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Chapter 88 Meeting Little Tiezhu Again (Part 2)

Chapter 88 Meeting Little Tie Zhu Again (Second Change)
"Huh, that seems to be Little Tie Zhu, has he come to Yuexi Town?" Walking out of a shop, Wang Yan raised his head without any gain, and saw a familiar figure on the corner of the street, Little Tie Zhu carrying his luggage He was walking on the street at the moment, and hadn't noticed Wang Yan's gaze yet.

"Hello, do you still know me?" Wang Yan quickly followed the other party. After Xiao Tie Zhu turned his head after hearing the sound, Wang Yan slowed down and smiled. Xiao Tie Zhu looked at Wang Yan and then smiled: "It turned out to be Mr. Carey, you are also in Yuexi Town, what a coincidence."

"Yes, I just arrived last night. I came here with the owner of the Jinfei Pavilion to see Master Jiulong." Wang Yan walked with Xiao Tiezhu, showing that he had just arrived in Yuexi Town for a day.

"It turns out that Master Nine Dragons is in Yuexi Town. I don't know about it yet. I must visit him after I finish my work." Xiao Tie Zhu looked shocked, and naturally he also accepted the name Nian Qi Master Nine Dragons. Heard of it.

"Where are you going? Yuelun Mountain?" Looking up at the road, Wang Yan found that the two of them were walking on the road from Yuexi Town to Yuelun Mountain. Xiao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going Looking for a kind of ore in Yuelun Mountain, the previous collection is used up, and it is difficult to find it on the market, so I can only find it by myself."

"Can you tell me what the material is? Maybe I can help." Wang Yan asked.

"It's the Nian Qi Ore, which is the companion of the Nian Qi Crystal. It is much rarer than the Nian Qi Crystal. I was looking for it to forge equipment. I have been researching the Nian Qi Ore recently, and now I have gained a little." Looking into the distance, Xiao Tie Zhu's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Nianqi ore?" Wang Yan was surprised. Isn't this the exclusive drop material of the Yuelun Mountain map in the game?That is the exclusive material for exchanging dragon weapons. Does this kind of thing exist in Moon Mountain now?
"That's right, I found that adding Nianqi ore to forging materials will cause fluctuations in the magic power of the equipment. I have been researching these things recently." Talking about Nianqi ore, Xiao Tiezhu kept talking, perhaps because Wang Yan is one of the few friends of his age, and he started talking with Wang Yan.

Wang Yan knows a lot about the Nianqi ore. He used to fight for the dragon weapon on the Moon Mountain map many times. The dragon Natra paid resurrection coins, and he is still impressed today. The game Naturally, he has no way to obtain the Nian Qi ore bound in the real world, so he can only helplessly shake his head and say to Xiao Tie Zhu: "I don't have this kind of material either. I'll ask you later if I can find it. I'm looking for someone to collect it. Mind Qi crystallization."

"That's great. Nianqi ore is not valued by everyone now. Kaili, you'd better collect more. When you go back to Suan, don't forget to come to my shop. I can try to help you build equipment." At this time, the two had already left the side door of Yuexi Town. The little iron pillar standing at the door was a little happy when he heard the words. After all, Wang Yan seemed mysterious to him, and he should have his own means to collect the Nian Qi ore. .

"Sure, have a good trip." When it was time to say goodbye, Wang Yan stood at the bamboo gate and waved to him. Xiao Tiezhu also waved to Wang Yan with his luggage on his back. It's best to drive a little longer, and you have to find a place to stay before it gets dark.

Watching the other party go away, Wang Yan turned his head and left. He didn't worry much about the other party's safety. After all, the dragon is still sleeping and has not created a series of monsters. Today's Yuelun Mountain should only have ordinary beasts. As far as the vulgar small iron pillars are concerned, they can basically come and go freely.

"The equipment made of Nianqi Ore, it's a magical equipment in the game, and it also comes with various special effects. I'm looking forward to it." Walking on the way back, Wang Yan's thoughts were flying, and he wanted to meet Xiao Tie Zhu again. A sense of anticipation.

In the evening, Wang Yan, who had been wandering around for an afternoon, finally returned to Master Jiulong's small courtyard. The three of them had already prepared dinner. Following Jin Fei and the others, they went out together.

Knowing that Wang Yan's target is the tavern in Yuexi Town, Master Nine Dragons actually looked forward to it, watching Wang Yan and Jin Fei laughing behind him, it seems that Master Nine Dragons often lingered in the tavern when he was young.

"How long has it been since you had a drink? It's been almost half a year, and now I really miss the taste of good wine." Standing outside the tavern door, Master Nine Dragons smacked his lips and said with some aftertaste, then walked in along the opened tavern door , Wang Yan and the three also followed each other and entered the tavern together.

Now that it has just entered the night and the sky is still dark, the tavern is much more lively than when Wang Yan came in the morning. There are people sitting at more than a dozen tables in the entire hall, and the dark elf bartender is still sitting at the bar at this moment. Butterflies generally move between the gaps of the tables, carrying trays containing food or fine wine, and be careful of the salty pig hands of the drunkards. There are thin beads of sweat on the foreheads of the two busy people.

"Wow. Distinguished guest, good evening!" Seeing the arrival of Wang Yan and his party, the female bartender quickly stood up after seeing that the leader was Master Jiulong. In terms of age, she may be older than Master Jiulong. Bigger, but in terms of strength, she is not enough for Master Nine Dragons to fight with one hand.

"Ya, good evening." After staying in Yuexi Town for a long time, Master Nine Dragons also knew the identity and name of the dark elf of the female bartender. For a while, he was also a frequent visitor to the tavern, and then gradually decreased due to other reasons. The number of times I have come, this is the first time I have come to the tavern in more than half a year.

"Guests come to the door, the old rules, I invite the first glass." Dark Elf Ya smiled, and then took out four exquisite wine glasses, which were different from the wine glasses of other guests. Even in summer, the wine glasses exude a faint chill.

"Good stuff." Stretching out his hand to hold the chilled wine glass, Master Jiulong took a sip of the fine wine in the glass, obviously very satisfied, while Wang Yan stared at the wine glass in his hand curiously. Wine glasses made of chilly materials are uncommon even on Earth.

"The wine glass is made of black ice. This material can only be found in the depths of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. It is basically not found in the market." After Jin Fei took a sip of the wine, her face quickly turned red, The wine in the glass was still too strong for her.

"Give this lady a glass of mild wine." Wang Yan knocked on the table, signaling Jin Fei not to drink it.

"No problem, I have wine here, what do you three want to drink?" Taking out a glass of wine and pouring another glass for Jin Fei, Ya looked at the three of them.

"Tequila." Jiulong drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, smacking his lips unsatisfactorily and said immediately.

"Give me a glass of wine, too." Zhushi was also not used to strong wine, and after drinking the wine in the glass, he put down the glass and signaled for a serving of the same wine as Jin Fei.

"Rum, I haven't tasted this kind of wine yet."

"Wait for a moment." The dark elf female bartender poured a glass of wine for the three of them again, and then the four of them found a place to sit down. Jiulong obviously missed the old days, and kept talking about the past to several people while drinking. , he was the one who drank the most among the four, and he was a little drunk after about half an hour.

 The next chapter is at ten o'clock, the story of the Wannian Snow Mountain Map is about to begin, please collect and support!
(End of this chapter)

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