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Chapter 893 The Black Nightmare Appears Again (Subscribe)

Chapter 893 The Black Nightmare Appears Again (Subscribe)
The further you go down, the brighter the place where everyone is.

Everyone has noticed this situation, but the light source seems to be everywhere, on the pillars on the ground, on the machine, and even the mechanical guards are all light sources.

The joint investigation team went all the way down, and they were hardly blocked, but no one dared to relax their vigilance. These places are not dangerous, which does not mean that the same is true below.


When Erica was discovered, a large group of joint investigation team soldiers raised their weapons, but the members of the violent search team on the side went up to meet them, making the joint investigation team give up the attack, it turned out to be their own people.

"Erica? Why are you here! Where is the leader?"

Jian Qi was the fastest, striding towards the dejected Erica. The mechanical guards around Erica had been cleaned up, so that Erica would not be attacked by the mechanical guards here.

"You are all here. The leader asked me to go up first. She went further down to meet the apostle Luke. I didn't expect..."

Erica looked very depressed, without the lively and active appearance before, as if she had suffered a blow.

"Shouldn't you protect the leader? Where is she? Take us there!"

Jian Qi showed shock on his face, only Azera was in the dangerous lower level of Silent City, how can people feel at ease?

"The leader asked me to come up, sorry, I don't know where she is now, but the leader should be safe."

Erica shook her head again and again, even she didn't know where Azera was now, the two had been separated for nearly an hour.

"You just said you didn't expect it, what do you mean?"

The other members of the brutal hunting team kept asking Erica, what happened to her when she went to the lower level with the leader?
"Unexpectedly, it turned out that these were really made by the apostle Luke. I thought that the apostle Luke was the same as what I knew. I really didn't expect this to be the case."

Erica raised her head and looked around, and began to tell the members of the Vicious Snatchers about what happened to her and Azeroth after they went to the lower level.

"The leader said before that she heard the call, and I advised her not to go there. She didn't listen to me. I'm afraid deep down, the leader still believes in the apostle Luke.

In fact, I originally thought that the apostle Luke was not too bad a person. He brought light to the devil world and was the object of worship of many people in the devil world.

I didn't believe that the black nightmare was spread by the apostle Luke. Now it seems that the situation is completely different from what I thought. The apostle Luke is really using the black nightmare to absorb light energy as his own power, and he does not hesitate to endanger the world. "

Erica's face was full of sadness. There was nothing more painful than the collapse of faith. Even though she was not as loyal to Luke as other demons, Erica had a very good impression of Luke before.

She thinks Luke is a good apostle, just like Lord Herder, who has been helping the devil world become better.

"You mean, you and the leader met the men of the apostle Luke, and he attacked you, is the leader okay?

Where did she go?
Are you going to see Luke?
Why go it alone? "

The members of the violent search and arrest team asked all kinds of questions, Erica's head was getting big, and the joint investigation team over there also sent people to inquire about the situation. Bahn was the representative, and someone else would not have the courage to stay in so many places. By the side of the strong.

"The leader is fine, she is safe, she went to a lower level, saying that she wanted to meet and talk with Luke in person.

I don't know what she heard, she was so determined that she didn't even allow me to go with her.

You also know that there is no way for me not to obey the commander's words.

And, there are more important things I want to tell you.

The apostle Luke's subordinate, the golden clown, is hiding in a place on the lower level of Silent City, spreading black nightmares to the outside world.

The leader asked me to inform you that the Silent City and even Cronus Island will soon be in danger, so everyone should be vigilant. "

Erica took a deep breath, and finally she didn't forget her main purpose of coming up, which was to inform everyone to be alert to the evil existence of the black nightmare.

"You mean, Luke's men can also release black nightmares? What's going on?"

Bahn on the side is very anxious, and Erica always likes to say half and half, which makes people extremely irritated.

"It's like this, the clown found that the humans outside had hit the energy furnace, and the mechanical dragon didn't block everyone, and started spreading black nightmare-like substances.

He can hide his position in the light. The leader and I were attacked by him at the beginning. After we eliminated some guards, the clown was no longer visible.

The group leader sensed the danger, so let me inform everyone. Also, she said that the people of Cronus Island might be in danger. Does any of you feel sleepy now? "

Erica narrated all her experiences with a sad face, and Barn changed his face, took out the communicator and immediately contacted Princess Isabella.

When dialing the communicator, Bahne also looked up and looked backward, and became more anxious when he saw that many soldiers started yawning, and not one of them had this situation.

If what Erica said is true, the symptoms that made half of the people in the Arad continent fall asleep before may happen again.

"Your Highness, are you okay? Do you feel that there is something wrong with your body?"

The communication was quickly connected, and Barn anxiously asked Isabella on the other side. His feelings for Isabella were complicated, including loyalty and helplessness. After all, the two had had a substantial relationship and More than once, how Bane was able to ignore Isabella's safety.

"What happened, Commander Baxiet, I'm fine, everything around me is normal, ah~~ I'm just a little sleepy, it seems that I didn't have a good rest last night, the bed is too hard, I haven't gotten used to it yet."

Isabella over there stood up and looked around. Everything around her was normal. She didn't know why Bahn contacted her so anxiously.

"What about the others, are they also sleepy?"

Bain asked again, feeling a little scared in his heart, because now he also felt a little drowsy, and wished he could find a place to lie down and sleep, but his strong will and spirit blocked the drowsiness.

"Hey, it's really like this. Several maids have started to doze off. What's going on? Why are everyone sleepy? Strange!"

Isabella didn't know, so after seeing that the situation was indeed the same as what Bahn said, she also keenly noticed something was wrong.

If only three or five people are sleepy, it is reasonable. It is normal to not sleep well in this dangerous tower, but now we can see as many as hundreds of sleepy people.

And yawning seems to be contagious, more and more people start yawning, which is a very scary thing.

"I'll take someone back right away!"

Bane looked anxious, protecting Isabella's safety was what he personally promised when he left the Delos Empire, and he would not let Isabella be in danger no matter what.

Bahn looked up at the members of the Violent Hunting Squad and saw Wang Yan's gaze. He looked forward and shook his head. He has already come here. He really doesn't want to go back if it is not necessary, but the situation has become more and more serious. The worse it is, if you continue to explore, many people may fall asleep while walking, and at that time there is no energy to continue fighting.

"Everyone listens to the order, turn around and return to the energy furnace!"

Bahn issued an order to the soldiers of the Iron Wolf Knights who didn't know what happened. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but followed Baane's order and began to turn around. The rear team changed to the front team and prepared to evacuate.

"Captain Bahn, what are you doing? Why did you ask everyone to retreat?"

A few seconds after Bahn made this order, someone from the Joint Investigation Team brought the communicator that Jurgen dialed.

"Prince Jurgen, things have changed, everyone is not safe now, and the investigation cannot continue.

Someone from the brutal search and arrest team who went to the lower level came back and brought bad news. Luke's men are spreading black nightmares, which is the kind of thing that can make people fall asleep.

The current situation is that many people are already sleepy, and if we go further down, maybe we will fall down ourselves! "

Barn explained to Jurgen the reason for his order to retreat. Jurgen was silent for a long time, as if he was talking with the people around him, and finally his voice sounded again: "Then retreat one after another, we will I have seen what you said, give the communicator to the soldier, and I will talk to him."

A few minutes later, the soldiers of the Joint Investigation Team changed their formation and began to retreat on the same road with sufficient vigilance. Many people were yawning as they moved forward. This time the situation seemed to be better than last time. The last time it really made people fall asleep immediately, not the drowsiness they are doing now.

"What should we do now? We also retreat?"

The members of the Violent Hunting Squad were discussing the situation. Ordinary soldiers were able to retreat because their situation was terrible, but the members of the Violent Hunting Snatching Squad were different. Their spirit and will were strong, and they could endure the sleepiness and move on.

"Your Excellency Wang Yan, what is your opinion?"

Jian Qi came and asked Wang Yan, and the others also turned their heads.

"If what Erica said is true, then we can't retreat. The safety of ordinary soldiers has been threatened, but everyone's situation is fine.

We should continue to move forward at this time, and finally find the clown, find out and even eliminate him, and perhaps this crisis will be resolved.

Didn't you realize that this kind of black nightmare is not so dangerous?
Otherwise, there should be a large group of soldiers lying on the ground by now.

When sleeping sickness appeared in the continent of Arad, it was much more frightening than it is now, and the streets were full of people who had fallen asleep. "

Wang Yan closed his eyes and used his mind to perceive the situation. The lower space was very complicated, and he couldn't find the golden clown in a short time. What he could do was to continue down and wipe out all the mechanical guards that could be sensed. Maybe at that time he could find the golden clown. The golden clown in hiding.

"Well, those who want to go up, go up now, the others continue to explore and find the leader as soon as possible."

Jian Qi looked around and said his suggestion, and the others whispered a few words, but no one objected.

As for Roy, he couldn't follow along. Even though he kept retorting loudly, he was still taken away. Roy's situation was also very wrong. He kept covering his mouth and yawned, as if he could fall asleep at any time.

In the end, there are less than 30 people left on this floor. This is the number of people in a medium-sized adventure group. It is the most suitable combination for exploring dangerous areas, especially since everyone has various occupations and can deal with danger immediately.

"Let's go then, Barn, are you going down or up?"

Wang Yan looked at Bahn, Bahn showed a tangled look, and finally shook his head helplessly: "I'll go up and have a look, I'm needed there, Wang Yan, I'll wait for your good news, I believe you can solve this crisis .”

"Okay, I'll do it."

Wang Yan and Bane exchanged fists, and did not say anything about parting. Bane watched the departing people, and finally evacuated behind the team with a few guards.

"Sure enough, they are all cowards."

Without the accompanying joint investigation team, the members of the brutal search and arrest team spoke a lot more casually.

Many members of the Violent Hunting Squad were criticizing the Joint Investigation Team or the Delos Empire. Wang Yan heard all this, but he didn't say anything to stop it.

"Erica, please lead the way. Go to the place where you saw the leader for the last time. Let's start looking for the leader from there. It's really nerve-wracking."

Jian Qi rubbed his forehead, sleepiness has been eroding everyone present, it's not that they are not sleepy, but resisted this erosion with their will.

The source must be found as soon as possible, otherwise, Silent City may not be able to enter in a long time, then their efforts for the past three months will be completely in vain, and Luke and the clown will achieve their goal and successfully drive them back.

"I think it's not a black nightmare, or rather, it's just a kind of black nightmare, not as scary as a black nightmare.

Erica, did Captain Azeroth say if she could see Luke?

Because as far as I know, Luke is hiding in the most secret laboratory, and even Luke's subordinates cannot enter or talk to him.

You said she heard a voice, is it really Luke's voice?Why is it that only she can hear it? "

Moving on, everyone was talking about their opinions while cleaning up the few mechanical guards. Wang Yan stepped forward to Erika who was walking forward with her head bowed. The other party was very worried and seemed to be in a bad mood, but Wang Yan still To ask these questions.

"I do not know either."

Erica shook her head. The golden clown's explosive strength in a short period of time was very strong, and Erica was unable to block it. This made Erica quite shocked. She was strong enough to survive in this dangerous world by herself. Now It seems that it may not be enough.

"Okay, let us know when you get there."

Seeing Erica like this, Wang Yan knew that he would not be able to ask any more questions, so he nodded and retreated to the side of Celia.

"Becky is fine, very pleased with my communication, I chatted with her a few words, it seems that this kind of sleeping sickness has not spread to Kronos Island, after all, it is so far away, but if it continues, maybe People in Cronos get sleepy too."

After Wang Yan came back, Celia handed over the communicator, and she was communicating with Becky.

"I'll have a word with her."

Wang Yan nodded, took over the communicator and started talking with Becky. Becky was very happy about Wang Yan's communication, because Wang Yan only left in the morning and contacted her at noon.

"Is there any danger in Silent City? Brother Wang Yan, tell me that your voice is not right."

After talking for a few words, Becky didn't know what he heard, and began to question Wang Yan.

"There is something wrong, but the situation is still under control. You can play well in the camp, you can go to your sister Mia to play, she will play with you, or you can also read and study, obedient Becky, okay? ?”

Wang Yan did not tell the truth, but comforted Becky with a gentle voice.

"Then, well, Brother Wang Yan, I hope you can contact me again as soon as possible."

Becky hesitated for a moment, and the voice of reluctance came from the communicator.

"I will, hang up."

 Although I have a headache, I still coded it out, I will continue to sleep for a while, good night.
(End of this chapter)

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