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Chapter 894 The Appearance of Azeroth and the Paradox (Subscribe)

Chapter 894 The Appearance of Azeroth and the Paradox (Subscribe)
"That's right here, I parted ways with the leader here before.

At that time, the group leader and I met the golden clown here. He ignored our arrival and persuasion, and was even very hostile to us.

After the leader said that he wanted to see Luke, the golden clown attacked us, regardless of the leader's persuasion. "

After going down to a certain level of the lower level of the Silent City, Erica stopped. This is already the lowest level revealed by the Silent City, which is the Ball of Light guarded by the golden clown. Of course, this place has not yet reached the Demon Realm. It is necessary to find another passage to the Demon Realm.

There is light everywhere here, the light that appears like an elf and then swirls in a vortex shape. Since light has no quality, even if everyone sees the light energy condensing to this tower, they can't do anything.

"Where will these lights converge?"

Bahn raised his head and looked up. There was a huge vortex of light above their heads. In fact, they were discovered by everyone when they left the floor where the energy furnace was located. But only when they came to the lower floor could they see the light energy more clearly. composed of vortexes.

"Look here, these pillars, walls, and machines are surrounded by light. These materials seem to be absorbing light energy."

A group of the Brutal Snatchers scattered around looking for traces of the leader Azeroth, and found some things that were not in the upper space.

"Here, I found signs and arrows representing directions."

The first sign left by Azera was Jian Qi. He found a sign with the icon of the Violent Hunting Group and an arrow heading in one direction. Erica ran over quickly, stared at it for a few seconds and then nodded repeatedly: "That's right, this is the most commonly used sign by the leader. It seems that she knew that we would come down to find her, so she left us the sign and direction."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

Jian Qi took the lead to walk in the direction of the arrow, and the others did not hesitate, and followed Jian Qi together. The purpose of their coming here is to find the leader Azera, and then resolve the crisis caused by the black nightmare spread by the golden clown , As for how to get rid of it, it should be enough to kill the culprit, the golden clown.

The people who are going forward will inevitably encounter some obstacles from light energy machines, or archers of light.

After eliminating those light energy creatures, everyone discovered that these mechanical creatures did not have many entities, but were only composed of some materials containing light energy. It could even be said that the materials were activated by themselves after being irradiated by light energy for a long time.

Light is invisible, and so are those light energy machines. Many attacks directly penetrated them.

Fortunately, physical damage has little effect, and magic damage is still the same. Several magicians and Seria of the violent hunting group are protected by everyone in the center of the team. Their attacks can easily damage the light energy machine.

"It's strange. I haven't seen a new sign left by the leader for nearly 5 minutes. Is she here? Why didn't there be a new sign left?"

The advancing team stopped after cleaning up the approaching light energy creatures, because they didn't know whether to move forward, Azeroth had left no new direction arrows and signs, everyone looked at each other and began to discuss step by step plan.

"I didn't perceive Captain Azeroth, maybe she is in a closed space, or she is not within the range of my mind's perception."

Wang Yan closed his eyes and then shook his head. After entering the Silent City, it seems that because of the material, it is difficult for Wang Yan to perceive such a large range of the outside world. If the mind eye penetrates the wall , but the perception is only a few tens of meters away, and it is only a few hundred meters in the air, which is only a little better than the line of sight.

"Why don't you wait here? The leader must have been here before, and now we don't know where he went. We are looking for it without thinking. It's better to wait here for her. Maybe she will pass here when she returns."

Someone suggested, but this statement was not supported by many people. Everyone is not a person who likes to wait for an opportunity to come to them. They prefer to seize the opportunity by themselves.

"Why don't we separate, we have a communicator to contact us, and we agree on a time to return here together. There are three passages here, and we can divide into two or three teams. Anyway, there are enough people."

After discussing for a while, someone proposed to separate the team. Wang Yan frowned. This is a dangerous quiet city, not a fishing activity in the suburbs. Separation will only dilute one's own strength. Wang Yan can't guarantee the safety of the people who are separated from him.

But most of the members of the violent search and arrest team agreed to this matter, and it was difficult for Wang Yan to persuade him when he saw this.

It seems that the members of the Violent Hunting Squad had already intended to separate to find Azeroth, or they didn't want Barn, a member of the Delos Empire, to accompany him, so the final team turned out to be Wang Yan and Barn, plus Wang Yan and Wang Yan. Companion Celia.

The members of the Violent Hunting Squad were divided into two groups. One group included Soderos and several members, and the others stayed with Jian Qi and Erica. It can be said that the strength of the three parties is almost the same.

"Alright then, the time is now five o'clock in the afternoon, but there is light everywhere here, and there is no concept of night and day, three hours, all of them will come back here after three hours, and their respective communicators must be brought. Remember to contact the danger, and don't forget to mark the arrows and signs that change direction."

Now that the members of the Violent Hunting Squad agreed to join the team, Wang Yan didn't say much. Baan turned his head away from the members of the Violent Hunting Squad. He could feel the hostility and exclusion from the crowd. I have seen a lot.

After discussing the return time, the three teams each chose a passage to continue forward. This time, Wang Yan was only accompanied by Celia and Barn. They walked in the direction of the left hand. The top is only a few hundred meters wide, and the bottom is already bigger than a village, so it's normal to spend a few hours without being able to go around.

"See, the violent search and arrest team is not in the same heart right now. If you form a team with such an organization, don't blame the people in the joint investigation team for having big opinions. I really don't know what these people who are mainly guarding the apostles are thinking."

After walking away, Bain couldn't help complaining to Wang Yan. He wouldn't say such things to outsiders, but he could still say a few words to Wang Yan. Although the relationship between the two was not as close as close friends, they were still close. We've been together for so long, and we're pretty good friends.

"I know, I even know that there is an eyeliner of the faction that separated in the team. As for who it is, I can't tell who it is. Sooner or later, he or they will leak out."

Wang Yan's expression remained unchanged and he continued to move forward. In the game plot, why was Azera attacked by members of the brutal search and arrest team after Luke's death?

Wang Yan has imagined a lot, and the final reason points to one point. If there are people from the faction that was separated among the people accompanying Azeroth, then everything is very easy to explain.

The Brutal Hunting Squad was divided into two factions, one was the people who had followed Azeroth from the Tower of Despair to the Heaven Realm.

The other faction is notorious. They have been involved in the plague of Neupera, the kingdom of the dark elves. When Nosmal Di Ruiji appeared, they also appeared and tried to protect Di Ruiji.

Even when he was in Neupera, he used the evil breath leaked by Di Ruiji to make a pretender, a thing that all the creatures on the continent of Arad loathe and hate.

They believe that the apostles are the saviors, and only by protecting the apostles can the world be saved.

Back then, after Sherlock died in the Wailing Cave, the dissipated spiritual energy of Sherlock accidentally infiltrated several humans living around the Wailing Cave.

These human beings who have been eroded by Sherlock's spiritual energy have obtained a little power of the apostles. Like Sherlock, they have the ability to dominate the spirit of other living beings or transform themselves.

Because Sherlock itself has been annihilated, they neither have the personality that Sherlock once had nor fully inherited the memory of Herlock. What they get is only the memory and resentment engraved in the heart of Sherlock at the moment of death.

Azeroth established the Violent Hunting Team to protect Arad, a world that is quite similar to Terra in Azeroth's memory. Because he knew of some conspiracy, he was afraid that he would not be able to deal with this crisis alone, so he formed Violent Snatchers.

However, once an internal conflict occurs in this religious-like organization, it will almost immediately fight each other.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless conflicts and wars due to religious issues. Even the Great Church organization with saints has had conflicts. Let’s stop the Violent Hunting Group, an organization whose leader has been sleeping for a long time.

When Ezra realized this, the Violent Hunting Group had already split. After she left the Tower of Despair, she couldn't find the manager of that faction, so she could only lead the team to the heaven.

Wang Yan is very suspicious that there will be another faction among the members of the two groups of violent search and arrest groups that are now separated. They unconditionally believe in the apostles, even if the apostles have brought evil consequences to the world, they will turn a blind eye. Even a little brainless.

"I don't know if Azeroth knows about this. I hope she will pay attention. Now that Luke hasn't shown up or died, Azeroth's safety should not be affected too much. Find Luke's experiment from the Demon Realm." Be careful after the method of the room."

Wang Yan thought to himself, Azera, a remnant of Terra, cannot die no matter what, she has a [-]% way to deal with Herder, an apostle who is also a remnant of Terra, or the way is on Genesis .

Wang Yan doubts Azeroth's identity very much. Can ordinary people have the ability to drive a spaceship that can travel through the void before the planet Terra is destroyed?

Where did Genesis come from?What was Azeroth's identity when she was on Terra?
Wang Yan doesn't know about this yet, but he believes that as long as he has more contact with Azera, and Azera doesn't die unexpectedly like in the background of the game, he will eventually know all about it.

"There are traces of battle here."

Wang Yan was thinking, and he didn't pay enough attention to everything around him. Celia was always by Wang Yan's side. Bain was the first to discover the traces left by the battle, which were the wreckage left after the death of some light energy machines.

"It seems that we have found the right direction instead."

Wang Yan raised his head and stopped thinking. He stepped forward to Bahn, squatted down and fiddled with the mechanical wreckage.

After observing the surrounding ground, Wang Yan found a slightly sunken floor. If he read it correctly, this should be the trace left by some kind of cylindrical object on the ground, most likely a magic staff. .

"It seems that Azera was also attacked by the mechanical guards, and she didn't come here unscathed."

Wang Yan looked around. This is a rather large square in the tower, with a radius of hundreds of meters. It is impossible to see what is at the end at a glance, and all kinds of machines that do not know their functions are scattered all over this square. To sporadic mechanical guards.

"Shall we move on?"

Bahn saw Wang Yan stopped and asked tentatively. He didn't know where to go now, and it was best to follow Wang Yan.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Wang Yan dug in his pocket and took out a trumpet-shaped thing.

That's right, regardless of any protection, the loudspeaker can spread his voice to a distance of one kilometer. Wang Yan has already verified the point of transmitting sound regardless of the protection, and even underwater can't stop the transmission of sound.

"Cover your ears."

Wang Yan looked at Celia and Barn. Celia nodded and pressed her ears with her fingers. She had seen Wang Yan use this kind of strange and scary props. The sound was so loud that it would shake people's eardrums ache.

Bahn looked at Wang Yan curiously, and saw Wang Yan picked up the loudspeaker and shouted towards the front. Bahn couldn't hear what he was shouting at all. When the sound sounded, he felt his ears suddenly buzzing. The sound was the result of standing behind Wang Yan. If he was directly in front of Wang Yan, facing the horn at close range, he would probably be directly blasted by the sound.

"Well, if she can hear it, she will come to us, if not, it means she is not within a kilometer."

Wang Yan put down the speaker. This kind of props will not be damaged after use. The props produced by the system are magically not inferior to the props in the game. Wang Yan has tried the channel speakers and server speakers in the game. The sound is not as loud as this one. will be damaged.

Wang Yan shouted with such a loud voice, which naturally attracted the attention of all the mechanical guards in the square. They have the ability to detect sound. For such a loud sound, their identification is similar to an explosion. Naturally, we must go to the source of the sound to check the situation. .

After the three of Wang Yan cleaned up the mechanical guards, they saw Azera coming out of a passage at the end of the square in the distance.

"You still have a way, otherwise I really don't know where to go from the dozen or so passages leading to the square."

After seeing Azeroth appearing, Barn gave Wang Yan a thumbs up. Wang Yan smiled slightly, and walked towards Azeroth over the wreckage of the mechanical guard on the ground.

After the two sides approached, they finally converged in the center of the square. Azera was not very surprised by Wang Yan's behavior to go to the lower floor. After all, Wang Yan and the others were dealing with the guards on the upper floor before, so it was not surprising to come here after clearing the guards.

"Is it just you? Erica is okay, have you seen her?"

Azera looked behind Wang Yan, but didn't see anyone other than the three of them. Her expression was very calm, making it impossible to see what was going on in her heart.

"Yes, she is fine. She brought us the news that the golden clown is spreading the black nightmare. Do you know where the golden clown is? Have you seen Luke?"

Wang Yan answered Azera's words first, and Bain stood aside and kept silent. He only needed to listen to the conversation between Wang Yan and Azera to know the situation.

"Things are a little better than I imagined before. The black nightmare spread by the golden clown is not the kind of black nightmare released by Luke, but a similar thing or an accompanying creature of light.

Did you know that light actually coexists with darkness, where there is light, there must be darkness, but ordinary people can only see darkness like shadows, and cannot distinguish the darkness that exists in light. "

Azeroth began to tell her own experience, she went to the lower level of Silent City after leaving the energy furnace with Erica.

She said that she heard Luke's voice, and Wang Yan reserved her opinion and did not comment on it. Even Becky was unable to contact Luke. He doubted whether it was Luke's voice that Azera heard. Or just simulate the voice delivered by the robot?

Azera is really disappointed in her heart now. What she saw and heard after coming to the silent city reminded her that Luke is really endangering the world.

She couldn't ignore these and continued to guard the apostle Luke, even if Luke explained it with self-preservation reasons, she couldn't really convince herself.

"I originally thought that Luke was a victim of the black nightmare, but it doesn't seem to be the case now. It is Luke who is manipulating the black nightmare, not the black nightmare is manipulating him. Otherwise, the golden clown, Luke's subordinate, will have nothing to do anyway. It uses the kind of fog similar to black nightmare."

After Azera finished telling her story, she had a sad expression on her face. There is nothing more sad than this. She brought people to try to protect Luke, but Luke didn't trust her.

"What's the plan after the brutal search and arrest team?"

Bahn couldn't help asking, this is what Wang Yan wanted to know, so he didn't stop Bahn.

"The plan of the Violent Hunting Squad may not change, I will only be able to confirm this after communicating with the members.
I had a conversation with Luke. He said that he did all this because he met his future death countless times. He made mechanical guards just to protect the silent city and ensure his own safety. "

Azera was very sad, she knew that if she made such a decision, she would definitely part ways with everyone, and even Wang Yan probably wouldn't support her, because Luke was indeed endangering the world.

"You want to continue to lead people to guard the apostles?
So all you guys did was just to be able to meet Luke sooner and stand on his side against the others?

Don't you see the harm Luke has brought to this world?Will the black nightmare dissipate by itself? "

Bahn was stunned, Luke had already done something that endangered the world, why would Azeroth still help Luke?He couldn't figure it out at all.

"The future is not static. Luke believes that he can change the future by himself, so he does not hesitate to make so many mechanical guards, and when there are weak spots in the sky and the devil, he extends the silent city into the sky to absorb light energy and restore himself the power of.

But he may not have thought about it, what if the future he saw happened because of his self-protection? "

Wang Yan said some paradoxical words, and everyone present understood them and fell into deep thought.

If this is the case, it means that Luke cannot resist his own destiny, what should happen will still happen, no matter what method is used to resist or block the approach of fate, but fate will eventually come.

"He should have thought about it. Maybe he thought he could make an exception. Destiny is really scary."

Bane's face was serious. He didn't believe in gods or religion, but he was sure that such things as fate did exist.
Many adventurers believe in the Goddess of Fate or the Goddess of Luck. It seems that only luck can change one's fate. Bain himself can't understand these mysterious things.

(End of this chapter)

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