DNF Live Allard

Chapter 931 Revisiting the West Coast

Chapter 931 Revisiting the West Coast

The prosperity of the West Coast is obvious to all.

As the most important commercial capital of the Principality of Belle Mare, the west coast has a great reputation in the entire continent of Arad.

At the same time, this is also the place where warriors and civilians most yearn to travel. There are merchants from all over the continent of Arad. Just don't fight, and strive for peace and stability, so everyone worked together to build this city into the commercial capital of the famous Arad continent.

Walking on the bluestone road with a width of more than 30 meters on the west coast, Wang Yan calmly looked at the pedestrians passing by on the street and the vendors on both sides of the road shouting and selling goods.

These vendors sell a wide variety of items, including cheap embroidery needles, high-value gold and silver ornaments, and even expensive gemstone jewelry or equipment weapons.

It can be said that when you travel to the west coast, you can buy special products from all over the Arad continent, such as tea from Xuzu, fresh fruits from the southern valleys, kumiss from the Bantu, and the Delos Empire on the other side of the ocean. Style clothing or jewelry, even the goods of the mysterious dark elf kingdom can be seen here.

With so many goods produced from all directions, it is no wonder that travelers who come to the west coast will come and return satisfied. There is only one prerequisite, that is, there are enough gold coins. After all, this is a commercial capital. Money is the most important.

In addition to the goods that can satisfy travelers, the Magician's Union located on the west coast and the Martial Arts Academy of the Principality of Belle Mare, which has just been established for a few years, are also the places travelers most want to go, not to mention the towering and conspicuous The extreme sky city.

The Knights of the Principality stationed on the west coast have sent several brigades of soldiers to guard the Sky City. You only need to buy a ticket to enter the majestic and mysterious Sky City.

The towering city of the sky leads directly to the sea of ​​sky. Except for this passage, only a few people can see the magnificence of the sea of ​​sky with the help of the Magadha aircraft. The ocean hanging upside down in the sky makes everyone fascinated The place.

The West Coast Wizards Guild also took this opportunity to sell a lot of underwater breathing potions. This alchemy potion can allow travelers who climbed to the top of the Sky City to enter the Sky Sea.

Although the alchemy potion sold to the outside world is a reduced version, being able to enter the Sea of ​​​​Sky will make many travelers feel that this trip is not in vain, not to mention occasionally picking up valuable potions in the Sea of ​​​​Sky Sleeping meat, in case the ticket money is picked up, it will be back.

Sleeping meat shell itself is an extremely delicious delicacy, basically no one sells it on the market, and only the nobles have the ability to buy sleeping meat shells from others, and they are stationed in the magician's union stationed in Sky City The magician also buys sleeping meat shells in unlimited quantities.

Occasionally, people who enter the Sky City can find a little gems such as the Eye of the Dragon Man, Fluorite, Zircon and Spinel, which makes the number of people who want to enter the Sky City have not decreased much, except for Fluorite, Picking up one of the other gemstones is worth the harvest of many people who have been busy for a year.

Unknowingly, Wang Yan came to the foot of the Sky City, looked up at the towering Sky City, feeling quite emotional in his heart, he still remembered what happened when the Sky City first appeared.

At that time, with the emergence of Sky City, the Great Magic Circle was weakened, but many people were broken. Fortunately, the Great Magic Circle was repaired by Shalan, the president of the West Coast Magicians Union, which made the gradually collapsed The big magic circle played a role again.

The entire territory of the principality is still in a state of abundant magic power, which is very suitable for mages to meditate. After leaving the territory of the principality, there is no such a strong magic environment.

As for the larger magic circle supporting the entire sea of ​​sky, its ability is even more miraculous. It not only serves as a barrier to lift up the endless sea water so that people on the continent of Arad can live and work in peace and contentment, but also has the ability to control the weather, climate, capacity of the season.

Wang Yan naturally knew the most secret thing, that is, the magic circle covering the entire Arad Continent, the most important purpose is to reduce the impact of the transfer phenomenon on the Arad Continent.

Very few people knew about it, and Wang Yan never heard Sha Lan mention it, and he didn't know if she knew about it.

The so-called transfer phenomenon is difficult to explain clearly. There are radiation effects brought by the special continent of the Demon Realm, and there are also human factors. No one really understands how the transfer phenomenon occurs. This is still a mystery.

Wang Yan, who re-boarded the Sky City, took the audience to watch the long-lost internal environment of the Sky City while driving the live broadcast, and even entered the Sky Sea to open the eyes of newcomers. The audience who Wang Yan entered the sea of ​​sky were also extremely amazed. Who would have thought that the endless ocean could be lifted into the sky above [-] meters by the seemingly empty magic circle?

It wasn't until after noon that Wang Yan got down from Sky City, and then drove the live broadcast to lead the audience all over the streets and alleys of the entire west coast.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Yan originally wanted to find someone he hadn't seen for a long time at the Warrior Academy next door to the West Coast Magician's Union, but after inquiring, he was ashamed to find out that the other party had already graduated perfectly.

"That's right, it's strange that Albert is able to stay at the academy with peace of mind. He probably challenged all the tutors. He didn't pay attention when he was in Hutton Marr. I don't know where that stinky guy is now. where?"

Walking in the Martial Artist Academy established on the west coast of the Principality, Wang Yan thought to himself that he had one more thing to do when he came to the Martial Artist Academy. It's done.

Speaking of which, this happened a long time ago. It was when the Warrior Academy was first established, and A Ganzuo was appointed to teach at the Warrior Academy after receiving Queen Skadi's award to become a first-class nobleman in the Principality.

Wang Yan's appearance hasn't changed much over the years. It seems that he is the same age as the students of the Warrior Academy, and no students will pay attention to him wandering around the academy. Everyone is very busy, and no one will enter the Warrior Academy. They are still lazy after college, they can't wait to practice and improve themselves 24 hours a day.

Speaking of which, Wang Yan strongly agrees with Queen Skadi's establishment of the Martial Artist Academy belonging to the principality. The way of thinking of the descendants of the royal family is very different.

This is also the reason why she had little right to speak in the principality for a long time after her accession to the throne. Those old nobles don't care whether you are a queen or not. They think you are unorthodox and they will unite against you. The principality is In the parliamentary system, even if she is the queen, she cannot cover the sky with one hand. There are many nobles who dare to oppose Skadi's opinions in the noble council.

The establishment of the Martial Arts Academy can be said to be quite a foresighted decision by Queen Skadi. It may not be of great help to the Principality for several years after its establishment, and even a large amount of money will be invested every year to hire tutors and be responsible for Three meals a day for the trainees and various items needed for training.

But Wang Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with Skadi's decision. This is the same reason he asked Paris to search for people who can understand the whole country and speak the common language of Allard. Bring rich rewards. After most of the first batch of disciples of the Warrior Academy graduate, the level of young warriors in the Principality will be greatly strengthened. Maybe in the future there will be heroes like the Four Swordsmen from those days. After leaving the academy, who can tell clearly what will happen in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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