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Chapter 879 Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Humans (challenge 25100 for subscription)

Chapter 879 Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Humans (Million Challenge 25100 Subscribe)
After Wang Yan's voice fell, the observation tower became extremely silent.

Becky stared at Wang Yan with wide eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

She only felt her heart beating violently, and a thousand villains popped up inside her, constantly urging her to agree quickly.

Celia suddenly realized that she finally knew what Wang Yan was planning. It turned out that she was going to abduct Becky.

But she didn't have any bad feelings towards Becky, and Becky's first impression of Celia was not bad, mainly because Wang Yan seemed to attach too much importance to Becky.

Aiwujiwu, Celia naturally has no objection, wishing that Wang Yan can abduct Becky, a cute and poor little girl.

Mia is also quite happy. Silent City is still too dangerous. There are densely packed mechanical creatures under the watchtower. Those mechanical creatures can only fight and cannot communicate. Even Mia does not treat them as the same kind. On the side of the heaven, there are relatives here.

It would be great if Wang Yan could take Becky away from here. Mia has so many things she wants to say to Becky before she has time to speak. What is her intelligence core thinking?

Becky hesitated again, this time she hesitated for a long time, Wang Yan didn't rush to urge Becky, but just looked at her with a gentle smile.


Becky finally lowered her head and looked at the ground. She really wanted to leave Silent City like Becky in the story and go to the outside world to see the ocean, the land, and the human world.

But she can't, she still has tasks in Silent City.

"Is it because you are worried about the safety of Silent City, or are you reluctant to leave here?"

Wang Yan pointed to the slingshot on Becky's waist: "Can I see it?"


Becky nodded. She didn't feel any danger or hostility from Wang Yan. She believed in her own judgment. Besides, even if Wang Yan got her weapon, Becky had many ways to get away.

She didn't want to disappoint Wang Yan, whom she had just met but had a great crush on, because she had already disappointed him many times.

"Well, this slingshot is very powerful."

Wang Yan took out a stone and crushed it, then wrapped it with a slingshot and shot it out.

After the stone flew out, it hit the ground outside the entrance of the observation tower almost instantly with the flowing light.

Slightly closing his eyes, Wang Yan sensed with his mind that the stone was partially broken into powder when it fell to the ground, and the rest was embedded in the ground.

"This is a gift from Master Luke. It was the first time we met. Will you kill Master Luke?"

Becky stared blankly at Wang Yan, who was interested in playing with the slingshot, as if seeing himself back then.

At that time, she just got the slingshot, and she was very excited. She held the slingshot in her hand all day long, even when she was sleeping. This was the first gift in her life. It was very precious and memorable.

"Manufacturer Luke."

Wang Yan sighed. He put the slingshot in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. The slingshot was made of steel of an unknown material.

"Do you know what he's doing?"

Wang Yan exchanged the slingshot to Becky, and Becky held it tightly in his hand. After hearing Wang Yan's question, Becky showed a worried look: "In the communication before, someone said that Lord Luke is absorbing the heaven and the lower world. The light source makes this world unable to see the sun, and if things go on like this, many people will die.”

"It's like this. You can see the reason when you look under the Silent City during the day. The sun in the sky seems to be extremely far away, and you can't feel a little temperature. Except for noon, it can be observed. At other times It was all covered by clouds.

This situation is very dangerous. If it continues, many animals and plants will die on the Arad planet I just told you about, and they may even die completely.

I know you have a deep bond with Luke, you treat him like family, and he treats you well, I can't deny that.

But Becky, I know one thing, a thing that you are still kept in the dark, I can't tell you now, after you see it, you should know what I want to say.

About a week later, the heavens will attack Silent City again, and Luke will definitely let the mechanical army defend again. I hope you can stay away from the watchtower and not be hurt.

Many people besides us want to go to the silent city and get Luke out of the lab, they will hurt you, Becky, you have to protect yourself, because you are unique. "

Wang Yan calmly narrated, and Becky's body trembled involuntarily. Hearing Wang Yan's narration with her own ears, those uncertain thoughts in her heart were confirmed. Luke was really recovering his strength at the cost of hurting the world. terrible!

"Can I persuade him?
No, I can't even see him now.
I know that Grandpa Luke has not been able to regain his original strength for a long, long time.
He is the master of a planet, but he has become the current bad old man, and everyone wants to restore his strength.
If it was Becky, he would not hesitate to do so when he had a way. Grandpa Luke just wanted to restore his strength. "

Becky whispered, Wang Yan could hear what she said, Wang Yan couldn't help closing his eyes, Becky should be in pain now.

"I don't want you to hurt Grandpa Luke, Brother Wang Yan, can you promise me not to hurt Grandpa Luke, okay?"

Becky looked at Wang Yan who had closed his eyes, and looked at Wang Yan with begging eyes.

She recognized Wang Yan and Celia when Wang Yan appeared. In the previous offensive and defensive battles, Wang Yan and Celia cleaned up a lot of mechanical creatures. Becky was very distressed. Some mechanical creatures, she I wiped it with my own hands, but now it is dead.

"I promise you, but the prerequisite is that Luke no longer absorbs light sources at the cost of harming the world.

This troubled world has suffered a lot.

You can tell Luke what I said, so that he will give up the release of the Nightmare Seed.

Absorbing the light of the heavens is completely fine, but it can only be limited to the oceans of the heavens, and it is not allowed to involve the human world, let alone the Arad continent.

Light is benevolent, it gives the world warmth and light equally, and the ocean occupies [-]% of the world, so Luke doesn't need to completely absorb the light source, does he? "

"Nightmare seed?"

Becky was puzzled.

"It is something that exists in the dark plane, it is invisible, but it has spread all over this world now.

It absorbs light, which is eventually collected by Luke.

Have you ever seen the brilliant light appearing like a whirlpool below the Silent City?

If there is, it means that these lights were absorbed from the heavens and the continent of Arad, and he is plundering!

Moreover, after the nightmare seed possesses the creature, it will cause the creature to fall into a long-term nightmare. The creature who has been possessed by the nightmare seed for a long time can hardly wake up. They will fall into the nightmare plane, which is a strange position. On the other hand, it is basically impossible to get out of there, and Luke controls them through the source of nightmares. You understand why we have to board the Silent City and find the reason for Luke. "

Wang Yan looked at Becky, and Becky's body trembled even more.

Wang Yan sighed, reached out and pressed Becky's shoulder, Becky's body shook violently a few times, and slowly fell into calm.

She looked down at the ground, not daring to look at Wang Yan. Her face was full of shame. Although Luke did these things, she was also on Luke's side. Becky felt remorse and guilt in her heart.

"It's not your fault, in fact, I understand Luke, if I had the chance, I probably would do the same.

But you have to tell him that what he has done is too much, if it is not changed, the scene he dreamed will inevitably happen.

Everything will continue according to the arrangement of fate until it reaches that point.

When that day really comes, no one can reverse it.

Unless that person is the Creator God that existed in the beginning, only the light in the beginning can do it. At that time, it will be too late to wake up! "

After Wang Yan finished speaking, he stood up. He looked into the dark interior of Silent City. Luke was in the secret research institute at the bottom of Silent City, but ordinary methods could not open the restriction of the laboratory.

It can be said that Luke took great pains to defend. He has planned for a long time, and the restrictions used can be said to be unbreakable even by nuclear explosions.

Mia sighed, she could see that Becky was falling into self-blame, she couldn't have a conversation with Becky about artificial life and artificial intelligence at this time, as for Celia, she watched the whole process, and she respected Wang Yan's actions. any decision made.

"Today is too hasty, we are coming tomorrow night, you have one day to go to Luke to verify whether what I said is correct, Becky, remember, protect yourself.

Let's go, Mia, sorry, we'll come back tomorrow night. "

The first half of Wang Yan’s sentence was with General Becky, and the latter was talking to Mia. Mia nodded. It’s a pity that they couldn’t communicate with Becky this time, but they still have nearly a week, just like Wang Yan. As Yan said, you can come back tomorrow night.

"You are leaving?"

Becky looked at the three of Wang Yan with some reluctance. Finally, someone came to Silent City to talk to her and talk to her about the outside affairs. She really didn't want Wang Yan to leave just like that.

"Sometimes, the brief parting is just for the next meeting, without the pain of parting, there will be no joy of meeting.

Everything in the world is mutual, without sorrow, there is no joy, Becky, do you understand? "

Wang Yan looked at Becky calmly, and Becky nodded if she had gained something, and then saw Wang Yan and the three of them fade away, she ran to the position where Wang Yan had stopped in a panic, stretched out her hand, and naturally felt nothing. , she looked up, and the figures of the three appeared from the gap above their heads one by one and then disappeared.

"It's all gone, woo woo woo~"

Becky thought of something, and started crying again. She kept rubbing her eyes and wiping away her tears. Looking back, there were many things she had dreamed of in the past, including gold coins, food, and clothes, but none of them could To wash away the misery in her heart, she doesn't want these things anymore, she just wants someone to talk to her, even one sentence is enough.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Becky."

At this moment, a voice came from the top of his head again. Becky looked up in surprise, saw Wang Yan and waved to himself again, Becky smiled through tears, and waved vigorously at Wang Yan. After half a minute, Wang Yan's body The shape faded away from the window again.

"Can we see you again tomorrow? Great!"

Becky wiped the corners of her eyes, and the depression in her heart could not help being washed away a lot. Her mood improved because of Wang Yan's words and actions. Although she had not been in contact with Wang Yan for a long time, she liked it very much. Have a conversation.

"Tonight, Becky met three humans, their names are Wang Yan, Mia, and Celia. The names of humans are a bit strange, but the names are just code names.

Brother Wang Yan's smile is very warm. It's not like the big fool of Argos who always threatens Becky to throw Becky out of the silent city. He likes the stories written by Becky very much, and spends a lot of gold coins and food , begging Becky to continue the story.

It's a pity that Becky lied. The story behind Becky was not written at all, and Becky was ashamed.

Brother Wang Yan told me that Grandpa Luke is doing bad things, and Becky wants to stop Grandpa Luke, but I can't see him now. Every time I ask Jin Chou, Jin Chou says that Grandpa Luke is busy and doesn't see anyone.

His laboratory was also sealed, and only the inside could be opened, and even that big Nemegate couldn't open it from the outside.

Finally, outsiders came to the Silent City. Becky was very happy. A few hours after Brother Wang Yan and the others left, they were still standing at the window, looking at the island in the sea with binoculars. It was a pity that no one could see them from it. figure.

But he said that he would come back to Silent City tomorrow night. My God, thinking of this incident, Becky could hardly hold his pen. These words are ugly, but it would be great if Becky could understand .

I said before that I might not keep a diary anymore, but now I am making an exception. Because of my contact with brother Wang Yan, I know a lot of things. I am afraid that I will forget, so I can only write down what I will forget.

Arad planet is really a place that people yearn for. I really want to go there. Brother Wang Yan also invited me to go out and have a look, but I can't, I can't leave the silent city, Grandpa Luke still needs me , although he is doing bad things, I still can't abandon him.

After dawn, I will look for Grandpa Luke again. Jin Chou must know the way to enter Grandpa Luke's laboratory. He is the most capable and trusted person of Grandpa Luke. As long as I pester him, I will definitely be able to ask some questions. of.

I wish the time would go by so fast that it would be tomorrow night, I've never looked forward to time passing like I do now.

It would be great if I had a clock that could adjust the time in this world, go back to the past, and travel to the future. "

On the observation deck illuminated by fluorite, Becky sat on the ground and wrote his diary.

She wrote very quickly. Although her handwriting was scribbled, it was just like the passage written by Becky, and it was enough for her to understand.

As usual, I had a last fantasy in the diary, and Becky finally finished writing today's diary.

She closed the diary, her face full of longing, if there is really a clock in the world that can adjust the time, it would be great.

Although she just wanted to meet Wang Yan again sooner, that's why she had this fantasy.

"Hee hee, Becky is so happy today!"

After putting away the diary, Becky stood up, and she flew into the pile of clothes, rolling unscrupulously, rolling on the clothes, which Becky had been looking forward to for a long time, but unfortunately She doesn't have many clothes to change, and now there are too many sets of clothes to wear, and she even feels the trouble of happiness.

Crawling out from the pile of clothes again, Becky quickly ran to the gold coin mountain and jumped back and forth.

She was tired and lay on the gold coin mountain. Although the gold coin felt cold to the touch, she finally knew why the dragons in the story liked the bed made of gold coins. This feeling of lying on the gold coin mountain to sleep is really good It's so comfortable.

"It's broken, I have to put all these things away, otherwise it will be over if the big guy Argos sees it, or Jin Chou sees it.

They will definitely take all the gold coins, eat all the food, and throw away all the clothes.

Jin Chou always likes to wear colorful clothes, maybe he will cut the clothes into rags and sew them up before putting them on.

Woohoo, it's so scary, Becky wants to put them all away! "

When Becky was about to fall asleep, she suddenly jumped up from the gold coin mountain. She took out her storage device and began to collect gold coins in it frantically, with a smile on her face. So cool, so cool, she likes it so much.

After putting away the gold coins, clothes and most of the food, Becky carried the last few pieces of food to the window sill.

She sat on the window sill, tasting the food slowly, and most of the time she looked up at the sky. There was the continent of Arad, the ocean of the heavens. She even knew the name Becky, it was called the Sea of ​​Dusk.

After eating the food, Becky looked at the observation deck filled with light, with a smile on her face, she felt the warmth, like the warmth of the sun, and slowly closed her eyes and began to fall into a deep sleep.

After a good night's sleep, Becky opened her eyes. When she saw the foggy sky, Becky thought of what Wang Yan had said, and her expression became depressed. She stood up and looked towards Wang Yan. Walking outside the stage, she was going to find Jin Chou, pestering him to ask about entering Luke's laboratory.

"Jin Chou, Jin Chou, where are you?"

Holding a broom, Becky began to descend from the center of the observation deck. She shouted loudly, not afraid of being annoying, because except for some conscious guys in the entire Silent City, everything else was almost mechanical.

But Becky quickly shut up, not because she was stopped, but because she saw a brilliant scene.

Below the Silent City, Becky looked at the swirling light like a ribbon, and thought of Wang Yan's reminder last night. She hadn't come down to the Silent City these days, so she didn't know what was going on below the Silent City. Change, now it seems that what Wang Yan said is completely correct.

"Have you seen that a whirlpool of brilliant light appears below the Silent City?"

Becky repeated what Wang Yan had said, his face became serious, and she really saw the swirling light.

Becky continued to descend, and finally came to the ground, and then she saw the golden clown, who was still wearing the colorful clown suit and the clown hat with two pendants on his head.

What I saw today made Becky a little strange. The golden clown was not patrolling as usual, but brought some people who came from nowhere, and arranged something on the ground under the vortex.

"Golden ugly! Golden ugly!"

Becky called out to the golden clown in a very loud voice, the other party turned his back to Becky, Becky didn't seem to hear his shout.

Becky put away the broom and walked around the golden pillars on the ground, the glowing tortoise, the clown holding a sledgehammer, and the serious-faced archers patrolling around. Those things turned a blind eye to Becky's appearance.

"What are you doing, Jin Chou, why don't you respond to me?"

Becky finally came to the place where the golden clown was. The golden clown looked back at Becky and didn't make a sound, and continued to do his own thing.

Beside him is a special device, and the swirling light finally converges here. It is very bright here, and Becky feels scorching heat after approaching, as if standing near an energy furnace.

"What is this?"

Becky was silent for a moment before continuing to ask.

"Light, the light that can restore the great king, what are you doing down here if you're not watching the actions of humans at the observation deck?"

The golden clown's attitude towards Becky was no longer as tolerant as before, and Becky clearly noticed it.

She was a little disappointed, how could she not let go of a golden clown like this?What happened to the golden clown?
"Is Master Luke going to regain his strength? Restore to the appearance of a simulated robot?"

Becky looked around, it was dazzling here, and Becky finally took off her goggles and put them on.

"What's the matter with you? If there is nothing wrong, then go back to the observation tower. Humans will attack here at any time, and you need to find out and issue an alarm in advance."

The golden clown glanced at Becky again, Becky couldn't help feeling cold all over, wearing colorful golden clowns, but now he looked at her with strange eyes, Becky was heartbroken, she had always regarded the golden clown as a friend Yes, why did the other party suddenly change their attitude?
"I want to meet Lord Luke, do you know how to enter the laboratory?"

Becky took a deep breath. If she just left like this, she would not be reconciled, because no matter who seemed to be hiding something from her, what were the mechanical creatures around the golden clown busy with?
"The king won't meet anyone, if you have something to tell me, you can talk to the king's avatar.

And Becky, next time humans come back, you're going to fight.

The last time the battle lasted for so long, you didn't use weapons to attack. Your long-range attack can also help the battle situation. Do you understand what I mean? "

The golden clown didn't even look back.

"I see, I'll go back to the lookout right away.

But before that, I have something very important to tell Lord Luke personally, Jin Chou, tell me how to enter Lord Luke's laboratory, please! "

Becky looked at the strange golden clown and said tremblingly.

The golden clown still didn't look back, staring at the device intently: "The king won't see anyone, even me. The king has sealed off the laboratory, and no one or any power can disturb the king's recovery. Becky, you should go gone."

Becky left the bottom floor of Silent City in a daze. She didn't know how she returned to the observation tower, and she was sitting at the window of the observation tower.

After blowing the sea breeze for a long time, Becky sighed deeply. The change of the situation exceeded Becky's expectations. She had a rather bad premonition in her heart, which made her very flustered and at a loss. .

She took out a tarot card representing the priestess, and Becky played it carefully. She tried to contact Luke with the tarot card, but the message was sent without any response.

This tarot card was given to her by Luke himself, and he told her at the time that he could use this card to call him at any time, and he would definitely respond.

But the current situation is like this. Becky sat at the window of the observation deck and waited until night fell, but he didn't see any reaction from the Tarot cards. It seemed that Luke had completely forgotten what he said at the beginning, or that the Tarot The cards were put away without seeing her call.

"Why is this so?"

Becky looked at the dark sea after night fell. She rummaged in her pocket and found a few biscuits and some fruits. The feeling of eating whatever she wanted made Becky feel better.

"Fortunately, the time has finally passed. Huh, this day feels so long, but it feels very short, and it passed by almost without doing anything."

Becky tasted the food, with the corners of her mouth curled up, temporarily putting aside those bad thoughts, and she was eagerly looking forward to seeing Wang Yan again.

Her understanding of time is different from that of ordinary people. If she was an ordinary person, she would have gone crazy without a playmate in the silent city for hundreds or thousands of years.

At best, Becky was mischievous and vented some long-standing dissatisfaction, and had no regrets about the peaceful passage of time.

She can live for a long time, and she doesn't even know how long. If life really ends one day, Becky hopes that before that, she can see the world with her own eyes and take a walk in this world.

Cronos Island.

As night fell, Azeroth emerged from the camp set up by the Brutal Snatchers in a corner of the camp.

She wanted to talk to Wang Yan about something, but when she came to Wang Yan's tent, she found that Wang Yan was not here, and went to the next door to Celia's tent, and found that Celia was not there either.

"Strange, I wasn't here last night, what were you doing?"

Azeroth was full of curiosity, and then walked towards the laboratory where the Elytra of the Seven Gods was located. The guards here had already seen Azeroth, so naturally they did not block the other party's entry.

"Wang Yan? I don't know. Let me ask Mia. Sorry, Mia didn't respond. Go and see if it's with Mia."

The man guarding the laboratory is Peravien, who is very interested in the mechanical creatures found in the silent city, because the technology for making those mechanical creatures is far higher than that of the heavens.

This is a very difficult thing for ordinary people to accept, but Peravien humbly accepts this fact. With the existence of apostles, it is normal for Silent City's technological level to exceed that of the heavens that have been developed for hundreds of years.

Wang Yan said that Silent City has existed for more than 1000 years, and its creator Luke is a strong man with extremely high manufacturing talent.

After Azeroth arrived, Peravien used the communicator to talk to Mia, but there was no response for a long time. Peravien put down the communicator with an apologetic expression, and pointed out Mia to Azeroth. residence.

After arriving at Mia's residence, Azera looked at the closed door with a thoughtful expression. What did Wang Yan and Mia leave the camp at the same time?Go to the interior of Cronus Island to experiment with the production of ancient remnants series weapons?But that was all done by the female doctor named Nain Higg during the day, and they had already returned in the evening.

Azeroth closed her eyes, and her powerful spirit instantly swept across the entire camp.

This is very impolite. Her spirit sensed a lot of inquiries, from members of her own side, and from the Joint Investigation Team.

After all, using mental detection without permission is almost as impolite as ignoring the owner and breaking into other people's rooms.

"Sorry, I'm looking for someone."

After responding to the questioning from the magician on the side of Delos, Azera opened her eyes, and she looked at the eastern sky with a clear look.

Azera did not detect the presence of Wang Yan and the other three on Cronus Island and the surrounding waters, which meant that they left the island, and most likely headed for Silent City.

"Going to Silent City at this time, are you communicating with some people there?"

Azera knew that there was an opportunity for him to get in touch with Silent City. The Joint Investigation Team needed to storm Silent City, but the Violent Hunting Group didn't need it, because they had too many ways to sneak in.

The reason why he still stays here is mainly because he didn't know the inside of Silent City before.

In fact, after this retreat, the Violent Hunting Team had already held a meeting to discuss whether to delay time on Kronos Island and advance and retreat together with the Joint Investigation Team.

The discussion was fruitless for the time being, because some decided to act together with others, and some wanted to venture into the Silent City to explore alone. Azeroth did not vote on this matter, and she was still hesitating.

"Captain, what are you doing here?"

Some members of the Violent Hunting Group arrived quickly, completely ignoring the guards at the Elytra of the Seven Gods. After all, the powerhouses of the Violent Hunting Group are almost the pinnacle of this world, and the guards of the Elytra of the Seven Gods are in their eyes Ordinary people are not much different.

"I'm looking for someone, but I can't find it. Let's go."

Azera didn't explain why she came to the Elytra of the Seven Gods after dark. She smiled and turned to walk towards the entrance of the station. The group members scratched their heads, their figures faded and disappeared. go.

After nightfall, Azera opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly faded away from the tent, even the people in the next tent didn't notice Azera's departure.

After reappearing, Azera had come to the sea, she flew up with her staff, and flew towards the silent city in the east, she wanted to see, Wang Yanda didn't sleep at night, who was he talking to in the silent city? make contact.

In the silent city.

The arrival of the three of Wang Yan made Becky very happy.

She took out all kinds of food that she had hardly eaten after putting away and prepared to entertain the three of them, but she was a little embarrassed to think that it was brought out by Wang Yan.

"Good evening, Becky."

When Wang Yan entered the observation tower, he saw Becky who was full of joy. The situation of the observation tower remained the same as last night. Those mechanical guards were driven away by Becky, otherwise there should be many mechanical guards here existing.

"I'm really sorry, there is nothing to entertain you except the food you brought out."

Becky took out the metal tables, chairs and benches, which she brought along from various places in Silent City. Anyway, there are many steel creations here.

"Do you usually spend every day in the observation deck?"

The three of Wang Yan sat down, and this time Mia was finally able to talk to Becky. Wang Yan and Celia hardly interrupted, and they were listening to the exchange between Mia and Becky the whole time.

"Yeah, your name is Mia, isn't it? Hey, you're not a human being, are you Hemon Kuruz too?"

Becky's mood fluctuated too much last night, so she didn't have time to pay attention to Mia and Celia. Seeing Mia and Celia again today, she found that Celia should be a powerful magician, which is rare even in the devil world.

As for Mia, she found out after the investigation that Mia was not a formal human being. There were wires and circuit boards in her body.

"Yeah, I'm not human, I'm an artificial intelligence robot."

Mia has no dissatisfaction or hatred for her identity. She is very grateful to Melvin for making herself. The other party is her nominal brother, the actual maker, and Mia's closest relative in this world.

"AI robot? I see!"

Becky suddenly realized that Mia's situation is not much different from Luke's simulated robot. The other party was made by Luke himself. Becky would meet him when he made troubles in the past. He is also an intelligent robot, and he even has a strong combat effectiveness.

"But compared with ordinary artificial intelligence, I have different changes. I can learn, think, and understand myself.

Not even my brother, my maker, could explain what was going on with me.

I heard that you are an artificial life, I really want to know, what is your internal structure like?Is it metal?Or artificial intelligence? "

Mia continued to tell that if it is just ordinary artificial intelligence, such as Wolverine and Turtle, they are all pre-set intelligent programs. How much knowledge they have when they are born, or how much knowledge they acquire passively, there will always be only so much knowledge. Knowledge.

However, after Mia studied on her own, her current knowledge base has been several times or tens of times that of the initial one. You must know that Melvin filled Mia with a lot of data at the beginning.

Mia knew that she should also be unique. Melvin once joked that he could no longer make artificial intelligence, because when he started, he would think of Mia, and could only make semi-intelligent robots. Those robots were more like A machine, totally incapable of thinking for itself.

"Artificial life, then I have to ask my maker."

Becky didn't know what to think of, and there was a trace of fear on his face. How does the artificial life view its creator?
Becky can clearly tell others that it is fear!

A magician is a profession that studies magic and science at the same time, which is a unique profession in the devil world.

They have long, long ago begun to combine the two completely different forces of magic and science.

They used alchemy to create creations called Familiers, that is, the Frost Yeti, Jack Bomb, Lightning Eel, and Shadow Night Cat of the magician in the game, and gradually improved these Familiers to make them stronger Existence, such as electric eel collider, mutant fly swatter, explosive heating furnace, frost drilling car and other strange magic skills.

Magicians in the Demon Realm have also exchanged information, so it is not surprising that other magicians can learn the ability to combine elements to become Familier.

The magicians who carry the life form "Famelier" created by alchemy by their side are very curious people.They are very interested in the ancient scientific civilization of the demon world. They gather in the ancient library to study the once glorious scientific civilization of the mainland, and they want to use the things they invented to do risky experiments.

Because the technology is not yet mature, sometimes it will cause unexpected or unexpected results.

They firmly believe that uncovering the secrets of demonic science covered in the veil can have unimaginable destructive power.

Wang Yan knew a song, which interpreted the group of magicians.

Made with high-end knowledge and mysterious wisdom~ Mo Dao Machinery, ignoring setbacks and jingling with concentration!
Hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~
A petty cat, a big snowman, a burning pumpkin, a glowing worm...

The beautiful machine is carrying good friends, don't be afraid, let's take an adventure together.

Work together, let the apostles and us bye~bye~
Hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~
In her dexterous hands, the same props become brand new weapons.

Don't laugh at her, she only imitates, be careful to be blasted into the sky by her

Hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~
Lucky lollipop, success always follows another success

Let's shout!
Lucky combination, wonderful power, just like her name

Hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~ hey yo~

Magician is an awakening profession of magicians in the game. Just like their names, they complete the battle like magic.

Luck can be said to be an attribute that magicians are most looking forward to, and every success can make all magicians wake up with a smile.

The second-sense profession of a sorcerer is called Gulingjingwei. What can you associate with this name?
That's right, it's Becky, the weird Becky.

The reason why Becky is mischievous is because her maker is a mischievous sorcerer. When Luke improved Becky, he did not erase her consciousness. Becky really wanted to Thanks Luke.

There will be man-made life forms called Hermon Kuruz beside each of the ancient spirits to help them fight. Only magicians who have mastered the Philosopher's Stone can make these Hermon Kuruz.

The Philosopher's Stone, this is the holy grail in sorcery, it can make all the skills of the sorcerer never fail again, and have a greater chance of making the skills succeed, allowing the power of magic and technology to be fully combined, releasing a power far beyond a single type the power of.

Magicians can only combine magic and science intimately if they let their minds fly and fully release their imagination. When they do some research, they are very cruel to ordinary people.

Like vivisection.

No medicine is used, the living things are directly dissected, the inner workings of life are observed, and then man-made human beings are made through magic and science. This is how the original Hemon Kuruz was born.

"There is almost only flesh and blood in my body. I don't know what else is there. If you don't believe me, I can open my body to show you. Under the skin and flesh are bones, internal organs, and blood, which are no different from human beings."

Faced with Mia's inquiry, Becky finally explained that she couldn't remember what happened before she was born, but her remaining memory was only fear. The birth of every Hemon Kuruz should be very painfully.

"Sorry to make you sad.

My body is full of electronic components and wires, and I need to charge to keep my body running. If I don't have energy, I will stop.

What about you, what energy supplement do you need? "

Mia was full of apologies. She didn't expect that Becky was no different from a real human being. She thought Becky's body was also a circuit.

"Every artificial human is born after submission and endless pain. The artificial objects created by the combination of magic and science are products that violate ethics.

But for He Mengkuluzi, coming to this world also represents their birth. What is the difference between them and the real biological race? "

Wang Yan thought secretly, the reason why he said Becky is unique is because Becky is the most perfect artificial human, she has the ability that other artificial humans do not have, and can explore endless dimensions, which is far away. Far beyond her maker's expectations, it will be exhibited in the showcase of the Aydin Memorial Hall.

"I need to eat and sleep, but I can force myself not to sleep. I basically understand the specific working principle, but I can't explain it in words.

I've had the idea of ​​replicating myself, have you ever had that? "

With a childish face and a small cherry mouth, Becky narrated the terrifying thing that he had fantasized about copying himself, which even Wang Yan did not expect.

"Well, I have, I even made a turtle-shaped artificial intelligence, but it can't learn, it can only operate according to the program I set, so I basically can't copy myself.

Unless the intelligent core is replaced in the body of another artificial intelligence robot, but that is still me, and my body is actually the intelligent core. "

Mia hesitated for a moment, glanced at Wang Yan, and told Becky the truth.

"So this is ah."

Becky looked thoughtful, Mia's body is the core of intelligence, she can find her self, but Becky can't find herself.

She didn't even know how she was born. She had thought about the matter of copying herself for a long time but hadn't made a decision, so she didn't know if it would be successful.

"what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Becky thinking, Wang Yan smiled and asked.

"Ah? It's nothing. I'm thinking, why do I exist in this world?"

Becky didn't hesitate, she was looking forward to getting an answer from Wang Yan.

"You are thinking about yourself, which means that you are no different from human beings, because human beings themselves are also thinking about who they are.

who am I?
where am i from?
Where am I going?
These three questions can be said to be questions from the heart of human beings, and they have not been clarified until now.

It's normal that you can't figure it out, because I don't know who I am either.

But I can roughly understand where I come from and where I am going.

Generally speaking, it is what kind of form you will live in when you exist in this world.

It doesn't matter where you come from, and it doesn't matter where you go.

The middle part is the most important. "

Wang Yan did not expect that he would start a philosophical discussion with two non-human beings. He had never thought about these three issues because they were too profound.

What Wang Yan can know is that it is always right to cherish the present moment, because after a second, the present moment will no longer exist.

 Today's two shifts are the bottom line, salted fish has been working for many days, and it is finally about to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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