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Chapter 880 Becky Walking Out of the Silent City

Chapter 880 Becky Walking Out of the Silent City (Million Challenge 26100 Subscribe)
"The middle part of where we come from and where we go, isn't that our whole life?"

Becky murmured, Wang Yan's words gave her a great reminder, and her expression kept changing.

Mia was also thinking in a daze. It is a very scary thing for artificial intelligence to think philosophically.

But Mia's heart is kind. She already knew who she was, where she came from, and where she was going. After thinking about it, Mia felt that it was not important. Wang Yan said a lot, the middle part is the most important .

Celia also showed a thoughtful expression. Even a long-lived elf still couldn't see through these things. She didn't know where she came from or who she was. She kept looking for the answer to this question.

"That's right, where you go will only determine what you do in the middle.

If you do nothing, the future remains unpredictable.

If you stand up now and walk towards that wall, after ten seconds, you will hit the wall. This is fate, and it is fun to see through it. "

Wang Yan used a very interesting metaphor to explain fate. Fate that cannot be seen through is feared by many people, but Wang Yan is open to it. Things like crossing other worlds have happened. What else can affect him? Heart?

"Well, it's really too profound. I haven't figured it out yet, but the more I think about it, the more confused I become."

Becky patted his head, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. This is Becky's most real thought now. These three questions may have such answers now, or they may have other answers in a long time, so it's best not to think about it.

"Haha, that's right, I don't want to either."

Wang Yan nodded and smiled.

Celia shook her head. She has been on the way to find out who she is and where she came from.

Everything in the world must have a cause before it has an effect, she is the effect, and the cause will be found in the future, Seria firmly believes.

"For me, I just need to go on with my life."

Mia is the most optimistic among the people present. She likes her current life very much and does not want to make any changes or bad changes. If the changes will lead to the horrible situation Melvin described, then just keep the status quo. Smart programs can't be born by themselves.

"You know, I shouldn't have said that."

Wang Yan shook his head. Philosophy is really thought-provoking. Now the mood of several people is not as good as it was at first.

"During the day, I went to Lord Luke's most trusted subordinate, and he said that Lord Luke closed the laboratory and saw no one, and I felt that he became a little strange, very indifferent to me, I was very scared, something It happened, but I didn't know it."

The four chatted for a long time. After learning about the origins of the three on Wang Yan's side, Becky began to tell about what happened to him today.

"Golden clown?"

Wang Yan tentatively asked.

"Yes, I call him Jin Chou, you know him."

Becky showed curiosity. She didn't know how Wang Yan knew this, because this was the first time that the Silent City had actually come to the continent of Arad, and Becky was very sure.

"I have foreseen the future and know some things that ordinary people can't know, but some things are no longer the same as I foresee, because of me, because of other things have changed."

Wang Yan nodded, Becky didn't understand why.

"Luke closed the lab and didn't see anyone. It should be true. As for his indifference to you, let me tell you one thing, Becky, you have to be mentally prepared."

Wang Yan paused, he wanted to say something he didn't intend to say at this time.

"You say it."

Becky's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition appeared.

"You are the most perfect Hemon Cruz. You are Luke's very capable subordinate. You can help Silent City navigate the cracks in different dimensions. You are an existence he cannot leave. Do you think so?"

When Wang Yan opened his mouth, he made some statements, and Becky nodded repeatedly, which was absolutely correct.

"If you can be copied, and the copied you also have your abilities, your body, your mind, and can also be energy-produced and help in combat, do you think you are really important to Luke? Is it impossible to give up?"

Wang Yan's words were very heart-wrenching, but he still spoke out. Becky seemed to be kept in the dark until now. Wang Yan guessed that the golden clown must have known something before he started to treat Becky coldly.

There are some things in the background of the game that Wang Yan understands.

Schneider, who was purified by the magician after Becky failed in the battle with the adventurer, taunted him as a useless tool.

After seeing the mass-produced Becky, Becky finally understood that she was abandoned by Luke, and she was abandoned a long time ago. Like those mechanical creatures that could die at any time, she died when she died.

Of course, there is also a reason that Luke wants to save Becky and let Becky leave his dying self. After all, things like sitting will happen in any world.

The more you help Luke, the more likely you are to die.

The characters represented by Luke's 22 tarot cards were all dead when the Mechanical Throne was breached, but Becky escaped from birth. I don't know whether it was the favor of fate or a mockery.

"You mean?"

Becky trembled, his face was full of pain.

"Luke is copying you, I don't know if you have noticed, I think it should have almost taken shape, after all, he now has the light energy he can control.

Of course, it's also possible that Luke wants you to escape when you're not completely in trouble. He sent you to guard the lookout that is relatively the most dangerous and the easiest to escape. Maybe someone wants you to leave before the situation gets bad. mean. "

After Wang Yan finished speaking, he looked at Becky who was crying again and sighed. No matter what he thought, Luke had the intention of letting Becky go. I am afraid that when he first met Becky, Luke had already confirmed Becky fate, either die or leave.

"I... what should I do? Uuuuuuuuuuuuu~"

Becky cried very sadly, holding the arm of Wang Yan who was closest to him and buried his head in tears. Wang Yan patted Becky's shoulder lightly, comforting Becky who was in pain:

"The matter still needs to be resolved, but Luke is required to show up, but I don't think he will show up. I'm afraid only Luke can answer the reason."

Mia is also very sad. Becky's fate is more miserable than she originally imagined. After all, she still has relatives and friends, and she lives a fulfilling and happy life every day.

As for Becky, staying in the dark and silent city, spending a hundred years like that, and now it is almost certain that he has been abandoned, what a cruel thing for Becky.

"It's really all here, I didn't bother you."

When the observation deck fell into silence again, a voice sounded, breaking the silence.

"Captain Azeroth?"

Mia turned her head and saw Azeroth floating from the window of the observation tower.

"Hi Mia."

Azera nodded to Mia. She treats everyone very kindly. Even if she knows that Mia is an artificial intelligence, she still treats Mia as usual. She has seen too many deaths. Respect for life is her most basic philosophy.

"Captain Azera, why are you here?"

Before this, Wang Yan didn't notice Azera's approach at all. Is she watching him?Wang Yan thought secretly.

"Hi Wang Yan, and Celia, I'm sorry, I wanted to discuss something with you, but I couldn't find it in the camp. I sensed the entire Cronos Island and found that the three of you were not there, so I just wanted to Come to Silent City to have a look, it’s really not spying on you.”

Seeming to know what Wang Yan was thinking, Ezra smiled and explained, and then her eyes fell on Becky. After a few seconds, her eyes widened and her face became quite serious.

Artificial man, she actually saw an artificial man here again.

Why is it sensitive to artificial humans? It starts from a long, long time ago, when Terra still existed.

The twelve Battle Gods of Beyana are artificial humans. In fact, magicians can only create artificial humans by finding the remaining part of the artificial human manufacturing technology.

Can the combination of magic and science really create life like a god?This is an unknown problem.

Azera had been staring at Becky, and the four people present naturally noticed it.

Becky moved behind Wang Yan in fear. Azera's gaze made Becky very uncomfortable. Even though Azera looked very young and beautiful, and her breath was calm, Becky just felt afraid.

"Well, we came to Silent City last night, and we met Becky, she is the guard of the observation tower of Silent City, we have been fighting in her territory before, Becky, this is Azeroth, is a A strong man with an extraordinary history."

Wang Yan spread his hands, explaining the reason why the three of them came to Silent City after nightfall.

"Actually, there was also a discussion within the Violent Hunting Group to discuss whether to take the risk of sneaking into the Silent City at this time. I have not decided, but your actions have made me change my mind.

Is your name Becky?I want to have a conversation with the creator Luke, this is related to his fate, can you help me? "

Azera nodded, without doubting whether Wang Yan's words were true or not, she looked at Becky, and calmly asked about something she had always wanted to do but could not do.

"Sorry, I tried to talk to Master Luke during the day, but he didn't see anyone, and he didn't accept any summons. The messages I sent during the day haven't responded to me yet."

Becky shook her head again and again, she had already hidden herself behind Wang Yan, poking her head out from Wang Yan's waist to look at Azera.

"Are you afraid of me? If you know what kind of organization the Violent Hunting Group is, maybe you won't be afraid of me.

Violent Hunting Group, this is an organization I founded a long time ago, the purpose of the organization is to protect the good apostles.

Because there is a prophecy that once all the apostles die, the world will also be destroyed. I can't let this happen, so I created a violent search group and recruited powerful people from all sides to join it.

Find the apostles, and protect the apostles.

After I talked with Luke, I might be able to make a decision on behalf of the Violent Hunting Group, whether all members of the Violent Hunting Group should guard Luke, the creator, and Wang Yan can prove that what I said is true or false. "

Azera didn't expect that Wang Yan trusted Becky so much, because Becky stood behind Wang Yan and could easily break through Wang Yan's defense and hurt Wang Yan.

But Wang Yan didn't intend to turn around, so he asked Becky to stand behind him. Becky also clung to Wang Yan when he was showing fear, as if he was very dependent on Wang Yan.

If Wang Yan and Wang Yan only met yesterday, then this situation shows that Wang Yan has the ability to quickly establish a friendly relationship with anyone, which is very strange, but it is not beyond Azera's expectations, Wang Yan The origin of it, until now Azera has not really seen it clearly.

"Will you protect Lord Luke?"

Becky looked at Azeroth in surprise, she remembered Azeroth.

The Violent Hunting Group should be those strong human beings before. She still remembers those swordsmen or other strong men with swords. Those people have the power that Becky fears. she.

In the previous offensive and defensive battles, Azera seldom made a move, but who can become the leader of those strong, how could he be weak?
If the Violent Hunting Group chooses to protect Lord Luke, then Becky will be very happy. Even if there is a situation, Luke has abandoned her, and she has not completely given up protecting Luke.

After all, that is the only person who has brought Becky affection all these years!
"I will decide according to the situation, because as far as the current situation is concerned, Luke has already caused irreparable trauma to the Arad continent. If he continues to do so, the violent hunting team can only use their own methods to solve this matter. It’s over, otherwise the prophecy has not yet happened, and this world will be destroyed first.”

Azera shook her head. The reason why she hasn't made up her mind is that she hasn't met Luke with her own eyes. If she meets Luke and has a conversation, Azera can guarantee that she can understand Luke's character. Then a real decision can be made, whether to let all members of the Violent Hunting Team guard Luke.

The Violent Hunting Squad is a very powerful organization. Although there are not many members, their individual strength is almost at the limit of human ability. Anyone who is drawn from a combat profession is an awakened person. Even if they are civil servants, they are all talented and knowledgeable.

There is also the Tower of Despair, if Azeroth wants, she can drive the Tower of Despair to the heavens, to Cronus Island.

At that time, the Violent Hunting Squad will be even more powerful, and those strong men in the Tower of Despair will choose to stand on the side of the Violent Hunting Squad without hesitation. Practice is enough.

"I see, but unfortunately I really have no way to contact Lord Luke, I will try to keep in touch with Lord Luke, I hope you can be patient, what do you want to know, I can help you collect information.

Also, Lord Luke has never hurt anyone in all these years. His changes have exceeded my expectations. After all, I have known him for a long time. "

Becky's next sentence made both Wang Yan and Azera frown. If it is true that Luke changed only recently as Becky said, then it would be interesting.

"I have something to talk to Captain Azeroth about."

Wang Yan looked at Becky behind him, Becky nodded, and took a few steps back holding the slingshot to stand where he was.

Wang Yan walked past Mia and Celia, and walked straight to the corner of the observation deck. Celia thought about it and still didn't follow. Wang Yan didn't say anything, so she naturally wouldn't listen.

After Wang Yan, Azera followed Wang Yan to the corner of the watchtower. The two stood still after walking a hundred meters away. this conversation.

"Have you found it?"

Wang Yan opened his mouth and said an inexplicable sentence.

"If true, that would explain it."

Azera's response was also somewhat inexplicable.

"Is the black nightmare so strong? Can even the apostles be affected?"

Wang Yan's next sentence explained why he said that.

If Becky's words are correct, it means that Luke has been affected by something and will suddenly change in the near future.

Of course, it is also possible that Luke seized the opportunity to make a sudden change. After all, what Becky knows is only Luke on the surface. Who knows what Luke thinks in his heart? What about?
"If it is the existence of the dark plane, of course it can, because it is a collection of negative consciousness of the light of the beginning, but I have a question, the original twelve Beyana, later turned into twelve apostles, So where did this extra negative consciousness come from?"

Azera had communicated with Wang Yan a long time ago, and found that Wang Yan also had her own understanding of what happened on Terra, but she didn't ask about Wang Yan's origin, and Wang Yan didn't talk about it. There are many explanations, and they may not necessarily convince the other party.

"Have you forgotten, why did Twelve Beyana start the war?
No. 13 Biyana, that is a negative consciousness deeply buried underground when Terra existed.

Although it has no body, and it did not participate in the battle between the Light of the Beginning and Biyana, it should have been separated from Terra after it was destroyed. Therefore, there should be thirteen apostles.

Another thing is, do the apostles really die?At least I don't believe it. That kind of existence, almost like air and water, can incarnate everything. When they die, do they really leave the world? "

Wang Yan's words made Azera wake up. If the deduction is based on Wang Yan's words, it means that behind all the truth, there is actually a secret.

No. 13 apostles, escape from existence other than fate, it is the real key.

Even if all twelve apostles died, that Herder's plan would still not be realized.

But did Herder know about it?What if she followed the plan and attacked the continent of Arad?
"too frightening!"

Azera was silent for a long time, and said these four words in a breath, it was really scary, Azera's body was trembling slightly.

Wang Yan nodded. He recalled that in the plot of the game, Luke turned into the nightmare aura after death and dissipated. Is it Luke's body or the nightmare aura?Or maybe both?
The originally clear situation suddenly became confusing, not to mention Azera, even Wang Yan, who had made up his mind before, suddenly didn't know what to do.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally removed the barrier and walked out. After all, the conversation between the two had been delayed for a long time.

After the two returned, none of the other three asked what kind of conversation Wang Yan and Azera had. It should be a very secret thing, Celia secretly thought.

Azera originally planned to contact Luke through Becky, but now knowing that Luke has closed the laboratory, the outside world cannot open the laboratory, and things have changed, Azera has no intention of staying any longer, she wants to Return to Cronos as soon as possible.

"Becky, why are you afraid of Captain Azeroth?"

Mia and Becky sat together, and the two quickly became close because they were both man-made objects.

Celia, on the other hand, is a natural existence. Almost no one can be hostile to Celia, unless it is a non-intelligent existence. The impression is not bad.

"I don't know. I felt fear when I saw her. Maybe there was something about her that affected my perception."

Becky shook her head, she didn't know why she was afraid of Azeroth.

Wang Yan scratched his head, could it be because Azeroth is from Terra?

I don't know how many years have passed, there is no reason for the artificial man to be able to communicate with the people of Terra, not to mention that Becky and Beyana basically have nothing to do with each other.

"Becky, I invite you to take a look at Cronus Island. Don't you always want to go outside? Just in the morning, and I will send you back in the afternoon. What do you think?
There are many people there, but I will protect you, and other people will not know your identity, nor will they hurt you. Didn't you say that you have always wanted to go outside?Come with me, to see the outside world. "

After Azera left, the three of Wang Yan continued to stay in the observation tower. Becky asked many questions. While the four of them kept talking, the time passed little by little until the sky in the east was twilight. Looking at the time, I realized that it was already morning.

"Huh? Let me think about it for half a minute."

Becky's expression became very tangled this time, and Wang Yan quietly waited for the passage of time.

Half a minute later, Becky took a deep breath and nodded towards Wang Yan.

"Great, let's go, it's almost dawn, and a new day is coming."

Wang Yan happily collided his left palm with his right fist. Mia was also very happy. She was completely tireless. This night, she and Becky had a very long conversation. The two asked each other many things that Wang Yan couldn't understand. Questions, I don't know how they have so many questions to ask.

Celia stepped forward and stretched out her hand to Becky, Becky looked at Wang Yan, Wang Yan nodded towards Becky.

Becky no longer hesitated, and reached out to hold Celia's palm.

When the palms touched, Becky's body trembled.

Is this what shaking hands feels like?Being able to feel the body temperature of others is really a very novel feeling for Becky.

Wang Yan took Mia, Celia took Becky, and the four of them took off directly from the observation deck, then turned in the air and fell towards the sea. When they were about to fall to the sea, Wang Yan and Celia's fall The speed slowed down, Celia also took out the wooden boat, and the four of them finally fell into the wooden boat.


Becky stepped on the canoe and sat cross-legged in the canoe like the three of them.

She reached out and touched the hull carefully. The wooden structure of the hull gave Becky a very novel touch.

There is very little wood in the Silent City, rocks and steel account for almost [-]%, and the rest are strange ores or gems, or things like glass.


The wooden boat was very small. After the four of them sat down, it almost occupied the space. Becky stretched out his hand and fished out some seawater from the sea. Looking at the little transparent seawater accumulated in the depression of his palm, Becky hesitated. He wanted to taste the sea water, but was stopped by Wang Yan.

"The sea water is polluted, it's still salty and undrinkable."

Wang Yan grabbed Becky's right hand. The sea water in the heaven cannot be drunk. This is something that all the people in the heaven know. Drinking sea water indiscriminately will lead to death.


Becky smiled embarrassingly, which was her favorite way to smile.

"The fish here are scary, weird, and inedible. It is said that the breath leaked from the death of the tyrannosaurus king Bakar polluted the ocean in the heaven. I don't know if it is true or not, but I do know that it has been more than 1000 years. Before now, the sea of ​​heaven was clear and unpolluted."

Wang Yan told Becky, who was looking around curiously, that he had been to the heaven in the ancient kingdom period. At that time, Bacal, the tyrannosaurus king, had not yet arrived in the heaven.

At that time, the sea of ​​heaven was still as clear as the Arad continent. As for whether the sea of ​​heaven was polluted by the development of technology or other factors, only history knows.

This is the first time for Becky to walk out of the Silent City after she came to the Heaven Realm. She also tried to leave the Silent City when there was a demon world in the Silent City, but she didn't even dare to go out for a radius of one kilometer. The most she saw was Dark sky and solid rock.

Becky actually forgot a lot of things that happened when it was created. He only remembers the very memorable game of the wooden man one, two, three, and some things about staying in the showcase and coming to the Silent City, some ordinary things , has been completely forgotten by Becky.

"It's a pity, I still want to go under the surface of the sea and have a look."

Becky showed regret. Wang Yan said that the sea was dangerous, and he would definitely not lie to her.

"The turtle I mentioned to you, do you still remember? It can go down into the sea and scout the situation in the sea. When we get to the camp, we can use the turtle to see the world under the sea together."

Mia looked back at Becky, Becky showed joy, and Wang Yan showed a thoughtful expression because of Mia's words. He seemed to remember something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"what is it then?"

Wang Yan frowned and thought about it. He knew that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he really couldn't remember it for a while.

"Ah, I remembered!"

A few minutes later, Wang Yan looked at the rippling sea, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He stood up and yelled, almost causing Becky to fall into the sea in fright. Get up, and the center of the wooden boat is changed.

"Sorry sorry, I thought of something, something that was almost completely forgotten."

Wang Yan sat down awkwardly, and continued to use the wind to push the wooden boat forward. The three of them asked Wang Yan what he remembered, but Wang Yan kept shaking his head, and only said that he would tell them when he returned to the island.

"What the hell is it?"

After finally coming to Cronus Island, Becky finally couldn't bear the curiosity and asked Wang Yan repeatedly.

"Mia should know, I only remembered one thing when I heard Agui, the drop of golden liquid that was stripped from Agui's body, Mia, do you still remember?"

After the four of Wang Yan got off the small boat, they stood firmly on the rocky ground. Only then did Wang Yan talk about it. The main reason was that the thing was dangerous. At sea, Wang Yan would never dare to take it out.

"Ah? I remembered, it's always been in your hands, right? However, I don't seem to have seen it again. Where did you put it?"

Mia's eyes widened, and after blinking twice, she realized what Wang Yan was talking about. It turned out to be this matter.

"I completely forgot about it. It's been almost a month. I didn't feed it once. I don't know if I starved to death."

Wang Yan wiped his forehead. With that guy's urination, he would die if he didn't swallow energy. I really don't know if he is starved to death now.

"Let me see, ho, it's not dead yet."

Wang Yan began to rummage in the temporary space of Points Mall. At the beginning, he put the golden liquid in it, which was completely isolated from this world. Sure enough, the golden liquid could not open the temporary space and run outside. , but unfortunately, other things Wang Yan stored in it were completely destroyed, including helicopters, off-road jeeps, and other sundries, all of which were redeemed by the system points mall. As for the drop of golden liquid, it had been broken long ago. I don't know where the glass bottle went.

But Wang Yan had complete control over that space, his thoughts moved, and the golden liquid that went somewhere was slipped by Wang Yan. Only then did Wang Yan realize that the golden liquid had grown bigger again, as big as an index finger It's more than five times bigger than it was before.

"Get out of the way, this thing is dangerous."

Wang Yan first took out a few pieces of artifact-quality equipment before taking the drop of golden liquid out of the temporary space. Once the opponent appeared, he immediately wanted to break free from Wang Yan's shackles. Blocked, after the opponent hit the surrounding space to no avail, he obediently lay down on the artifact equipment and began to absorb the energy of the equipment.

"what is this?"

Becky was full of curiosity. She had never seen the existence of such a liquid creature. Celia also stared wide-eyed. With her knowledge of creatures, she couldn't tell what it was, whether it was a creature or some other kind of magic. exist.

"I don't know, I really don't know what it is. It ran into Mia's turtle robot from the sea, and then ran into the energy core and began to devour energy. Fortunately, Mia discovered the problem in advance, otherwise this guy would be It is possible to absorb human energy, if this is the case, it is really not much different from Antuen under your feet."

Wang Yan shook his head. It would be great if he knew what it was, that is, he didn't pay much attention to it, so he threw it into the temporary space and ignored it for nearly a month, but this guy had a good life, not only did he not die , and several times bigger.

"Strange, it really swallowed the energy."

Looking at the equipment that has changed in color and appearance, Becky showed surprise. After the golden liquid was attached to the equipment, this situation appeared. It is strange that it has nothing to do with the other party.

"So it absorbs energy. I really don't know where this thing came from."

Wang Yan looked at the rocks under his feet. He couldn't connect this drop of golden liquid with the huge Anton. If the liquid turned into a solid and looked like a turtle, Wang Yan would definitely be able to connect with Anton.

"Well, is it of any use?"

Becky changed several angles to observe the golden liquid locked in a certain space. This time, the other party's thirst for energy in the equipment became much stronger, and he swallowed up the energy in more than a dozen artifacts before spreading it out satisfactorily. body.

Seeing this, Wang Yan carefully let go of the blockage of the space. This time the potion bottle couldn't hold it, so Wang Yan could only find a glass to put it in. Anyway, it was difficult to prevent it from escaping from it, and put it in the space. is the safest.

"It's really weird."

This is Celia's evaluation of the golden liquid.

After Wang Yan put it away again, after this episode, Becky's fear of Cronus Island was almost dissipated. She followed Wang Yan and walked towards the camp. Gun's Celestial Guard was still tense, and later followed Wang Yan into the camp, and found that no one around her showed hostility to her, and slowly let go of her inner worries.

"Good morning, Your Excellency Wang Yan, I was just looking for you. Wow, where did you abduct this little girl, isn't she too young, is she ten years old?"

When Wang Yan was in the camp, it seemed that he could always meet Dana Donat, who met Wang Yan unexpectedly on the way back to the camp.

She greeted Wang Yan and Celia first, followed by Mia. She was not familiar with Mia, but she had met a few times.

When she saw Becky, the little girl who was clinging to Wang Yan and holding Wang Yan's arm, Dana paused and looked at Wang Yan with disgust.

It's hard not to think of something like Wang Yan returning from the outside with three women in the early morning.

"What kind of expression do you have, what kind of messy places have you been to in your adventures?"

As soon as Wang Yan saw the other party's expression, he didn't know what she was thinking.

"This is Becky. It's normal that you haven't seen her before, because she just came here today."

Wang Yan also did not introduce in detail the meaning of Becky's acquaintance with Dana. If Dana knows Becky's identity, it is estimated that the other party really has the urge to trap Becky with a rope.

"It's only here today? It's strange."

Dana Donat looked curious. Is there a ship arriving early in the morning? Where is the newcomer?

"I brought it from Ghent, it's all right."

Wang Yan shook her head again and again, Dana Donat shrank her head back, she still planned to hang out with Wang Yan for a few more meals, it's better not to anger Wang Yan.

"No problem, no problem, have you eaten? I haven't eaten either, hehe."

Dana Donat smiled, and Wang Yan shook his head helplessly. Dana Donat was determined to have a meal with him, and he also had two meals yesterday.

"Call Bourne to come together, and the others will be exempted."

Wang Yan continued to walk forward. Wang Yan could still tolerate such things as rubbish. After all, he was also a famous character in the game. This alone was enough for Wang Yan to treat him politely.

"no problem."

Dana Donat didn't feel ashamed at all about eating food. She had a thick skin after a long time of adventure. Besides, the food in the heaven was really bad. Dana would rather be in the Wang Yan eats one meal here, and he is not willing to eat three meals of heavenly food.

Anyway, one meal can last a whole day. Dana, who is very picky about food, has almost been unable to leave Wang Yan since she knew that Wang Yan has delicious food here. She failed to invite Wang Yan, but she was about to join Wang Yan's party. .

The hunters, Bourne and Dana, also used the communicator. After hearing Dana's call, they rushed from the camp of the Adventurers Alliance and followed Wang Yan and his party into the camp of the Elytra of the Seven Gods.

Along the way, Becky was looking around curiously, curious about everything, she was like a baby who just opened her eyes and saw the world, Wang Yan was also introducing anything to Becky to make it faster understand the world.

Dana Donat didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but she noticed it when she arrived at the camp, because Becky was curious about the tableware, which was a bit strange, and he couldn't use knives, forks and chopsticks. Is it so big that you eat with your hands?
"Well, it's interesting to eat with a spoon."

Seeing that Becky chose to eat with a spoon, Dana Donat complained inwardly about what kind of person Wang Yan was, and he still refused to refuse all kinds of delicacies presented by Wang Yan, which are extremely difficult in the Arad continent. Wang Yan has everything that can be found here.

Hunter Bourne still abides by the tenet of eating without talking and sleeping without talking, filling his stomach before talking. When Becky tastes the food, his eyes are also shaking back and forth. This kind of environment where he can hear many sounds is very important for Becky. Rarely experienced.

The Cengfan duo walked away in a hurry after the meal. During the time when they couldn't go to the Silent City, the Adventurers Alliance was wandering around Cronus Island.

Fortunately, the Celestial Realm kept their tongues tight and did not let them discover the magic stone, otherwise Dana Donat would not be able to maintain a normal mind.

After all, it is the material that can create powerful epic equipment. Let the adventurers know, and explore the silent city, and find a way to mine the magic stone.

"Let's go, go to Sister Mia's laboratory to see, the technology of the heavens is also very powerful, you also dabble in science."

After clearing the dining table, the four of them left Wang Yan's residence and walked towards the laboratory where the Elytra of the Seven Gods was. He has been explaining to Becky all kinds of things that Becky doesn't know.

"Of course, the technology of Silent City is very perfect, and I have learned a lot, and I can even make mechanical creatures by myself, as long as there are chips and materials, it can be done, but it is still not as good as Lord Luke, he is the real one. When he builds a machine, it is almost as if he is painting, like a kind of art."

Becky nodded again and again, science is not so unfamiliar to her, and she finally heard something she is familiar with, Becky's words began to increase, since she came to Cronus Island, except for asking Except for Wang Yan's new things, he rarely speaks in the station. The current situation shows that Becky has become more and more adapted to the world of human life.

(End of this chapter)

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