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Chapter 932 Kazan Syndrome

Chapter 932 Kazan Syndrome

The people Wang Yan asked Paris to recruit had already been in place, and the vocational college he envisioned was completed when Wang Yan was away to learn skills.

Wang Yan didn't worry about these matters, they were all under the supervision of Paris. Wang Yan basically delegated power to Paris, and Wang Yan was very relieved when the other party handled things.

The Vocational College is different from ordinary colleges. The reason for its establishment is to help Norton Technology cultivate reserve talents.

Among the common people, the newly established Hutton Mar Vocational College is very famous, because when it recruits students, it clearly states that once a student graduates, there will be a salary comparable to that of an awakened warrior waiting for him. There are professional cultural tutors to teach, and there will be professional tutors sent by Norton Technology to teach students the knowledge in the field of science.

Like the Martial Artist Academy established by the Principality, this vocational academy cannot give Wang Yan any help in a short period of time, but in the future, after a large number of graduations from the academy, it can bring great help, no matter where , Professional and technical personnel are valuable and will receive more favorable treatment.

Just like today's Norton technology, the group of disciple assistants cultivated by Norton have become top talents with an annual salary of more than one million gold coins. They are protected by special warriors when they come in and out, and their families will also get a house comparable to a noble house. residence life.

You must know that two years ago, these people were still staying in dilapidated cabins like Norton refining alchemy potions to make a living. After meeting Wang Yan, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and there is no need to be grateful to Wang Yan. Words.

But their number is still too small. There are too few professional scientific and technical personnel no matter where they are. Even in the Delos Empire Alchemy Union, the birthplace of science on the other side of the ocean, there are only a few dozen people who are capable of independent scientific research. People, most of them are just apprentices, may not be able to get more knowledge in their lifetime.

Wang Yan is well-informed, so naturally he would not hide it. He had already had a conversation with Norton.

The other party is old, and has experienced a lot of things in these years. He agrees with Wang Yan's idea of ​​opening up the source of technology and vigorously cultivating new scientists. After its establishment, he personally served as the dean, and personally taught those ignorant students what science is.

Shaking his head and discarding these thoughts, Wang Yan continued to move forward. After arriving at the practice field of the Martial Arts Academy, he quickly found the group of people he wanted to meet in the crowd. A berserker who fears and even loathes.

It is unknown when the Berserker appeared. Unlike ordinary ghost swordsmen, they are all ghost swordsmen infected with Kazan syndrome.

Kazan, the ghost of destruction, is almost a taboo name in the continent of Arad.

Like Ozma, the ghost god of chaos, he is also a member of the Perus Empire, a powerful country that ruled the continent of Arad hundreds of years ago. Later, both were arrested and exiled by the emperor's suspicion.

As the strongest swordsman at the time and the general of the empire, he was suspected by the emperor of having rebellious intentions, and was eventually cut off and exiled to the bitterly cold Silu Mountains, which is the territory of the Bantu people today.

On the freezing northern plateau, it is self-evident what will happen to a person who has his tendon cut off. Although Kazan was not directly killed, the emperor of the Perus Empire basically did not intend to let the two of them live.

Exiled to the vast ocean in the south of the mainland, the dying and desperate Ozma met the god of death again. The desperate Ozma finally exchanged his soul for the power of the chaotic ghosts and gods, and went to the Stru Mountains to find the same dying man. Kazan, who took his mortal life and resurrected him as an immortal spirit of destruction.

But Kazan's wisdom is still there. Even though he has become a ghost of destruction, he still did not choose to use the power of ghosts and gods to sweep this evil world like Ozma, so he did not participate in the dark jihad, nor was he condemned like Ozma. Sealed into a different space.

For hundreds of years, he has been staying on the continent of Arad in the form of ghosts and gods.

His purpose is unknown, but he occasionally possesses his body on ordinary human beings, both male and female, who suffer from Kazan syndrome.

Ghost swordsman, if we talk about this profession, it will be even longer. A swordsman with ghost hands is called a ghost swordsman, which means a swordsman infected with ghost hands.

The ghost hand appeared for the first time after the death of the original ninth apostle, the Explosive Dragon King Bakar, and the cause of the ghost hand was also directly related to Bakar.

After the death of each apostle, Arad will have a certain influence. After Bakar's death, the energy released by him directly caused the mutation of some people's arms.

The ghost hand may be born with it, or it may be suddenly infected and mutated the day after tomorrow.

At the beginning of the disease, it began to spread upwards through the fingers, the blood was ferocious, and the color gradually turned into a strange dark red, and the shape of the entire arm was mutated and distorted.

People with ghost hands claim to be able to see ghosts and gods.People's views on the "ghost hand" are very dual-faced. They think it is "unknown and unfortunate", but at the same time they think it "can bestow great power".

The main symptoms of Kazan syndrome are discoloration of the pupils and a dramatic increase in strength and speed.However, it is very easy for oneself to fall into an irrational situation, appear in a state of rage, and accidentally injure others.

The ghosts and gods seen by this group of people are said to be Kazan, the first warrior of the Perus Empire who unified the entire continent of Arad at that time, and later the God of Destruction.

They are more impulsive and bloodthirsty than ordinary ghost hands. It can be said that every time they fight, they use their own body as a bargaining chip to release ghosts and gods into a berserk state and seek an instant outbreak. This is also extremely dangerous. It can be said that It is a group of people who are very close to death.

That's right, the Berserkers are a group of the most unfortunate people, infected with Kazan Syndrome, and unlucky enough to be infected with Ghost Hand.

How to distinguish Kazan syndrome patients from ordinary ghost hands?Just look at the eyes. For example, the group of people Wang Yan saw at the moment had red eyes, which are commonly known as red eyes in the game.

The berserkers basically have no mentors to guide them, because the strongest berserkers in history were only awakened once, and even so, they killed the entire continent of Arad. , it is very difficult in the environment of the real Arad continent.

The only famous berserker in modern times is Luxie, the female dark elf berserker who beheaded the fifth apostle Sherlock in the Cave of Sorrows. Unfortunately, after unlocking the seal of the ghost hand, she went berserk to the point of losing her mind, so that after releasing all Die after the power of ghosts and gods.
Since then, the line of berserkers can be said to have weakened to the extreme. For example, this group of berserkers who joined the Hutton Mar Warrior Academy learned many professional skills under the guidance of Wang Yan. Originally, they could only use ordinary ghost swordsman skills .

(End of this chapter)

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