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Chapter 852 Naval Cannon Defense Battle and Heavenly Emperor Players

Chapter 852 Naval Cannon Defense Battle and Heavenly Emperor Players
After Wang Yan, Wu En and Nibel's attacking team joined together, they killed those countless low-level Tartan stars in two or three strikes.

Wu En notified the headquarters that Wang Yan killed the high-level Tartan star, and encountered danger and some attacking team members died in battle.

Sky Nobility, Hawkeye Jack, who learned the news, praised Wang Yan very much.

Regarding the death of the attacking team members, Hawkeye Jackett took it very flatly, because news of the attacking team members' deaths came from other warships.

He couldn't show any weakness at this time. Although his heart was very sad, he still had to show a firm expression, and in a calm tone, he passed all orders to the battleships to go to the frontline attacking team members.

"Phew, it's level 82. If you don't think about the scene where you were almost killed by lightning, this battle will be quite rewarding."

After reporting to the command ship, Wang Yan and his party continued to set off.

The Yuanzhuo-Nelbe is in the special pocket of the blocking device worn by Wang Yan at this moment.

He was also promoted by one level because he killed and annihilated Nellbe, a powerful high-level Tartan star.

Because Oyili, the Tower of Destruction, hadn't been upgraded before, after the annihilation of Nelbe's death, Wang Yan's accumulated experience finally allowed Wang Yan to upgrade his level again.

"If this trip goes well, there will definitely be no problem upgrading to level 85."

Wang Yan calculated the types and numbers of monsters he had killed after reaching level [-] and nodded. There are still many monsters behind Antu En.

Even if it was just the low-level Tartans, killing all of them would be enough for Wang Yan to advance a few levels, not to mention there are various high-level Tartans. For Wang Yan, those are rich experience balls.

Of course, after Wang Yan experienced the previous battle, his vigilance has been raised to the highest level.

Annihilating Nelbe almost made him fall to the street. If he really knelt here, he might really kneel.

The apostle can't judge according to common sense. If his resurrection coin doesn't work, he just waits for it to be wiped out. Even the god of death can't take his soul away. Everything will become the energy supplement of the apostle Anton.

Nelbe opened his eyes suddenly, looking at the dark gray steel dome above his head, as if he hadn't recovered from the pain of being hacked.

It sat up from the lying position, walked two steps with its feet on the ground, and looked at it several times with its hands in front of its body. Only then could it truly confirm that it was still alive and returned after completing its mission.

"It was really killed by that human being. I thought I could get rid of him and stay with the flame devourer."

Nelbe was quite disappointed. He stretched out his hand and slapped his forehead, and a Tarot card representing the world floated out from his forehead, and then the Tarot card trembled twice. Nelbe, who understood what this meaning meant, did not dare to Delayed, holding the Tarot card in hand, he walked out of the room where his body was stored.

This is an inconspicuous room in Silent City. After Nelbe walked out of it, groups of mechanical guards came to protect it.

In the end, these mechanical guards came to the lowest level of Silent City. Nelbe walked a few hundred meters alone and entered the dark passage to continue on.

After walking for tens of meters, Nelbe stuck the Tarot cards on a seamless wall. Bright lines appeared on the wall, and then the wall turned into a circular steel door, which was separated from it. Nelbe strode into it.

After Nerbe entered the gate of the research institute, the Tarot cards flew out and fell into Nerbe's hands, and the one-meter-thick steel door closed immediately without leaving a trace, and then the outer wall closed without leaving a gap, and the passageway Inside became dark again.

"Lord Luke, I'm back."

After entering the research institute, after a very long walk in the dark, Nelbe finally saw the light.

When Nebel walked into the light range from the darkness, Nebel bowed his head to Luke who was busy with his back and said hello respectfully.

Luke, who was busy, didn't stop at all, and he didn't pay attention to Nelbe's intentions. Nelbe was also very patient, just standing there motionless and waiting. It has been waiting for hundreds of years. Is it still a while away? ?

After an unknown amount of time, Luke finally stopped. He put away a large pile of tools, and then turned his head to look at Nelbe calmly.

Although the height is not half of Nelbe's, in anyone's opinion, Luke is the one who has the right to speak, even if he can't say anything now.

Luke gestured to Nelbe to come with him.

Nelbe was finally allowed to move, and it followed Luke step by step, and the two came to another part of the laboratory, where a hand-drawn topographic map of the continent of Arad was hung on the wall, which was really fascinating. attention.

Luke made a gesture, pointing to the topographic map of the Arad continent with a questioning expression on his face, Nelbe carefully examined the map, and then shook his head.

Luke thought for a while, and then took out more hand-painted maps, some complete and some incomplete, all of which were maps of different worlds collected by Luke's subordinates from various places in the Demon Realm.

After seeing a map, Nelbe's eyes lit up, pointing at the map and nodding repeatedly.

Luke picked up this hand-drawn map. The map is extremely crude, more like a child's graffiti.

A circle representing the sun hangs on the upper left of the map, and below it is the exploding land. There are more oceans than land. There is also a special symbol marked on the map. Nellbe dare not look directly at it.

Luke stared directly at the circle representing the sun, and there seemed to be a smile on his unchanged face?
He drew the shape of a sun and looked at Nelbe, who nodded and said, "Yes, I can see the stars, warm and bright."

Luke's right fist slammed into his left palm, he raised his head, and used a long series of gestures to draw out what he wanted to say.

"My subordinates are willing."

Nelbe gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a very difficult choice.

Luke's palm lightly patted Nelbe's body, Nelbe was quite encouraged, and the last trace of hesitation in his eyes was no longer visible.

After Nelbe left, Luke stayed alone in the silent underground research institute and continued his endless research and production.

Luke used to be the monarch of the planet Hebron, controlling the power of light and darkness.

After being moved to the Demon Realm, he lost his light energy and declined day by day, gradually turning into a frail old man with blurred consciousness.

Machines can only be made constantly by the instinct to build.

After being named the Ninth Apostle by Herder, Luke gradually woke up, and also knew the way to restore all his memory and power.

He used the principle of light reflection and refraction to make the silent city he built disappear from the demon world like a mirage.

In order to find a place with a light source outside the demon world, he even planted eyes and ears on Anton's side hundreds of years ago. Nelbe is the Tarot card that represents hope - [World].

Most of the time, Luke was still in a state of confusion, and he couldn't resist the instinct to make machines.

He built the Silent City bit by bit, and the mechanical life in the Silent City was also created when he was unconscious. At that time, he didn't know what he wanted to do, and his only idea was to create, to create a more perfect machine.

After regaining partial consciousness, Luke finally understood why he created so many mechanical life unconsciously.

He subconsciously predicted the danger, that's why he wanted to create one or more mechanical life forms that could perfectly replace him.

Waking up from nightmares countless times, Luke would write down or draw the parts of the nightmares that he could still remember.

After accumulating over time, he finally assembled a few fairly complete stories from the fragments of those nightmares.

The ending of the story is without exception. His body was killed by the powerful warrior who broke in, and blood flowed all over the place.

In the story, he lay down on the ground, his eyes widened, looking at the unreconciled death of the electric light shining above his head.

With his current body, technology, and energy, Luke can't create the perfect mechanical life in his imagination to replace himself to meet the inevitable death in his fate.

Only the light, the great, bright, warm light that has existed in this universe since the beginning of time and will give life to everything in the world, can possibly save him.

Nelbe's mission has not been fully completed, but Luke has already obtained the coordinates of the heavens, so the next thing to do is.

Luke glanced down at the circle representing the sun on the hand-drawn map, and finally made up his mind to clenched his fist.


The hasty bell ringing sounded in the Silent City, awakening countless mechanical lives, and even Niu who had already mixed into the Silent City was also awakened.

Ni Wu did not expect that the Silent City that exists in the Demon Realm is actually a fake, and the real Silent City has already been hidden in the crack of another dimension.

She was shocked by this discovery. What exactly is Luke, the maker of the ninth apostle, hiding?What is the identity behind that kind old man who is rumored to never get angry?
Niu is very proficient in combat spells, but his understanding of dimensions can only be considered average.

But anyway, he is also a magician from the demon world, and even one of the guardians. In the end, Ni Wu also found a way to enter the real silent city in another dimension from the demon world.

It's just that she regretted it after entering here, because it looked more desolate than the Demon World, and there was nothing outside the silent city, and she couldn't even tell the difference between the south, the south, and the north, because there was no reference to refer to.

"What's that? A giant furnace?"

Not long after the bell rang, Niwu felt the scorching power coming from her feet. She lowered her head and saw a huge melting furnace similar to magma through the cracks, except that what was in the furnace was not magma, but a kind of special energy.

"Light? Where does the light come from?"

Niu covered her mouth and couldn't believe it. There is light in the Demon Realm, but it is light produced by electricity. It is extremely difficult for the Demon Realm floating in the void to enjoy the light source. Only those demons who like dark environments will feel that the Demon Realm It is a good place, and this is where the name Demon Realm comes from, the world of demons.


Over the Sea of ​​Dusk, the originally calm clouds began to accumulate as if they were blown by a sudden hurricane. The white clouds gradually turned into lead gray, and the thick lead gray dark clouds covered the sky over a large area of ​​the sea.

The dark clouds are getting lower and lower, as if they will touch the sea soon.

Since the dark cloud appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​twilight, neither the imperial capital nor Antuen were able to notice it for a while.

The first thing to be discovered was of course the Celestial Realm. With satellite detection, the changes in the sky on the Twilight Sea were quickly captured by the satellite.

Hawkeye Jacket stared at the projection equipment in front of him, and the responsible member of the Elytra of the Seven Gods began to use the resources of other satellites, and soon the real-time projection of the satellite that captured the abnormal situation was displayed in the center of the command room hanging on the wall on the big screen.

"Oh my god, such a big dark cloud can't be a super storm!"

"Although it is still thousands of nautical miles away from us, we have to guard against it. It is getting bigger and bigger."

In Ghent, the investigators of the communication center were the first to discover this change. They are also confused about this sudden climate change at the moment. It will not be like this on the eve of the formation of a sea hurricane.

On Antuen's body, Wang Yan and his party who were walking forward also saw the change in the eastern sky.

After all, the sky is dark like this, and the dark clouds are expanding little by little, anyone can see that something is wrong.

"No, are you going to bring the Silent City over now?"

Wang Yan just guessed for a moment before coming to the conclusion that this is the prelude to the real opening of the rift in the other dimension. The abnormal changes in the sky are just normal. After all, the opened rift in the other dimension is not small, and it can reveal the silent city to the heaven of.

But I don't know if it's because of insufficient energy or because the space barrier is too strong. The dark cloud lasted for less than half an hour before it began to dissipate. It really came and went quickly. The dark cloud is like a squeezed sponge. It was raining again on the sea, and there was no change in the rest of the heaven.

"Is it not opened? It seems that Luke underestimated the firmness of the heavenly space, and it is estimated that there is not enough energy."

As the light rain fell, Wang Yan looked at the rapidly shrinking dark clouds in the eastern sky and shook his head.

Wang Yan didn't need to guess why Luke wanted the Silent City to come to the heaven at this time.

Using Silent City to absorb the light of the celestial world, and using Black Nightmare to absorb the light of Arad, both can provide Luke with light as energy.

And after the energy furnace transforms it, Luke can use the transformed energy to quickly restore the body's strength and memory. Who would be as itchy as Luke at this time, after all, nothing is more painful than regaining it. Treasure precious.

"The dark clouds have dissipated, nothing has changed, continue to fight."

A few minutes after the dark clouds dissipated, Hawkeye Jacket had to give an order to let his soldiers continue to fight. Although he was very confused about what happened in less than half an hour just now, the most important thing to Hawkeye Jackett was The most important thing is to attack Antuen.

"It's a different dimension crack!
Unfortunately, it was not opened. "

Almighty Matega also felt it when there was a change in the sea of ​​twilight, and it even felt it more clearly than the heavens, because it had a deep understanding of the cracks in different dimensions.

Almighty Matega's thoughts are wandering at this moment, who would want to open the crack of another dimension and descend to the heaven at this critical moment?Is it another apostle?Or a strong man outside the Demon Realm?
Looking at the progress of Antuen's limb repair and Antuen's remaining energy, the almighty Matega was extremely worried. The decline in Antuen's body energy far exceeded its estimate. If this continues, let alone three days, maybe two days. The day can't last.

"Prepare to teleport. While the human attack is slowing down, let the beasts in the hatchery fight. Blazing Agnes, you should also pay attention. Humans will soon come into your sight."

Almighty Matega didn't have the extra-dimensional rift that he wanted to wait for, and he said in his heart that it was impossible not to be disappointed. If the large-scale extra-dimensional rift was so easy to open, he would have found a way to return to the demon world at the beginning of Anton's arrival. Instead of waiting until now and not saving enough energy.

"The counterattack begins,
In the deployment of the teleportation array, the deployment is successful,

Start teleporting your own target, teleportation is successful,
Stable transmission array, stable success,
It worked, the deck on a warship is already under control, and the opponent's firepower weapons are being destroyed. "

The senior Tartans in charge of this operation have been reporting the results of the counterattack to Almighty Matega in real time.

At the moment when the counterattack started, a large group of monsters entered the blue or red space door in front of Antuen's body hatch. After reappearing, they had crossed tens of kilometers and landed on the warship of the human army precisely.

Just a few seconds later, the communication channel exploded. All the warships reported to the Sky Nobility that their warships were attacked by monster teleportation. It is not clear where the monsters were teleported from. The soldiers Fighting self-destructing monsters on the deck is very difficult.

Hawkeye Jackett stood up and continued to communicate with those warships, and the communication became extremely busy for a while.

His face became very serious, and the sound of guns and guns from the Nobility of the Sky could be heard in the command room. It seems that the monster did not land on the Nobility of the Sky, and it is also the most critical logistical point for sending monsters to the soldiers of the heavens. on the battleship.

The number of soldiers on the Noble Sky is the largest. Even though many soldiers have been dispatched to join the assault team, there are still more than 500 soldiers on the Noble Sky. There are at least [-] on the deck alone.

Harsh sirens rang through the sea, one after another.

The members of the assault team who were far away from Antuen's body also heard various exclamations and even wailing sounds from the communicator. What is certain is that something big must have happened on his own battleship.

"All soldiers, continue your mission.

Although the Tartans sent batch after batch of monsters to our battleships, the rear battleships still had soldiers on duty.

All the members of the attacking team on the front line, continue to do what you have to do, please! "

Knowing how confused the frontline attacking team was at the moment, Hawkeye Jacket sent this notice to all those wearing communicators through the public channel.

Even though the guns on the battleship deck kept ringing, everyone in the command room remained motionless. Someone would do the job of defending the ship's deck and naval guns. They stayed in the command room and could play a greater role than outside.

Hawkeye Jackett's words reassured the soldiers of the assault team that they didn't know what to do. They stopped watching their own warships, held their weapons high and wiped out one after another. The low-level Tartans and beast-making beasts would throw ice grenades from time to time to freeze large groups of monsters.

"The battleship was attacked?"

For Wang Yan's attacking team, Wu En and Nibel all had very ugly faces when they heard the battle situation that Hawkeye Jacket took the initiative to say.

Nibel was even more so, because he felt that after Antoin broke his leg, he would not do anything to his own warship at this time.

So he didn't have too many soldiers stationed on the battleship. Nibel was really worried that the battleship would be destroyed by monsters at this time, but he couldn't reach it. There must be at least [-] kilometers away from here. It is very difficult to go back to rescue unrealistic.

"It seems that the naval guns have been bombarding, and Antoin can't bear it anymore."

Wang Yan can be said to be the one who knows the battle situation the most and is the most at ease among all the people present, because he clearly knows how strong the defense measures on the Sky Nobility are.

The monsters that can be teleported are bound to be low-end monsters. For other battleships, the effect of harassment is greater than the actual effect.

But what Wang Yan didn't expect was that the people on Antuen's side were really cruel to the Sky Nobility.

The bronze titans lined up and walked into the space gate. They didn't tell the soldiers on the Sky Noble that they would rest for a while and then fight again. They dispatched together.

Except for the other eight warships, the remaining [-] bronze titans entered the teleportation array together without hesitation, and finally landed on the Sky Noble. Their huge bodies stood up, staring at the deck constantly facing each other. A human being who initiates an attack by one's own side.

"Dr. Pera, you'd better stay here and not go out."

When Peravien heard the noise and the sound of guns from the ship, he was about to leave the laboratory to check the situation outside.

The guards at the door shook their heads at Peravien. Even at this time, they wanted to join the defense of the guard ship, but they still had to stick to their posts and stand here.

"You stay, Wayne, I'll go take a look."

Mrs. Meili, who helped the Royal Army to make the Moshashi missile, started to move when she heard the sound. She took off her work robe and revealed the cloth armor she was wearing. She is not only a scientist, but also a powerful machine. division.

The guards of the Royal Capital Army did not intend to stop Mrs. Meili, because they knew that Mrs. Meili would not be stopped anywhere, and the other party was not an ordinary scientist, but capable of fighting.

Fourteen bronze titans landed in a row, and even the hull of the Sky Nobility shook. One can imagine the weight of those bronze titans.

Mrs. Mei Li, who had just walked out of the laboratory, changed her expression. She supported the pillars on the side deck to stabilize herself on the swaying ship. She looked solemnly towards the direction of the front deck, where there were shouts of killing and explosions. The battle looked intense.

After standing still, Mrs. Mei Li strode forward. When she approached the deck, she finally understood why there was such a big commotion on the deck.

At the front end of the deck, monsters that only existed on Anton's body kept falling from the air.After landing, the monsters were quickly killed by the soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army, but there were also some stronger ones that could kill the Imperial Capital Army.

After seeing this scene, Mrs. Meili narrowed her eyes. This is obviously a space teleportation device. Has Anton or the Tartans already mastered this technology?You must know that the current heaven has just touched the point of space, and even the experiment of space transmission of dead objects has not yet started.

The culprit who caused the Nobility of the Sky to shake just now also appeared, and a series of fourteen almost identical bronze titans stood up. Its movements left deep footprints.

"For such a big thing, ordinary methods will definitely not be able to deal with it."

Since the bodies of the bronze titans are exactly the same, it is difficult to concentrate firepower on the side of the heavens, and those bronze titans have abnormal protection. Even if the anti-tank gun hits them, they can only make a big hole, which is fatal to normal-sized monsters. , to these bronze titans, it can only be regarded as a freshly broken injury.

"Knock them off the boat. They are too heavy. If you fall, you won't be able to float up. This is not an energy-absorbing area. Everyone can use the machinery without worry. Why are you still standing there? Hit them!"

Mrs. Meili took out her pistol and began to summon various combat robots, such as the air combat machine: Storm. When she came out, she brought all the mechanical equipment, so Mrs. Meili can also be regarded as a mechanic soldier at this moment.

Seeing that the soldiers around were still stunned, Mrs. Meili wished she could kick them to the ground. Fortunately, the soldiers all had communication devices. After being urged repeatedly, the Imperial Capital Army changed their tactics and started Knocking monsters into the air is the main goal, not killing these tough things.

"If there are so many giants on other battleships, it will be a big trouble."

After working together with other soldiers to make a bronze titan fall off the side of the ship, Mrs. Meili looked worried. After she asked Hawkeye Jacket, her expression relaxed a lot. There are only two giants of this kind. Although it is a lot of trouble to deal with it, it can be solved after spending some time.

The monsters falling out of the space are all kinds of strange things. The most disturbing and frightening one should be a kind of energy group without a body. The damage will be self-detonation, and the self-destruction range is larger than that of the chaser robot.

Wang Yan and his attacking team still had no way to return to aid when the battleship at sea was attacked. They could only move forward and keep moving forward. Although they knew that this was the most correct decision under the current situation, many people still felt depressed.

This battle was too difficult. The Heavenly Realm faced dangers one after another, and the Tartans also fought desperately. The victory or defeat depends on how fast the attacking team can attack.

silent city.

The sound from the running energy furnace became smaller and smaller, and eventually the huge roar became inaudible.

Silent City has become as quiet as its name, because there are only mechanical life forms here, and their creators like silence, and these created mechanical life forms are naturally taciturn.

"Failed? Is he trying to open a crack in another dimension?"

Niu, who was hiding, secretly observed the energy furnace below, and finally came to this conclusion.

The furnace is no longer in operation at the moment. After it was in operation before, the void around Silent City was flashing with a stream of light, which means that in that short moment, Silent City traveled a very long distance in the crack of another dimension.

"Antuen wants to come back in the heaven, but Luke wants to open the rift in another dimension leading to the heaven. Is there any common relationship between the two?"

Ni Wu only felt a mess in his mind, this feeling of knowing a little, but not being able to know more was really very uncomfortable.

In the underground research institute, after activating the energy furnace, the rift in another dimension failed to open. Luke didn’t seem to be affected at all. He ordered the energy furnace to be shut down to continue to accumulate energy. At the same time, he kept writing and drawing to calculate the location of the real weak point in space. .

The space is not as thick and uniform as imagined flat glass.

Sometimes it can even have a lot of holes like being stabbed by a hedgehog, and the space will be automatically repaired.

After a long time, there will be many folds in the space. The thinnest place is a hundred times weaker than the thickest place, and that is the most suitable point to open up a different-dimensional crack.

Becky stood on the observation deck at the highest point of Silent City, holding a shrunken slingshot in his hand. This slingshot made by Luke himself can change in size, and no matter what it launches, it can accurately hit the locked position, even if it is just Feathers can also be ejected with a slingshot.

She had noticed the changes in Silent City before, but she had seen this situation many times. Luke was looking for something, and he would often ask her to find a certain coordinate. Most of them were wrong. Occasionally There are also correct ones, such as the coordinates obtained before.

"Why don't you play with Becky? Becky is so boring."

Becky, who still doesn't know how serious the matter is, is still thinking about playing. Mechanical life is very, very lonely in his heart. They yearn for family affection and friendship. Anything that belongs to humans is what mechanical life desires.

Because when mechanical life forms can distinguish the difference between human beings and mechanical life forms, they will involuntarily want to learn what the other party is worth learning, and obtain things that the other party has that they don't have.

Of course, this is only a trouble for a small number of mechanical life forms. Most mass-produced mechanical life forms are tools in the eyes of their creators.

Take out the tools when you can use them, and put them in the toolbox when you can’t use them. If the tools are damaged, you can throw them directly into the trash can.

"Hehe, it's finally here. I thought you would turn around and run away, human, we meet again."

After the attacking team continued to advance, everyone inevitably encountered the Tartans who had already been waiting on the only way.

Blazing Agnes, who was holding a long flaming sword, took two steps forward. She looked at the three leaders of the attacking team. Different, there are two familiar ones and one unfamiliar one, but the strength is not much inferior to the two.

"Agnes the Fiery."

Wang Yan took a deep breath, took a step forward, and called out the opponent's name with his voice.

"You actually killed that idiot who annihilated Nelbe. I really underestimated you. It must have been careless. Otherwise, with your strength, you should have been smashed to pieces by lightning at this time."

Blazing Agnes made no secret of her dissatisfaction with the annihilation of Nerbe, even if the annihilation of Nerbe was already dead, she would still bring it up to scold him.

"Have you thought it through?"

Wang Yan looked straight into the other party's eyes, and Agnes the Fiery smiled madly. She held up the flaming long sword, pointed at the surrounding environment and said, "Master Antuen has been forced into the sea by you, and he is still so far away from the land. , who do you think didn’t think about it?”

"It seems that you are determined to stop our progress."

Wang Yan glanced past Blazing Agnes, and the two high-ranking Tartans, the goalkeeper Klatt and Flame Creef, were naturally among the monsters.

Wang Yan clearly knew that there were not many high-level Tartans that Almighty Matga could use. Three of the high-level Tartans that remained on Antuen's body had been killed by him, and there were still four left. Three appeared, which means that the last one should be hiding in the dark and preparing to launch a surprise attack.

"How about it, are you sure you can deal with a high-level Tartan star?"

Wang Yan looked at Wu En and Nibel next to him, and they looked at each other. Although they were separated by masks, they both saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

"no problem."

"Then I will tell you about the abilities and countermeasures of the three high-level Tartan stars that are currently worth noting. Also, I suspect that there is a high-level Tartan star who hides and will join the battle at any time by opening a crack in another dimension, so the battle Not only must guard against opponents, but also high-level Tartan stars who may appear suddenly."

After Wu En and Nibel agreed, Wang Yan also described the attack methods and countermeasures of the two elite monsters, the goalkeeper Klatt and the Flame Creef.

"I'm free, Nibel, you can choose." Wu En said confidently, his strength has not been affected by An Tuen's body, and the roaming gunner is suitable for fighting in various terrains, even behind the apostles. Can't stop Wu En's determination to win.

"Creef of Flame is invincible most of the time? Then I'll choose another one, Wuen, you can handle it, and try to seize the flaws and kill him."

Nibel recalled what Wang Yan had just said, and chose the goalkeeper Klatt as his opponent.

He is a mechanic, and he was greatly affected by fighting on Antuen's body. However, Nibel feels that the current battle needs him. Maybe he can't kill the opponent as quickly as Wang Yan, but it is no problem to protect himself successfully. However, there are many life-saving methods for mechanics.

"Have you chosen? Then let's start. My opponent is this high-level Tartan star with a sword. It's time to avenge all the previous grudges."

Seeing that the two had already discussed their opponents, Wang Yan didn't hesitate any longer, and stepped forward first, which was the start of the battle.

The other members of the attacking team who were ordered were far away from Wang Yan and the three of them. They gathered in a circle, and if only ordinary Tartans attacked, there would be no problem in defense at all.

Creef of the Flame held the flame axe, and Wu En chose to rush towards it. The low-level Tartans who blocked the way along the way were all eliminated by Wu En's bullets. Wu En's attack speed is very fast, and the speed of reloading Almost no impact on attack.

Nibel met the goalkeeper Klatt, and he summoned some machines that could be used to help him start the battle, including the chaser robot and the battle-hardened robot, and easily cleaned up all the low-level Tartan stars along the way. A monster of that strength is not even qualified as cannon fodder in such a top-level confrontation.

When Wu En and Nibel rushed towards their opponents, Wang Yan also found his target, the Blazing Agnes.

Compared with the game, the opponent is more terrifying. Of course, if it weren't for the hot flames on the body and the top of the head, the opponent's momentum would not be as strong as it is now.

"In the previous fights, I basically know your abilities. Apart from avatars, don't you have other abilities?"

Before the battle, Wang Yan began to interfere with the opponent with trash talk, and began to add various buffs to himself.

As usual, there are nine state skills such as Rampage, Breaking Blade, Wave of Killing Intent, and Kaija of Remnant Shadow. Wang Yan once again felt the thrill of all-round improvement that he had experienced before.

Wang Yan's words are not wrong. Agnes of Blazing Flame has all her skills in her body, and her ultimate move is the kind of resurrection of the clone. Wang Yan, who has already experienced the clone, said that Agnes of Blazing Flame would , is a little easier than annihilating Nelbe, but it seems quite troublesome to kill two clones and kill them before they transform into goblins.

In addition to the ability to be invincible as two bodies to watch the excitement, Blazing Agnes also has the ability to become four. One of the clones will cause an explosion. The explosion is like a self-detonation. The damage is very powerful, almost killing anyone who touches it. .

Blazing Agnes didn't intend to talk nonsense with Wang Yan. Now Antuen has been fighting with the heavens, and there are a lot of casualties between them.

Talking about peace talks is self-deception.

The battlefield range of Wang Yan and Blazing Agnes quickly expanded from 200 meters to [-] meters. Anyone who entered this range, including low-level Tartan stars, would be shaken to death by the leaked power within a short while. Flour.

With the addition of nine states and nine different passive awakening skills, Wang Yan is now like a god who has mastered several priesthoods. He can choose any method to attack or defend.

With the domain in his body, his every move has great power, while the flaming Agnes avatar caught in the domain is slow in movement, even if the agile avatar teleports close to Wang Yan, the movement will immediately slow down , although the lord monster can resist the various negative states of the passive awakening skills, but the clone of Agnes of Blazing Flame is still affected.

Activated the Asura second-turn passive skill that has not been activated, followed by the powerful skill of Tianlei Jiangma pestle that can assist in attacks.

A thundercloud took shape and floated over the battlefield where Wang Yan and Agnes the Blazing Flame were, and then a thunderbolt precisely hit the clever clone, and the lightning rod that fell from the sky thunderbolt hit the clever clone, Wang Yan himself was also fighting one against two, but he refused to give in at all, and even retreated the two clones repeatedly.

 Tomorrow is the last day of [-], there are many monthly tickets, and there are many surprises in [-].

(End of this chapter)

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