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Chapter 89 The Mercenary in the Thousand Year Snow Mountain

Chapter 89 The Mercenary in the Thousand Year Snow Mountain
"Go back." Seeing this, Jin Fei and Zhushi supported Jiulong and said to Wang Yan. Wang Yan nodded. He didn't expect Jiulong to be drunk. After all, as long as the other party wants to, alcohol can't affect him at all. It seems Master Nine Dragons has something on his mind recently, and he just drinks away his worries.

"Guest, the Nian Qi crystals you want have been collected for you." The three of them walked away from Wang Yan and came to the counter a few steps behind. The air crystals were put in the bag, and the next moment the system's voice sounded: "The collection of [-] Mind Qi crystals has been completed, the special task has been completed, the system will be updated for [-] hours, the energy collection will not be affected during the update, after the update is completed Energy collection speed is doubled."

"Phew, I finally completed this task, and I will be able to broadcast live for two hours a day from now on." Wang Yan nodded his thanks to the Dark Elf. In the past, the drinks for the four of them were very little, which was not worth mentioning to Wang Yan.

After going out, due to the system upgrade, all services were unavailable, and Wang Yan was unable to take out the off-road jeep, so he could only quickly follow Jin Fei and the three of them. Jiulong was still walking forward with the support of the two. He also couldn't see the appearance of a Nian Qi master, no different from other drunk guests on the road.

"Master Jiulong, what's wrong?" Wang Yan approached and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. Master seldom drank alcohol in the past. Maybe he has something on his mind recently." Jin Fei shook his head, and returned to the small courtyard where Jiulong was located ten minutes later. Together, the three of them took Jiulong upstairs and put him on the bed. Already fell asleep, turned his head and murmured and went back to sleep.

"Go to bed earlier, too, good night." After the system upgrade, Wang Yan couldn't take out his laptop, and he couldn't log in to the game. He just felt extremely boring for a while. He walked around the whole Yuexi Town during the day, and now he felt sleepy, just After washing his face, he found a bed and fell asleep.

Wannian Snow Mountain.

On a ridge in the Kannak Mountains, a group of people were wrapped tightly, and headed forward against the icy wind and snow. The wind howled past, and the biting cold swept the whole body.

After walking tens of meters, a group of people found a place leeward, pulled off the masks that were frozen stiff, and everyone took out the warm kumiss from their bosoms and gulped it down. The cold hands and feet regained their feeling.

"This damn weather, it's getting harder and harder to walk." Several people in the crowd muttered, their gazes inadvertently fell on a figure beside him, that figure looked very weak, only half the height of ordinary people, at this moment he didn't Like everyone else, he keeps out the cold with strong wine, and his body is surrounded by ice blue light.

"Using the anti-cold potion and the cold-repelling talisman together, this goblin is really willing." One person muttered in a low voice, and took another big gulp of kumiss.

"If you have any objections, you shouldn't have come in the first place." The other person snorted, then took off his gloves and rubbed his hands vigorously, trying to speed up the blood flow in his hands and warm his body as soon as possible.

"Who knows what he came to Wannian Snow Mountain for? Fortunately, those barbaric Bantu people he met before did not follow him up the mountain, otherwise it would be even more troublesome."

"He said he was looking for a medicinal ingredient, maybe."

The words of the few mercenaries fell into Goblin Ino's ears. He snorted softly, turned his head and looked into the distance against the wind and snow. His vision was full of white snowflakes in the sky and snowflakes on the mountain peaks. The snow is so white that it is a bit dazzling, and it even makes people feel that they cannot look directly at it after a long time.

Goblin Ino, the goblin that Wang Yan met in Border Town, he has left Border Town since he was exhausted in the Tiger Roar Martial Arts Hall. Fortunately, if he has money, he can find mercenaries to help him. After paying a high price of tens of thousands of gold coins, he successfully hired a mercenary squad. In a small village, just because they got some kumiss, those Bantu people would not sell the precious kumiss to outsiders like them.

Ino's target is the sleeping ice dragon Scassa on the top of a snow peak in the Kannak Mountains. He is sure that the other party is still sleeping. He has spent a lot of painstaking efforts and efforts to get here from the Goblin Kingdom. Almost at the destination, when Yinuo thought of what he might have to accomplish, he was so excited that his breath became short of breath.

"Quick, let's go!" Urged the mercenaries behind him, in exchange for a burst of complaints, but those mercenaries still put on their masks and wrapped themselves tightly, and then buried their heads in the wind and snow again. OK.

During the whole day, everyone only walked half of the ridge. After the sky darkened rapidly, everyone dug a big hole in a leeward position, and then blocked the hole with piles of snow, leaving only a gap for breathing. .

Without the previous wind and snow disturbance, everyone dropped their bags and sat on the ground. Due to the time limit, the hole was dug very small, so everyone sat face to face with their backs against the cold mountain, and they couldn't even raise the bonfire. rise.

This is the fifth day for the group to enter the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. Some people already want to withdraw from this arduous journey, but leaving alone is death. No one can guarantee that they can successfully walk out of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain, so all the mercenaries It is to follow the pace of the captain closely, lest he will fall behind.

The captain of the mercenary team is a tightly wrapped exorcist, with red light shining on his body from time to time, but he is using chakras: flames to keep warm. He snorted softly after entering the cave, and then a burst of fire The red figure floated on the top of the cave out of thin air, bringing light and at the same time bringing much-needed warmth to everyone.

"The captain's fire elf is really useful here. If there is no fire elf, you will definitely freeze to death when you sleep at night." One person said with concern. On the first day after entering the Wannian Snow Mountain, everyone underestimated the coldness of the night and almost They froze to death together, and it was the goblin Ino who discovered something was wrong and poured a bottle of anti-cold potion to survive the night. Finally, the captain of the mercenary team summoned the fire elves to survive the night.

"Hurry up and eat something to sleep. The night of Wannian Snow Mountain is really cold to death. There are all kinds of monsters haunting here at night. It's really hard to imagine why those monsters can move in such a world of ice and snow." Swallow the cold jerky with kumiss.

"Master Ino, how many days will it take to reach the location you mentioned?" The exorcist, the captain of the mercenary team, looked at the goblin sitting in the corner at this time, and asked in a deep voice. The commission is very high, but it has been five days since they entered the mountain, and nearly one-third of the people's food has been consumed. At most, they can only go forward for three days before they have to return. Otherwise, the group will never be able to get out of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain.

 The story of Xuzu has come to an end for the time being, and the next is the story that happened after the ice dragon woke up. Thank you for your support for nearly a month. Now this book is still in the recommended position. Collection and recommendation tickets are especially important to the author. Here, the author is thick Shameless begging for another wave of favorites and recommendations, book friends please help!

(End of this chapter)

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