimension movement without knowing when.The transfer is the source of all the confusion, but many parts are still unclear.

Sorrow Cave Event: After the eruption of the Destroyer Era, the Insect King Slaughter Gu ran outside from the ominous cave known as "The Sorrow Cave", and the area around the Scream Cave fell into chaos.The results of the investigation showed that all this was because monsters more terrifying than the Killing Gu occupied the Moaning Cave.The empire sent troops to get rid of the monster, but they only found out that the monster was named "Apostle Shirok", and they were wiped out before entering the cave.Later, the empire offered a high reward, and famous magicians and warriors from the Arad continent went to the cave of mourning.But the only survivors after Xilock was eliminated were four sword souls.They are Xilan, Buwanga, Aganzuo and Bahn.People praised them as the heroes who saved Arad.

War of Ghosts and Gods: Before Delos was called an empire, the "War of Ghosts and Gods" was an opportunity for Delos to snatch the last kingship of the Perus Empire and establish legitimacy.This war took place in a city called "Cantwin", and the battle was so fierce that more than 300 years have passed, and people still can't forget the tragedy at that time.Facing the Delos army of more than 30, the Perus Empire Army of only 2 people launched a desperate defensive battle. At that time, the last loyal minister of the Perus Empire, the priest Jiger, used the power of ghosts and gods to overcome the disadvantage of the army.Therefore, although the Delos army has a suppressive advantage in numbers, it is still in a hard fight. However, as Jiger is backlashed by the power of ghosts and gods.The Delos army eventually captured Cantwin and won.

Kazan Plague: It originated from the mental collapse of Kazan, the God of Destruction.If the symptoms worsen, the infected person's eyeballs will change color and their physical abilities will be greatly improved, but at the same time they will lose their rationality and destroy everything in front of them.The Kazan plague is an incurable disease. Avoiding violent emotional fluctuations and living peacefully is the only way to prolong life.Sometimes one of the hands of an infected person becomes weird, but not all infected people have this phenomenon.However, the Plague of Kazan is not without its dangers, so if there are such infected people around, it is best to leave silently.

Pretenders: Pretenders are demons who masquerade as humans.Accepting the proposal of the God of Death to become the God of Chaos, Ozma casts the "curse of blood", and after being hit by this curse, he will become a pretender.People who are attacked by a Pretender also become a Pretender.Since it is impossible to distinguish pretenders from normal people from the outside, people become unable to trust each other.False accusations and persecution often occur.Only the priests can identify the pretenders. Although most of the pretenders have been wiped out after the dark jihad, they still cannot be taken lightly.

Chapter 3.

Delos Empire: After the demise of the Perus Empire, the descendants of the empire established a new country in the name of revitalizing the Perus Empire, that is, the Delos Empire. The capital is the golden city of Vettarun in the first territory.The Delos Empire is a centralized state where the emperor holds absolute power.The Delos Empire is centered on Faroe Bay and is divided into the First Territory in the south and the Second Territory in the north.The atmosphere in the north and the south is completely different.Compared with the militarized management in the south, the folk customs in the north are more lively and open.Nonetheless, the cohesion of the entire country is strong, with the First and Second Territories dominating the southern and northern regions of Arad in an ambitious push for continental unification.The citizens of the Delos Empire are full of pride and a sense of mission to their motherland, and love peace and order.

Dark Elf Kingdom: The ancient kingdom of the dark elves, a country developed in the underground world with the capital Dark City as the center.It was Aragon, the great king of the dark elves who first established the kingdom of the dark elves. It was not until the establishment of the senate that the dark elves had a systematic kingdom system.Now that the dark city has surfaced, Queen Maya, a direct descendant of Aragorn and the royal family, is the ruler of the dark elf kingdom. The Senate headed by Elder Shaprun assists Queen Maya to rule the dark elf kingdom.

Duchy of Belmar: The capital of the Duchy of Belmar is Helmar, ruled by three councilors who serve Skadibalo Anmar.Bel Mare means in Elvish language: the kingdom of good people.The Principality of Belle Mare is bordered by the red that leads to the empire and the ancestors.There are great fertile plains and plenty of food.There is a balanced cultural development in various fields such as painting, music, poetry, literature, and publishing, and the residents are positive and optimistic.However, the Era of Destruction centered on Gran's Forest made most of Belle Mare unsuitable for human existence, and the Principality ended its 500-year history and embarked on a road of decline.

False Motherland: False Motherland is a small country located in the northwest of the continent of Arad. The capital is Sunan, and the current ruler is Waisunan Askar.The clothing, language, and culture there are very different from other countries.Although there are some differences with the records of Perus, according to the records of the country, Xu's motherland has a history of more than 2000 years, and the ancestors of Xu are proud of it.Most Xuzu people are thin and small, but they are agile and good at manipulating mind energy.Xuzu people have a gentle temperament and don't care about the small size of the country, but if they encounter foreign enemies, those qigong masters who usually live in seclusion will come out of the mountains, canyons, and caves one after another, and work together to repel the enemies.Many young qigong masters run dojos in the fringe area of ​​Suran. In addition to the dojos, cheap and high-quality Taidao can often be found in the nearby market.Here, even an uncle who looks wobbly when he walks may immediately become a samurai who uses sword drawing once he is provoked.Precisely because there are too many hidden masters here, you should be more cautious in everything you do.

Perus Empire: the predecessor of the Delos Empire, the country where Kazan, the God of Destruction, and Ozma, the God of Chaos, were still human beings.Just like the current Delos Empire, the Perus Empire back then also had a strong military strength, and it can be said that it was almost invincible.Especially in the period when the legendary Kazan and Ozma assisted together, Perus was strong enough to unify the entire continent of Arad.However, because of a conspiracy, Ozma became the God of Chaos, and the Pretender appeared.As a result, the Peruvian Empire suffered heavy losses and gradually fell apart.

Chapter 4.

GBL religion: A religious group that aims to collect and delve into all knowledge in the world, and finally complete the ultimate knowledge.Leslie Bay Lance first discovered the ancient civilization on the back of the huge creature Skyveil Behemoth, and was influenced by its profound knowledge. In order to collect great wisdom from all over the world, he traveled around the continent on the Skyveil Behemoth.However, he realized that he could not accomplish this great achievement in this life, and hoped that future generations could accomplish the ultimate knowledge, so he established the GBL (Grand Blue Lore) group.After Leslie's death, members of the GBL group gradually mythologized it and developed the GBL group into a religious organization.Although the GBL religion has fanatical religious enthusiasm, the object of their belief is not Leslie, but ultimate knowledge.

Order of the Clerics: An organization of priests established to resist the God of Chaos, Ozma, and the Pretenders, and to protect the world.They sealed Ozma and won the Dark Crusade.The headquarters of the Order of the Priests was originally in the Remedian Cathedral in Belmar, but the Remedian Cathedral was destroyed due to the Destroyer, and the Order led the surviving priests to establish a new headquarters in Dark City — Remidia.The purpose of the priesthood is to uphold justice in the name of God, to dedicate oneself to justice, and to play the role of educating priests from all over the world.

Adventurer's Alliance: The Adventurer's Alliance is an organization created by Karacas to unite the adventurers scattered across the continent of Arad, providing advice and support to many adventurers.Those who want to entrust adventurers to perform tasks can conveniently and quickly connect through the guild.The originally neglected adventurers finally have a unified management organization, and people are looking forward to it.

The Four Swordsmen: The four heroes who defeated Xilock in the Sorrow Cave incident were all sword souls, so these four are collectively called the "Four Swordsmen".They are masters of swords—Xilan of Xu Zu, masters of blunt weapons—Buwanga of Bantu, masters of giant swords—A Ganzuo and masters of short swords—Bahn of the Empire.

Imperial Alchemist Guild: A research group cultivated under the tough national policy of the Delos Empire, mainly dedicated to weapon research and development.

Su Nan Workshop: The workshop located in Xuzu's capital is a sacred place in the hearts of all craftsmen in the continent of Arad.Everyone knows the name of Suran Workshop. It is famous for manufacturing the highest quality weapons and armors, and is highly respected by adventurers.Almost every piece of equipment produced by Su Nan Workshop is high-quality goods, and the design is exquisite, easy to use but still hard.Most of this equipment even has some magical powers attached to it, making it the first choice for adventurers on their expeditions.In order to pursue excellence, they have been strictly checking, so the output of equipment has never been high.Looking at the continent of Arad, only a few selected adventurers are lucky enough to get it.

Chapter 5.

Queen Maya: The current queen of the dark elves, although she is young, she is very calm and composed.After the Epoch of Destruction, the city of Darkness, which emerged from the ground, was ordered to be opened and built as a center for adventurers.

Skadi Baloammar: Queen of Belle Mare.She was originally the daughter of a wealthy merchant of the bourgeoisie, and married the crown prince at that time.After her husband came to the throne, she often managed the state affairs instead of her frail husband.Her husband died soon after, and at a young age, she gathered forces to support her and ascended the throne.With her overwhelming charisma and superb political skills, she was rated as the best king of Belle Mare in the past.However, since the Principality of Belmar became barren due to the Destroyer, she suddenly disappeared, and her life and death are currently unknown.

Barn Bashunt: The Sword Soul of the Empire.The dagger master among the four sword souls who confronted Sherlock head-on in the Sorrow Cave incident.After eliminating Sherlock, who had been transferred to the Wailing Cavern, Barn returned to the Empire and was made a Baron.Now he leads the knights directly under the emperor - Iron Wolf Knights.Cheerful personality, full of sense of justice.

Xilan: The sword master among the four sword souls who confronted Sherlock head-on in the Sorrow Cave incident.In its heyday, he traveled all over Arad and became famous.Despite his great reputation, he only accepted one disciple.

Forrest Gump Left: The great sword expert among the four Soul Swords who confronted Xilock in the Sorrow Cave incident.taciturn.Before the Sighing Cave incident, he was a wanderer who traveled alone across the continent.

Buwanga: The blunt weapon expert among the four Soul Swords who confronted Xilock in the Sorrow Cave incident, and the patriarch of the Bantu tribe.He is burly and majestic, holding a huge blunt weapon passed down from generation to generation by the Bantu patriarchs.Extremely confident and ambitious, but most people regard him as a hero of justice.

Su Nan Aska: The current king of Xuzu, a fighting genius, she is already one of the best qigong masters in Xuzu's motherland at a young age.She has been curious about the world since she was a child. At the age of 12, she resolutely left the royal family and embarked on the road of spiritual practice.On the way of wandering, not only increased his knowledge, but also met and compared with many masters, and his martial arts skills improved rapidly.After the death of the virtuous king Su Nankai, Aska ascended to the throne and made continuous efforts to break the long-standing closed-door policy of Xu Zu.

Sword Master Soderos: The legendary sword soul who is good at wielding thousands of weapons.At the same time, he is also the master of the "weapon selector" that can resonate with the surrounding weapons to exert great power.He got his own magic sword Clarice, and loves to use this sword very much. It is well known that Clarice is female, but Soderos is only interested in studying swordsmanship and competing with the strong.

Mar: A legendary magician who built a large magic circle in the desert of the increasingly deserted Hutton Mar area to create an environment suitable for human habitation.He possesses extremely powerful strength and magic power, and even the elves who teach magic to humans are amazed.He likes white very much.It is said that when he was alive, he used powerful magic power to maintain his youthful appearance, but when he spoke, he spoke in an old man's tone, which made many people look sideways.He is optimistic and loves nature.Later, the elves lost their homes due to the atrocities committed by several humans. Mar felt deeply guilty about this, so he exhausted all his magic power to build a large magic circle and create a livable natural environment.Later, he could no longer use magic, and his appearance returned to his old age.In the end, he wrote a magic book called "AntiEnbi", which recorded the essence of magic in his life, and has since disappeared.However, after the great fire in Gran's Forest, the big magic circle he built disappeared.

Saint Michel: The Son of God who first received the revelation, one of the five saints who led the dark jihad to victory.At the same time, he is also the founder of the unique fighting technique of the clergyman - Divine Boxing.It is said that he is blessed by the gods and will never grow old. His holy blue eyes can penetrate the true heart of the other party.The clergy who followed Michel separated the pretenders from the humans, quelled the chaos in the world, and won the dark jihad.No one knows where Michele is now due to his sudden disappearance, but when danger strikes, he will show up again to save Arad.

(End of this chapter)

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